Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, p. 529

Section Input monitor variables

H. J. Bernsteina* and S. R. Hallb

a Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Correspondence e-mail: Input monitor variables

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These variables are returned by CIFtbx tools and are used to decide on subsequent actions in the program. The lengths of the character strings that hold data names and block names are controlled by the parameter NUMCHAR in the common-block declarations.

bloc_ : character string containing the current data-block name.

decp_ : logical variable is .true. if a decimal point is present in the input numeric value.

diccat_ : character string containing the category name specified in the attached dictionaries.

dicname_ : character string containing the root alias data name (see Section 5.4.7[link]) specified in the attached dictionaries or, after a call to dict_, the name of the dictionary.

dictype_ : character string containing the data-type code specified in the attached dictionaries. These types may be more specific (e.g. `float' or `int') than the types given by the variable type_ (e.g. `numb').

dicver_ : character string containing the version of a dictionary after a call to dict_.

glob_ : logical variable is .true. if the current data block is a global block. The application is responsible for managing the relationship of global data to other data blocks.

list_ : integer variable containing the sequence number of the current looped list. This value may be used by the application to identify variables that are in different lists or that are not in a list (a zero value).

long_ : integer variable containing the length of the data string in strg_.

loop_ : logical variable is .true. if another loop packet is present in the current looped list.

lzero_ : logical variable is .true. if the input numeric value is of the form [sign]0.nnnn rather than [sign].nnnn.

posdec_ : integer variable containing the column number (position along the line, counting from 1 at the left) of the decimal point for the last number read.

posend_ : integer variable containing the column number (position along the line, counting from 1 at the left) of the last character for the last string or number read.

posnam_ : integer variable containing the starting column (position along the line, counting from 1 at the left) of the last name or comment read.

posval_ : integer variable containing the starting column (position along the line, counting from 1 at the left) of the last data value read.

quote_ : character variable giving the quotation symbol found delimiting the last string read.

save_ : logical variable is .true. if the current data block is a save frame, otherwise .false..

strg_ : character variable containing the data name or string representing the data value last retrieved.

tagname_ : character variable containing the data name of the current data item as it was found in the CIF. May differ from dicname_ because of aliasing.

text_ : logical variable is .true. if another text line is present in the current input text block.

type_ : character variable containing the data-type code of the current input data item. This will be one of the four-character strings `null' (for missing data, the period or the question mark), `numb' (for numeric data), `char' (for most character data) or `text' (for semicolon-delimited multi-line character data). For most purposes the type `text' is a subtype of the type `char', not a distinct data type. CIFtbx permits multi-line text fields to be used whenever character strings are expected.

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