Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.6, p. 550


P. J. Ellisa and H. J. Bernsteinb*

a Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, and bDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA
Correspondence e-mail:

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Formal parameters for high-level CBFlib functions

array Pointer to image array data
axis_id Axis ID
center1 Displacement along the slow axis
center2 Displacement along the fast axis
compression Compression type
coordinate1 x component
coordinate2 y component
coordinate3 z component
crystal_id ASCII crystal ID
day Timestamp day (1–31)
detector Detector handle
diffrn_id ASCII diffraction ID
distance Distance
div_x_source Value of _diffrn_radiation.div_x_source
div_x_y_source Value of _diffrn_radiation.div_x_y_source
div_y_source Value of _diffrn_radiation.div_y_source
element_id ASCII element ID
element_number Detector element counting from 0
elements Count of elements
elsigned Set to nonzero if the destination array elements are signed
elsize Size in bytes of each destination array element
file File descriptor
gain Detector gain in counts per photon
gain_esd Gain e.s.d. value
goniometer Goniometer handle
handle CBF handle
hour Timestamp hour (0–23)
increment Increment value
index1 Slow index
index2 Fast index
initial1 x component of the initial vector
initial2 y component of the initial vector
initial3 z component of the initial vector
minute Timestamp minute (0–59)
month Timestamp month (1–12)
ndim1 Slow array dimension
ndim2 Fast array dimension
normal1 x component of the normal vector
normal2 y component of the normal vector
normal3 z component of the normal vector
overload Overload value
polarizn_source_norm Polarization normal
polarizn_source_ratio Polarization ratio
precision Timestamp precision in seconds
projected_area Apparent area in mm2
ratio Goniometer setting (0 = beginning of exposure, 1 = end)
real1 x component of the real-space vector
real2 y component of the real-space vector
real3 z component of the real-space vector
reciprocal1 x component of the reciprocal-space vector
reciprocal2 y component of the reciprocal-space vector
reciprocal3 z component of the reciprocal-space vector
reserved Unused; any value other than 0 is invalid
second Timestamp second (0–60.0)
start Start value
time Timestamp in seconds since 1 January 1970 or integration time in seconds
timezone Time zone difference from universal time in minutes or CBF_NOTIMEZONE
vector1 x component of the rotation axis
vector2 y component of the rotation axis
vector3 z component of the rotation axis
wavelength Wavelength in Å
year Pointer to the destination timestamp year