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 Results for by Giegé, R.
General methods
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, ch. 4.1, pp. 99-121 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]
A. (2003). The `Octopus' plate for protein crystallization under an electric field . J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1482–1483. Google Scholar Charron, C., Robert, M.-C., Capelle, B., Kadri, A., Jenner, G., Giegé, R. & Lorber, B. (2002). X-ray ...

Growth and cessation of growth
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 111-112 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]
mosaic virus . J. Struct. Biol. 114, 184–196. Google Scholar Lorber, B. & Giegé, R. (1992). A versatile reactor for temperature controlled crystallization of biological macromolecules . J. Cryst. Growth, 122, 168–175. Google ...
     [more results from section 4.1.5 in volume F]

The future of protein crystal growth
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 4.1.7, pp. 115-115 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]

Database mining and statistics
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 114-115 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]
epitopes capable of mediating interprotein interactions rather than on the overall thermodynamic stability of the proteins (Price et al., 2009). References Giegé, R., Touzé, E., Lorber, B., Théobald-Dietrich, A. & Sauter, C ...
     [more results from section 4.1.6 in volume F]

Historical development of methods
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 104-105 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]
Methods Enzymol . 276, 74–99. Google Scholar Carter, C. W. & Carter, C. W. Jr (1979). Protein crystallization using incomplete factorial experiments . J. Biol. Chem . 254, 12219–12223. Google Scholar Giegé, R., Drenth, J ...
     [more results from section 4.1.3 in volume F]

Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 110-111 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]

     [more results from section 4.1.4 in volume F]

Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 99-99 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]

     [more results from section 4.1.1 in volume F]

Purity and homogeneity
Sauter, C., Lorber, B., McPherson, A. and Giegé, R., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 103-104 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000812 ]
Struct. Biol. 142, 88–97. Google Scholar D'Arcy, A. (1994). Crystallizing proteins – a rational approach? Acta Cryst. D 50, 469–471. Google Scholar Ducruix, A. & Giegé, R. (1999). Editors. Crystallization of Nucleic ...
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