Ab initio phasing of low-resolution Fourier syntheses
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
ch. 16.3,
pp. 437-442
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
; Rayment et al., 1982 ; Urzhumtsev &
Podjarny, 1995 ; Hao, 2006). The simplified models, roughly reproducing molecular shapes obtained previously, may be a spherical shell for viruses (for example Johnson et al., 1976 ; Chapman ...
General features of low-resolution images
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 16.3.2,
pp. 437-437
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 16.3.1,
pp. 437-437
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
1982 ; Urzhumtsev &
Podjarny, 1995 ; Hao, 2006). The simplified models, roughly reproducing molecular shapes obtained previously, may be a spherical shell for viruses (for example Johnson et al., 1976 ; Chapman et al., 1992 ...
Phase generation and selection
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 16.3.4,
pp. 438-439
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
of this sphere in the unit cell becomes possible (Jack et al., 1975 ;
Podjarny et al., 1987 ; Harris, 1995 ; Andersson & Hovmöller, 1996). On the other hand, some attempts to obtain ab initio molecular envelopes when working with many ...
results from section 16.3.4 in volume F]
Formal comparison of phase sets
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
pp. 439-440
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
results from section 16.3.5 in volume F]
Low-resolution phasing
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 16.3.3,
pp. 437-438
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
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Lunin, V. Y., Lunina, N.,
Podjarny, A., Bockmayr, A. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002). Ab initio phasing starting from ...
Conclusions and examples
Lunin, V.Y.,
Urzhumtsev, A.G. and
Podjarny, A.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 16.3.6,
pp. 441-441
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000852 ]
& Chabriere, E. (2003). Direct phasing at low resolution of a protein copurified with human paraoxonase (PON1). Acta Cryst. D 59, 2083–2087. Google Scholar
Lunin, V. Y., Lunina, N.,
Podjarny, A., Bockmayr, A. & Urzhumtsev, A. (2002). Ab ...