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 Results for by Vernon, C. A.
How the structure of lysozyme was actually determined
Blake, C. C. F., Fenn, R. H., Johnson, L. N., Koenig, D. F., Mair, G. A., North, A. C. T., Oldham, J. W. H., Phillips, D. C., Poljak, R. J., Sarma, V. R. and Vernon, C. A., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, ch. 25.1, pp. 845-872 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000899 ]
& Strominger, J. L. (1965). Mechanism of action of penicillins: a proposal based on their structural similarity to acyl- D -alanyl- D -alanine. Proc. Natl Acad Sci. USA, 54, 1133–1141. Google Scholar Vernon, C. A. (1967 ...

The electron-density map at 2 Å resolution
Blake, C. C. F., Fenn, R. H., Johnson, L. N., Koenig, D. F., Mair, G. A., North, A. C. T., Oldham, J. W. H., Phillips, D. C., Poljak, R. J., Sarma, V. R. and Vernon, C. A., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 863-864 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000899 ]

     [more results from section 25.1.3 in volume F]

The crystal structure of GlcNAc
Blake, C. C. F., Fenn, R. H., Johnson, L. N., Koenig, D. F., Mair, G. A., North, A. C. T., Oldham, J. W. H., Phillips, D. C., Poljak, R. J., Sarma, V. R. and Vernon, C. A., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 866-867 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000899 ]

     [more results from section 25.1.4 in volume F]

Analysis in three dimensions
Blake, C. C. F., Fenn, R. H., Johnson, L. N., Koenig, D. F., Mair, G. A., North, A. C. T., Oldham, J. W. H., Phillips, D. C., Poljak, R. J., Sarma, V. R. and Vernon, C. A., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 848-852 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000899 ]

     [more results from section 25.1.2 in volume F]

Blake, C. C. F., Fenn, R. H., Johnson, L. N., Koenig, D. F., Mair, G. A., North, A. C. T., Oldham, J. W. H., Phillips, D. C., Poljak, R. J., Sarma, V. R. and Vernon, C. A., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 25.1.1, pp. 845-845 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000899 ]

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