Full 2D (parallel) astigmatic contrast transfer function correction
van Heel, M.,
Portugal, R.,
Rohou, A.,
Linnemayr, C.,
Bebeacua, C.,
Schmidt, R.,
Grant, T. and
Schatz, M.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 19.9.5,
pp. 625-625
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000875 ]
Handling multiple 3D reconstructions in parallel
van Heel, M.,
Portugal, R.,
Rohou, A.,
Linnemayr, C.,
Bebeacua, C.,
Schmidt, R.,
Grant, T. and
Schatz, M.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. F,
Section 19.9.9,
pp. 626-627
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000875 ]