Space-group symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
ch. 12.2,
pp. 821-822
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
Schoenflies symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.2.2,
pp. 821-821
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.2.1,
pp. 821-821
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
International short symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.2.5,
pp. 822-822
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
Shubnikov symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.2.4,
pp. 821-822
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
The role of translation parts in the Shubnikov and Hermann–Mauguin symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.2.3,
pp. 821-821
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000525 ]
Properties of the international symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
ch. 12.3,
pp. 823-832
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000526 ]
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Burzlaff, H. &
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Derivation of the space group from the short symbol
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.3.1,
pp. 823-823
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000526 ]
The extended symbol is .
Burzlaff, H. &
H. (1980). On the choice of origins in the description of space groups. Z. Kristallogr. 153, 151–179. Google Scholar ...
Non-symbolized symmetry elements
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.3.3,
pp. 831-832
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000526 ]
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International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 12.3, pp. 831-832 ...
Standardization rules for short symbols
Burzlaff, H. and
Zimmermann, H.,
International Tables for Crystallography
Vol. A,
Section 12.3.4,
pp. 832-832
[ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000526 ]