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 Results for "simple cubic"
Extrapolation, graphical and analytical
Parrish, W., Wilson, A. J. C. and Langford, J. I., International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Section, p. [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000596 ]
from any specified aberration may increase as θ increases, but ordinarily this increase is insufficient to outweigh the effect of the factor. In the simple cubic case, one can write where K is a proportionality factor and represents ...

Geometrical and physical aberrations
Parrish, W., Wilson, A. J. C. and Langford, J. I., International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C, Section 5.2.3, p. [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000596 ]
In the simple cubic case, one can write where K is a proportionality factor and represents the angular variation of the systematic errors in the lattice parameter. The functions F in ( and ( are not exactly the same ...

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