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 Results for calcite
The optical indicatrix
Glazer, A. M. and Cox, K. G., International Tables for Crystallography (2013). Vol. D, Section, p. [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000905 ]
to the axis. Then, using (, it is seen that and Substituting into equation ( yields Solving this for the eigenvalues n gives as one solution and as the other. This latter solution can be rewritten ...

Linear optics
Glazer, A. M. and Cox, K. G., International Tables for Crystallography (2013). Vol. D, Section 1.6.3, p. [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000905 ]
with equation (, the fundamental equation of linear crystal optics is found: where I is the unit matrix. The optical indicatrix | top | pdf | Equation ( is the relevant starting point ...

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