Powder dictionary (pdCIF) version 1.0.1
Names:'_pd_instr_monochr_pre_spec' '_pd_instr_monochr_post_spec'
Indicates the method used to obtain monochromatic radiation. Use _pd_instr_monochr_pre_spec to describe the primary beam monochromator (pre-specimen monochromation). Use _pd_instr_monochr_post_spec to specify the post-diffraction analyser (post-specimen monochromation). When a monochromator crystal is used, the material and the indices of the Bragg reflection are specified. Note that monochromators may have either 'parallel' or 'antiparallel' orientation. It is assumed that the geometry is parallel unless specified otherwise. In a parallel geometry, the position of the monochromator allows the incident beam and the final post-specimen and post-monochromator beam to be as close to parallel as possible. In a parallel geometry, the diffracting planes in the specimen and monochromator will be parallel when 2\q~monochromator~ is equal to 2\q~specimen~. For further discussion see R. Jenkins & R. Snyder (1996). Introduction to X-ray Powder Diffraction, pp. 164-165. New York: Wiley.Examples:
'Zr filter' |
'Ge 220' |
none |
'equatorial mounted graphite (0001)' |
'Si (111), antiparallel' |
May appear in list
Type: char
Category: pd_instr