Tables for
Volume A1
Symmetry relations between space groups
Edited by Hans Wondratschek and Ulrich Müller

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A1. ch. 1.2, pp. 11-12   | 1 | 2 |

Section Conjugate elements and conjugate subgroups

Hans Wondratscheka*

a Institut für Kristallographie, Universität, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Correspondence e-mail: Conjugate elements and conjugate subgroups

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In a coset decomposition, the set of all elements of the group [{\cal G}] is partitioned into cosets which form classes in the mathematical sense of the word, i.e. each element of [{\cal G}] belongs to exactly one coset.

Another equally important partition of the group [{\cal G}] into classes of elements arises from the following definition:

Definition  Two elements [{\sf g}_j,{\sf g}_k\in{\cal G}] are called conjugate if there is an element [{\sf g}_q\in{\cal G}] such that [{\sf g}_q^{-1}{\sf g}_j\,{\sf g}_q={\sf g}_k].

Remarks :

  • (1) Definition[link] partitions the elements of [{\cal G}] into classes of conjugate elements which are called conjugacy classes of elements.

  • (2) The unit element always forms a conjugacy class by itself.

  • (3) Each element of an Abelian group forms a conjugacy class by itself.

  • (4) Elements of the same conjugacy class have the same order.

  • (5) Different conjugacy classes may contain different numbers of elements, i.e. have different `lengths'.

Not only the individual elements of a group [{\cal G}] but also the subgroups of [{\cal G}] can be classified in conjugacy classes.

Definition  Two subgroups [{\cal H}_j,{\cal H}_k \,\lt\, {\cal G}] are called conjugate if there is an element [{\sf g}_q\in{\cal G}] such that [{\sf g}_q^{-1}{\cal H}_j\,{\sf g}_q={\cal H}_k] holds. This relation is often written [{\cal H}_j^{{\sf g}_q}={\cal H}_k].

Remarks :

  • (1) The `trivial subgroup' [{\cal I}] (consisting only of the unit element of [{\cal G}]) and the group [{\cal G}] itself each form a conjugacy class by themselves.

  • (2) Each subgroup of an Abelian group forms a conjugacy class by itself.

  • (3) Subgroups in the same conjugacy class are isomorphic and thus have the same order.

  • (4) Different conjugacy classes of subgroups may contain different numbers of subgroups, i.e. have different lengths.

Equation ([link] can be written [{\cal H}={\sf g}_p^{-1}{\cal H}\,{\sf g}_p \,\, {\rm or }\,\,{\cal H}={\cal H}^{{\sf g}_p}\,\,{ \rm for \,\,all }\,\, p;\ 1\le p\le i. \eqno (]Using conjugation, Definition[link] can be formulated as

Definition  A subgroup [{\cal H}] of a group [{\cal G}] is a normal subgroup [{\cal H}\triangleleft{\cal G}] if it is identical with all of its conjugates, i.e. if its conjugacy class consists of the one subgroup [{\cal H}] only.

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