Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, p. 254


D. C. Creaghb

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Comparison of [f'(\omega_A,0)] for copper, nickel, zirconium, and niobium for theoretical and experimental data sets; in this table: BR [\equiv] Bragg reflection; IN [\equiv] interferometer; KK [\equiv] Kramers–Kronig; CA = critical angle; and REF = reflectivity; measurements have been made for the K-absorption edges of copper and nickel and near the K-absorption edges of zirconium and niobium; claimed experimental errors are not worse than 5%

Reference Method [f'(\omega_A,0)]
Cu Ni Nb Zr
  Freund (1975[link]) BR −8.2      
  Begum, Hart, Lea & Siddons (1986[link]) IN −7.84 −7.66    
  Bonse & Materlik (1972[link]) IN   −8.1    
  Bonse, Hartmann-Lotsch & Lotsch (1983a[link]) IN −8.3      
  Hart & Siddons (1981[link]) IN −9.3 −9.2 −4.396 −6.670
  Kawamura & Fukimachi (1978; cited in Bonse & Hartmann-Lotsch, 1984[link]) KK   −7.9    
  Dreier et al. (1984[link]) KK −8.2 −7.8   −7.83
  IN −8.3 −8.1    
  Bonse & Hartmann-Lotsch (1984[link]) KK −8.3 −7.7    
  Fukamachi et al. (1978; cited in Bonse & Hartmann-Lotsch, 1984[link]) KK −8.8      
  CA −10.0      
  Bonse & Henning (1986[link]) IN     −7.37; −7.73  
  KK     −7.21; −7.62  
  Stanglmeier, Lengeler, Weber, Gobel & Schuster (1992[link]) REF −8.5 −8.1    
  Creagh (1990[link], 1993[link]) REF −8.2 −7.7   −6.8
  Cromer & Liberman (1981[link])   −13.50 −9.45 −4.20; −7.39 −6.207
  This work   −9.5 −9.40 −4.04; −7.23 −6.056
  Averaged values (5 eV window)   −9.0 −7.53 −8.18 −6.04