Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 9.7, p. 905


A. J. C. Wilson,a V. L. Karenb and A. Mighellb

a St John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England, and bNIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA

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Occurrence of molecules with specified point group in centred symmorphic and other space groups, based on the statistics by Belsky, Zorkaya & Zorky (1995[link])

There is no entry in the `other space group' column if examples are found in the centred symmorphic group.

Point group Symmorphic space group Other space group Frequency
2 C2 18
m Cm [\cdots ] 6
2/m C2/m 20
222 None Ccca 4
Fddd 2
P[\overline {4}]n2 2
P4/ncc 1
I41/acd 3
mm2 Fmm2 2
mmm None P42/mnm 6
Im [\overline {3}] 1
4 I4 1
[\overline {4}] None P4/n 1
P42/n 3
I41/a 12
P[\overline {4}]21c 17
I[\overline {4}]2d 1
I41/acd 1
4/m I4/m 1
422 None P4/nnc 1
4mm None None None
[\overline {4}]2m I[\overline {4}]2m 3
4/mmm I4/mmm 1
3 R3 8
[\overline {3} ] R[\overline {3} ] 6
32 None R[\overline {3}]c 5
3m R3m 10
[\overline {3}] m R[\overline {3}]m 2
6 None None None
[\overline {6}] None P63/m 12
6/m None None None
622 None None None
6mm None None None
[\overline {6}]m2 None P63/mmc 1
6/mmm None None None
23 None F[\overline {4}]3c 1
m [\overline {3} ] Fm [\overline {3}] 2
432 None None None
[\overline {4}]3m I[\overline {4}]3m 4
m [\overline {3}] m Fm [\overline {3}] m 9
Im[\overline {3}]m 2