Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.3, pp. 72-74

Section Homogeneous deformation

A. Authiera* and A. Zarembowitchb

a Institut de Minéralogie et de la Physique des Milieux Condensés, Bâtiment 7, 140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France, and bLaboratoire de Physique des Milieux Condensés, Université P. et M. Curie, 75252 Paris CEDEX 05, France
Correspondence e-mail: Homogeneous deformation

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If the components [M_{ij}] are constants, equations ([link] can be integrated directly. They become, to a translation, [\left. \matrix{u_{i} = M_{ij} x_{j}\cr \noalign{\vskip5pt} x'_{i} = B_{ij}x_{j}.\cr}\right\} \eqno( ] Fundamental property of the homogeneous deformation

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The fundamental property of the homogeneous deformation results from the fact that equations ([link] are linear: a plane before the deformation remains a plane afterwards, a crystal lattice remains a lattice. Thermal expansion is a homogeneous deformation (see Chapter 1.4[link] ). Spontaneous strain

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Some crystals present a twin microstructure that is seen to change when the crystals are gently squeezed. At rest, the domains can have one of two different possible orientations and the influence of an applied stress is to switch them from one orientation to the other. If one measures the shape of the crystal lattice (the strain of the lattice) as a function of the applied stress, one obtains an elastic hysteresis loop analogous to the magnetic or electric hysteresis loops observed in ferromagnetic or ferroelectric crystals. For this reason, these materials are called ferroelastic (see Chapters 3.1[link] to [link]3.3[link] and Salje, 1990[link]). The strain associated with one of the two possible shapes of the crystal when no stress is applied is called the macroscopic spontaneous strain. Cubic dilatation

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Let [{\bf e}_{i}] be the basis vectors before deformation. On account of the deformation, they are transformed into the three vectors [{\bf e}'_{i} = B_{ij}{\bf e}_{j}.]The parallelepiped formed by these three vectors has a volume V′ given by [V' = ({\bf e}'_{1},{\bf e}'_{2},{\bf e}'_{3}) = \Delta (B) ({\bf e}_{1},{\bf e}_{2},{\bf e}_{3}) = \Delta (B)V, ]where [\Delta (B)] is the determinant associated with matrix B, V is the volume before deformation and [({\bf e}_{1},{\bf e}_{2},{\bf e}_{3}) = ({\bf e}_{1} \wedge {\bf e}_{2})\cdot {\bf e}_{3} ]represents a triple scalar product.

The relative variation of the volume is [{V' - V \over V} = \Delta (B) - 1. \eqno(]It is what one calls the cubic dilatation. [\Delta (B)] gives directly the volume of the parallelepiped that is formed from the three vectors obtained in the deformation when starting from vectors forming an orthonormal base. Expression of any homogeneous deformation as the product of a pure rotation and a pure deformation

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  • (i) Pure rotation: It is isometric. The moduli of the vectors remain unchanged and one direction remains invariant, the axis of rotation. The matrix B is unitary: [BB^{T}= 1.]

  • (ii) Pure deformation: This is a deformation in which three orthogonal directions remain invariant. It can be shown that B is a symmetric matrix: [B = B^{T}.]The three invariant directions are those of the eigenvectors of the matrix; it is known in effect that the eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix are real.

  • (iii) Arbitrary deformation: the matrix B, representing an arbitrary deformation, can always be put into the form of the product of a unitary matrix [B_{1}], representing a pure rotation, and a symmetric matrix [B_{2}], representing a pure deformation. Let us put [B = B_{1}B_{2}]and consider the transpose matrix of B: [B^{T}= B_{2}^T B_{1}^T = B_{2}\left(B_{1}\right)^{-1}. ]The product [B^{T}B] is equal to [B^{T}B = \left(B_{2}\right)^{2}.]This shows that we can determine [B_{2}] and therefore [B_{1}] from B. Quadric of elongations

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Let us project the displacement vector [{\bf u}({\bf r}) ] on the position vector OP (Fig.[link]), and let [u_{r}] be this projection. The elongation is the quantity defined by [{u_{r} \over r} = {{\bf u \cdot r} \over r^2} = {M_{ij}x_ix_j \over r^2}, ]where [x_{1}], [x_{2}], [x_{3}] are the components of r. The elongation is the relative variation of the length of the vector r in the deformation. Let A and S be the antisymmetric and symmetric parts of M, respectively: [A = {M - M^T \over 2}; \quad S = {M + M^T \over 2}. ]


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Elongation, [u_{r}/r].

Only the symmetric part of M occurs in the expression of the elongation: [{u_{r} \over r} = {S_{ij}x_ix_j \over r^2}. \eqno( ]

The geometrical study of the elongation as a function of the direction of r is facilitated by introducing the quadric associated with M: [S_{ij} y_iy_j = \varepsilon, \eqno( ]where [\varepsilon] is a constant. This quadric is called the quadric of elongations, Q. S is a symmetric matrix with three real orthogonal eigenvectors and three real eigenvalues, [\lambda_{1}], [\lambda_{2}], [\lambda_{3}]. If it is referred to these axes, equation ([link] is reduced to [\lambda_{1}\left(y_{1}\right)^{2}\lambda_{2}\left(y_{2}\right)^{2}\lambda_{3} \left(y_{3}\right)^{2} = \varepsilon. ]

One can discuss the form of the quadric according to the sign of the eigenvalues [\lambda_{i}]:

  • (i) [\lambda_{1}], [\lambda_{2}], [\lambda_{3}] have the same sign, and the sign of [\varepsilon ]. The quadric is an ellipsoid (Fig.[link]). One chooses [\varepsilon = +1] or [\varepsilon = - 1 ], depending on the sign of the eigenvalues.


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    Quadric of elongations. The displacement vector, [{\bf u}({\bf r})], at P in the deformed medium is parallel to the normal to the quadric at the intersection, p, of OP with the quadric. (a) The eigenvalues all have the same sign, the quadric is an ellipsoid. (b) The eigenvalues have mixed signs, the quadric is a hyperboloid with either one sheet (shaded in light grey) or two sheets (shaded in dark grey), depending on the sign of the constant [\varepsilon] [see equation ([link]]; the cone asymptote is represented in medium grey. For a practical application, see Fig.[link] .

  • (ii) [\lambda_{1}], [\lambda_{2} ], [\lambda_{3}] are of mixed signs: one of them is of opposite sign to the other two. One takes [\varepsilon = \pm 1 ]. The corresponding quadric is a hyperboloid whose asymptote is the cone [S_{ij} y_iy_j = 0.]

    According to the sign of [\varepsilon], the hyperboloid will have one sheet outside the cone or two sheets inside the cone (Fig.[link]). If we wish to be able to consider any direction of the position vector r in space, it is necessary to take into account the two quadrics.

In order to follow the variations of the elongation [u_{r}/r ] with the orientation of the position vector, one associates with r a vector y, which is parallel to it and is defined by [{\bf y} = {\bf r}/k; \quad {\bf r} = k {\bf y},]where k is a constant. It can be seen that, in accordance with ([link] and ([link], the expression of the elongation in terms of y is [u_{r}/r = \varepsilon/y^{2}. ]

Thus, the elongation is inversely proportional to the square of the radius vector of the quadric of elongations parallel to OP. In practice, it is necessary to look for the intersection p of the parallel to OP drawn from the centre O of the quadric of elongations (Fig.[link]):

  • (i) The eigenvalues all have the same sign; the quadric Q is an ellipsoid: the elongation has the same sign in all directions in space, positive for [\varepsilon = +1] and negative for [\varepsilon = -1].

  • (ii) The eigenvalues have different signs; two quadrics are to be taken into account: the hyperboloids corresponding, respectively, to [\varepsilon = \pm 1]. The sign of the elongation is different according to whether the direction under consideration is outside or inside the asymptotic cone and intersects one or the other of the two hyperboloids.

Equally, one can connect the displacement vector [{\bf u}({\bf r}) ] directly with the quadric Q. Using the bilinear form [f({\bf y}) = M_{ij}y_{i}y_{j},]the gradient of [f({\bf y})], [\boldnabla (f)], has as components [\partial f/\partial y^{i} = M_{ij}y_{j} = u_{i}.]

One recognizes the components of the displacement vector u, which is therefore parallel to the normal to the quadric Q at the extremity of the radius vector Op parallel to r.

The directions of the principal axes of Q correspond to the extremal values of y, i.e. to the stationary values (maximal or minimal) of the elongation. These values are the principal elongations.

If the deformation is a pure rotation [\eqalign{&B = \pmatrix{\cos \theta & \sin \theta & 0\cr - \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0\cr 0 & 0 &1\cr}, \cr\noalign{\vskip5.5pt}\qquad &M = \pmatrix{\cos \theta - 1 & \sin \theta & 0\cr - \sin \theta & \cos \theta - 1 &0\cr 0 & 0 &0\cr}.} ]Hence we have [M_{ij}y_{i}y_{j} = (\cos\theta - 1)\left(y_{1}- y_{2}\right) = \varepsilon. ]

The quadric Q is a cylinder of revolution having the axis of rotation as axis.


First citation Salje, E. K. H. (1990). Phase transitions in ferroelastic and co-elastic crystals. Cambridge University Press.Google Scholar

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