Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.5, p. 146

Section 1.5.11. Glossary

A. S. Borovik-Romanova and H. Grimmerb*

a P. L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kosygin Street 2, 119334 Moscow, Russia, and bLabor für Neutronenstreuung, ETH Zurich, and Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5234 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Correspondence e-mail:

1.5.11. Glossary

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[\alpha_{ij}] (linear) magnetoelectric tensor
[\beta_{ijk}] nonlinear magnetoelectric tensor [EHH]
[\gamma_{ijk}] nonlinear magnetoelectric tensor [HEE]
[\Delta] Weiss constant
[\Delta n] magnetic birefringence
[\varepsilon_{ij}] dielectric permittivity
[\lambda] constant describing magnetostriction
[\Lambda_{ijk}] tensor describing the piezomagnetic effect
[\Lambda_{i\alpha}] matrix describing the piezomagnetic effect
[\mu_{ij}] magnetic permeability
[\boldmu] magnetic moment
[\mu_B] Bohr magneton
[\pi_{ijk\ell}] piezomagnetoelectric tensor
[\rho({\bf r})] charge density
[\Phi] thermodynamic potential
[\chi^e_{ij}] dielectric susceptibility
[\chi_{ij}], [\chi^m_{ij}] magnetic susceptibility
[{\bf B}] magnetic induction
c speed of light
[c_{ijk\ell}] elastic stiffness
[{\rm d}\tau] volume element
e charge of the electron
[{\bf E}] electric field
g Landé g-factor
[{\bf H}] magnetic field
[{\bf j}({\bf r})] current density
[{\bf J}] total angular momentum
[{\bf k}] position vector in reciprocal space
[k_B] Boltzmann factor
[{\bf l}_i] sum of the magnetic moments in a unit cell, in which some of the moments are taken with opposite sign
[{\bf L}_i] antiferromagnetic vector
[{\bf L}] orbital angular momentum (Section[link]), antiferromagnetic vector (remainder of this chapter)
[{\bf m}({\bf r})] magnetic moment density
[{\bf m}] sum of the magnetic moments in a unit cell
[{\bf M}] magnetization (= magnetic moment per unit volume = ferromagnetic vector)
N No. of atoms per unit volume
p effective number of Bohr magnetons (Section 1.5.1[link]), pressure (remainder of this chapter)
[{\bf P}] electric polarization
[{\bf r}] position vector in space
[{\bf S}({\bf r})] spin density
[{\bf S}] spin angular momentum (of an atom or ion)
[s_{ijk\ell}] elastic compliance
[S_{ij}] strain tensor
[T_{ij}] stress tensor
T temperature
[T_c] transition temperature, in particular Curie temperature
[T_N] Néel temperature
U energy
[U_a] anisotropy energy
[U_{\rm el}] elastic energy
[U_{\rm me}] magnetoelastic energy
v velocity
Z atomic number (= number of electrons per atom)


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