Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 3.3, pp. 400-401

Section Equivalent twin laws

Th. Hahna* and H. Klapperb

a Institut für Kristallographie, Rheinisch–Westfälische Technische Hochschule, D-52056 Aachen, Germany, and bMineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Correspondence e-mail: Equivalent twin laws

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In the example of the dovetail twin of gypsum above, the twin operation [k = m_x = m(100)] is of a special nature in that it maps the entire eigensymmetry [{\cal H}=12/m1] onto itself and, hence, generates a single coset, a single twin law and a finite composite group [{\cal K}] of index [2] (simple twins). There are other twin operations, however, which do not leave the entire eigensymmetry invariant, but only a part (subgroup) of it, as shown for the hypothetical (111) twin reflection plane of gypsum in Example In this case, extension of the complete group [\cal H] by such a twin operation k does not lead to a single twin law and a finite composite group, but rather generates in the same coset two or more twin operations [k_2,k_3,\ldots,] which are independent (non-alternative) but symmetrically equivalent with respect to the eigensymmetry [\cal H], each representing a different but equivalent twin law. If applied to the `starting' orientation state 1, they generate two or more new orientation states 2, 3, 4, [\ldots]. In the general case, continuation of this procedure would lead to an infinite set of domain states and to a composite group of infinite order (e.g. cylinder or sphere group). Specialized metrics of a crystal can, of course, lead to a `multiple twin' of small finite order.

In order to overcome this problem of the `infinite sets' and to ensure a finite composite group (of index [2]) for a pair of adjacent domains, we consider only that subgroup of the eigensymmetry [{\cal H}] which is left invariant by the twin operation k. This subgroup is the `intersection symmetry' [{\cal H}^*] of the two `oriented eigensymmetries' [{\cal H}_1] and [{\cal H}_2] of the domains 1 and 2 (shown in Fig.[link]): [{\cal H}^* = {\cal H}_1\cap {\cal H}_2]. This group [{\cal H}^*] is now extended by k and leads to the `reduced composite symmetry' [{\cal K}^*] of the domain pair (1, 2): [{\cal K}^*(1,2)={\cal H}^*\cup k_2\times {\cal H}^*], which is a finite supergroup of [{\cal H}] of index [2]. In this way, the complete coset [k \times {\cal H}] of the eigensymmetry [\cal H] is split into two (or more) smaller cosets [k_2 \times {\cal H}^*], [k_3\times{\cal H}^*] etc., where [k_2, k_3,\ldots,] are symmetrically equivalent twin operations in [\cal H]. Correspondingly, the differently oriented `reduced composite symmetries' [{\cal K}^*(1,2) =] [{\cal H}^*\cup k_2\times{\cal H}^*], [{\cal K}^*(1,3)={\cal H}^*\cup k_3\times{\cal H}^*] etc. of the domain pairs (1, 2), (1, 3) etc. are generated by the representative twin operations [k_2], [k_3] etc. These cosets [k_i\times{\cal H}^*] are considered as the twin laws for the corresponding domain pairs.


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Twinning of an orthorhombic crystal with equivalent twin mirror planes (110) and [({\bar 1}10)]. Three twin domains 1, 2 and 3, bound by {110} contact planes, are shown. The oriented eigensymmetries [{\cal H}_1], [{\cal H}_2], [{\cal H}_3] and the reduced composite symmetries [{\cal K}^\star (1,2) = {\cal K}^\star (110)] and [{\cal K}^\star (1,3) = {\cal K}^\star({\bar 1}10)] of each domain pair are given in stereographic projection. The intersection symmetry of all domains is [{\cal H}^\star = 112/m].

As an example, an orthorhombic crystal of eigensymmetry [{\cal H} = 2/m\,2/m\,2/m] with equivalent twin reflection planes [k_2 = m(110)] and [k_3 = m({\bar 1}10)] is shown in Fig.[link]. From the `starting' domain 1, the two domains 2 and 3 are generated by the two twin mirror planes [(110)] and [({\bar 1}10)], symmetrically equivalent with respect to the oriented eigensymmetry [{\cal H}_1] of domain 1. The intersection symmetries of the two pairs of oriented eigensymmetries [{\cal H}_1] & [{\cal H}_2] and [{\cal H}_1] & [{\cal H}_3] are identical: [{\cal H}^\ast = 112/m]. The three oriented eigensymmetries [{\cal H}_1], [{\cal H}_2], [{\cal H}_3], as well as the two differently oriented reduced composite symmetries [{\cal K}^\ast(1,2) =] [{\cal K}^\ast(110)] and [{\cal K}^\ast(1,3) = {\cal K}^\ast({\bar 1}10)] of the domain pairs (1, 2) and (1, 3), are all isomorphic of type [2/m\,2/m\,2/m], but exhibit different orientations.

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