Tables for
Volume F
Crystallography of biological macromolecules
Edited by M. G. Rossmann and E. Arnold

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. F. ch. 11.2, p. 213   | 1 | 2 |

Section Outlier rejection

A. G. W. Lesliea*

aMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England
Correspondence e-mail: Outlier rejection

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It is not unusual for the diffraction pattern to display features other than the Bragg diffraction spots from the crystal of interest. Possible causes are the presence of a satellite crystal or twin component, white-radiation streaks, cosmic rays or zingers. In order to minimize their effect on the determination of the background plane constants, the following outlier rejection algorithm is employed:

  • (1) Determine the background plane constants using a fraction (say 80%) of the background pixels, selecting those with the lowest pixel values.

  • (2) Evaluate the fit of all background pixels to this plane, rejecting those that deviate by more than three standard deviations.

  • (3) Re-determine the background plane using all accepted pixels.

  • (4) Re-evaluate the fit of all accepted pixels and reject outliers. If any new outliers are found, re-determine the plane constants.

The rationale for using a subset of the pixels with the lowest pixel values in step (1)[link] is that the presence of zingers or cosmic rays, or a strongly diffracting satellite crystal, can distort the initial calculation of the background plane so much that it becomes difficult to identify the true outliers. Such features will normally only affect a small percentage of the background pixels and will invariably give higher than expected pixel counts. Selecting a subset with the lowest pixel values will facilitate identification of the true outliers. The initial bias in the resulting plane constant c due to this procedure will be corrected in step (3)[link]. Poisson statistics are used to evaluate the standard deviations used in outlier rejection, and the standard deviation used in step (2)[link] is increased to allow for the choice of background pixels in step (1)[link].

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