Tables for
Volume F
Crystallography of biological macromolecules
Edited by M. G. Rossmann and E. Arnold

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. F. ch. 18.3, p. 384   | 1 | 2 |

Section Aliphatic residues: leucine, isoleucine, valine

R. A. Engha* and R. Huberb

a Pharmaceutical Research, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Max Planck Institut für Biochemie, 82152 Martinsried, Germany, and bMax-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, 82152 Martinsried, Germany
Correspondence e-mail: Aliphatic residues: leucine, isoleucine, valine

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Compared to EH parameterization, the only notable features of the aliphatic residues were the leucine bonds and the C—CA—CB angles of isoleucine and valine. The leucine CD—CG(1,2) bonds retained relatively large σ values, which rather increased compared to the previous values. The C—CA—CB angle values, clustered as bare carbon/tetrahedral CH extended atom/tetrahedral CH2 extended atom in EH, are sensitive to the degree of substitution at the CB carbon (Table,[link] see the discussion of peptide fragments above). The statistics here show that the EH (1991) parameters were too small by about 2°.

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Bond lengths (Å) and angles (°) of peptide backbone fragments

EH denotes parameters from Engh & Huber (1991)[link]. Bold values mark important updates for angles involving proline (with cis and trans distinction) and branched CB atoms (isoleucine, valine, threonine). The number of fragments used for the statistics is given. The standard deviation of each value is given in parentheses following the value and is on the scale of the least significant digit of the value.

(a) Bonds

 Peptide (1165)Proline (297)Glycine (83)EHEH prolineEH glycine
N—CA1.459 (20)1.468 (17)1.456 (15)1.458 (19)1.466 (15)1.451 (16)
CA—C1.525 (26)1.524 (20)1.514 (16)1.525 (21)EH1.516 (18)
C—O1.229 (19)1.228 (20)1.232 (16)1.231 (20)EHEH
CA—CB (all)1.532 (31)1.531 (20)1.530 (20)EH
CA—CB (CH3)1.521 (33)1.521 (33)
CA—CB (CH2)1.535 (22)1.531 (20)1.530 (20)EH
CA—CB (CH)1.542 (23)1.540 (27)
C—N1.336 (23)1.338 (19)1.326 (18)1.329 (14)1.341 (16)EH

(b) Angles

 Peptide (1165)Proline (297)Glycine (83)EHEH prolineEH glycine
N—CA—C111.0 (27)112.1 (26)113.1 (25)111.2 (28)111.8 (25)112.5 (29)
N—CA—CB (all)110.6 (21)103.1 (12)110.5 (17)103.0 (11)
N—CA—CB (CH3)110.4 (15)110.4 (15)EH
N—CA—CB (CH2)110.6 (18)103.1 (12)110.5 (17)103.0 (11)
N—CA—CB (CH)111.1 (23)111.5 (17)EH
CA—C—N117.2 (22)117.1 (28)116.2 (20)116.2 (20)116.9 (15)116.4 (21)
CA—C—O120.1 (21)120.2 (24)120.6 (18)120.8 (17)EH120.8 (21)
O—C—N122.7 (16)121.1 (19)123.2 (17)123.0 (16)122.0 (14)EH
C—CA—CB110.6 (23)111.8 (20)110.1 (19)EH
C—CA—CB (CH3)110.5 (15)110.5 (15)
C—CA—CB (CH2)110.4 (20)111.8 (20)110.1 (19)EH
C—CA—CB (CH)111.3 (20)109.1 (22)
C—N—CA121.7 (25)122.0 (42) all
119.3 (15) trans
127.0 (24) cis
122.3 (21)121.7 (18)122.6 (50)120.6 (17)

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