Tables for
Volume F
Crystallography of biological macromolecules
Edited by M. G. Rossmann and E. Arnold

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. F. ch. 22.1, pp. 532-533   | 1 | 2 |

Section Adapting Voronoi polyhedra to proteins

M. Gersteina* and F. M. Richardsa Adapting Voronoi polyhedra to proteins

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In the procedure outlined above, all atoms are considered equal, and the dividing planes are positioned midway between atoms (Fig.[link]. This method of partition, called bisection, is not physically reasonable for proteins, which have atoms of obviously different size (such as oxygen and sulfur). It chemically misallocates volume, giving excess to the smaller atom.


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Positioning of the dividing plane. (a) The dividing plane is positioned at a distance d from the larger atom with respect to radii of the larger atom (R) and the smaller atom (r) and the total separation between the atoms (D). (b) Vertex error. One problem with using method B is that the calculation does not account for all space, and tiny tetrahedra of unallocated volume are created near the vertices of each polyhedron. Such an error tetrahedron is shown. The radical-plane method does not suffer from vertex error, but it is not as chemically reasonable as method B.

Two principal methods of repositioning the dividing plane have been proposed to make the partition more physically reasonable: method B (Richards, 1974[link]) and the radical-plane method (Gellatly & Finney, 1982[link]). Both methods depend on the radii of the atoms in contact (R for the larger atom and r for the smaller one) and the distance between the atoms (D). As shown in Fig.[link], they position the plane at a distance d from the larger atom. This distance is always set such that the plane is closer to the smaller atom. Method B and a simplification of it: the ratio method

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Method B is the more chemically reasonable of the two and will be emphasized here. For atoms that are covalently bonded, it divides the distance between the atoms proportionaly according to their covalent-bond radii: [d = DR/(R + r). \eqno(] For atoms that are not covalently bonded, method B splits the remaining distance between them after subtracting their VDW radii: [d = R + (D - R - r)/2. \eqno(]

For separations that are not very different to the sum of the radii, the two formulae for method B give essentially the same result. Consequently, it is worthwhile to try a slight simplification of method B, which we call the `ratio method'. Instead of using equation ([link] for bonded atoms and equation ([link] for non-bonded ones, one can just use equation ([link] in both cases with either VDW or covalent radii (Tsai et al., 2001[link]). Doing this gives more consistent reference volumes (manifest in terms of smaller standard deviations about the mean). Vertex error

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If bisection is not used to position the dividing plane, it is much more complicated to find the vertices of the polyhedron, since a vertex is no longer equidistant from four atoms. Moreover, it is also necessary to have a reasonable scheme for `typing' atoms and assigning them radii.

More subtly, when using the plane positioning determined by method B, the allocation of space is no longer mathematically perfect, since the volume in a tiny tetrahedron near each polyhedron vertex is not allocated to any atom (Fig.[link]. This is called vertex error. However, calculations on periodic systems have shown that, in practice, vertex error does not amount to more than 1 part in 500 (Gerstein et al., 1995[link]). `Chopping-down' method of finding vertices

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Because of vertex error and the complexities in locating vertices, a different algorithm has to be used for volume calculation with method B. (It can also be used with bisection.) First, surround the central atom (for which a volume is being calculated) by a very large, arbitrarily positioned tetrahedron. This is initially the `current polyhedron'. Next, sort all neighbouring atoms by distance from the central atom and go through them from nearest to farthest. For each neighbour, position a plane perpendicular to the vector connecting it to the central atom according to the predefined proportion (i.e. from the method B formulae or bisection). Since a Voronoi polyhedron is always convex, if any vertices of the current polyhedron are on the other side of this plane to the central atom, they cannot be part of the final polyhedron and should be discarded. After this has been done, the current polyhedron is recomputed using the plane to `chop it down'. This process is shown schematically in Fig.[link]. When it is finished, one has a list of vertices that can be traversed to calculate volumes, as in the basic Voronoi procedure.


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The `chopping-down' method of polyhedra construction. This is necessary when using method B for plane positioning, since one can no longer solve for the position of vertices. One starts with a large tetrahedron around the central atom and then `chops it down' by removing vertices that are outside the plane formed by each neighbour. For instance, say vertex 0214 of the current polyhedron is outside the plane formed by neighbour 6. One needs to delete 0214 from the list of vertices and recompute the polyhedron using the new vertices formed from the intersection of the plane formed by neighbour 6 and the current polyhedron. Using the labelling conventions in Fig.[link], one finds that these new vertices are formed by the intersection of three lines (021, 024 and 014) with plane 06. Therefore one adds the new vertices 0216, 0246 and 0146 to the polyhedron. However, there is a snag: it is necessary to check whether any of the three lines are not also outside of the plane. To do this, when a vertex is deleted, all the lines forming it (e.g. 021, 024, 014) are pushed onto a secondary list. Then when another vertex is deleted, one checks whether any of its lines have already been deleted. If so, this line is not used to intersect with the new plane. This process is shown schematically in two dimensions. For the purposes of the calculations, it is useful to define a plane created by a vector v from the central atom to the neighbouring atom using a constant K so that for any point u on the plane [{\bf u} \cdot {\bf v} = K]. If [{\bf u} \cdot {\bf V} \gt K], u is on the wrong side of the plane, otherwise it is on the right side. A vertex point w satisfies the equations of three planes: [{\bf w} \cdot {\bf v}_{1} = K_{1}], [{\bf w} \cdot {\bf v}_{2} = K_{2}] and [{\bf w} \cdot {\bf v}_{3} = K_{3}]. These three equations can be solved to give the components of w. For example, the x component is given by [w_{x} = \pmatrix{K_{1} &v_{1y} &v_{1z}\cr K_{2} &v_{2y} &v_{2z}\cr K_{3} &v_{3y} &v_{3z}\cr} \Bigg/ \pmatrix{v_{1x} &v_{1y} &v_{1z}\cr v_{2x} &v_{2y} &v_{2z}\cr v_{3x} &v_{3y} &v_{3z}\cr}.] Radical-plane method

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The radical-plane method does not suffer from vertex error. In this method, the plane is positioned according to [d = (D^{2} + R^{2} - r^{2})/2D. \eqno(]


First citation Gellatly, B. J. & Finney, J. L. (1982). Calculation of protein volumes: an alternative to the Voronoi procedure. J. Mol. Biol. 161, 305–322.Google Scholar
First citation Gerstein, M., Tsai, J. & Levitt, M. (1995). The volume of atoms on the protein surface: calculated from simulation, using Voronoi polyhedra. J. Mol. Biol. 249, 955–966.Google Scholar
First citation Richards, F. M. (1974). The interpretation of protein structures: total volume, group volume distributions and packing density. J. Mol. Biol. 82, 1–14.Google Scholar
First citation Tsai, J., Voss, N. & Gerstein, M. (2001). Voronoi calculations of protein volumes: sensitivity analysis and parameter database. Bioinformatics. In the press.Google Scholar

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