Tables for
Volume F
Crystallography of biological macromolecules
Edited by M. G. Rossmann and E. Arnold

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. F. ch. 23.3, p. 596   | 1 | 2 |

Section  Syn/anti glycosyl bond geometry

R. E. Dickersona*

a Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095–1570, USA
Correspondence e-mail: Syn/anti glycosyl bond geometry

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The glycosyl bond angle, χ, about the bond connecting a sugar ring to a base is a special case of torsion angle, and is defined by O4′—C1′—N1—C2 for pyrimidines and O4′—C1′—N9—C4 for purines. In A- and B-DNA, the normal range of χ is 160 to 300°. This is known as the anti conformation (right-hand side of Fig.[link]) and swings the sugar ring out away from the minor groove edge of the base pair. In Z-DNA, pyrimidines also exhibit the anti glycosyl bond conformation, but purines adopt the syn geometry shown on the left-hand side of Fig.[link]. Now the sugar ring is rotated so that it intrudes into the minor groove, and χ lies in the range 50 to 90°.


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Syn versus anti orientation about the glycosyl bond connecting sugar and base. Right: anti conformation, with χ ca 210°. Left: syn conformation, with χ around 60°. Both A- and B-DNA only employ the anti geometry; Z-DNA uses anti for pyrimidines and syn for purines, as shown here. Note that the 5′-to-3′ direction in both rings is down into the paper. Hence, antiparallel backbone chains can be achieved only by a zigzag chain geometry with local chain reversals, as shown later in Fig.[link]. Black dots labelled A, B and Z indicate the position of the helix axis relative to the base pairs in A-, B- and Z-DNA.

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