Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.6, pp. 167-168

Section The dielectric tensor and spatial dispersion

A. M. Glazera* and K. G. Coxb

a Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Roads, Oxford OX1 3PU, England, and bDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Roads, Oxford OX1 3PR, England
Correspondence e-mail: The dielectric tensor and spatial dispersion

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The relevant polarization term to consider here is [ P_i^\omega = \omega_0\chi_{ij\ell}\nabla_\ell E_j^\omega. \eqno (]

The important part of this expression is the use of the field gradient, which implies a variation of the electric field across the unit cell of the crystal rather than the assumption that [\bf E] is everywhere constant. This variation in [\bf E] is known as spatial dispersion (Agranovich & Ginzburg, 1984[link]).

Assume propagation of a plane wave given by [{\bf E}=] [{\bf E_o}\exp (i{\bf k}\cdot {\bf r})] through an optically active crystal. Substituting into the expression for the polarization gives [ P_i^\omega = i\omega_0\chi_{ij\ell}E_j^\omega k_\ell .\eqno (]This term can now be treated as a perturbation to the dielectric tensor [\varepsilon_{ij}(\omega)] to form the effective dielectric tensor [\varepsilon_{ij}(\omega, {\bf k})]: [\varepsilon_{ij}(\omega, {\bf k}) = \varepsilon_{ij}(\omega) + i\gamma_{ij\ell}k_\ell , \eqno (]where [\gamma_{ij\ell}] has been written for the susceptibility [\chi_{ij\ell}] in order to distinguish it from the use of [\chi] elsewhere. Note that this can be expressed more generally as a power-series expansion in the vector [\bf k] (Agranovich & Ginzburg, 1984[link]) to allow for a generalization to include all possible spatial dispersion effects: [\varepsilon_{ij}(\omega, {\bf k}) = \varepsilon_{ij}(\omega) + i\gamma_{ij\ell}(\omega)k_\ell + \alpha_{ij\ell m}(\omega)k_\ell k_m, \eqno (]where the susceptibilities are in general themselves dependent on frequency.


First citation Agranovich, V. M. & Ginzburg, V. C. (1984). Crystal optics with spatial dispersion, and excitons. Berlin: Springer.Google Scholar

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