F432 No. 209 O3

Axes Coordinates Wyckoff positions
4a 4b 8c 24d 24e 32f
48g 48h 48i 96j
I Maximal translationengleiche subgroups
[2] F23 4a 4b 4c; 4d 24g 24f 2 × 16e
  (196) 48h 48h 2 × 24g 2 × 48h
[4] R32 (1/2)(b + c), (1/2)(a + c), -x + y + z, x - y + z, 1a 1b 2c 3d; 3e 6f 2c; 6f
  (155) (1/2)(a + b) x + y - z 2 × 3d; 6f 2 × 3e; 6f 2 × 6f 4 × 6f
(rhombohedral axes)
(1/2)(-a + b), (1/2)(-b + c), (2/3)(-2x + y + z), 3a 3b 6c 9d; 9e 18f 6c; 18f
a + b + c (2/3)(-x - y + 2z), 2 × 9d; 18f 2 × 9e; 18f 2 × 18f 4 × 18f
(hexagonal axes) (1/3)(x + y + z)
 conjugate: (1/2)(a + b), (1/2)(-b - c), (2/3)(2x + y - z),
-a + b - c (2/3)(x - y - 2z),
(hexagonal axes) (1/3)(-x + y - z)
 conjugate: (1/2)(-a - b), (1/2)(b - c), (2/3)(-2x - y - z),
a - b - c (2/3)(-x + y - 2z),
(hexagonal axes) (1/3)(x - y - z)
 conjugate: (1/2)(a - b), (1/2)(b + c), (2/3)(2x - y + z),
-a - b + c (2/3)(x + y + 2z),
(hexagonal axes) (1/3)(-x - y + z)
[3] I422 (1/2)(a - b), (1/2)(a + b), c x - y, x + y, z 2a 2b 4d 4c; 8j 4e; 8g 16k
  (97) 8h; 16k 8i; 16k 8f; 2 × 8j 3 × 16k
 conjugate: (1/2)(b - c), (1/2)(b + c), a y - z, y + z, x
 conjugate: (1/2)(-a + c), -x + z, x + z, y
(1/2)(a + c), b
II Maximal klassengleiche subgroups
   Loss of centring translations
[4] P4232 (208) x + (1/4), y + (1/4), z + (1/4) 4b 4c 2a; 6d 6e; 6f; 12h 24m 8g; 24m
  4 conjugate subgroups 2 × 12k; 24m 2 × 12l; 24m 2 × 12h; 12i; 12j 4 × 24m
[4] P432 (207) 1a; 3c 1b; 3d 8g 12i; 12j 6e; 6f; 12h 8g; 24k
  4 conjugate subgroups 2 × 12i; 24k 2 × 12j; 24k 2 × 24k 4 × 24k
   Enlarged unit cell, isomorphic
[27] F432 3a, 3b, 3c (1/3)x, (1/3)y, (1/3)z; ±((1/3), 0, 0); 4a; 24e; 4b; 24e; 8c; 2 × 32f; 24d; 48g; 48h; 3 × 24e; 6 × 96j 3 × 32f;
±(0, (1/3), 0); ±(0, 0, (1/3)); 32f; 48g 32f; 48h 48i; 96j 48i; 5 × 96j 8 × 96j
±(0, (1/3), (1/3)); ±((1/3), 0, (1/3));
±((1/3), (1/3), 0); ±(0, (1/3), (2/3)); 3 × 48g; 3 × 48h; 3 × 48i; 27 × 96j
±((1/3), 0, (2/3)); ±((1/3), (2/3), 0); 12 × 96j 12 × 96j 12 × 96j
±((1/3), (1/3), (1/3)); ±((1/3), (1/3), (2/3));
±((1/3), (2/3), (1/3)); ±((2/3), (1/3), (1/3))
[p3] F432 pa, pb, pc (1/p)x, (1/p)y, (1/p)z; 4a; 4b; 8c; 24d; p × 24e; p × 32f;
p = prime > 2; +((u/p), (v/p), (w/p)) ((p - 1)/2) × 24e; ((p - 1)/2) × 24e; (p - 1) × 32f; ((p - 1)/2) × 48g; ((p(p2 - 1))/4) × 96j ((p(p2 - 1))/3) ×
u, v, w = 1, . . ., p - 1 ((p - 1)/2) × 32f; ((p - 1)/2) × 32f; ((p - 1)/2) × 48i; ((p - 1)/2) × 48h; 96j
((p - 1)/2) × 48g; ((p - 1)/2) × 48h; ((p3 - 7p + 6)/12) × ((p - 1)/2) × 48i;
((p3 - 13p + 12)/24) × ((p3 - 13p + 12)/24) × 96j (((p - 1)2(p + 2))/4) ×
96j 96j 96j
p × 48g; p × 48h; p × 48i; p3 × 48h
((p(p2 - 1))/2) × 96j ((p(p2 - 1))/2) × 96j ((p(p2 - 1))/2) × 96j

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