Tables for
Volume A
Space-group symmetry
Edited by Th. Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 13.1, pp. 836-838

Section Monoclinic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal systems

Y. Billieta and E. F. Bertautb§

a Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, and bLaboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France Monoclinic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal systems

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If W is the matrix corresponding to a rotation about the c axis, [{\bi W}' = {\bi W}] holds if the positive direction is the same for c and c′.2 In consequence, W must commute with S [cf. equation ([link]]. This condition imposes relations on the coefficients [S_{ij}] of the matrix so that S and [\det ({\bi S})] take the following forms:

  • Monoclinic system [{\bi M}_{c} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &S_{12}\hfill &0\hfill\cr S_{21}\hfill &S_{22}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det ({\bi M}_{c}) = S_{33}(S_{11}S_{22} - S_{12}S_{21});] or if b instead of c is used [{\bi M}_{b} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill &S_{13}\hfill\cr 0\hfill &S_{22}\hfill &0\hfill\cr S_{31}\hfill &0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det ({\bi M}_{b}) = S_{22}(S_{11}S_{33} - S_{13}S_{31}).]

  • Tetragonal system [{\bi T}_{1} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &-S_{21}\hfill &0\hfill\cr S_{21}\hfill &\phantom{-}S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &\phantom{-}0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det ({\bi T}_{1}) = S_{33}(S_{11}^{2} + S_{21}^{2}).]

  • Hexagonal and trigonal systems [\eqalign{{\bi H}_{1} &= \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &-S_{21}\hfill &0\hfill\cr S_{21}\hfill &\phantom{-}S_{11} - S_{21}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &\phantom{-}0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\hfill\cr \det ({\bi H}_{1}) &= S_{33}(S_{11}^{2} + S_{21}^{2} - S_{11}S_{21}).}]For rhombohedral space groups, the matrix [{\bi H}_{1}] applies only when hexagonal axes are used. If rhombohedral axes are used, the matrix S has the form [\eqalign{{\bi R}_{1} &= \pmatrix{S_{0} &S_{2} &S_{1}\cr S_{1} &S_{0} &S_{2}\cr S_{2} &S_{1} &S_{0}\cr},\cr \det ({\bi R}_{1}) &= S_{0}^{3} + S_{1}^{3} + S_{2}^{3} - 3S_{0}S_{1}S_{2}\cr &= (S_{0} + S_{1} + S_{2})\cr &\quad \times (S_{0}^{2} + S_{1}^{2} + S_{2}^{2} - S_{0}S_{1} - S_{1}S_{2} - S_{2}S_{0}).}] Additional restrictions

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If mirror or glide planes parallel to and/or twofold rotation or screw axes perpendicular to the principal rotation axis exist, further conditions are imposed upon the coefficients [S_{ij}] and these are indicated below (cf. Bertaut & Billiet, 1979[link]).

  • Monoclinic system

    The matrices [{\bi M}_{c}] and [{\bi M}_{b}] apply without any further restrictions on the coefficients.

  • Tetragonal system

    The matrix [{\bi T}_{1}] is valid for all space groups belonging to the crystal classes 4, [\bar{4}] and [4/m].

    For all other space groups, restrictions apply to the coefficients [S_{21}] according to the following two rules which are consequences of equation ([link]:

    • (i) If the last two letters of the Hermann–Mauguin symbol are different, [S_{21} = 0]; the corresponding matrix is called [{\bi T}_{2}].

      Example: [P4_{2}/mmc]

      [{\bi T}_{2} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det ({\bi T}_{2}) = S_{33}S_{11}^{2}.]

    • (ii) If the last two letters are the same (except for the three cases mentioned below), two matrices have to be applied, the matrix [{\bi T}_{2}] introduced above and the matrix [{\bi T}_{1}] with [S_{21} = S_{11}]; the corresponding matrix is called [{\bi T}_{3}]. [{\bi T}_{3} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &-S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr S_{11}\hfill &\phantom{-}S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &\phantom{-}0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det ({\bi T}_{3}) = 2S_{33}S_{11}^{2}.]

      The following space groups have matrices [{\bi T}_{2}] and [{\bi T}_{3}]: P422, P4mm, [P4/mmm], [P4_{1}22], [P4_{3}22], [P4_{2}22], P4cc, [P4/mcc], I422, I4mm and [I4/mmm]. The three exceptions to the rule mentioned above are the space groups [P4/nmm], [P4/ncc] and [I4_{1}22], which allow only [{\bi T}_{2}].

  • Hexagonal and trigonal systems

    The matrix [{\bi H}_{1}] is valid for all space groups belonging to the crystal classes 6, [\bar{6}], [6/m], 3 and [\bar{3}].

    For all other space groups for which the last two letters of the Hermann–Mauguin symbol are different, [S_{22} = S_{11}], and the matrix is called [{\bi H}_{2}]. Examples are [P6_{3}/mcm], P312 and [P\bar{6}2m]. [{\bi H}_{2} = \pmatrix{S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &S_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr 0\hfill &0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det({\bi H}_{2}) = S_{33}S_{11}^{2}.]

    If the last two letters of the Hermann–Mauguin symbol are the same, two matrices have to be applied, the matrix [{\bi H}_{2}] introduced above and the matrix [{\bi H}_{1}] with [S_{11} = 2S'_{11}] and [S_{21} = S'_{11}]; this matrix is called [{\bi H}_{3}], [{\bi H}_{3} = \pmatrix{2S'_{11}\hfill &-S'_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr \phantom{2}S'_{11}\hfill &\phantom{-}S'_{11}\hfill &0\hfill\cr \phantom{2}0\hfill &\phantom{-}0\hfill &S_{33}\hfill\cr},\quad \det({\bi H}_{3}) = 3S_{33}{S}_{11}'^{2}.] Examples are P622, [P6/mmm] and P6cc.

  • Rhombohedral space groups

    For R3 and [R\bar{3}], one has the matrix [{\bi H}_{1}] for hexagonal axes and [{\bi R}_{1}] for rhombohedral axes. For all other rhombohedral space groups, one has [{\bi H}_{2}] (hexagonal axes) and the matrix [{\bi R}_{1}] with [S_{1} = S_{2}] (rhombohedral axes). This last matrix is called [{\bi R}_{2}]. Example: R32. [{\bi R}_{2} = \pmatrix{S_{0}\hfill &S_{1}\hfill &S_{1}\hfill\cr S_{1}\hfill &S_{0}\hfill &S_{1}\hfill\cr S_{1}\hfill &S_{1}\hfill &S_{0}\hfill\cr},\quad \det({\bi R}_{2}) = (S_{0} + 2S_{1})(S_{0} - S_{1})^{2}.]


First citation Bertaut, E. F. & Billiet, Y. (1979). On equivalent subgroups and supergroups of the space groups. Acta Cryst. A35, 733–745.Google Scholar

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