Electron density dictionary (rhoCIF) version 1.0.1
This item gives the scattering factor for the valence electrons of the atom specified in _atom_rho_multipole_atom_label as a function of sin(theta)/lambda. The text should contain only a table of two columns, the first giving the value of sin(theta)/lambda, the second giving the X-ray scattering factor at this point in reciprocal space. The atomic valence scattering factors are used in least-squares fitting of the items in _atom_rho_multipole_coeff_* and _atom_rho_multipole_kappa_* to experimental X-ray structure factors [see for example Coppens (1997)]. This item enables them to be supplied in the form of a numerical table. Normally they originate from atomic orbital analytic wavefunctions such as those tabulated by Clementi & Roetti (1974). Ref: Clementi, E. & Roetti, C. (1974). At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 14, 177-478. Coppens, P. (1997). X-ray charge densities and chemical bonding. Oxford University Press.
Appears in list containing _atom_rho_multipole_atom_label
Type: char
Category: atom_rho_multipole