Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09




   Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category record details about
   the atoms in a chemical component. Specifying the atomic
   coordinates for the components in this category is an
   alternative to specifying the structure of the component
   via bonds, angles, planes etc. in the appropriate
   CHEM_COMP subcategories.


Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP.
      phe  N    N  main   1.20134   0.84658   0.00000
      phe  CA   C  main   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
      phe  C    C  main  -1.25029   0.88107   0.00000
      phe  O    O  main  -2.18525   0.66029  -0.78409
      phe  CB   C  side   0.00662  -1.03603   1.11081
      phe  CG   C  side   0.03254  -0.49711   2.50951
      phe  CD1  C  side  -1.15813  -0.12084   3.13467
      phe  CE1  C  side  -1.15720   0.38038   4.42732
      phe  CZ   C  side   0.05385   0.51332   5.11032
      phe  CE2  C  side   1.26137   0.11613   4.50975
      phe  CD2  C  side   1.23668  -0.38351   3.20288
      val  N    N  main   1.20134   0.84658   0.00000
      val  CA   C  main   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
      val  C    C  main  -1.25029   0.88107   0.00000
      val  O    O  main  -2.18525   0.66029  -0.78409
      val  CB   C  side   0.05260  -0.99339   1.17429
      val  CG1  C  side  -0.13288  -0.31545   2.52668
      val  CG2  C  side  -0.94265  -2.12930   0.99811

Category groups:
Category keys:

Mandatory category: no

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