Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09




   Data items in the STRUCT_MON_PROT category record details about
   structural properties of a protein when analyzed at the monomer
   level. Analogous data items for nucleic acids are given in the
   STRUCT_MON_NUCL category. For items where the value of the
   property depends on the method employed to calculate it,
   details of the method of calculation are given using data items
   in the STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category.


Example 1 - based on laboratory records for protein NS1. This example provides details for residue ARG 35.
    _struct_mon_prot.label_comp_id    ARG
    _struct_mon_prot.label_seq_id      35
    _struct_mon_prot.label_asym_id      A
    _struct_mon_prot.label_alt_id       .
    _struct_mon_prot.chi1            -67.9
    _struct_mon_prot.chi2           -174.7
    _struct_mon_prot.chi3            -67.7
    _struct_mon_prot.chi4            -86.3
    _struct_mon_prot.chi5              4.2
    _struct_mon_prot.RSCC_all          0.90
    _struct_mon_prot.RSR_all           0.18
    _struct_mon_prot.mean_B_all        30.0
    _struct_mon_prot.mean_B_main       25.0
    _struct_mon_prot.mean_B_side       35.1            180.1
    _struct_mon_prot.phi              -60.3
    _struct_mon_prot.psi              -46.0

Category groups:
Category keys:

Mandatory category: no

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