Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09




   An alternative identifier for _atom_site.label_seq_id that
   may be provided by an author in order to match the identification
   used in the publication that describes the structure.

   Note that this is not necessarily a number, that the values do
   not have to be positive, and that the value does not have to
   correspond to the value of _atom_site.label_seq_id. The value
   of _atom_site.label_seq_id is required to be a sequential list
   of positive integers.

   The author may assign values to _atom_site.auth_seq_id in any
   desired way. For instance, the values may be used to relate
   this structure to a numbering scheme in a homologous structure,
   including sequence gaps or insertion codes. Alternatively, a
   scheme may be used for a truncated polymer that maintains the
   numbering scheme of the full length polymer. In all cases, the
   scheme used here must match the scheme used in the publication
   that describes the structure.

Type: code

Mandatory item: no


Category: atom_site

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