Symmetry dictionary (symCIF) version 1.0.1




   Space-group symbol defined by Hall.

   _space_group.name_Hall uniquely defines the space group and
   its reference to a particular coordinate system.

   Each component of the space-group name is separated by a
   space or an underscore character. The use of a space is
   strongly recommended.  The underscore is only retained
   because it was used in old CIFs. It should not be used in
   new CIFs.
   Ref: Hall, S. R. (1981). Acta Cryst. A37, 517-525;
   erratum (1981), A37, 921. International Tables for
   Crystallography (2001). Volume B, Reciprocal space, edited
   by U. Shmueli, 2nd ed., Appendix 1.4.2. Dordrecht: Kluwer
   Academic Publishers.


'P 2c -2ac' equivalent to Pca21
'-I 4bd 2ab 3' equivalent to Ia3d

Type: char

Mandatory item: no

_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall (cif_core.dic version 1.0)

Category: space_group

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