Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.6, pp. 544-556 Chapter 5.6. CBFlib : an ANSI C library for manipulating image data
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, and bDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA CBFlib is a library of ANSI C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing crystallographic binary files (CBFs) and image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. The CBFlib application programming interface (API) consists of a set of low-level functions suitable for parsing and manipulating arbitrary input in CIF or CBF format, and a set of high-level functions based on the CBF/imgCIF dictionary and used to support processing of image data files. Keywords: CBFlib ; cif2cbf; convert_image; makecbf; CBF software; Crystallographic Binary File software; computer programs; software; image data; imgCIF software; image data compression. |
is a library of ANSI C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing crystallographic binary files (CBFs) and image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files (see Chapters 2.3, 3.7 and 4.6). The CBFlib application programming interface (API) consists of a set of low-level functions and a set of high-level functions. The low-level functions are loosely based on the CIFPARSE (Tosic & Westbrook, 2000) API for mmCIF files. As in CIFPARSE, the low-level functions in CBFlib do not perform any semantic integrity checks and simply create, read, modify and write files conforming to the CIF syntax, with additional functionality for working with binary sections. These basic functions are independent of the details of the CBF/imgCIF dictionary and can be used to manage any CIF data set. In contrast, the high-level functions are based on the CBF/imgCIF dictionary and facilitate writing or reading commonly used entries to or from CBF and imgCIF data files.
External to a program, a CBF/imgCIF data set `lives' in a file. Internally, when managed by CBFlib, a CBF or imgCIF data set has a simple tree structure pointed to by a `handle' (Fig. At the highest level are named data blocks. Each data block may contain a number of named categories. Within each category, the actual data entries are stored in tabular form with named columns and numbered rows. The numbers of rows in different columns of a given category are constrained by the software to be the same.
CBFlib provides functions to create a corresponding data structure in memory; to copy a data set from an external file to the data structure or from the data structure to an external file; to navigate the tree; to scan, add and remove data blocks within data sets, categories (tables) within data blocks, and rows or columns within categories; to read or modify data entries; and finally to delete the structure from memory.
As is common in C programming, all functions return an integer equal to 0 for success or an error code for failure. The CBFlib error codes are given in Table
CBFlib is thread-safe, re-entrant and able to operate on multiple data sets at a time. This means that the library maintains no static data and that the object to be operated on must be passed to each function. In CBFlib, this is accomplished by referring to each data set in memory with a unique handle of type cbf_handle. The handle maintains a link to the data structure in memory as well as the current location on the tree (data block, category, column and row). Before reading or creating a data set, the handle is created by calling the cbf_make_handle function. When the data set is no longer required, the resources associated with it can be freed using cbf_free_handle. Most functions in the library expect a handle as the first argument.
CBF binary data files and imgCIF ASCII data files may have one or more large images or other data sections as values for CIF tags. The focus of CBFlib is to handle large data sections efficiently.
The basic flow of an application reading CBF/imgCIF data with the low-level CBFlib functions is shown in Fig.
The general approach to reading CBF/imgCIF data with CBFlib is to create an empty data structure with cbf_make_handle, load the data structures with cbf_read_file and then use nested loops to work through data blocks, categories, rows and columns in turn to extract values. Conceptually, all data values are held in the memory-resident data structures. In practice, however, only pointers to text fields with image data are held in memory. The data themselves remain on disk until explicitly referenced.
The basic flow of an application writing CBF/imgCIF data with the low-level CBFlib functions is shown in Fig.
The general approach to writing CBF/imgCIF data with CBFlib is to create empty data structures with cbf_make_handle and load the data structures with nested loops, working through data blocks, categories, rows and columns in turn, to store values. The major difference from the nested loops used for reading is that empty columns are created before data are stored into the data structures row by row. Alternatively, the data could be stored column by column. Finally, the fully loaded memory data structures are written out with cbf_write_file. As with reading, text fields with image data are actually held on disk.
All CBFlib functions have two common characteristics: (i) they return an integer equal to 0 for success or an error code for failure; (ii) any pointer argument for the result of an operation can be safely set to NULL. The error codes are given in Table
CBFlib provides two low-level functions to create or destroy the structure used to hold a data set:
There are two functions to copy a data set from or into a file:
The data structures `behind' the handles retain pointers to current locations. This facilitates scanning through a CIF or CBF by data blocks, categories, rows and columns. The term ` rewind' refers to setting the internal pointer for the type of item specified so that the first such item is pointed to.
In general, CIF does not permit duplication of the names of data blocks or category names. In practice, however, duplications do occur. CBFlib provides ` force' variants of some functions to allow creation of duplicate names.
In CBFlib, the term ` set' refers to changing the name of the currently specified item. The term ` reset' refers to emptying a data block or category without deleting it. The term ` remove' refers to deleting a data block, category, column or row. The terms ` select' and ` next' refer to finding the designated item by number, while the term ` find' refers to finding the designated item by name.
provides the following functions to manage data blocks and categories:
The following functions manage columns and rows:
The following functions are provided to manage data values:
Two macro definitions are provided to facilitate the handling of errors:
also provides higher-level routines to simplify the management of complex CBF/imgCIF data sets:
The prototypes for low-level CBFlib functions are defined in the header file cbf.h, which should be included in any program that uses CBFlib. As noted previously, every function returns an integer equal to 0 to indicate success or an error code on failure (Table
The arguments to CBFlib functions are based on a view of a CBF/imgCIF data set as a tree (Fig. The root of the tree is the data set and is identified by a handle that points to the data structures representing that tree. The main branches of the tree are the data blocks, identified by name or by number. Within each data block, the tree branches into categories, each of which branches into columns. Categories and columns also are identified by name or by number. Within each column is an array of values, the rows of which are identified by number. The current data block, category, column and row are stored in the data structures of a data set.
The following function descriptions include the formal parameters. When a `*' appears before a formal parameter, it is a pointer to the relevant value, rather than the actual value. The formal parameters for the low-level CBFlib functions are given in Table
Before working with a CBF (or CIF), it is necessary to create a handle. When work with the CBF is completed, the handle and associated data structures should be released:
int cbf_make_handle (cbf_handle *handle );
int cbf_free_handle (cbf_handle handle );
Normally, processing cannot continue if a handle is not created. Typical code to create a handle is:
Once a handle has been created, the data structures can be loaded with all the information held in a CBF file:
Conceptually, all data values are associated with the handle at the cbf_read_file call. In practice, however, only the non-binary data are actually stored in memory. To work with potentially large binary sections most efficiently, these are skipped until explicitly referenced. For this reason, file must be a random-access file opened in binary mode [ fopen (..., "rb")] and must not be closed by the calling program. CBFlib will call fclose when the file is no longer required.
The headers parameter controls the handling of any message digests embedded in the binary sections (Table A headers value of MSG_DIGEST will cause the code to compare the digest of the binary section with any header message digest value. To maximize processing efficiency, this comparison will be delayed until the binary section is actually read into memory or copied (a `lazy' evaluation). If immediate evaluation is required, use MSG_DIGESTNOW. In either case, if the digests do not match, the function in which the evaluation is taking place will return the error CBF_FORMAT. To ignore any digests, use the headers value MSG_NODIGEST.
The cbf_write_file call writes out the data associated with a CBF handle:
This call has several options controlling whether binary sections are written unencoded (CBF) or encoded in ASCII to conform to the CIF syntax (imgCIF), the type of headers in the binary sections, and the type of ASCII encoding and line termination used. The acceptable values for ciforcbf are CIF for ASCII-encoded binary sections or CBF for unencoded binary sections. The headers parameter (Table
) can take the value MIME_HEADERS to select MIME-type binary section headers or MIME_NOHEADERS for simple ASCII headers. The value MSG_DIGEST will generate digests for validation of the binary data and the value MSG_NODIGEST will skip digest evaluation. The header and digest flags may be combined using the logical OR operator.
Similarly, there are several combinable flags for the parameter encoding (Table ENC_BASE64 selects BASE64 encoding, ENC_QP selects quoted-printable encoding, and ENC_BASE8, ENC_BASE10 and ENC_BASE16 select octal, decimal and hexadecimal, respectively. ENC_FORWARD maps bytes to words forward (1234) for BASE8, BASE10 or BASE16 encoding and ENC_BACKWARD maps bytes to words backward (4321). Finally, ENC_CRTERM terminates lines with carriage return (CR) and ENC_LFTERM terminates lines with line feed (LF) (thus ENC_CRTERM|ENC_LFTERM will use CR LF).
CBFlib maintains temporary storage on disk as necessary for files to be written, so that file does not have to be random-access. However, if it is random-access and readable, resources can be conserved by setting readable nonzero.
The remaining low-level functions are involved in navigating the tree structure, creating and deleting data blocks, categories and table columns and rows, and retrieving or modifying data values.
The navigation functions are:
The function cbf_find_datablock selects the first data block with name datablockname as the current data block. Similarly, cbf_find_category selects the category within the current data block with name categoryname and cbf_find_column selects the corresponding column within the current category. The function cbf_find_row differs slightly in that it selects the first row in the current column with the corresponding value and cbf_find_nextrow selects the row with the corresponding value following the current row. Note that selecting a new data block makes the current category, column and row undefined and that selecting a new category similarly makes the column and row undefined. In contrast, repositioning by column does not change the current row and repositioning by row does not change the current column.
The remaining functions navigate on the basis of the order of the data blocks, categories, columns and rows. Thus, cbf_select_datablock selects data-block number datablock, counting from 0, cbf_rewind_datablock selects the first data block and cbf_next_datablock selects the data block following the current data block.
All of these functions return CBF_NOTFOUND if the requested object does not exist.
The ` count' functions evaluate the number of data blocks in the data set, the number of categories in the current data block and the number of columns or rows in the current category:
The ` name' functions retrieve the current data block, category or column names:
As rows do not have names, the corresponding function is:
To create new entities within the tree, CBFlib provides the functions:
The ` new' functions add a new data block within the data set, a new category in the current data block, or a new column or row within the current category, and make it the current data block, category, column or row, respectively. If the data block, category or column already exists, then the function simply makes it the current data block, category or column. The function cbf_new_row adds the row to the end of the current category. cbf_insert_row provides the ability to insert a row before ordinal row, starting from 0. The newly inserted row gets the row ordinal row and the row that originally had that ordinal and all rows with higher ordinals are pushed downwards.
In general, CIF does not permit duplication of the names of data blocks or categories. In practice, however, duplications do occur. CBFlib provides ` force' variants to allow creation of duplicate data-block and category names. Because, in this case, the program analysing the resulting file can only distinguish the duplicates by ordinal, these variants are not recommended for general use.
The following functions are used to remove entities from the tree:
The basic ` remove' functions delete the current data block, category, column or row. Note that removing a data block makes the current data block, category, column and row undefined; removing a category makes the current category, column and row undefined. Removing a column makes the current column undefined, but leaves the current row intact, and removing a row leaves the current column intact. The function cbf_delete_row is similar to cbf_remove_row except that it removes the specified row in the current category. If the current row is not the deleted row, then it will remain valid.
All the categories in all data blocks, all the categories in the current data block or all the entries in the current category may be removed using the ` reset' functions.
When a column and row within a category have been selected, the entry value may be examined or modified:
A value within a CBF/imgCIF data set may be a simple character string, an integer or real number, or an array of integers. The functions cbf_get_value and cbf_set_value provide the basic functionality for normal CIF values, retrieving and modifying the current entry as a string. The functions cbf_get_integervalue and cbf_get_doublevalue interpret the retrieved string as an integer or real value and the functions cbf_set_integer and cbf_set_doublevalue convert the number argument into a string before setting the entry.
The functions for working with binary sections are more complicated as they must take into account compression, array size and the variety of different integer types available on different systems: signed/unsigned and various sizes.
The function cbf_get_integerarrayparameters retrieves the parameters of the current, binary, entry. The compression argument is set to the compression type used (Table At present, this may take one of three values: CBF_CANONICAL, for canonical-code compression (see Section
below); CBF_PACKED, for CCP4-style packing (see Section
below); or CBF_NONE, for no compression. [Note: CBF_NONE is by far the slowest scheme of the three and uses much more disk space. It is intended for routine use with small arrays only. With large arrays (like images) it should be used only for debugging.] The binary_id value is a unique integer identifier for each binary section, elsize is the size in bytes of the array entries, elsigned and elunsigned are nonzero if the array can be read as unsigned or signed, respectively, elements is the number of entries in the array, and minelement and maxelement are the lowest and highest elements. If a destination argument is too small to hold a value, it will be set to the nearest value and the function will return CBF_OVERFLOW. If the current entry is not binary, cbf_get_integerarrayparameters will return CBF_ASCII.
cbf_get_integerarray reads the current binary entry into an integer array. The parameter array points to an array of elements interpreted as integers. Each element in the array is signed if elsigned is nonzero and unsigned otherwise, and each element occupies elsize bytes. The argument elements_read is set to the number of elements actually obtained. If the binary section does not contain sufficient entries to fill the array, the function returns CBF_ENDOFDATA. As before, the function will return CBF_OVERFLOW on overflow and CBF_ASCII if the entry is not binary.
cbf_set_integerarray sets the current binary or ASCII entry to the binary value of an integer array. As before, the acceptable values for compression are CBF_PACKED, CBF_CANONICAL and CBF_NONE. Each binary section should be given a unique integer identifier binary_id.
Two macros are provided to facilitate processing and propagation of error returns: one to return from the current function immediately and one to execute a given command first:
If the symbol CBFDEBUG is defined, alternative definitions that print out the error number as given in Table
are used:
The high-level CBFlib functions provide a level of abstraction above the CIF file structure and their prototypes are defined in the header file cbf_simple.h. Most of these functions simply use the low-level routines to navigate the CBF/imgCIF structure and read and modify data entries, and consequently expect a cbf_handle argument. There are also, however, additional sets of functions used to analyse the geometry of the goniometer and detector. These functions use additional handles of type cbf_goniometer and cbf_detector, respectively. All functions return the same error codes as the low-level functions do. The function return values are given in Table The formal parameters for the high-level CBFlib functions are given in Table
The general high-level functions use the low-level routines to accomplish common tasks with a single call.
The first of these is used to facilitate the preparation of the complex CBF/imgCIF header structure:
int cbf_read_template (cbf_handle handle, FILE *file );
simply reads the CBF/imgCIF file file into the data structure associated with the given handle and selects the first data block. It is typically used to read a template – an imgCIF file populated with data entries, but without any binary sections, into which experimental information can then be inserted. Template files are discussed further in Section 5.6.4 below.
The value of _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength can be retrieved or set. The functions
operate on the categories DIFFRN_RADIATION and DIFFRN_RADIATION_WAVELENGTH. The wavelength is found indirectly. The value of _diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id is retrieved and used to find a matching row in the DIFFRN_RADIATION_WAVELENGTH category, from which the value of _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength is obtained.
The value of the ratio of the intensities of the polarization components _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio and the value of the angle _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm between the normal to the polarization plane and the laboratory Y axis can be retrieved or set. The functions
operate on the DIFFRN_RADIATION category.
The values of the divergence parameters, represented by the data names _diffrn_radiation.div_x_source, *.div_y_source and *.div_x_y_source, can be retrieved or set. The functions
operate on the DIFFRN_RADIATION category.
The values of and _diffrn. crystal_id can be retrieved or set:
Changing also modifies the corresponding *.diffrn_id entries in the DIFFRN_SOURCE, DIFFRN_RADIATION, DIFFRN_DETECTOR and DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT categories.
The starting value and increment of an axis may be retrieved or set:
The cbf_set_axis_setting call is used during the creation of a CBF/imgCIF file to store the goniometer settings and rotation. The cbf_get_axis_setting is not generally useful when interpreting a file as there are no standard identifiers and the arrangement of the experimental axes is not consistent. Much more useful are the goniometer geometry functions described below.
The number of detector elements can be retrieved:
This is the number of rows in the DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT category. For each element, counting from 0, the detector identifier (the *.detector_id entry) can be retrieved and the gain and overload values in the ARRAY_INTENSITIES category retrieved or set:
For each element, counting from 0, the values of the parameters of the detector can be retrieved and some can be set. The value of is retrieved as element_id. The value of _diffrn_data_frame.array_id can be retrieved as array_name. The values of _array_intensities.gain and _array_intensities.gain_esd are retrieved as gain and gain_esd. The value of _array_intensities.overload can be retrieved or set as overload. The value of _diffrn_scan_frame.integration_time can be retrieved or set as integration_time.
Timestamp calls operate on the DATE entry in the DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME category:cbf_get_timestamp and cbf_set_timestamp measure time in seconds since 1 January 1970. cbf_get_datestamp and cbf_set_datestamp work in terms of individual year, month, day, hour, minute and second. The optional collection time zone, timezone, is the difference from universal time in minutes; precision is the fraction, in seconds, to which the time will be recorded. cbf_set_current_timestamp sets the collection timestamp from the current time, to the nearest second.
Also in the DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME category is the integration time of the image:
Finally, these functions include routines for working with binary images:cbf_get_image_size retrieves the dimensions of detector element element_number from the ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST category, setting ndim1 and ndim2 to the slow and fast array dimensions, respectively. These dimensions can be used to allocate memory before calling cbf_get_image. cbf_get_image reads the image data from detector element element_number into a signed or unsigned integer array of size ndim1 * ndim2 and cbf_set_image associates image data with a detector element. As in the description of the integer array functions, the compression argument can currently take one of three values: CBF_CANONICAL, for canonical-code compression (see Section
); CBF_PACKED, for CCP4-style packing (see Section
); or CBF_NONE, for no compression.
A CBF/imgCIF file includes a geometric description of the goniometer used to orient the sample during the experiment. Practical use of this information, however, is not trivial as it involves combining data from several categories and analysing in three dimensions the nested axes in which the description is framed (see Section 3.7.3
for a discussion of the axis system). CBFlib provides six functions to facilitate this task:
cbf_construct_goniometer uses the data in the categories DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT, DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT_AXIS, AXIS, DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_AXIS and DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS to construct a geometric representation of the goniometer and initializes the cbf_goniometer handle, goniometer. cbf_free_goniometer frees the goniometer structure. cbf_get_rotation_axis and cbf_get_rotation_range get the normalized rotation vector, and the starting value and increment of the first rotating axis of the goniometer, respectively. The cbf_rotate_vector call applies the goniometer axis rotation to the given initial vector, with the ratio value specifying the goniometer setting from 0.0 at the beginning of the exposure to 1.0 at the end, irrespective of the actual rotation range. Finally, cbf_get_reciprocal transforms the given real-space vector (real1, real2, real3) to the corresponding reciprocal-space vector (reciprocal1, reciprocal2, reciprocal3). As before, the transform corresponds to the goniometer initial position with a ratio of 0.0 and the goniometer final position with a ratio of 1.0.
In a similar manner, a CBF/imgCIF file includes a description of the surface of each detector and the arrangement of the pixels in space. CBFlib provides eight functions for analysing this description:cbf_construct_detector uses data from the categories DIFFRN, DIFFRN_DETECTOR, DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT, DIFFRN_DETECTOR_AXIS, AXIS, ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST and ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS to construct a geometric representation of detector element element_number and initializes the cbf_detector handle, detector. cbf_free_detector frees the detector structure; cbf_get_beam_center calculates the location at which the beam intersects the detector surface, either in terms of the pixel indices (index1, index2) along the slow and fast detector axes, respectively, or the displacement in millimetres along the slow and fast axes (center1, center2); cbf_get_detector_distance and cbf_get_detector_normal calculate the distance of the sample from the plane of the detector surface and the normal vector of the detector at pixel (0, 0), respectively; cbf_get_pixel_coordinates, cbf_get_pixel_normal and cbf_get_pixel_area calculate the coordinates, normal vector, and area and apparent area as viewed from the sample position of the pixel with the given indices, respectively.
Two schemes for lossless compression of integer arrays (such as images) have been implemented in this version of CBFlib:
(i) an entropy-encoding scheme using canonical coding;
(ii) a CCP4-style packing scheme.
Both encode the difference (or error) between the current element in the array and the prior element. Parameters required for more sophisticated predictors have been included in the compression functions and will be used in a future version of the library.
The canonical-code compression scheme encodes errors in two ways: directly or indirectly. Errors are coded directly using a symbol corresponding to the error value. Errors are coded indirectly using a symbol for the number of bits in the (signed) error, followed by the error itself.
At the start of the compression, CBFlib constructs a table containing a set of symbols, one for each of the 2n direct codes from to
, one for a stop code and one for each of the maxbits − n indirect codes, where n is chosen at compression time and maxbits is the maximum number of bits in an error. CBFlib then assigns to each symbol a bit code, using a shorter bit code for the more common symbols and a longer bit code for the less common symbols. The bit-code lengths are calculated using a Huffman-type algorithm and the actual bit codes are constructed using the canonical-code algorithm described by Moffat et al. (1997
The structure of the compressed data is described in Table
The CCP4-style compression writes the errors in blocks. Each block begins with a 6-bit code. The number of errors in the block is 2n, where n is the value in bits 0 to 2. Bits 3 to 5 encode the number of bits in each error. The data structure is summarized in Table
The construction of CBF/imgCIF files can be simplified using templates. A template is itself an imgCIF file populated with data entries but without any binary sections. This file is normally associated with a CBF handle using the cbf_read_template call and provides a framework into which images and other experiment-specific data may be entered.
Fig. is a sample template for an ADSC Quantum 4 detector (ADSC, 1997
) with a κ-geometry diffractometer at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) beamline 1–5.
The template for a MAR345 image plate detector (MAR Research, 1997) is almost identical. The major differences are in the size of the array (2300 × 2300 versus 2304 × 2304), the parameters for the CCD elements and the geometry of the elements. Therefore a few of the values in the AXIS, ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST, ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS and ARRAY_INTENSITIES categories are different, as listed in Fig.
The CBFlib API comes with example programs and sample templates. The example program convert_image reads either of the templates described in Section 5.6.4, template_adscquantum4_2304x2304.cbf and template_mar345_2300x2300.cbf, and uses the higher-level CBFlib routines to convert an image file to a CBF.
The example programs makecbf and img2cif read an image file from a MAR300, MAR345 or ADSC CCD detector and then use CBFlib to convert that image to CBF format (makecbf) or to either imgCIF or CBF format (img2cif). makecbf writes the CBF-format image to disk, reads it in again, and then compares it with the original. img2cif just writes the desired file without a verification pass. makecbf works only from files on disk, so that random input/output can be used. img2cif includes code to process files from stdin and to stdout. The example program cif2cbf copies an ASCII CIF to a binary CBF/imgCIF file.
The program convert_image takes two arguments, imagefile and cbffile. These are the primary input and output. The detector type is extracted from the image file, converted to lower case and used to construct the name of a template CBF to use for the copy. The template file name is of the form template_name_columnsxrows. The program comes with img.c and img.h to read image files. It uses the img_... routines to extract data and metadata from the image and uses the higher-level CBFlib routines to populate the template. Fig. is a portion of the code that reads in the template and inserts the wavelength, the distance to the detector, and the oscillation start and range.
is a good example of how to use many of the lower-level CBFlib functions. An example MAR345 image can be found at
and on the CD-ROM accompanying this volume. To run makecbf with the example image, type:
The typical code fragment from makecbf.c shown in Fig. creates the DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA category.
The program img2cif is an extended version of makecbf that allows the user to choose the details of the format of the output CBF. img2cif has the following command-line interface:-i takes the name of the input image file in MAR300, MAR345 or ADSC CCD detector format. If no input_image file is specified or is given as `-', an image is copied from stdin to a temporary file. -o takes the name of the output CIF (if BASE64 or quoted-printable encoding is used) or CBF (if no encoding is used). If no output_cif is specified or is given as `-', the output is written to stdout. -c specifies the compression scheme (packed, canonical or none; the default is packed). -m selects MIME (Freed & Borenstein, 1996
) headers within binary data value text fields. The default is headers for CIFs, no headers for CBFs. -d specifies the use of digests. The default is the MD5 digest (Rivest, 1992
) when MIME headers are selected. -e specifies one of the standard MIME encodings: BASE64 (the default) or quoted-printable; or a non-standard decimal, hexadecimal or octal encoding for an ASCII CIF; or `none' for a binary CBF. -b specifies the direction of mapping of bytes into words for decimal, hexadecimal or octal output, marked by `>' for forwards or `<' for backwards as the second character of each line of output, and in # comment lines. The default is backwards.
The test program cif2cbf (Fig. uses the same command-line options as img2cif, but accepts either a CIF or a CBF as input instead of an image file. The heart of the code is a series of nested loops. The outermost loop scans through all the data blocks. The next innermost loop scans through all the categories within each data block. The first of the two next innermost loops scans through the columns to copy the column headings. Then the second of these two loops scans through the rows. Finally, the innermost loop scans through the columns for each row.
![]() |
Listing of the main code fragment in the program cif2cbf for conversion of an ASCII CIF to a CBF file. |
We are grateful to Frances C. Bernstein for her helpful comments and suggestions.