International Tables for Crystallography (2019). Vol. H. ch. 5.1, pp. 524-537

Chapter 5.1. Domain size and domain-size distributions


  • 5.1. Domain size and domain-size distributions  (pp. 524-537) | html | pdf | chapter contents |
    • 5.1.1. Introduction  (p. 524) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.2. The Scherrer formula and integral-breadth methods  (p. 524) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.3. Fourier methods  (p. 526) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.4. The peak profile and the common volume function (`ghost')  (pp. 526-528) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.5. Common volume function for simple shapes  (pp. 528-530) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.6. Calculation of the intensity profile for simple shapes  (pp. 530-531) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.7. Meaning of the size Fourier coefficients: mean size and column-length distribution  (p. 531) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.8. Extension of the Fourier approach to a size distribution  (pp. 531-533) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.9. Analytical distributions  (p. 533) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.10. Histogram (arbitrary) distributions  (pp. 533-534) | html | pdf |
    • 5.1.11. Example  (pp. 534-536) | html | pdf |
    • References | html | pdf |
    • Figures
      • Fig. 5.1.1. Geometry employed to derive the Scherrer equation  (p. 525) | html | pdf |
      • Fig. 5.1.2. A domain and its ghost translated by a quantity L along hkl  (p. 527) | html | pdf |
      • Fig. 5.1.3. The intersection of two circles  (p. 528) | html | pdf |
      • Fig. 5.1.4. Size Fourier term for a sphere of 10 nm and tangent to the origin (initial slope)  (p. 531) | html | pdf |
      • Fig. 5.1.5. Nanocrystalline ceria pattern; the indices for some reflections are indicated  (p. 534) | html | pdf |
      • Fig. 5.1.6. Analysis of the 111 and 200 reflections of ceria: (a) calculation using the FWHM, (b) fit using Voigt functions: the single profiles are shown, (c) modelling as a single sphere, (d) modelling as a lognormal distribution of spheres, (e) comparison of the instrumental profile with the measured profile and modelling using a lognormal distribution of spheres, taking the instrumental contribution into account, and (f) cosine Fourier transform of the left side of the 111 peak  (p. 535) | html | pdf |
    • Tables
      • Table 5.1.1. Coefficients for the calculation of the common volume function for a sphere, cube, tetrahedron and octahedron  (p. 529) | html | pdf |