Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 2.3, pp. 242-243   | 1 | 2 |

Section Finding heavy atoms with centrosymmetric projections

M. G. Rossmanna* and E. Arnoldb

aDepartment of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA, and  bCABM & Rutgers University, 679 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-5638, USA
Correspondence e-mail: Finding heavy atoms with centrosymmetric projections

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Phases in a centrosymmetric projection will be 0 or π if the origin is chosen at the centre of symmetry. Hence, the native structure factor, [{\bf F}_{N}], and the heavy-atom-derivative structure factor, [{\bf F}_{NH}], will be collinear. It follows that the structure amplitude, [|{\bf F}_{H}|], of the heavy atoms alone in the cell will be given by [|{\bf F}_{H}| = |(|{\bf F}_{NH}| \pm |{\bf F}_{N}|)| + \varepsilon,] where ɛ is the error on the parenthetic sum or difference. Three different cases may arise (Fig.[link]. Since the situation shown in Fig.[link] is rare, in general [|{\bf F}_{H}|^{2} \simeq (|{\bf F}_{NH}| - |{\bf F}_{N}|)^{2}. \eqno(] Thus, a Patterson computed with the square of the differences between the native and derivative structure amplitudes of a centrosymmetric projection will approximate to a Patterson of the heavy atoms alone.


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Three different cases which can occur in the relation of the native, [{\bf F}_{N}], and heavy-atom derivative, [{\bf F}_{NH}], structure factors for centrosymmetric reflections. [{\bf F}_{N}] is assumed to have a phase of 0, although analogous diagrams could be drawn when [{\bf F}_{N}] has a phase of π. The crossover situation in (c) is clearly rare if the heavy-atom substitution is small compared to the native molecule, and can in general be neglected.

The approximation ([link] is valid if the heavy-atom substitution is small enough to make [|{\bf F}_{H}| \ll |{\bf F}_{NH}|] for most reflections, but sufficiently large to make [\varepsilon \ll (|{\bf F}_{NH}| - |{\bf F}_{N}|)^{2}]. It is also assumed that the native and heavy-atom-derivative data have been placed on the same relative scale. Hence, the relation ([link] should be re-written as [|{\bf F}_{H}|^{2} \simeq (|{\bf F}_{NH}| - k|{\bf F}_{N}|)^{2},] where k is an experimentally determined scale factor (see Section[link]). Uncertainty in the determination of k will contribute further to ɛ, albeit in a systematic manner.

Centrosymmetric projections were used extensively for the determination of heavy-atom sites in early work on proteins such as haemoglobin (Green et al., 1954[link]), myoglobin (Bluhm et al., 1958[link]) and lysozyme (Poljak, 1963[link]). However, with the advent of faster data-collecting techniques, low-resolution (e.g. a 5 Å limit) three-dimensional data are to be preferred for calculating difference Pattersons. For noncentrosymmetric reflections, the approximation ([link] is still valid but less exact (Section[link]). However, the larger number of three-dimensional differences compared to projection differences will enhance the signal of the real Patterson peaks relative to the noise. If there are N terms in the Patterson synthesis, then the peak-to-noise ratio will be proportionally [\sqrt{N}] and 1/ɛ. With the subscripts 2 and 3 representing two- and three-dimensional syntheses, respectively, the latter will be more powerful than the former whenever [{\sqrt{N_{3}} \over \varepsilon_{3}}  \gt  {\sqrt{N_{2}} \over \varepsilon_{2}}.] Now, as [\varepsilon_{3} \simeq \sqrt{2} \varepsilon_{2}], it follows that [N_{3}] must be greater than [2N_{2}] if the three-dimensional noncentrosymmetric computation is to be more powerful. This condition must almost invariably be true.


First citation Bluhm, M. M., Bodo, G., Dintzis, H. M. & Kendrew, J. C. (1958). The crystal structure of myoglobin. IV. A Fourier projection of sperm-whale myoglobin by the method of isomorphous replacement. Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 246, 369–389.Google Scholar
First citation Green, D. W., Ingram, V. M. & Perutz, M. F. (1954). The structure of haemoglobin. IV. Sign determination by the isomorphous replacement method. Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 225, 287–307.Google Scholar
First citation Poljak, R. J. (1963). Heavy-atom attachment to crystalline lysozyme. J. Mol. Biol. 6, 244–246.Google Scholar

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