Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.4, p. 461


B. T. M. Willish

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Absorption of the elements for neutrons (λ = 1.80 Å)

Atom Σa (cm−1) l (cm)
H 0.0141 0.288
D 0.0000 6.17
He 0.0001 20.22
Li 3.2698 0.300
Be 0.0009 1.059
B 105.41 0.009
C 0.0004 1.58
N 0.0662 2.14
O 0.0001 5.52
F 0.0003 6.82
Ne 0.0017 8.71
Na 0.0135 10.22
Mg 0.0027 6.11
Al 0.0139 9.48
Si 0.0085 8.45
P 0.0061 8.04
S 0.0208 16.14
Cl 0.9109 0.731
Ar 0.0143 2.03
K 0.0279 18.12
Ca 0.0099 12.35
Sc 1.0906 0.491
Ti 0.3453 1.74
V 0.3658 1.35
Cr 0.2558 1.82
Mn 1.0900 0.789
Fe 0.2174 0.82
Co 3.3440 0.260
Ni 0.4104 0.475
Cu 0.3202 1.00
Zn 0.0730 2.89
Ga 0.1480 2.04
Ge 0.1016 2.07
As 0.2091 2.15
Se 0.4292 1.36
Br 0.1623 3.31
Kr 0.3882 1.97
Rb 0.0041 13.09
Sr 0.0227 7.44
Y 0.0388 3.66
Zr 0.0079 3.42
Nb 0.0640 2.42
Mo 0.1637 1.75
Tc 1.4281 0.542
Ru 0.1886 1.48
Rh 10.544 0.092
Pd 0.4687 1.29
Ag 3.7120 0.249
Cd 116.80 0.008
In 7.4135 0.133
Sn 0.0231 4.87
Sb 0.1689 3.20
Te 0.1386 4.01
I 0.1458 4.36
Xe 0.3904 2.27
Cs 0.2458 3.57
Ba 0.0189 13.39
La 0.2402 2.00
Ce 0.0182 9.60
Pr 0.3333 2.46
Nd 1.4763 0.496
Sm 171.23 0.005
Eu 95.715 0.010
Gd 1474.1 0.000
Tb 0.7334 1.05
Dy 29.731 0.030
Ho 2.0791 0.424
Er 5.1861 0.182
Tm 3.4919 0.269
Yb 0.8513 0.717
Lu 2.5889 0.354
Hf 4.6648 0.195
Ta 1.1434 0.676
W 1.1609 0.681
Re 6.1692 0.143
Os 1.1444 0.442
Ir 30.064 0.032
Pt 0.6843 0.682
Au 5.8181 0.159
Hg 15.146 0.061
Tl 0.1200 2.15
Pb 0.0056 2.68
Bi 0.0009 3.84
Ra 0.1706 2.95
Th 0.2244 1.68
Pa 8.0405 0.118
U 0.3650 1.26
Np 9.0534 0.10
Pu 14.481 0.069
Am 2.5522 0.351