Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 9.2, p. 763

Section Diffraction pattern – structure analysis

S. Ďuroviča Diffraction pattern – structure analysis

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Let us now consider schematic diffraction patterns of the three structures on the right-hand side of Fig.[link]. It can be seen that, while being in general different, they contain a common subset of diffractions with [k=2\hat k] – these, normalized to a constant number of layers, have the same distribution of intensities and monoclinic symmetry. This follows from the fact that they correspond to the so-called superposition structure with basis vectors A = 2a0, B = b/2, C = c, and space group C1m1. It is a fictitious structure that can be obtained from any of the structures in Fig.[link] as a normalized sum of the structure in its given position and in a position shifted by b/2, thus [\hat\rho(xyz)= \textstyle{1\over2} [\rho(xyz) + \rho(x, y+1/2, z)].]Evidently, this holds for all members of the family, including the non-periodic ones. In general, the superposition structure is obtained by simultaneous realization of all Z possible positions of all OD layers in any member of the family (Dornberger-Schiff, 1964[link], p. 54). As a consequence, its symmetry can be obtained by completing any of the family groupoids to a group (Fichtner, 1977[link]). This structure is by definition periodic and common to all members of the family. Thus, the corresponding diffractions are also always sharp, common, and characteristic for the family. They are called family diffractions.

Diffractions with [k=2\hat k+1] are characteristic for individual members of the family. They are sharp for periodic polytypes but appear as diffuse streaks for non-periodic ones. Owing to the C centring of the superposition structure, only diffractions with [\hat h+\hat k] = 2n are present. It follows that [0\hat k\hat l] diffractions are present only for [\hat k] = 2n , which, in an indexing referring to the actual b vector reads: 0kl present only for k = 4n. This is an example of non-space-group absences exhibited by many polytypic structures. They can be used for the determination of the OD groupoid family (Dornberger-Schiff & Fichtner, 1972[link]).

There is no routine method for the determination of the structural principle of an OD structure. It is easiest when one has at one's disposal many different (at least two) periodic polytypes of the same family with structures solved by current methods. It is then possible to compare these structures, determine equivalent regions in them (Grell, 1984[link]), and analyse partial symmetries. This results in an OD interpretation of the substance and a description of its polytypism.

Sometimes it is possible to arrive at an OD interpretation from one periodic structure, but this necessitates experience in the recognition of the partial symmetry and prediction of potential polytypism (Merlino, Orlandi, Perchiazzi, Basso & Palenzona, 1989[link]).

The determination of the structural principle is complex if only disordered polytypes occur. Then – as a rule – the superposition structure is solved first by current methods. The actual structure of layers and relations between them can then be determined from the intensity distribution along diffuse streaks (for more details and references see Jagodzinski, 1964[link]; Sedlacek, Kuban & Backhaus, 1987a[link], b[link]; Müller & Conradi, 1986[link]). High-resolution electron microscopy can also be successfully applied – see Subsection[link].


First citation Dornberger-Schiff, K. (1964). Grundzüge einer Theorie von OD-Strukturen aus Schichten. Abh. Dtsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Kl. Chem. 3.Google Scholar
First citation Dornberger-Schiff, K. & Fichtner, K. (1972). On the symmetry of OD structures consisting of equivalent layers. Krist. Tech. 7, 1035–1056.Google Scholar
First citation Fichtner, K. (1977). Zur Symmetriebeschreibung von OD-Kristallen durch Brandtsche und Ehresmannsche Gruppoide. Beitr. Algebra Geom. 6, 71–79.Google Scholar
First citation Grell, H. (1984). How to choose OD layers. Acta Cryst. A40, 95–99.Google Scholar
First citation Jagodzinski, H. (1964). Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte für die Deutung diffuser Interferenzen von fehlgeordneten Kristallen. Advances in structure research by diffraction methods, Vol. I, edited by R. Brill, pp.167–198. Braunschweig: Vieweg, and New York/London: Interscience.Google Scholar
First citation Merlino, S., Orlandi, P., Perchiazzi, N., Basso, R. & Palenzona, A. (1989). Polytypism in stibivanite. Can. Mineral. 27, 625–632.Google Scholar
First citation Müller, U. & Conradi, E. (1986). Fehlordnung bei Verbindungen MX3 mit Schichtenstruktur. I. Berechnung des Intensitätsverlaufs auf den Streifen der diffusen Röntgenstreuung. Z. Kristallogr. 176, 233–261.Google Scholar
First citation Sedlacek, P., Kuban, R.-J. & Backhaus, K.-O. (1987a). Structure determination of polytypes. (I). Cryst. Res. Technol. 22, 793–798.Google Scholar
First citation Sedlacek, P., Kuban, R.-J. & Backhaus, K.-O. (1987b). Structure determination of polytypes. (II). Cryst. Res. Technol. 22, 923–928.Google Scholar

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