Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 3.1, p. 361

Section Introduction

J. F. Scottc* Introduction

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Phase transitions in crystals are most sensitively detected via dynamic techniques. Two good examples are ultrasonic attenuation and internal friction. Unfortunately, while often exquisitely sensitive to subtle second-order phase transitions [e.g. the work of Spencer et al. (1970[link]) on BaMnF4], they provide no real structural information on the lattice distortions that occur at such phase transitions, or even convincing evidence that a real phase transition has occurred (e.g. transition from one long-range thermodynamically stable ordered state to another). It is not unusual for ultrasonic attenuation to reveal a dozen reproducible anomalies over a small temperature range, none of which might be a phase transition in the usual sense of the phrase. At the other extreme are detailed structural analyses via X-ray or neutron scattering, which give unambiguous lattice details but often totally miss small, nearly continuous rigid rotations of light ions, such as hydrogen bonds or oxygen or fluorine octahedra or tetrahedra. Intermediate between these techniques are phonon spectroscopies, notably infrared (absorption or reflection) and Raman techniques. The latter has developed remarkably over the past thirty years since the introduction of lasers and is now a standard analytical tool for helping to elucidate crystal structures and phase transitions investigated by chemists, solid-state physicists and materials scientists.


First citation Spencer, E. G., Guggenheim, H. J. & Kominiak, G. J. (1970). BaMnF4, a new crystal for microwave ultrasonics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 17, 300–301.Google Scholar

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