Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 5.4, p. 538

Section Zero-zone analysis

A. W. S. Johnsona Zero-zone analysis

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Two patterns are required that represent different sections through the reciprocal lattice. The angle of rotation p between these sections must be known, as well as the trace of the rotation axis in the plane of the pattern. Define the plane of the first pattern as the xy plane with the x axis, for convenience, coincident with the trace of the rotation axis. The coordinates [x_0,y_0] of reflections in the first pattern are then measured. The coordinates [x_1,y_1] of spots in the patterns rotated by p relative to the first pattern are then measured, care being taken to align the trace of the rotation axis with the x axis of the measuring equipment for each pattern. The coordinates of these reflections are then reduced to the coordinate system of the first pattern by the relations [x_0=x_1], [y_0=y_1\cos(p)], [z_0=y_1\sin(p)]. The coordinates of all reflections measured are placed in a table that is scanned to extract the three shortest non-coplanar vectors. If the patterns come from dense, neighbouring zones, it is likely that these vectors define a primitive cell.

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