Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 3.3, p. 425


Th. Hahna* and H. Klapperb

a Institut für Kristallographie, Rheinisch–Westfälische Technische Hochschule, D-52056 Aachen, Germany, and bMineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Correspondence e-mail:

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Staurolite, 60° and 90° twins

Comparison of the twin operations with the `symmetry operations' of the primitive pseudo-cube with respect to obliquity [\omega] and lattice index [[j]], referred both to the pseudo-cubic axes, [{\bf a}'_c], [{\bf b}'_c], [{\bf c}'_c], and the monoclinic (metrically orthorhombic) axes, [{\bf a}_m], [{\bf b}_m], [{\bf c}_m]. The calculations were performed with the program OBLIQUE by Le Page (1999[link], 2002[link]).

(a) 90° cross (eight twin operations).

Twin operations referred to Obliquity [\omega] [[^\circ]] Lattice index [j] referred to Remarks
[{\bf a}'_c, {\bf b}'_c, {\bf c}'_c] [{\bf a}_m, {\bf b}_m, {\bf c}_m] [{\bf a}'_c, {\bf b}'_c, {\bf c}'_c] [{\bf a}_m, {\bf b}_m, {\bf c}_m]
[4[001]_c] [4[100]_m] 0 1 1 Four collinear twin operations [4^1], [4^3], [{\bar 4}{^1}], [{\bar 4}{^3}]
[2[100]_c] [2[013]_m] 1.19 1 6 Four `diagonal' (with respect to the monoclinic unit cell) twin operations intersecting in [[001]_c=[100]_m]
[m(100)_c] [m(031)_m] 1.19 1 6
[2[010]_c] [2[0{\bar 1}3]_m] 1.19 1 6
[m(010)_c] [m(0{\bar 3}1)_m] 1.19 1 6

(b) 60° cross.

Twin operations referred to Obliquity [\omega] [[^\circ]] Lattice index [j] referred to Equivalent directions
[{\bf a}'_c, {\bf b}'_c, {\bf c}'_c] [{\bf a}_m, {\bf b}_m, {\bf c}_m] [{\bf a}'_c, {\bf b}'_c, {\bf c}'_c] [{\bf a}_m, {\bf b}_m, {\bf c}_m]
[3[111]_c] ([\pm120^\circ]) [3[102]_m] 0.87 3 3 [[11{\bar 1}]_c = [{\bar 1}02]_m ]
[3[{\bar 1}11]_c] ([\pm120^\circ]) [3[320]_m] 0.25 3 9 [[1{\bar 1}1]_c = [3{\bar 2}0]_m ]
[4[100]_c] ([\pm 90^\circ]) [4[013]_m] 1.19 1 6 [[010]_c = [0{\bar 1}3]_m ]
[m(100)_c] [m(031)_m] 1.19 1 6  
[2[101]_c] [2[313]_m] 0.90 1 12 [[011]_c = [3{\bar 1}3]_m ]
[m(101)_c] [m(231)_m] 0.90 1 12 [[10{\bar 1}]_c = [{\bar 3}13]_m ]
          [[01{\bar 1}]_c = [31{\bar 3}]_m ]