Tables for Crystallography Volume D Physical properties of crystals Edited by A. Authier © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 3.4, pp. 449-505 Chapter 3.4. Domain structures
Department of Physics, Technical University of Liberec, Hálkova 6, 461 17 Liberec 1, Czech Republic, and bDepartment of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics, Technical University of Liberec, Hálkova 6, 461 17 Liberec 1, Czech Republic This chapter is devoted to the crystallographic aspects of static ferroic domain structures. The exposition is based on well defined concepts and rigorous relations that follow from the symmetry lowering at the ferroic phase transition. Necessary mathematical tools are explained in Section 3.2.3 Keywords: Aizu classification; Dauphiné twins; coherent domain walls; dichromatic complexes; domain pairs; domain states; domain structures; domain twins; domain walls; ferroelastic domain pairs; ferroelastic domain states; ferroelastic domain structures; ferroelastic domain twins; ferroelastic domain walls; ferroelastic single-domain states; ferroelectric domain states; ferroelectric domain structures; ferroic domain states; ferroic domain structures; ferroic transitions; layer groups; morphic tensor components; non-ferroelastic domain pairs; non-ferroelastic domain states; non-ferroelastic domain structures; non-ferroelastic domain twins; non-ferroelastic domain walls; non-ferroelastic phases; non-ferroelectric domain states; non-ferroelectric phases; parent clamping approximation; physical property tensors; stabilizers; switching; symmetry descent; twin laws; twinning group. |
It was demonstrated in Section 3.1.2
that a characteristic feature of structural phase transitions connected with a lowering of crystal symmetry is an anomalous behaviour near the transition, namely unusually large values of certain physical properties that vary strongly with temperature. In this chapter, we shall deal with another fundamental feature of structural phase transitions: the formation of a non-homogeneous, textured low-symmetry phase called a domain structure.
When a crystal homogeneous in the parent (prototypic) phase undergoes a phase transition into a ferroic phase with lower point-group symmetry, then this ferroic phase is almost always formed as a non-homogeneous structure consisting of homogeneous regions called domains and contact regions between domains called domain walls. All domains have the same or the enantiomorphous crystal structure of the ferroic phase, but this structure has in different domains a different orientation, and sometimes also a different position in space. When a domain structure is observed by a measuring instrument, different domains can exhibit different tensor properties, different diffraction patterns and can differ in other physical properties. The domain structure can be visualized optically (see Fig. or by other experimental techniques. Powerful high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) techniques have made it possible to visualize atomic arrangements in domain structures (see Fig.
). The appearance of a domain structure, detected by any reliable technique, provides the simplest unambiguous experimental proof of a structural phase transition.
Under the influence of external fields (mechanical stress, electric or magnetic fields, or combinations thereof), the domain structure can change; usually some domains grow while others decrease in size or eventually vanish. This process is called domain switching. After removing or decreasing the field a domain structure might not change considerably, i.e. the form of a domain pattern depends upon the field history: the domain structure exhibits hysteresis (see Fig. In large enough fields, switching results in a reduction of the number of domains. Such a procedure is called detwinning. In rare cases, the crystal may consist of one domain only. Then we speak of a single-domain crystal.
There are two basic types of domain structures:
Another important kind of domain structure is a ferroelectric domain structure, in which domains differ in the direction of the spontaneous polarization. Such a domain structure is formed at ferroelectric phase transitions that are characterized by the appearance of a new polar direction in the ferroic phase. Ferroelectric domains can usually be switched by external electric fields. Two ferroelectric domains with different directions of spontaneous polarization can have different spontaneous strain [e.g. in dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals, two ferroelectric domains with opposite directions of the spontaneous polarization have different spontaneous shear strain], or two ferroelectric domains with antiparallel spontaneous polarization can possess the same strain [e.g. in triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals].
The physical properties of polydomain crystals are significantly influenced by their domain structure. The values of important material property tensor components, e.g. permittivity, piezoelectric and elastic constants, may be enhanced or diminished by the presence of a domain structure. Owing to switching and detwinning phenomena, polydomain materials exhibit hysteresis of material properties. These features have important practical implications, e.g. the production of anisotropic ceramic materials or ferroelectric memories.
The domain structure resulting from a structural phase transition belongs to a special type of twinning referred to as transformation twinning (see Section
). Despite this, the current terminology used in domain-structure studies is different. The main terms were coined during the first investigations of ferroelectric materials, where striking similarities with the behaviour of ferromagnetic materials led researchers to introduce terms analogous to those used in studies of ferromagnetic domain structures that had been examined well at that time.
Bicrystallography (see Section 3.2.2
) provides another possible frame for discussing domain structures. Bicrystallography and domain structure analysis have developed independently and almost simultaneously but different language has again precluded deeper confrontation. Nevertheless, there are common features in the methodology of both approaches, in particular, the principle of symmetry compensation (see Section 3.2.2
), which plays a fundamental role in both theories.
In Chapter 3.1
, it is shown that the anomalous behaviour near phase transitions can be explained in the framework of the Landau theory. In this theory, the formation of the domain structures follows from the existence of several equivalent solutions for the order parameter. This result is a direct consequence of a symmetry reduction at a ferroic phase transition. It is this dissymmetrization which is the genuine origin of the domain structure formation and which determines the basic static features of all domain structures.
This chapter is devoted to the crystallographic aspects of static domain structures, especially to the symmetry analysis of these structures. The main aim is to explain basic concepts, derive relations that govern the formation of domain structures and provide tables with useful ready-to-use data on domain structures of ferroic phases. The exposition uses algebraic tools that are explained in Section 3.2.3
, but the important points are illustrated with simple examples comprehensible even without mathematical details. The synoptic tables in Sections 3.4.2
and 3.4.3
present the main results of the analysis for all possible ferroic domain structures. More detailed information on certain points can be found in the software GI
All these results are definite – their validity does not depend on any particular model or approximation – and form thus a firm basis for further more detailed quantitative treatments. `For the most part, the only exact statements which can be made about a solid state system are those which arise as a direct consequence of symmetry alone.' (Knox & Gold, 1967.)
The exposition starts with domain states, continues with pairs of domain states and domain distinction, and terminates with domain twins and walls. This is also the sequence of steps in domain-structure analysis, which proceeds from the simplest to more complicated objects.
In Section 3.4.2, we explain the concept of domain states (also called variants or orientational states), define different types of domain states (principal, ferroelastic, ferroelectric, basic), find simple formulae for their number, and disclose their hierarchy and relation with symmetry lowering and with order parameters of the transition. Particular results for all possible ferroic phase transitions can be found in synoptic Table
, which lists all possible crystallographically non-equivalent point-group symmetry descents that may appear at a ferroic phase transition. For each descent, all independent twinning groups (characterizing the relation between two domain states) are given together with the number of principal, ferroelastic and ferroelectric domain states and other data needed in further analysis.
Section 3.4.3 deals with pairs of domain states and with the relationship between two domain states in a pair. This relationship, in mineralogy called a `twin law', determines the distinction between domain states, specifies switching processes between two domain states and forms a starting point for discussing domain walls and twins. We show different ways of expressing the relation between two domain states of a domain pair, derive a classification of domain pairs, find non-equivalent domain pairs and determine which tensor properties are different and which are the same in two domain states of a domain pair.
The presentation of non-equivalent domain pairs is divided into two parts. Synoptic Table lists all representative non-equivalent non-ferroelastic domain pairs, and for each pair gives the twinning groups, and the number of tensor components that are different and that are the same in two domain states. These numbers are given for all important property tensors up to rank four. We also show how these data can be used to determine switching forces between two non-ferroelastic domain states.
Then we explain specific features of ferroelastic domain pairs: compatible (permissible) domain walls and disorientation of domain states in ferroelastic domain twins. A list of all non-equivalent ferroelastic domain pairs is presented in two tables. Synoptic Table contains all non-equivalent ferroelastic domain pairs with compatible (coherent) domain walls. This table gives the orientation of compatible walls and their symmetry properties. Table
lists all non-equivalent ferroelastic domain pairs with no compatible ferroelastic domain walls.
Column K1j in Table specifies all representative non-equivalent domain pairs that can appear in each particular phase transition; in combination with Tables
, it allows one to determine the main features of any ferroic domain structure.
Section 3.4.4 is devoted to domain twins and domain walls. We demonstrate that the symmetry of domain twins and domain walls is described by layer groups, give a classification of domain twins and walls based on their symmetry, and present possible layer groups of non-ferroelastic and ferroelastic domain twins and walls. Then we discuss the properties of finite-thickness domain walls. In an example, we illustrate the symmetry analysis of microscopic domain walls and present conclusions that can be drawn from this analysis about the microscopic structure of domain walls.
The exposition is given in the continuum description with crystallographic point groups and property tensors. In this approach, all possible cases are often treatable and where possible are covered in synoptic tables or – in a more detailed form – in the software GIKoBo-1. Although the group-theoretical tools are almost readily transferable to the microscopic description (using the space groups and atomic positions), the treatment of an inexhaustible variety of microscopic situations can only be illustrated by particular examples.
Our attempt to work with well defined notions calls for introducing several new, and generalizing some accepted, concepts. Also an extended notation for the symmetry operations and groups has turned out to be indispensable. Since there is no generally accepted terminology on domain structures yet, we often have to choose a term from several existing more-or-less equivalent variants.
The specialized scope of this chapter does not cover several important aspects of domain structures. More information can be found in the following references. There are only two monographs on domain structures (both in Russian): Fesenko et al. (1990) and Sidorkin (2002
). The main concepts of domain structures of ferroic materials are explained in the book by Wadhawan (2000
) and in a review by Schranz (1995
). Ferroelastic domain structures are reviewed in Boulesteix (1984
) and Wadhawan (1991
), and are treated in detail by Salje (1990
, 1991
, 2000a
). Different aspects of ferroelectric domain structures are covered in books or reviews on ferroelectric crystals: Känzig (1957
), Jona & Shirane (1962
), Fatuzzo & Merz (1967
), Mitsui et al. (1976
), Lines & Glass (1977
), Smolenskii et al. (1984
), Zheludev (1988
) and Strukov & Levanyuk (1998
). Applications of ferroelectrics are described in the books by Xu (1991
) and Uchino (2000
). Principles and technical aspects of ferroelectric memories are reviewed by Scott (1998
, 2000
As for all crystalline materials, domain structures can be approached in two ways: In the microscopic description, a crystal is treated as a regular arrangement of atoms. Domains differ in tiny differences of atomic positions which can be determined only indirectly, e.g. by diffraction techniques. In what follows, we shall pay main attention to the continuum description, in which a crystal is treated as an anisotropic continuum. Then the crystal properties are described by property tensors (see Section 1.1.1
) and the crystal symmetry is expressed by crystallographic point groups. In this approach, domains exhibit different tensor properties that enable one to visualize domains by optical or other methods.
The domain structure observed in a microscope appears to be a patchwork of homogeneous regions – domains – that have various colours and shapes (see Fig. Indeed, the usual description considers a domain structure as a collection of domains and contact regions of domains called domain walls. Strictly speaking, by a domain
one understands a connected part of the crystal, called the domain region, which is filled with a homogeneous low-symmetry crystal structure. Domain walls can be associated with the boundaries of domain regions. The interior homogeneous bulk structure within a domain region will be called a domain state. Equivalent terms are variant or structural variant (Van Tendeloo & Amelinckx, 1974
). We shall use different adjectives to specify domain states. In the microscopic description, domain states associated with the primary order parameter will be referred to as primary (microscopic, basic) domain states. In the macroscopic description, the primary domain states will be called principal domain states, which correspond to Aizu's orientation states. (An exact definition of principal domain states is given below.)
Further useful division of domain states is possible (though not generally accepted): Domain states that are specified by a constant value of the spontaneous strain are called ferroelastic domain states; similarly, ferroelectric domain states exhibit constant spontaneous polarization etc. Domain states that differ in some tensor properties are called ferroic or tensorial domain states etc. If no specification is given, the statements will apply to any of these domain states.
A domain is specified by a domain state
and by domain region
. Different domains may possess the same domain state but always differ in the domain region that specifies their shape and position in space.
The term `domain' has also often been used for a domain state. Clear distinction of these two notions is essential in further considerations and is illustrated in Fig. A ferroelectric domain structure (Fig.
) consists of six ferroelectric domains
but contains only two domain states
characterized by opposite directions of the spontaneous polarization depicted in Fig.
). Neighbouring domains have different domain states but non-neighbouring domains may possess the same domain state. Thus domains with odd serial number have the domain state
(spontaneous polarization `down'), whereas domains with even number have domain state
(spontaneous polarization `up').
![]() |
Hierarchy in domain-structure analysis. (a) Domain structure consisting of domains |
A great diversity of observed domain structures are connected mainly with various dimensions and shapes of domain regions, whose shapes depend sensitively on many factors (kinetics of the phase transition, local stresses, defects etc.). It is, therefore, usually very difficult to interpret in detail a particular observed domain pattern. Domain states of domains are, on the other hand, governed by simple laws, as we shall now demonstrate.
We shall consider a ferroic phase transition with a symmetry lowering from a parent (prototypic, high-symmetry) phase with symmetry described by a point group G to a ferroic phase with the point-group symmetry , which is a subgroup of G. We shall denote this dissymmetrization by a group–subgroup symbol
in Section 3.1.3
) and call it a symmetry descent or dissymmetrization. Aizu (1970a
) calls these symmetry descents species and uses the letter F instead of the symbol
As an illustrative example, we choose a phase transition with parent symmetry and ferroic symmetry
(see Fig.
). Strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT) crystals, for instance, exhibit a phase transition with this symmetry descent (Chen et al., 2000
). Symmetry elements in the symbols of G and
are supplied with subscripts specifying the orientation of the symmetry elements with respect to the reference coordinate system. The necessity of this extended notation is exemplified by the fact that the group
has six subgroups with the same `non-oriented' symbol
. Lower indices thus specify these subgroups unequivocally and the example illustrates an important rule of domain-structure analysis: All symmetry operations, groups and tensor components must be related to a common reference coordinate system and their orientation in space must be clearly specified.
![]() |
Exploded view of single-domain states |
The physical properties of crystals in the continuum description are expressed by property tensors. As explained in Section 1.1.4
, the crystal symmetry reduces the number of independent components of these tensors. Consequently, for each property tensor the number of independent components in the low-symmetry ferroic phase is the same or higher than in the high-symmetry parent phase. Those tensor components or their linear combinations that are zero in the high-symmetry phase and nonzero in the low-symmetry phase are called morphic tensor components or tensor parameters and the quantities that appear only in the low-symmetry phase are called spontaneous quantities (see Section
). The morphic tensor components and spontaneous quantities thus reveal the difference between the high- and low-symmetry phases. In our example, the symmetry
allows a nonzero spontaneous polarization
, which must be zero in the high-symmetry phase with
We shall now demonstrate in our example that the symmetry lowering at the phase transition leads to the existence of several equivalent variants (domain states) of the low-symmetry phase. In Fig., the parent high-symmetry phase is represented in the middle by a dashed square that is a projection of a square prism with symmetry
. A possible variant of the low-symmetry phase can be represented by an oblong prism with a vector representing the spontaneous polarization. In Fig.
, the projection of this oblong prism is drawn as a rectangle which is shifted out of the centre for better recognition. We denote by
a homogeneous low-symmetry phase with spontaneous polarization
and with symmetry F1 =
. Let us, mentally, increase the temperature to above the transition temperature and then apply to the high-symmetry phase an operation
, which is a symmetry operation of this high-symmetry phase but not of the low-symmetry phase. Then decrease the temperature to below the transition temperature. The appearance of another variant of the low-symmetry phase
with spontaneous polarization
obviously has the same probability of appearing as had the variant
. Thus the two variants of the low-symmetry phase
can appear with the same probability if they are related by a symmetry operation suppressed (lost) at the transition, i.e. an operation that was a symmetry operation of the high-symmetry phase but is not a symmetry operation of the low-symmetry phase
. In the same way, the lost symmetry operations
generate from
two other variants,
, with spontaneous polarizations
, respectively. Variants of the low-symmetry phase that are related by an operation of the high-symmetry group G are called crystallographically equivalent (in G) variants. Thus we conclude that crystallographically equivalent (in G) variants of the low-symmetry phase have the same chance of appearing.
We shall now make similar considerations for a general ferroic phase transition with a symmetry descent . By the state S of a crystal we shall understand, in the continuum description, the set of all its properties expressed by property (matter) tensors in the reference Cartesian crystallophysical coordinate system of the parent phase (see Example
in Section
). A state defined in this way may change not only with temperature and external fields but also with the orientation of the crystal in space.
We denote by a state of a homogeneous ferroic phase. If we apply to
a symmetry operation
of the group G, then the ferroic phase in a new orientation will have the state
, which may be identical with
or different. Using the concept of group action (explained in detail in Section
) we express this operation by a simple relation:
Let us first turn our attention to operations that do not change the state
The set of all operations of G that leave
invariant form a group called a stabilizer (or isotropy group) of a state
in the group G. This stabilizer, denoted by
, can be expressed explicitly in the following way:
where the right-hand part of the equation should be read as `a set of all operations of G that do not change the state
' (see Section
Here we have to explain the difference between the concept of a stabilizer of an object and the symmetry of that object. By the symmetry group F of an object one understands the set of all operations (isometries) that leave this object invariant. The symmetry group F of an object is considered to be an inherent property that does not depend on the orientation and position of the object in space. (The term eigensymmetry is used in Chapter 3.3
for symmetry groups defined in this way.) In this case, the symmetry elements of F are `attached' to the object.
A stabilizer describes the symmetry properties of an object in another way, in which the object and the group of isometries are decoupled. One is given a group G, the symmetry elements of which have a defined orientation in a fixed reference system. The object can have any orientation in this reference system. Those operations of G that map the object in a given orientation onto itself form the stabilizer of
in the group G. In this case, the stabilizer depends on the orientation of the object in space and is expressed by an `oriented' group symbol
with subscripts defining the orientation of the symmetry elements of
. Only for certain `prominent' orientations will the stabilizer acquire a symmetry group of the same crystal class (crystallographic point group) as the eigensymmetry of the object.
We shall define a single-domain orientation as a prominent orientation of the crystal in which the stabilizer of its state
is equal to the symmetry group
which is, after removing subscripts specifying the orientation, identical with the eigensymmetry of the ferroic phase:
This equation thus declares that the crystal in the state
has a prominent single-domain orientation.
The concept of the stabilizer allows us to identify the `eigensymmetry' of a domain state (or an object in general) with the crystallographic class (non-oriented point group) of the stabilizer of this state in the group of all rotations O(3),
Since we shall further deal mainly with states of the ferroic phase in single-domain orientations, we shall use the term `state' for a `state of the crystal in a single-domain orientation', unless mentioned otherwise. Then the stabilizer will often be replaced by the group
, although all statements have been derived and hold for stabilizers.
The difference between symmetry groups of a crystal and stabilizers will become more obvious in the treatment of secondary domain states in Section and in discussing disoriented ferroelastic domain states (see Section
As we have seen in our illustrative example, the suppressed operations generate from the first state other states. Let
be such a suppressed operation, i.e.
. Since all operations that retain
are collected in
, the operation
must transform
into another state
and we say that the state
is crystallographically equivalent (in G) with the state
We define principal domain states as crystallographically equivalent (in G) variants of the low-symmetry phase in single-domain orientations that can appear with the same probability in the ferroic phase. They represent possible macroscopic bulk structures of (1) ferroic single-domain crystals, (2) ferroic domains in non-ferroelastic domain structures (see Section, or (3) ferroic domains in any ferroic domain structure, if all spontaneous strains are suppressed [this is the so-called parent clamping approximation (PCA), see Section
]. In what follows, any statement formulated for principal domain states or for single-domain states applies to any of these three situations. Principal domain states are identical with orientation states (Aizu, 1969
) or orientation variants (Van Tendeloo & Amelinckx, 1974
). The adjective `principal' distinguishes these domain states from primary (microscopic, basic – see Section
) domain states and secondary domain states, defined in Section
, and implies that any two of these domain states differ in principal tensor parameters (these are linear combinations of morphic tensor components that transform as the primary order parameter of an equitranslational phase transition with a point-group symmetry descent
, see Sections
). A simple criterion for a principal domain state
is that its stabilizer in G is equal to the symmetry
of the ferroic phase [see equation (
When one applies to a principal domain state all operations of the group G, one gets all principal domain states that are crystallographically equivalent with
. The set of all these states is denoted
and is called an G-orbit of
(see also Section
In our example, the G-orbit is
Note that any operation g from the parent group G leaves the orbit invariant since its action results only in a permutation of all principal domain states. This change does not alter the orbit, since the orbit is a set in which the sequence (order) of objects is irrelevant. Therefore, the orbit
is invariant under the action of the parent group G,
A ferroic phase transition is thus a paradigmatic example of the law of symmetry compensation
(see Section 3.2.2
): The dissymmetrization of a high-symmetry parent phase into a low-symmetry ferroic phase produces variants of the low-symmetry ferroic phase (single-domain states). Any two single-domain states are related by some suppressed operations of the parent symmetry that are missing in the ferroic symmetry and the set of all single-domain states (G-orbit of domain states) recovers the symmetry of the parent phase. If the domain structure contains all domain states with equal partial volumes then the average symmetry of this polydomain structure is, in the first approximation, identical to the symmetry of the parent phase.
Now we find a simple formula for the number n of principal domain states in the orbit and a recipe for an efficient generation of all principal domain states in this orbit.
The fact that all operations of the group leave
invariant can be expressed in an abbreviated form in the following way [see equation (
We shall use this relation to derive all operations that transform
The second part of equation (
) shows that all lost operations that transform
are contained in the left coset
(for left cosets see Section
It is shown in group theory that two left cosets have no operation in common. Therefore, another left coset generates another principal domain state
that is different from principal domain states
. Equation (
defines, therefore, a one-to-one relation between principal domain states of the orbit
and left cosets of
[see equation (
From this relation follow two conclusions:
This result can be illustrated in our example. Table presents in the first column the four left cosets
of the group
. The corresponding principal domain states
and the values of spontaneous polarization in these principal domain states are given in the second and the third columns, respectively. It is easy to verify in Fig.
that all operations of each left coset transform the first principal domain state
into one principal domain state
The left coset decompositions of all crystallographic point groups and their subgroup symmetry are available in the software GIKoBo-1, path: Subgroups\View\Twinning Group.
Let us turn briefly to the symmetries of the principal domain states. From Fig. we deduce that two domain states
in our illustrative example have the same symmetry,
, whereas two others
have another symmetry,
. We see that symmetry does not specify the principal domain state in a unique way, although a principal domain state
has a unique symmetry
It turns out that if transforms
, then the symmetry group
is conjugate by
to the symmetry group
[see Section
, Proposition
and equation (
One can easily check that in our example each operation of the second left coset of
(second row in Table
) transforms
into itself, whereas operations from the third and fourth left cosets yield
. We shall return to this issue again at the end of Section
In this section we demonstrate that any morphic (spontaneous) property appears in the low-symmetry phase in several equivalent variants and find what determines their number and basic properties.
As we saw in Fig., the spontaneous polarization – a principal tensor parameter of the
phase transition – can appear in four different directions that define four principal domain states. Another morphic property is a spontaneous strain describing the change of unit-cell shape; it is depicted in Fig.
as a transformation of a square into a rectangle. This change can be expressed by a difference between two strain components
, which is a morphic tensor parameter since it is zero in the parent phase and nonzero in the ferroic phase. The quantity
is a secondary order parameter of the transition
(for secondary order parameters see Section
From Fig., we see that two domain states
have the same spontaneous strain, whereas
exhibit another spontaneous strain
. Thus we can infer that a property `to have the same value of spontaneous strain' divides the four principal domain states
into two classes:
with the same spontaneous strain
with the same spontaneous strain
. Spontaneous strain appears in two `variants':
We can define a ferroelastic domain state as a state of the crystal with a certain value of spontaneous strain , irrespective of the value of the principal order parameter. Values
thus specify two ferroelastic domain states
, respectively. The spontaneous strain in this example is a secondary order parameter and the ferroelastic domain states can therefore be called secondary domain states.
An algebraic version of the above consideration can be deduced from Table, where to each principal domain state (given in the second column) there corresponds a left coset of
(presented in the first column). Thus to the partition of principal domain states into two subsets
there corresponds, according to relation (
), a partition of left cosets
where we use the fact that the union of the first two left cosets of
is equal to the group
. This group is the stabilizer of the first ferroelastic domain state
. Two left cosets of
correspond to two ferroelastic domain states,
, respectively. Therefore, the number
of ferroelastic domain states is equal to the number of left cosets of
, i.e. to the index of
, and the number
of principal domain states in one ferroelastic domain state is equal to the index of
, i.e.
A generalization of these considerations, performed in Section
(see especially Proposition
and Examples
), yields the following main results.
Assume that is a secondary order parameter of a transition with symmetry descent
. Then the stabilizer
of this parameter
is an intermediate group,
Lattices of subgroups in Figs.
are helpful in checking this condition.
The set of n principal domain states (the orbit ) splits into
Each of these subsets consists of principal domain states,
The number
is called a degeneracy of secondary domain states.
The product of numbers and
is equal to the number n of principal domain states [see equation (
Principal domain states from each subset have the same value of the secondary order parameter and any two principal domain states from different subsets have different values of
. A state of the crystal with a given value of the secondary order parameter
will be called a secondary domain state
. Equivalent terms are degenerate or compound domain state.
In a limiting case , the parameter
is identical with the principal tensor parameter and there is no degeneracy,
Secondary domain states are in a one-to-one correspondence with left cosets of
in the decomposition
Principal domain states of the first secondary domain state can be determined from the first principal domain state
is the representative of the kth left coset of
of the decomposition
The partition of principal domain states according to a secondary order parameter offers a convenient labelling of principal domain states by two indices , where the first index j denotes the sequential number of the secondary domain state and the second index k gives the sequential number of the principal domain state within the jth secondary domain state [see equation (
are representatives of the decompositions (
) and (
), respectively.
The secondary order parameter can be identified with a principal order parameter of a phase transition with symmetry descent
(see Section
). The concept of secondary domain states enables one to define domain states that are characterized by a certain spontaneous property. We present the three most significant cases of such ferroic domain states.
The distinction ferroelastic–non-ferroelastic is a basic division in domain structures. Ferroelastic transitions are ferroic transitions involving a spontaneous distortion of the crystal lattice that entails a change of shape of the crystallographic or conventional unit cell (Wadhawan, 2000). Such a transformation is accompanied by a change in the number of independent nonzero components of a symmetric second-rank tensor
that describes spontaneous strain.
In discussing ferroelastic and non-ferroelastic domain structures, the concepts of crystal family and holohedry of a point group are useful (IT A
, 2005). Crystallographic point groups (and space groups as well) can be divided into seven crystal systems and six crystal families (see Table
). A symmetry descent within a crystal family does not entail a qualitative change of the spontaneous strain – the number of independent nonzero tensor components of the strain tensor u remains unchanged.
We shall denote the crystal family of a group M by the symbol FamM. Then a simple criterion for a ferroic phase transition with symmetry descent to be a non-ferroelastic phase transition is
A necessary and sufficient condition for a ferroelastic phase transition is
A ferroelastic domain state is defined as a state with a homogeneous spontaneous strain
. [We drop the suffix `s' or `(s)' if the serial number of the domain state is given as the superscript
. The definition of spontaneous strain is given in Section
.] Different ferroelastic domain states differ in spontaneous strain. The symmetry of a ferroelastic domain state Ri is specified by the stabilizer
of the spontaneous strain
of the principal domain state
[see (
)]. This stabilizer, which we shall denote by
, can be expressed as an intersection of the parent group G and the holohedry of group
, which we shall denote Hol
(see Table
This equation indicates that the ferroelastic domain state Ri has a prominent single-domain orientation. Further on, the term `ferroelastic domain state' will mean a `ferroelastic domain state in single-domain orientation'.
The number of ferroelastic domain states is given by
In our example,
. In Table
, last column, the number
of ferroelastic domain states is given for all possible ferroic phase transitions.
The number of principal domain states compatible with one ferroelastic domain state (degeneracy of ferroelastic domain states) is given by
In our example,
, i.e. two non-ferroelastic principal domain states are compatible with each of the two ferroelastic domain states (cf. Fig.
The product of and
is equal to the number n of all principal domain states [see equation (
The number
of principal domain states in one ferroelastic domain state can be calculated for all ferroic phase transitions from the ratio of numbers n and
that are given in Table
According to Aizu (1969), we can recognize three possible cases:
A similar classification for ferroelectric domain states is given below. Both classifications are summarized in Table
Example Domain states in leucite.
Leucite (KAlSi2O6) (see e.g. Hatch et al., 1990) undergoes at about 938 K a ferroelastic phase transition from cubic symmetry
to tetragonal symmetry
. This phase can appear in
single-domain states, which we denote
. The symmetry group of the first domain state
. This group equals the stabilizer
of the spontaneous strain
since Hol(
(see Table
), hence this phase is a full ferroelastic one.
At about 903 K, another phase transition reduces the symmetry to
. Let us suppose that this transition has taken place in a domain state
with symmetry
; then the room-temperature ferroic phase has symmetry
. The
phase transition is a non-ferroelastic one [
] with
non-ferroelastic domain states, which we denote
. Similar considerations performed with initial domain states R2 and R3 generate another two couples of principal domain states
, respectively. Thus the room-temperature phase is a partially ferroelastic phase with three degenerate ferroelastic domain states, each of which can contain two principal domain states. Both ferroelastic domains and non-ferroelastic domains within each ferroelastic domain have been observed [see Fig.
in Chapter 3.3
, Palmer et al. (1988
) and Putnis (1992)
Ferroelectric domain states
are defined as states with a homogeneous spontaneous polarization; different ferroelectric domain states differ in the direction of the spontaneous polarization. Ferroelectric domain states are specified by the stabilizer of the spontaneous polarization
in the first principal domain state
[see equation (
The stabilizer
is one of ten polar groups: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, m,
. Since
must be a polar group too, it is simple to find the stabilizer
fulfilling relation (
The number of ferroelectric domain states is given by
If the polar group
does not exist, we put
. The number
of ferroelectric domain states is given for all ferroic phase transitions in the eighth column of Table
The number of principal domain states compatible with one ferroelectric domain state (degeneracy of ferroelectric domain states) is given by
The product of and
is equal to the number n of all principal domain states [see equation (
The degeneracy
of ferroelectric domain states can be calculated for all ferroic phase transitions from the ratio of the numbers n and
that are given in Table
According to Aizu (1969, 1970a
), we can again recognize three possible cases (see also Table
The classification of full-, partial- and non-ferroelectrics and ferroelastics is given for all Aizu's species in Aizu (1970a).
This classification for all symmetry descents is readily available from the numbers n, ,
in Table
. One can conclude that partial ferroelectrics are rather rare.
Example Domain structure in tetragonal perovskites.
Some perovskites (e.g. barium titanate, BaTiO3) undergo a phase transition from the cubic parent phase with to a tetragonal ferroelectric phase with symmetry
. The stabilizer
. There are
3 ferroelastic domain states each compatible with
2 principal ferroelectric domain states that are related e.g. by inversion
, i.e. spontaneous polarization is antiparallel in two principal domain states within one ferroelastic domain state.
A similar situation, i.e. two non-ferroelastic domain states with antiparallel spontaneous polarization compatible with one ferroelastic domain state, occurs in perovskites in the trigonal ferroic phase with symmetry and in the orthorhombic ferroic phase with symmetry
Many other examples are discussed by Newnham (1974, 1975
), Newnham & Cross (1974a
), and Newnham & Skinner (1976
In our illustrative example (see Fig., we have seen that two domain states
have the same symmetry group (stabilizer)
. In general, the condition `to have the same stabilizer (symmetry group)' divides the set of n principal domain states into equivalence classes. As shown in Section
, the role of an intermediate group
is played in this case by the normalizer
of the symmetry group
of the first domain state
. The number
of domain states with the same symmetry group is given by [see Example
in Section
and equation (
The number
of subgroups that are conjugate under G to
can be calculated from the formula [see equation (
The product of
is equal to the number n of ferroic domain states,
The normalizer enables one not only to determine which domain states have the symmetry
but also to calculate all subgroups that are conjugate under G to
(see Examples
in Section
Normalizers and the number
of principal domain states with the same symmetry are given in Table
for all symmetry descents
. The number
of subgroups conjugate to
is given by
All these results obtained for point-group symmetry descents can be easily generalized to microscopic domain states and space-group symmetry descents (see Section
In the preceding section we derived relations for domain states without considering their specific physical properties. Basic formulae for the number of principal and secondary domain states [see equations ( and (
), respectively] and the transformation properties of these domain states [equations (
) and (
), respectively] follow immediately from the symmetry groups G,
of the parent and ferroic phases, respectively. Now we shall examine which components of property tensors specify principal and secondary domain states and how these tensor components change in different domain states.
A property tensor is specified by its components. The number
of independent tensor components of a certain tensor
depends on the point-group symmetry G of the crystal (see Chapter 1.1
). The number
of nonzero Cartesian (rectangular) components depends on the orientation of the crystal in the reference Cartesian coordinate system and is equal to, or greater than, the number
of independent tensor components; this number
is independent of orientation. Then there are
linear relations between Cartesian tensor components. The difference
is minimal for a `standard' orientation, in which symmetry axes of the crystal are, if possible, parallel to the axes of the reference coordinate system [for more on this choice, see Nye (1985
) Appendix B, Sirotin & Shaskolskaya (1982
), Shuvalov (1988
) and IEEE Standards on Piezoelectricity (1987
)]. Even in this standard orientation, only for point groups of triclinic, monoclinic and orthorhombic crystal systems is the number
of nonzero Cartesian components of each property tensor equal to the number
of independent tensor components, i.e. all Cartesian tensor components are independent. For all other point groups
, i.e. there are always relations between some Cartesian tensor components. One can verify this statement for the strain tensor in Table
The relations between Cartesian tensor components can be removed when one uses covariant tensor components. [Kopský (1979); see also the manual of the the software GI
KoBo-1 and Kopský (2001
). An analogous decomposition of Cartesian tensors into irreducible parts has been performed by Jerphagnon et al. (1978
).] Covariant tensor components are linear combinations of Cartesian tensor components that transform according to irreducible matrix representations
of the group G of the crystal (i.e. they form a basis of irreducible representations of G; for irreducible representations see Chapter 1.2
). The number of covariant tensor components equals the number of independent components of the tensor
The advantage of expressing property tensors by covariant tensor components becomes obvious when one considers a change of a property tensor at a ferroic phase transition. A symmetry descent is accompanied by the preservation of, or an increase of, the number of independent Cartesian tensor components. The latter possibility can manifest itself either by the appearance of morphic Cartesian tensor components in the low-symmetry phase or by such changes of nonzero Cartesian components that break some relations between tensor components in the high-symmetry phase. This is seen in our illustrative example of the strain tensor u. In the high-symmetry phase with
, the strain tensor has two independent components and three nonzero components:
. In the low-symmetry phase with
, there are three independent and three nonzero components:
, i.e. the equation
does not hold in the parent phase. This change cannot be expressed by a single Cartesian morphic component.
Since there are no relations between covariant tensor components, any change of tensor components at a symmetry descent can be expressed by morphic covariant tensor components, which are zero in the parent phase and nonzero in the ferroic phase. In our example, the covariant tensor component of the spontaneous strain is , which is a morphic component since
for the symmetry
for symmetry
Tensorial covariants are defined in an exact way in the manual of the software GIKoBo-1 and in Kopský (2001
). Here we give only a brief account of this notion. Consider a crystal with symmetry G and a property tensor
independent tensor components. Let
be a
-dimensional physically irreducible matrix representation of G. The
covariant of
consists of the following
covariant tensor components:
, where a =
numbers different
-tuples formed from
components of
. These covariant tensor components are linear combinations of Cartesian components of
that transform as so-called typical variables of the matrix representation
, i.e. the transformation properties under operations
of covariant tensor components are expressed by matrices
The relation between two presentations of the tensor is provided by conversion equations, which express Cartesian tensor components as linear combinations of covariant tensor components and vice versa [for details see the manual and Appendix E of the software GI
KoBo-1 and Kopský (2001
Tensorial covariants for all non-equivalent physically irreducible matrix representations of crystallographic point groups and all important property tensors up to rank four are listed in the software GIKoBo-1 and in Kopský (2001
). Thus, for example, in Table D of the software GI
KoBo-1, or in Kopský (2001
) p. 5, one finds for the two-dimensional irreducible representation E of group 422 the following tensorial covariants:
Let us denote by a tensorial covariant of
in the first single-domain state
. A crucial role in the analysis is played by the stabilizer
of these covariants, i.e. all operations of the parent group G that leave
invariant. There are three possible cases:
Now we shall indicate how one can find particular property tensors that fulfil conditions ( or (
). The solution of this group-theoretical task consists of three steps:
Phase transitions associated with reducible representations are treated in detail only in the software GIKoBo-1 and in Kopský (2001
). Fortunately, these phase transitions occur rarely in nature.
A rich variety of observed structural phase transitions can be found in Tomaszewski (1992). This database lists 3446 phase transitions in 2242 crystalline materials.
Example Morphic tensor components associated with symmetry descent
The use of covariant tensor components has two practical advantages:
Firstly, the change of tensor components at a ferroic phase transition is completely described by the appearance of new nonzero covariant tensor components. If needed, Cartesian tensor components corresponding to covariant components can be calculated by means of conversion equations, which express Cartesian tensor components as linear combinations of covariant tensor components [for details on tensor covariants and conversion equations see the manual and Appendix E of the software GIKoBo-1 and Kopský (2001
Secondly, calculation of property tensors in various domain states is substantially simplified: transformations of Cartesian tensor components, which are rather involved for higher-rank tensors, are replaced by a simpler transformation of covariant tensor components by matrices of the matrix representation of
, or of
[see again the software GI
KoBo-1 and Kopský (2001
)]. The determination of the tensor properties of all domain states is discussed in full in the book by Kopský (1982
The relations between morphic properties, tensor parameters, order parameters and names of domain states are compared in Table, from which it is seen that what matters in distinguishing different domain states is the stabilizer of the spontaneous (morphic) property, where physically different parameters may possess a common stabilizer. The latter thermodynamic division, based on conditions of the stability, is finer than the former division, which is based on symmetry only. This difference manifests itself, for example, in the fact that two physically different tensor parameters, such as the principal order parameter
and a `similar' order parameter
, transform according to different representations
but have the same stabilizer
(such symmetry descents are listed in Table
) and possess common domain states. This `degeneracy' of domain states can be even more pronounced in the microscopic description, where the same stabilizer
and therefore a common basic domain state can be shared by three physically different order parameters: a primary order parameter
(the order parameter, components of which form a quadratic invariant with a temperature-dependent coefficient in the free energy), a pseudoproper order parameter
that transforms according to the same representation
as the primary order parameter but has a temperature coefficient that is not as strongly temperature-dependent as the primary order parameter, and a `similar' order parameter
with a representation
different from
The considerations of this and all following sections can be applied to any phase transition with point-group symmetry descent . All such non-magnetic crystallographically non-equivalent symmetry descents are listed in Table
together with some other data associated with symmetry reduction at a ferroic phase transition. These symmetry descents can also be traced in lattices of point groups, which are displayed in Figs.
The symmetry descents listed in Table
are analogous to Aizu's `species' (Aizu, 1970a
), in which the symbol F stands for the symbol
in our symmetry descent, and the orientation of symmetry elements of the group
with respect to G is specified by letters p, s, ps, pp etc.
As we have already stated, any systematic analysis of domain structures requires an unambiguous specification of the orientation and location of symmetry elements in space. Moreover, in a continuum approach, the description of crystal properties is performed in a rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate system, which differs in hexagonal and trigonal crystals from the crystallographic coordinate system common in crystallography. Last but not least, a ready-to-use and user-friendly presentation calls for symbols that are explicit and concise.
To meet these requirements, we use in this chapter, in Section 3.1.3
and in the software GI
KoBo-1 a symbolism in which the orientations of crystallographic elements and operations are expressed by means of suffixes related to a reference Cartesian coordinate system. The relation of this reference Cartesian coordinate system – called a crystallophysical coordinate system – to the usual crystallographic coordinate system is a matter of convention. We adhere to the generally accepted rules [see Nye (1985
) Appendix B, Sirotin & Shaskolskaya (1982
), Shuvalov (1988
), and IEEE Standards on Piezoelectricity, 1987
We list all symbols of crystallographic symmetry operations and a comparison of these symbols with other notations in Tables and
and in Figs.
![]() |
Oriented symmetry operations of the cubic group |
![]() |
Oriented symmetry operations of the hexagonal group |
Now we can present the synoptic Table
Example Orthorhombic phase of perovskite crystals.
The parent phase has symmetry and the symmetry of the ferroic orthorhombic phase is
. In Table
, we find that
, i.e. the phase is fully ferroelectric. Then we can associate with each principal domain state a spontaneous polarization. In column
there are four twinning groups. As explained in Section 3.4.3
, these groups represent four `twin laws' that can be characterized by the angle between the spontaneous polarization in single-domain state
. If we choose
along the direction [110] (
does not specify unambiguously this direction, since
!), then the angles between
, representing the `twin law' for these four twinning groups
, are, respectively, 60, 120, 90 and 180°.
The examination of principal domain states performed in the continuum approach can be easily generalized to a microscopic description. Let us denote the space-group symmetry of the parent (high-symmetry) phase by and the space group of the ferroic (low-symmetry) phase by
, which is a proper subgroup of
. Further we denote by
a basic (microscopic) low-symmetry structure described by positions of atoms in the unit cell. The stabilizer
) of the basic structure
in a single-domain orientation is equal to the space group
of the ferroic (low-symmetry) phase,
By applying a lost symmetry operation on
, one gets a crystallographically equivalent low-symmetry basic structure
We may recall that
is a space-group symmetry operation consisting of a rotation (point-group operation)
and a non-primitive translation
(see Section 1.2.3
). The symbol
is called a Seitz space-group symbol (Bradley & Cracknell, 1972
). The product (composition law) of two Seitz symbols is
All crystallographically equivalent low-symmetry basic structures form a -orbit and can be calculated from the first basic structure
in the following way:
are the representatives of the left cosets
of the decomposition of
These crystallographically equivalent low-symmetry structures are called basic (elementary) domain states.
The number N of basic domain states is equal to the number of left cosets in the decomposition ( As we shall see in next section, this number is finite [see equation (
)], though the groups
consist of an infinite number of operations.
In a microscopic description, a basic (elementary) domain state is described by positions of atoms in the unit cell. Basic domain states that are related by translations suppressed at the phase transition are called translational or antiphase domain states. These domain states have the same macroscopic properties. The attribute `to have the same macroscopic properties' divides all basic domain states into classes of translational domain states.
In a microscopic description, a ferroic phase transition is accompanied by a lowering of space-group symmetry from a parent space group , with translation subgroup
and point group G, to a low-symmetry space group
, with translation subgroup
and point group
. There exists a unique intermediate group
, called the Hermann group, which has translation subgroup
and point group
(see e.g. Hahn & Wondratschek, 1994
; Wadhawan, 2000
; Wondratschek & Aroyo, 2001
denotes an equiclass subgroup (a descent at which only the translational subgroup is reduced but the point group is preserved) and
signifies a equitranslational subgroup (only the point group descends but the translational subgroup does not change). Group
is a maximal subgroup of
that preserves all macroscopic properties of the basic domain state
with symmetry
At this point we have to make an important note. Any space-group symmetry descent requires that the lengths of the basis vectors of the translation group
of the ferroic space group
are commensurate with basic vectors of the translational group
of the parent space group
. It is usually tacitly assumed that this condition is fulfilled, although in real phase transitions this is never the case. Lattice parameters depend on temperature and are, therefore, different in parent and ferroic phases. At ferroelastic phase transitions the spontaneous strain changes the lengths of the basis vectors in different ways and at first-order phase transitions the lattice parameters change abruptly.
To assure the validity of translational symmetry descents, we have to suppress all distortions of the crystal lattice. This condition, called the high-symmetry approximation (Zikmund, 1984) or parent clamping approximation (PCA) (Janovec et al., 1989
; Wadhawan, 2000
), requires that the lengths of the basis vectors
of the translation group
of the ferroic space group
are either exactly the same as, or are integer multiples of, the basic vectors
of the translational group
of the parent space group
. Then the relation between the primitive basis vectors
and the primitive basis vectors
can be expressed as
, are integers.
Throughout this part, the parent clamping approximation is assumed to be fulfilled.
Now we can return to the partition of the set of basic domain states into translational subsets. Let be the set of all basic translational domain states that can be generated from
by lost translations. The stabilizer (in
) of this set is the Hermann group,
which plays the role of the intermediate group. The number of translational subsets and the relation between these subsets is determined by the decomposition of
into left cosets of
are space-group operations, where
is a point-group operation and
is a non-primitive translation (see Section 1.2.3
We note that the Hermann group can be found in the software GI
KoBo-1 as the equitranslational subgroup of
with the point-group descent
for any space group
and any point group
of the ferroic phase.
The decomposition of the point group G into left cosets of the point group is given by equation (
Since the space groups
have identical point groups,
, the decomposition (
) is identical with a decomposition of G into left cosets of
; one can, therefore, choose for the representatives in (
) the point-group parts of the representatives
in decomposition (
). Both decompositions comprise the same number of left cosets, i.e. corresponding indices are equal; therefore, the number of subsets, comprising only translational basic domain states, is equal to the number n of principal domain states:
are the number of operations of G and
, respectively.
The first `representative' basic domain state of each subset can be obtained from the first basic domain state
are representatives of left cosets of
in the decomposition (
Now we determine basic domain states belonging to the first subset (first principal domain state). Equiclass groups and
have the same point-group operations and differ only in translations. The decomposition of
into left cosets of
can therefore be written in the form
where e is the identity point-group operation and
, are lost translations that can be identified with the representatives in the decomposition of
into left cosets of
The number
of basic domain states belonging to one principal domain state will be called a translational degeneracy. For the translations
, one can choose vectors that lead from the origin of a `superlattice' primitive unit cell of
to lattice points of
located within or on the side faces of this `superlattice' primitive unit cell. The number
of such lattice points is equal to the ratio
, where
are the volumes of the primitive unit cells of the low-symmetry and parent phases, respectively.
The number can be also expressed as the determinant det
of the
matrix of the coefficients
that in equation (
) relate the primitive basis vectors
to the primitive basis vectors
(Van Tendeloo & Amelinckx, 1974
; see also Example 2.5
in Section
). Finally, the number
equals the ratio
, where
are the numbers of chemical formula units in the primitive unit cell of the ferroic and parent phases, respectively. Thus we get for the translational degeneracy
three expressions:
The basic domain states belonging to the first subset of translational domain states are
is a representative from the decomposition (
The partitioning we have just described provides a useful labelling of basic domain states: Any basic domain state can be given a label , where the first integer
specifies the principal domain state (translational subset) and the integer
designates the the domain state within a subset. With this convention the kth basic domain state in the jth subset can be obtained from the first basic domain state
(see Proposition
in Section
In a shorthand version, the letter
can be omitted and the symbol can be written in the form
, where the `large' number a signifies the principal domain state and the subscript b (translational index) specifies a basic domain state compatible with the principal domain state a.
The number n of translational subsets (which can be associated with principal domain states) times the translational degeneracy (number of translational domain states within one translational subset) is equal to the total number N of all basic domain states:
Example Basic domain states in gadolinium molybdate (GMO).
Gadolinium molybdate [Gd2(MoO4)3] undergoes a non-equitranslational ferroic phase transition with parent space group
and with ferroic space group
(see Section 3.1.2
). From equation (
) we get n =
, i.e. there are two subsets of translational domain states corresponding to two principal domain states. In the software GI
KoBo-1 one finds for the space group
and the point group
the corresponding equitranslational subgroup
with vectors of the conventional orthorhombic unit cell (in the parent clamping approximation)
, where
is the basis of the tetragonal space group
. Hence, according to equation (
The determinant of the transformation matrix equals two, therefore, according to equation (
), each principal domain state can contain
translational domain states that are related by lost translation
. In all, there are four basic domain states (for more details see Barkley & Jeitschko, 1973
; Janovec, 1976
; Wondratschek & Jeitschko, 1976
Example Basic domain states in calomel crystals.
Crystals of calomel, Hg2Cl2, consist of almost linear Cl—Hg—Hg—Cl molecules aligned parallel to the c axis. The centres of gravity of these molecules form in the parent phase a tetragonal body-centred parent phase with the conventional tetragonal basis at, bt, ct and with space group . The structure of this phase projected onto the
plane is depicted in the middle of Fig.
as a solid square with four full circles and one empty circle representing the centres of gravity of the Hg2Cl2 molecules at the levels
, respectively.
![]() |
Four basic single-domain states |
The ferroic phase has point-group symmetry , hence there are n =
= 2 ferroelastic principal domain states. The conventional orthorhombic basis is
(see upper left corner of Fig.
). This is the same situation as in the previous example, therefore, according to equations (
) and (
), the translational degeneracy
, i.e. each ferroelastic domain state can contain two basic domain states.
The structure of the ferroic phase in the parent clamping approximation is depicted in the left-hand part of Fig.
with a dotted orthorhombic conventional unit cell. The arrows represent exaggerated spontaneous shifts of the molecules. These shifts are frozen-in displacements of a transverse acoustic soft mode with the k vector along the [110] direction in the first domain state
, hence all molecules in the (110) plane passing through the origin O are shifted along the
direction, whereas those in the neighbouring parallel planes are shifted along the antiparallel direction
(the indices are related to the tetragonal coordinate system). The symmetry of
is described by the space group
; this symbol is related to the conventional orthorhombic basis and the origin of this group is shifted by
with respect to the origin 0 of the group
Three more basic domain states ,
can be obtained, according to equation (
), from
by applying representatives of the left cosets in the resolution of
[see equation (
)], for which one can find the expression
All basic domain states
are depicted in Fig.
. Domain states
, and similarly
, are related by lost translation
. Thus the four basic domain states
can be partitioned into two translational subsets
. Basic domain states forming one subset have the same value of the secondary macroscopic order parameter
, which is in this case the difference
of the components of a symmetric second-rank tensor
, e.g. the permittivity or the spontaneous strain (which is zero in the parent clamping approximation).
This partition provides a useful labelling of basic domain states:
, where the first number signifies the ferroic (orientational) domain state and the subscript (translational index) specifies the basic domain state with the same ferroic domain state.
Symmetry groups (stabilizers in ) of basic domain states can be calculated from a space-group version of equation (
with the same conventional basis, and
, where the origin of these groups is shifted by
with respect to the origin
of the group
In general, a space-group-symmetry descent can be performed in two steps:
Different domains observed by a single apparatus can exhibit different properties even though their crystal structures are either the same or enantiomorphic and differ only in spatial orientation. Domains are usually distinguished by their bulk properties, i.e. according to their domain states. Then the problem of domain distinction is reduced to the distinction of domain states. To solve this task, we have to describe in a convenient way the distinction of any two of all possible domain states. For this purpose, we use the concept of domain pair.
Domain pairs allow one to express the geometrical relationship between two domain states (the `twin law'), determine the distinction of two domain states and define switching fields that may induce a change of one state into the other. Domain pairs also present the first step in examining domain twins and domain walls.
In this section, we define domain pairs, ascribe to them symmetry groups and so-called twinning groups, and give a classification of domain pairs. Then we divide domain pairs into equivalence classes (G-orbits of domain pairs) – which comprise domain pairs with the same inherent properties but with different orientations and/or locations in space – and examine the relation between G-orbits and twinning groups.
A qualitative difference between the coexistence of two domain states provides a basic division into non-ferroelastic and ferroelastic domain pairs. The synoptic Table lists representatives of all G-orbits of non-ferroelastic domain pairs, contains information about the distinction of non-ferroelastic domain states by means of diffraction techniques and specifies whether or not important property tensors can distinguish between domain states of a non-ferroelastic domain pair. These data also determine the external fields needed to switch the first domain state into the second domain state of a domain pair. Synoptic Table
contains representative ferroelastic domain pairs of G-orbits of domain pairs for which there exist compatible (permissible) domain walls and gives for each representative pair the orientation of the two compatible domain walls, the expression for the disorientation angle (obliquity) and other data. Table
lists representatives of all classes of ferroelastic domain pairs for which no compatible domain walls exist. Since Table
contains for each symmetry descent
all twinning groups that specify different G-orbits of domain pairs which can appear in the ferroic phase, one can get from this table and from Tables
the significant features of the domain structure of any ferroic phase.
A pair of two domain states, in short a domain pair, consists of two domain states, say and
, that are considered irrespective of their possible coexistence (Janovec, 1972
). Geometrically, domain pairs can be visualized as two interpenetrating structures of
. Algebraically, two domain states
can be treated in two ways: as an ordered or an unordered pair (see Section
An ordered domain pair, denoted (), consists of the first domain state
and the second domain state. Occasionally, it is convenient to consider a trivial ordered domain pair (
) composed of two identical domain states
An ordered domain pair is a construct that in bicrystallography is called a dichromatic complex (see Section 3.3.3
; Pond & Vlachavas, 1983
; Sutton & Balluffi, 1995
; Wadhawan, 2000
An ordered domain pair () is defined by specifying
or by giving
and a switching operation
that transforms
For a given
, the switching operation
is not uniquely defined since each operation from the left coset
is the stabilizer (symmetry group) of
] transforms
An ordered domain pair with a reversed order of domain states is called a transposed domain pair and is denoted
. A non-trivial ordered domain pair
is different from the transposed ordered domain pair,
If is a switching operation of an ordered domain pair
, then the inverse operation
is a switching operation of the transposed domain pair
An unordered domain pair, denoted by , is defined as an unordered set consisting of two domain states
. In this case, the sequence of domains states in a domain pair is irrelevant, therefore
In what follows, we shall omit the specification `ordered' or `unordered' if it is evident from the context, or if it is not significant.
A domain pair can be transformed by an operation
into another domain pair,
These two domain pairs will be called crystallographically equivalent (in G) domain pairs and will be denoted
If the transformed domain pair is a transposed domain pair , then the operation g will be called a transposing operation,
We see that a transposing operation
exchanges domain states
Thus, comparing equations (
) and (
), we see that a transposing operation
is a switching operation that transforms
, and, in addition, switches
. Then a product of two transposing operations is an operation that changes neither
What we call in this chapter a transposing operation is usually denoted as a twin operation (see Section 3.3.5
and e.g. Holser, 1958
a; Curien & Donnay, 1959
; Koch, 2004
). We are reserving the term `twin operation' for operations that exchange domain states of a simple domain twin in which two ferroelastic domain states coexist along a domain wall. Then, as we shall see, the transposing operations are identical with the twin operations in non-ferroelastic domains (see Section
) but may differ in ferroelastic domain twins, where only some transposing operations of a single-domain pair survive as twin operations of the corresponding ferroelastic twin with a nonzero disorientation angle (see Section
Transposing operations are marked in this chapter by a star, (with five points), which should be distinguished from an asterisk,
(with six points), used to denote operations or symmetry elements in reciprocal space. The same designation is used in the software GI
KoBo-1 and in the tables in Kopský (2001
). A prime, ′, is often used to designate transposing (twin) operations (see Section 3.3.5
; Curien & Le Corre, 1958
; Curien & Donnay, 1959
). We have reserved the prime for operations involving time inversion, as is customary in magnetism (see Chapter 1.5
). This choice allows one to analyse domain structures in magnetic and magnetoelectric materials (see e.g. Přívratská & Janovec, 1997
In connection with this, we invoke the notion of a twin law. Since this term is not yet common in the context of domain structures, we briefly explain its meaning.
In crystallography, a twin is characterized by a twin law defined in the following way (see Section 3.3.2
; Koch, 2004
; Cahn, 1954
An analogous definition of a domain twin law can be formulated for domain twins by replacing the term `twin components' by `domains', say and
, where
are, respectively, the domain state and the domain region of the domains
, respectively (see Section
). The term `transposing operation' corresponds to transposing operation
of domain pair
as we have defined it above if two domains with domain states
coexist along a domain wall of the domain twin.
Domain twin laws can be conveniently expressed by crystallographic groups. This specification is simpler for non-ferroelastic twins, where a twin law can be expressed by a dichromatic space group (see Section, whereas for ferroelastic twins with a compatible domain wall dichromatic layer groups are adequate (see Section
Restriction (ii), formulated by Georges Friedel (1926
) and explained in detail by Cahn (1954
), expresses a necessity to exclude from considerations crystal aggregates (intergrowths) with approximate or accidental `nearly exact' crystal components resembling twins (Friedel's macles d'imagination) and thus to restrict the definition to `true twins' that fulfil condition (i)
exactly and are characteristic for a given material. If we confine our considerations to domain structures that are formed from a homogeneous parent phase, this requirement is fulfilled for all aggregates consisting of two or more domains. Then the definition of a `domain twin law' is expressed only by condition (i)
. Condition (ii)
is important for growth twins.
We should note that the definition of a twin law given above involves only domain states and does not explicitly contain specification of the contact region between twin components or neighbouring domains. The concept of domain state is, therefore, relevant for discussing the twin laws. Moreover, there is no requirement on the coexistence of interpenetrating structures in a domain pair. One can even, therefore, consider cases where no real coexistence of both structures is possible. Nevertheless, we note that the characterization of twin laws used in mineralogy often includes specification of the contact region (e.g. twin plane or diffuse region in penetrating twins).
Ordered domain pairs and
, formed from domain states of our illustrative example (see Fig.
), are displayed in Fig.
(a) and (b), respectively, as two superposed rectangles with arrows representing spontaneous polarization. In ordered domain pairs, the first and the second domain state are distinguished by shading [the first domain state is grey (`black') and the second clear (`white')] and/or by using dashed and dotted lines for the first and second domain state, respectively.
![]() |
Transposable domain pairs. Single-domain states are those from Fig. |
In Fig., the ordered domain pair
and the transposed domain pair
are depicted in a similar way for another example with symmetry descent
![]() |
Non-transposable domain pairs. (a) The parent phase with symmetry |
Let us now examine the symmetry of domain pairs. The symmetry group of an ordered domain pair
consists of all operations that leave invariant both
, i.e.
comprises all operations that are common to stabilizers (symmetry groups)
of domain states
, respectively,
where the symbol
denotes the intersection of groups
. The group
is in Section 3.3.4
denoted by
and is called an intersection group.
From equation (, it immediately follows that the symmetry
of the transposed domain pair
is the same as the symmetry
of the initial domain pair
Symmetry operations of an unordered domain pair include, besides operations of
that do not change either
, all transposing operations, since for an unordered domain pair a transposed domain pair is identical with the initial domain pair [see equation (
)]. If
is a transposing operation of
, then all operations from the left coset
are transposing operations of that domain pair as well. Thus the symmetry group
of an unordered domain pair
can be, in a general case, expressed in the following way:
Since, for an unordered domain, the order of domain states in a domain pair is not significant, the transposition of indices in
does not change this group,
which also follows from equations (
) and (
A basic classification of domain pairs follows from their symmetry. Domain pairs for which at least one transposing operation exists are called transposable (or ambivalent) domain pairs. The symmetry group of a transposable unordered domain pair is given by equation (
The star in the symbol indicates that this group contains transposing operations, i.e. that the corresponding domain pair
is a transposable domain pair.
A transposable domain pair and transposed domain pair
belong to the same G-orbit:
If is a transposable pair and, moreover,
, then all operations of the left coset
simultaneously switch
. We call such a pair a completely transposable domain pair. The symmetry group
of a completely transposable pair
We shall use for symmetry groups of completely transposable domain pairs the symbol
If , then
and the number of transposing operations is smaller than the number of operations switching
. We therefore call such pairs partially transposable domain pairs. The symmetry group
of a partially transposable domain pair
is given by equation (
The symmetry groups and
, expressed by (
) or by (
), respectively, consists of two left cosets only. The first is equal to
and the second one
comprises all the transposing operations marked by a star. An explicit symbol
of these groups contains both the group
, which is a subgroup of
of index 2.
If one `colours' one domain state, e.g. , `black' and the other, e.g.
, `white', then the operations without a star can be interpreted as `colour-preserving' operations and operations with a star as `colour-exchanging' operations. Then the group
can be treated as a `black-and-white' or dichromatic group (see Section
). These groups are also called Shubnikov groups (Bradley & Cracknell, 1972
), two-colour or Heesch–Shubnikov groups (Opechowski, 1986
), or antisymmetry groups (Vainshtein, 1994
The advantage of this notation is that instead of an explicit symbol , the symbol of a dichromatic group specifies both the group
and the subgroup
, and thus also the transposing operations that define, according to equation (
), the second domain state
of the pair.
We have agreed to use a special symbol only for completely transposable domain pairs. Then the star in this case indicates that the subgroup
is equal to the symmetry group of the first domain state
in the pair,
. Since the group
is usually well known from the context (in our main tables it is given in the first column), we no longer need to add it to the symbol of
Domain pairs for which an exchanging operation cannot be found are called non-transposable (or polar) domain pairs. The symmetry
of a non-transposable domain pair is reduced to the usual `monochromatic' symmetry group
of the corresponding ordered domain pair
. The G-orbits of mutually transposed polar domain pairs are disjoint (Janovec, 1972
Transposed polar domain pairs, which are always non-equivalent, are called complementary domain pairs.
If, in particular, , then the symmetry group of the unordered domain pair is
In this case, the unordered domain pair
is called a non-transposable simple domain pair.
If , then the number of operations of
is smaller than that of
and the symmetry group
is equal to the symmetry group
of the ordered domain pair
Such an unordered domain pair
is called a non-transposable multiple domain pair. The reason for this designation will be given later in this section.
We stress that domain states forming a domain pair are not restricted to single-domain states. Any two domain states with a defined orientation in the coordinate system of the parent phase can form a domain pair for which all definitions given above are applicable.
Now we examine domain pairs in our illustrative example of a phase transition with symmetry descent G =
and with four single-domain states
, which are displayed in Fig.
. The domain pair
depicted in Fig.
(a) is a completely transposable domain pair since transposing operations exist, e.g.
, and the symmetry group
of the ordered domain pair
The symmetry group
of the unordered pair
is a dichromatic group,
The domain pair in Fig.
(b) is a partially transposable domain pair, since there are operations exchanging domain states
, e.g.
, but the symmetry group
of the ordered domain pair
is smaller than
where 1 is an identity operation and
denotes the group
. The symmetry group of the unordered domain pair
is equal to a dichromatic group,
The domain pair in Fig.
(b) is a non-transposable simple domain pair, since there is no transposing operation of
that would exchange domain states
, and
. The symmetry group
of the unordered domain pair
is a `monochromatic' group,
The G-orbit
of the pair
has no common domain pair with the G-orbit
of the transposed domain pair
. These two `complementary' orbits contain mutually transposed domain pairs.
Symmetry groups of domain pairs provide a basic classification of domain pairs into the four types introduced above. This classification applies to microscopic domain pairs as well.
We have seen that for transposable domain pairs the symmetry group of a domain pair
specifies transposing operations
that transform
. This does not apply to non-transposable domain pairs, where the symmetry group
does not contain any switching operation. Another group exists, called the twinning group, which is associated with a domain pair and which does not have this drawback. The twinning group determines the distinction of two domain states, specifies the external fields needed to switch one domain state into another one and enables one to treat domain pairs independently of the transition
. This facilitates the tabulation of the properties of non-equivalent domain pairs that appear in all possible ferroic phases.
The twinning group of a domain pair
is defined as the minimal subgroup of G that contains both
and a switching operation
of the domain pair
(Fuksa & Janovec, 1995
; Janovec et al., 1995
; Fuksa, 1997
where no group
exists such that
The twinning group is identical to the embracing (fundamental) group used in bicrystallography (see Section 3.2.2
). In Section 3.3.4
it is called a composite symmetry of a twin.
Since is a group, it must contain all products of
with operations of
, i.e. the whole left coset
. For completely transposable domain pairs, the union of
forms a group that is identical with the symmetry group
of the unordered domain pair
In a general case, the twinning group , being a supergroup of
, can always be expressed as a decomposition of the left cosets of
We can associate with the twinning group a set of c domain states, the -orbit of
, which can be generated by applying to
the representatives of the left cosets in decomposition (
This orbit is called the generic orbit of domain pair
Since the generic orbit ( contains both domain states of the domain pair
, one can find different and equal nonzero tensor components in two domain states
by a similar procedure to that used in Section
for ascribing principal and secondary tensor parameters to principal and secondary domain states. All we have to do is just replace the group G of the parent phase by the twinning group
. There are, therefore, three kinds of nonzero tensor components in
Cartesian tensor components corresponding to the tensor parameters can be calculated by means of conversion equations [for details see the manual of the software GIKoBo-1, path: Subgroups\View\Domains and Kopský (2001
Let us now illustrate the above recipe for finding tensor distinctions by two simple examples.
The domain pair in Fig.
(a) is a completely transposable pair, therefore, according to equations (
) and (
In Table
, we find that the first principal tensor parameter
of the transition G =
is the x-component
of the spontaneous polarization,
. Since the switching operation
is for example the inversion
, the tensor parameter
in the second domain state
Other principal tensor parameters can be found in the software GIKoBo-1 or in Kopský (2001
), p. 185. They are:
(the physical meaning of the components is explained in Table
). In the second domain state
, these components have the opposite sign. No other tensor components exist that would be different in
, since there is no intermediate group
in between
Nonzero components that are the same in both domain states are nonzero components of property tensors in the group and are listed in Section
or in the software GI
KoBo-1 or in Kopský (2001
The numbers of independent tensor components that are different and those that are the same in two domain states are readily available for all non-ferroelastic domain pairs and important property tensors in Table
The twinning group of the partially transposable domain pair in Fig.
(b) with
has the twinning group
Domain states
differ in the principal tensor parameter of the transition
, which is two-dimensional and which we found in Example
. Then in the domain state
it is
. Other principal tensors are:
(the physical meaning of the components is explained in Table
). In the domain state
they keep their absolute value but appear as the second nonzero components, as with spontaneous polarization.
There is an intermediate group between
, since
does not contain
. The one-dimensional secondary tensor parameters for the symmetry descent
was also found in Example
. All these parameters have the opposite sign in
The tensor distinction of two domain states and
in a domain pair
provides a useful classification of domain pairs given in the second and the third columns of Table
. This classification can be extended to ferroic phases which are named according to domain pairs that exist in this phase. Thus, for example, if a ferroic phase contains ferroelectric (ferroelastic) domain pair(s), then this phase is a ferroelectric (ferroelastic) phase. Finer division into full and partial ferroelectric (ferroelastic) phases specifies whether all or only some of the possible domain pairs in this phase are ferroelectric (ferroelastic) ones. Another approach to this classification uses the notions of principal and secondary tensor parameters, and was explained in Section
A discussion of and many examples of secondary ferroic phases are available in papers by Newnham & Cross (1974a,b
) and Newnham & Skinner (1976
), and tertiary ferroic phases are discussed by Amin & Newnham (1980
We shall now show that the tensor distinction of domain states is closely related to the switching of domain states by external fields.
We saw in Section that all domain states of the orbit
have the same chance of appearing. This implies that they have the same free energy, i.e. they are degenerate. The same conclusion follows from thermodynamic theory, where domain states appear as equivalent solutions of equilibrium values of the order parameter, i.e. all domain states exhibit the same free energy
(see Section 3.1.2
). These statements hold under a tacit assumption of absent external electric and mechanical fields. If these fields are nonzero, the degeneracy of domain states can be partially or completely lifted.
The free energy per unit volume of a ferroic domain state
, with spontaneous polarization
with components
, and with spontaneous strain components
is (Aizu, 1972
where the Einstein summation convention (summation with respect to suffixes that occur twice in the same term) is used with
. The symbols in equation (
) have the following meaning:
are components of the external electric field and of the mechanical stress, respectively,
are components of the piezoelectric tensor,
are components of the electric susceptibility,
are compliance components, and
are components of electrostriction (components with Greek indices are expressed in matrix notation) [see Section 3.4.5
(Glossary), Chapter 1.1
or Nye (1985
); Sirotin & Shaskolskaya (1982
We shall examine two domain states and
, i.e. a domain pair
, in electric and mechanical fields. The difference of their free energies is given by
For a domain pair and given external fields, there are three possibilities:
A typical dependence of applied stress and corresponding strain in ferroelastic materials has a form of a elastic hysteresis loop (see Fig. Similar dielectric hysteresis loops are observed in ferroelectric materials; examples can be found in books on ferroelectric crystals (e.g. Jona & Shirane, 1962
A classification of switching (state shifts in Aizu's terminology) based on equation ( was put forward by Aizu (1972
, 1973
) and is summarized in the second and fourth columns of Table
. The order of the state shifts specifies the switching fields that are necessary for switching one domain state of a domain pair into the second state of the pair.
Another distinction related to switching distinguishes between actual and potential ferroelectric (ferroelastic) phases, depending on whether or not it is possible to switch the spontaneous polarization (spontaneous strain) by applying an electric field (mechanical stress) lower than the electrical (mechanical) breakdown limit under reasonable experimental conditions (Wadhawan, 2000). We consider in our classification always the potential ferroelectric (ferroelastic) phase.
A closer look at equation ( reveals a correspondence between the difference coefficients in front of products of field components and the tensor distinction of domain states
in the domain pair
: If a morphic Cartesian tensor component of a polar tensor is different in these two domain states, then the corresponding difference coefficient is nonzero and defines components of fields that can switch one of these domain states into the other. A similar statement holds for the symmetric tensors of rank two (e.g. the spontaneous strain tensor).
Tensor distinction for all representative non-ferroelastic domain pairs is available in the synoptic Table These data also carry information about the switching fields.
Two domain pairs that are crystallographically equivalent, [see equation (
)], have different orientations in space but their inherent properties are the same. It is, therefore, useful to divide all domain pairs of a ferroic phase into classes of equivalent domain pairs. All domain pairs that are equivalent (in G) with a given domain pair, say
, can be obtained by applying to
all operations of G, i.e. by forming a G-orbit
One can always find in this orbit a domain pair that has in the first place the first domain state
. We shall call such a pair a representative domain pair of the orbit. The initial orbit
and the orbit
are identical:
The set of
ordered pairs (including trivial ones) that can be formed from n domain states can be divided into G-orbits (classes of equivalent domain pairs):
Similarly, as there is a one-to-one correspondence between domain states and left cosets of the stabilizer (symmetry group) of the first domain state [see equation (
)], there is an analogous relation between G-orbits of domain pairs and so-called double cosets of
A double coset of
is a set of left cosets that can be expressed as
, where
runs over all operations of
(see Section
). A group G can be decomposed into disjoint double cosets of
is the set of representatives of double cosets.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between double cosets of the decomposition ( and G-orbits of domain pairs (
) (see Section
, Proposition
We see that the representatives of the double cosets in decomposition (
) define domain pairs
which represent all different G-orbits of domain pairs. Just as different left cosets
specify all domain states, different double cosets determine all classes of equivalent domain pairs (G-orbits of domain pairs).
The properties of double cosets are reflected in the properties of corresponding domain pairs and provide a natural classification of domain pairs. A specific property of a double coset is that it is either identical or disjoint with its inverse. A double coset that is identical with its inverse, is called an invertible (ambivalent) double coset. The corresponding class of domain pairs consists of transposable (ambivalent) domain pairs.
A double coset that is disjoint with its inverse, is a non-invertible (polar) double coset (
denotes an empty set) and the corresponding class of domain pairs comprises non-transposable (polar) domain pairs. A double coset
and its inverse
are called complementary double cosets. Corresponding classes called complementary classes of equivalent domain pairs consist of transposed domain pairs that are non-equivalent.
Another attribute of a double coset is the number of left cosets which it comprises. If an invertible double coset consists of one left coset, then the domain pairs in the G-orbit
are completely transposable. An invertible double coset comprising several left cosets is associated with a G-orbit consisting of partially transposable domain pairs. Non-invertible double cosets can be divided into simple non-transposable double cosets (complementary double cosets consist of one left coset each) and multiple non-transposable double cosets (complementary double cosets comprise more than one left coset each).
Thus there are four types of double cosets (see Table
in Section
) to which there correspond the four basic types of domain pairs presented in Table
These results can be illustrated using the example of a phase transition with G =
with four domain states (see Fig.
). The corresponding four left cosets of
are given in Table
. Any operation from the first left coset (identical with
) transforms the second left coset into itself, i.e. this left coset is a double coset. Since it consists of an operation of order two, it is a simple invertible double coset. The corresponding representative domain pair is
. By applying operations of
, one gets the class of equivalent domain pairs (G-orbit):
. These domain pairs can be labelled as `180° pairs' according to the angle between the spontaneous polarization in the two domain states.
When one applies operations from the first left coset on the third left coset, one gets the fourth left coset, therefore a double coset consists of these two left cosets. An inverse of any operation of this double coset belongs to this double coset, hence it is a multiple invertible double coset. Corresponding domain pairs are partially transposable ones. A representative pair is, for example,
which is indeed a partially transposable domain pair [cf. ( and (]. The class of equivalent ordered domain pairs is
. These are `90° domain pairs'.
An example of non-invertible double cosets is provided by the decomposition of the group into left and double cosets of
displayed in Table
. The inverse of the second left coset (second line) is equal to the third left coset (third line) and vice versa. Each of these two left cosets thus corresponds to a double coset and these double cosets are complementary double cosets. Corresponding representative simple non-transposable domain pairs are
, and are depicted in Fig.
We conclude that double cosets determine classes of equivalent domain pairs that can appear in the ferroic phase resulting from a phase transition with a symmetry descent . Left coset and double coset decompositions for all crystallographic point-group descents are available in the software GI
KoBo-1, path: Subgroups\View\Twinning groups.
A double coset can be specified by any operation belonging to it. This representation is not very convenient, since it does not reflect the properties of corresponding domain pairs and there are many operations that can be chosen as representatives of a double coset. It turns out that in a continuum description the twinning group can represent classes of equivalent domain pairs
with two exceptions:
Bearing in mind these two exceptions, one can, in the continuum description, represent G-orbits of domain pairs by twinning groups
We have used this correspondence in synoptic Table of symmetry descents at ferroic phase transitions. For each symmetry descent
, the twinning groups given in column
specify possible G-orbits of domain pairs that can appear in the domain structure of the ferroic phase (Litvin & Janovec, 1999
). We divide all orbits of domain pairs (represented by corresponding twinning groups
) that appear in Table
into classes of non-ferroelastic and ferroelastic domain pairs and present them with further details in the three synoptic Tables
described in Sections
As we have seen, a classification of domain pairs according to their internal symmetry (summarized in Table introduces a partition of all domain pairs that can be formed from domain states of the G-orbit
into equivalence classes of pairs with the same internal symmetry. Similarly, any inherent physical property of domain pairs induces a partition of all domain pairs into corresponding equivalence classes. Thus, for example, the classification of domain pairs, based on tensor distinction or switching of domain states (see Table
, columns two and three), introduces a division of domain pairs into corresponding equivalence classes. Non-ferroelastic domain pairs: twin laws, domain distinction and switching fields, synoptic table
Two domain states and
form a non-ferroelastic domain pair
if the spontaneous strain in both domain states is the same,
. This is so if the twinning group
of the pair and the symmetry group
of domain state
belong to the same crystal family (see Table
It can be shown that all non-ferroelastic domain pairs are completely transposable domain pairs (Janovec et al., 1993), i.e.
and the twinning group
is equal to the symmetry group
of the unordered domain pair [see equation (
(Complete transposability is only a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition of a non-ferroelastic domain pair, since there are also ferroelastic domain pairs that are completely transposable – see Table
The relation between domain states in a non-ferroelastic domain twin, in which two domain states coexist, is the same as that of a corresponding non-ferroelastic domain pair consisting of single-domain states. Transposing operations are, therefore, also twinning operations.
Synoptic Table lists representative domain pairs of all orbits of non-ferroelastic domain pairs. Each pair is specified by the first domain state
with symmetry group
and by transposing operations
that transform
. Twin laws in dichromatic notation are presented and basic data for tensor distinction and switching of non-ferroelastic domains are given.
The first three columns specify domain pairs.
The second part of the table concerns the distinction and switching of domain states of the non-ferroelastic domain pair
Table lists important property tensors up to fourth rank. Property tensor components that appear in the column headings of Table
are given in the first column, where bold face is used for the polar tensors significant for specifying the switching fields appearing in schematic form in the last column. In the third and fourth columns, those propery tensors appear for which hold all the results presented in Table
for the symbols given in the first column of Table
We turn attention to Section 3.4.5 (Glossary), which describes the difference between the notation of tensor components in matrix notation given in Chapter 1.1
and those used in the software GI
KoBo-1 and in Kopský (2001
The numbers a in front of the vertical bar | in Table provide global information about the tensor distinction of two domain states and enables one to classify domain pairs. Thus, for example, the first number a in column
gives the number of nonzero components of the spontaneous polarization that differ in sign in both domain states; if
, this domain pair can be classified as a ferroelectric domain pair.
Similarly, the first number a in column determines the number of independent components of the tensor of optical activity that have opposite sign in domain states
; if
, the two domain states in the pair can be distinguished by optical activity. Such a domain pair can be called a gyrotropic domain pair. As in Table
for the ferroelectric (ferroelastic) domain pairs, we can define a gyrotropic phase as a ferroic phase with gyrotropic domain pairs. The corresponding phase transition to a gyrotropic phase is called a gyrotropic phase transition (Koňák et al., 1978
; Wadhawan, 2000
). If it is possible to switch gyrotropic domain states by an external field, the phase is called a ferrogyrotropic phase (Wadhawan, 2000
). Further division into full and partial subclasses is possible.
One can also define piezoelectric (electro-optic) domain pairs, electrostrictive (elasto-optic) domain pairs and corresponding phases and transitions.
As we have already stated, domain states in a domain pair differ in principal tensor parameters of the transition
. These principal tensor parameters are Cartesian tensor components or their linear combinations that transform according to an irreducible representation
specifying the primary order parameter of the transition
(see Section 3.1.3
). Owing to a special form of
expressed by equation (
), this representation is a real one-dimensional irreducible representation of
. Such a representation associates +1 with operations of
and −1 with operations from the left coset
. This means that the principal tensor parameters are one-dimensional and have the same absolute value but opposite sign in
. Principal tensor parameters for symmetry descents
and associated
's of all non-ferroelastic domain pairs can be found for property tensors of lower rank in Table
and for all tensors appearing in Table
in the software GI
KoBo-1 and in Kopský (2001
These specific properties of non-ferroelastic domain pairs allow one to formulate simple rules for tensor distinction that do not use principal tensor parameters and that are applicable for property tensors of lower rank.
Example Tensor distinction of domains and switching in lead germanate.
Lead germanate (Pb5Ge3O11) undergoes a phase transition with symmetry descent for which we find in Table
, column
, just one twinning group
, i.e.
. This means that there is only one G-orbit of domain pairs. Since Fam3 = Fam
[see Table
and equation (
)] this orbit comprises non-ferroelastic domain pairs. In Table
, we find for
that the two domain states differ in some components of all property tensors listed in this table. The first polar tensor is the spontaneous polarization (the pair is ferroelectric) with one component
that has opposite sign in the two domain states. In Table
, we find for
that this component is
. From Table
, it follows that the state shift is electrically first order with switching field
The first optical tensor, which could enable the visualization of the domain states, is the optical activity with two independent components which have opposite sign in the two domain states. In the software GI
KoBo-1, path: Subgroups\View\Domains or in Kopský (2001
) we find these components:
. Shur et al. (1989
) have visualized in this way the domain structure of lead germanate with excellent black and white contrast (see Fig.
). Other examples are given in Shuvalov & Ivanov (1964
) and especially in Koňák et al. (1978
Table can be used readily for twinning by merohedry [see Chapter 3.3
and e.g. Cahn (1954
); Koch (2004
)], where it enables an easy determination of the tensor distinction of twin components and the specification of external fields for possible switching and detwinning.
Example Tensor distinction and switching of Dauphiné twins in quartz.
Quartz undergoes a phase transition from to
. Using the same procedure as in the previous example, we come to following conclusions: There are only two domain states
and the twinning group, expressing the twin law, is equal to the high-symmetry group
. In Table
, we find that these two states differ in one independent component of the piezoelectric tensor and in one elastic compliance component. Comparison of the matrices for
(see Sections
) yields the following morphic tensor components in the first domain state
. According to the rule given above, the values of morphic components in the second domain state
[see Section 3.4.5
(Glossary)]. These results show that there is an elastic state shift of second order and an electromechanical state shift of second order. Nonzero components
are the same in both domain states. Similarly, one can find five independent components of the tensor
that are nonzero in
and equal in both domain states. For the piezo-optic tensor
, one can proceed in a similar way. Aizu (1973
) has used the ferrobielastic character of the domain pairs for visualizing domains and realizing switching in quartz. Other methods for switching and visualizing domains in quartz are known (see e.g. Bertagnolli et al., 1978
, 1979
A ferroelastic domain pair consists of two domain states that have different spontaneous strain. A domain pair is a ferroelastic domain pair if the crystal family of its twinning group
differs from the crystal family of the symmetry group
of domain state
Before treating compatible domain walls and disorientations, we explain the basic concept of spontaneous strain.
A strain describes a change of crystal shape (in a macroscopic description) or a change of the unit cell (in a microscopic description) under the influence of mechanical stress, temperature or electric field. If the relative changes are small, they can be described by a second-rank symmetric tensor called the Lagrangian strain. The values of the strain components
(or in matrix notation
) can be calculated from the `undeformed' unit-cell parameters before deformation and `deformed' unit-cell parameters after deformation (see Schlenker et al., 1978
; Salje, 1990
; Carpenter et al., 1998
A spontaneous strain describes the change of an `undeformed' unit cell of the high-symmetry phase into a `deformed' unit cell of the low-symmetry phase. To exclude changes connected with thermal expansion, one demands that the parameters of the undeformed unit cell are those that the high-symmetry phase would have at the temperature at which parameters of the low-symmetry phase are measured. To determine these parameters directly is not possible, since the parameters of the high-symmetry phase can be measured only in the high-symmetry phase. One uses, therefore, different procedures in order to estimate values for the high-symmetry parameters under the external conditions to which the measured values of the low-symmetry phase refer (see e.g. Salje, 1990; Carpenter et al., 1998
). Three main strategies are illustrated using the example of leucite (see Fig.
Spontaneous strain has been examined in detail in many ferroic crystals by Carpenter et al. (1998).
Spontaneous strain can be divided into two parts: one that is different in all ferroelastic domain states and the other that is the same in all ferroelastic domain states. This division can be achieved by introducing a modified strain tensor (Aizu, 1970b), also called a relative spontaneous strain (Wadhawan, 2000
is the matrix of relative (modified) spontaneous strain in the ferroelastic domain state
is the matrix of an `absolute' spontaneous strain in the same ferroelastic domain state
is the matrix of an average spontaneous strain that is equal to the sum of the matrices of absolute spontaneous strains over all
ferroelastic domain states,
The relative spontaneous strain is a symmetry-breaking strain that transforms according to a non-identity representation of the parent group G, whereas the average spontaneous strain is a non-symmetry breaking strain that transforms as the identity representation of G.
We illustrate these concepts with the example of symmetry descent with two ferroelastic domain states
(see Fig.
). The absolute spontaneous strain in the first ferroelastic domain state
are the lattice parameters of the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases, respectively.
The spontaneous strain in domain state
is obtained by applying to
any switching operation that transforms
(see Table
The average spontaneous strain is, according to equation (,
This deformation is invariant under any operation of G.
The relative spontaneous strains in ferroelastic domain states and
are, according to equation (
Symmetry-breaking nonzero components of the relative spontaneous strain are identical, up to the factor , with the secondary tensor parameters
of the transition
with the stabilizer
. The non-symmetry-breaking component
does not appear in the relative spontaneous strain.
The form of relative spontaneous strains for all ferroelastic domain states of all full ferroelastic phases are listed in Aizu (1970b).
We start with the example of a phase transition with the symmetry descent , which generates two ferroelastic single-domain states
(see Fig.
). An `elementary cell' of the parent phase is represented in Fig.
(a) by a square
and the corresponding domain state is denoted by
![]() |
Formation of a ferroelastic domain twin. (a) Formation of ferroelastic single-domain states |
In the ferroic phase, the square can change either under spontaneous strain
into a spontaneously deformed rectangular cell
representing a domain state
, or under a spontaneous strain
into rectangular
representing domain state
. We shall use the letter
as a symbol of the parent phase and
as symbols of two ferroelastic single-domain states.
Let us now choose in the parent phase a vector . This vector changes into
in ferroelastic domain state
and into
in ferroelastic domain state
. We see that the resulting vectors
have different direction but equal length:
. This consideration holds for any vector in the plane p, which can therefore be called an equally deformed plane (EDP). One can find that the perpendicular plane
is also an equally deformed plane, but there is no other plane with this property.
The intersection of the two perpendicular equally deformed planes p and is a line called an axis of the ferroelastic domain pair
(in Fig.
it is a line at A perpendicular to the paper). This axis is the only line in which any vector chosen in the parent phase exhibits equal deformation and has its direction unchanged in both single-domain states
of a ferroelastic domain pair.
This consideration can be expressed analytically as follows (Fousek & Janovec, 1969; Sapriel, 1975
). We choose in the parent phase a plane p and a unit vector
in this plane. The changes of lengths of this vector in the two ferroelastic domain states
, respectively, where
are spontaneous strains in
, respectively (see e.g. Nye, 1985
). (We are using the Einstein summation convention: when a letter suffix occurs twice in the same term, summation with respect to that suffix is to be understood.) If these changes are equal, i.e. if
for any vector
in the plane p this plane will be an equally deformed plane. If we introduce a differential spontaneous strain
the condition (
) can be rewritten as
This equation describes a cone with the apex at the origin. The cone degenerates into two planes if the determinant of the differential spontaneous strain tensor equals zero,
If this condition is satisfied, two solutions of (
) exist:
These are equations of two planes p and
passing through the origin. Their normal vectors are
. It can be shown that from the equation
which holds for the trace of the matrix
, it follows that these two planes are perpendicular:
The intersection of these equally deformed planes ( is the axis of the ferroelastic domain pair
Let us illustrate the application of these results to the domain pair depicted in Fig.
(b) and discussed above. From equations (
) and (
), or (
) and (
) we find the only nonzero components of the difference strain tensor are
Condition (
) is fulfilled and equation (
) is
There are two solutions of this equation:
These two equally deformed planes p and
have the normal vectors
. The axis of this domain pair is directed along [001].
Equally deformed planes in our example have the same orientations as have the mirror planes and
lost at the transition
. From Fig.
(a) it is clear why: reflection
, which is a transposing operation of the domain pair (
), ensures that the vectors
arising from
have equal length. A similar conclusion holds for a 180° rotation and a plane perpendicular to the corresponding twofold axis. Thus we come to two useful rules:
Any reflection through a plane that is a transposing operation of a ferroelastic domain pair ensures the existence of two planes of equal deformation: one is parallel to the corresponding mirror plane and the other one is perpendicular to this mirror plane.
Any 180° rotation that is a transposing operation of a ferroelastic domain pair ensures the existence of two equally deformed planes: one is perpendicular to the corresponding twofold axis and the other one is parallel to this axis .
A reflection in a plane or a 180° rotation generates at least one equally deformed plane with a fixed prominent crystallographic orientation independent of the magnitude of the spontaneous strain; the other perpendicular equally deformed plane may have a non-crystallographic orientation which depends on the spontaneous strain and changes with temperature. If between switching operations there are two reflections with corresponding perpendicular mirror planes, or two 180° rotations with corresponding perpendicular twofold axes, or a reflection and a 180° rotation with a corresponding twofold axis parallel to the mirror, then both perpendicular equally deformed planes have fixed crystallographic orientations. If there are no switching operations of the second order, then both perpendicular equally deformed planes may have non-crystallographic orientations, or equally deformed planes may not exist at all.
Equally deformed planes in ferroelastic–ferroelectric phases have been tabulated by Fousek (1971). Sapriel (1975
) lists equations (
) of equally deformed planes for all ferroelastic phases. Table
contains the orientation of equally deformed planes (with further information about the walls) for representative domain pairs of all orbits of ferroelastic domain pairs. Table
lists representative domain pairs of all ferroelastic orbits for which no compatible walls exist.
To examine another possible way of forming a ferroelastic domain twin, we return once again to Fig. and split the space along the plane p into a half-space
on the negative side of the plane p (defined by a negative end of normal
) and another half-space
on the positive side of p. In the parent phase, the whole space is filled with domain state
and we can, therefore, treat the crystal in region
as a domain
and the crystal in region
as a domain
(we remember that a domain is specified by its domain region, e.g.
, and by a domain state, e.g.
, in this region; see Section
Now we cool the crystal down and exert the spontaneous strain on domain
. The resulting domain
contains domain state
in the domain region
with the planar boundary along
(the overbar `−' signifies a rotation of the boundary in the positive sense). Similarly, domain
changes after performing spontaneous strain
into domain
with domain state
and the planar boundary along
. This results in a disruption in the sector
and in an overlap of
in the sector
The overlap can be removed and the continuity recovered by rotating the domain through angle
and the domain
about the domain-pair axis A (see Fig.
a and b). This rotation changes the domain
into domain
and domain
into domain
, where
are domain states rotated away from the single-domain state orientation through
, respectively. Domains
meet without additional strains or stresses along the plane p and form a simple ferroelastic twin with a compatible domain wall along p. This wall is stress-free and fulfils the conditions of mechanical compatibility.
Domain states and
with new orientations are called disoriented (misoriented) domain states or suborientational states (Shuvalov et al., 1985
; Dudnik & Shuvalov, 1989
) and the angles
are the disorientation angles of
, respectively.
We have described the formation of a ferroelastic domain twin by rotating single-domain states into new orientations in which a stress-free compatible contact of two ferroelastic domains is achieved. The advantage of this theoretical construct is that it provides a visual interpretation of disorientations and that it works with ferroelastic single-domain states which can be easily derived and transformed.
There is an alternative approach in which a domain state in one domain is produced from the domain state in the other domain by a shear deformation. The same procedure is used in mechanical twinning [for mechanical twinning, see Section
and e.g. Cahn (1954
); Klassen-Neklyudova (1964
); Christian (1975
We illustrate this approach again using our example. From Fig. it follows that domain state
in the second domain can be obtained by performing a simple shear on the domain state
of the first domain. In this simple shear, a point is displaced in a direction parallel to the equally deformed plane p (in mechanical twinning called a twin plane) and to a plane perpendicular to the axis of the domain pair (plane of shear). The displacement
is proportional to the distance d of the point from the domain wall. The amount of shear is measured either by the absolute value of this displacement at a unit distance,
, or by an angle
called a shear angle (sometimes
is defined as the shear angle). There is no change of volume connected with a simple shear.
The angle is also called an obliquity of a twin (Cahn, 1954
) and is used as a convenient measure of pseudosymmetry of the ferroelastic phase.
The high-resolution electron microscopy image in Fig. reveals the relatively large shear angle (obliquity)
of a ferroelastic twin in the monoclinic phase of tungsten trioxide (WO3). The plane (101) corresponds to the plane p of a ferroelastic wall in Fig.
(b). The planes
are crystallographic planes in the lower and upper ferroelastic domains, which correspond in Fig.
(b) to domain
and domain
, respectively. The planes
in these domains correspond to the diagonals of the elementary cells of
in Fig.
(b) and are nearly perpendicular to the wall. The angle between these planes equals
, where
is the shear angle (obliquity) of the ferroelastic twin.
![]() |
High-resolution electron microscopy image of a ferroelastic twin in the orthorhombic phase of WO3. Courtesy of H. Lemmens, EMAT, University of Antwerp. |
Disorientations of domain states in a ferroelastic twin bring about a deviation of the optical indicatrix from a strictly perpendicular position. Owing to this effect, ferroelastic domains exhibit different colours in polarized light and can be easily visualized. This is illustrated for a domain structure of YBa2Cu3O7−δ in Fig. The symmetry descent G =
gives rise to two ferroelastic domain states
. The twinning group
of the non-trivial domain pair
The colour of a domain state observed in a polarized-light microscope depends on the orientation of the index ellipsoid (indicatrix) with respect to a fixed polarizer and analyser. This index ellipsoid transforms in the same way as the tensor of spontaneous strain, i.e. it has different orientations in ferroelastic domain states. Therefore, different ferroelastic domain states exhibit different colours: in Fig.
, the blue and pink areas (with different orientations of the ellipse representing the spontaneous strain in the plane of of figure) correspond to two different ferroelastic domain states. A rotation of the crystal that does not change the orientation of ellipses (e.g. a 180° rotation about an axis parallel to the fourfold rotation axis) does not change the colours (ferroelastic domain states). If one neglects disorientations of ferroelastic domain states (see Section
) – which are too small to be detected by polarized-light microscopy – then none of the operations of the group
change the single-domain ferroelastic domain states
, hence there is no change in the colours of domain regions of the crystal. On the other hand, all operations with a star symbol (operations lost at the transition) exchange domain states
, i.e. also exchange the two colours in the domain regions. The corresponding permutation is a transposition of two colours and this attribute is represented by a star attached to the symbol of the operation. This exchange of colours is nicely demonstrated in Fig.
where a −90° rotation is accompanied by an exchange of the pink and blue colours in the domain regions (Schmid, 1991
, 1993
![]() |
Ferroelastic twins in a very thin YBa2Cu3O7−δ crystal observed in a polarized-light microscope. Courtesy of H. Schmid, Université de Geneve. |
It can be shown (Shuvalov et al., 1985; Dudnik & Shuvalov, 1989
) that for small spontaneous strains the amount of shear s and the angle
can be calculated from the second invariant
of the differential tensor
In our example, where there are only two nonzero components of the differential spontaneous strain tensor [see equation (], the second invariant
and the angle
In this case, the angle
can also be expressed as
, where a and b are lattice parameters of the orthorhombic phase (Schmid et al., 1988
The shear angle ranges in ferroelastic crystals from minutes to degrees (see e.g. Schmid et al., 1988
; Dudnik & Shuvalov, 1989
Each equally deformed plane gives rise to two compatible domain walls of the same orientation but with opposite sequence of domain states on each side of the plane. We shall use for a simple domain twin with a planar wall a symbol in which n denotes the normal to the wall. The bra–ket symbol
represents the half-space domain regions on the negative and positive sides of
, respectively, for which we have used letters
, respectively. Then
represent domains
, respectively. The symbol
properly specifies a domain twin with a zero-thickness domain wall.
A domain wall can be considered as a domain twin with domain regions restricted to non-homogeneous parts near the plane p. For a domain wall in domain twin we shall use the symbol
, which expresses the fact that a domain wall of zero thickness needs the same specification as the domain twin.
If we exchange domain states in the twin , we get a reversed twin (wall) with the symbol
. These two ferroelastic twins are depicted in the lower right and upper left parts of Fig.
, where – for ferroelastic–non-ferroelectric twins – we neglect spontaneous polarization of ferroelastic domain states. The reversed twin
has the opposite shear direction.
![]() |
Exploded view of four ferroelastic twins with disoriented ferroelastic domain states |
Twin and reversed twin can be, but may not be, crystallographically equivalent. Thus e.g. ferroelastic–non-ferroelectric twins and
in Fig.
are equivalent, e.g. via
, whereas ferroelastic–ferroelectric twins
are not equivalent, since there is no operation in the group
that would transform
As we shall show in the next section, the symmetry group of a twin and the symmetry group
of a reverse twin are equal,
A sequence of repeating twins and reversed twins forms a lamellar ferroelastic domain structure that is very common in ferroelastic phases (see e.g. Figs.
Similar considerations can be applied to the second equally deformed plane that is perpendicular to p. The two twins and corresponding compatible domain walls for the equally deformed plane
have the symbols
, and are also depicted in Fig.
. The corresponding lamellar domain structure is
Thus from one ferroelastic single-domain pair depicted in the centre of Fig.
four different ferroelastic domain twins can be formed. It can be shown that these four twins have the same shear angle
and the same amount of shear s. They differ only in the direction of the shear.
Four disoriented domain states and
that appear in the four domain twins considered above are related by lost operations (e.g. diagonal, vertical and horizontal reflections), i.e. they are crystallographically equivalent. This result can readily be obtained if we consider the stabilizer of a disoriented domain state
, which is
. Then the number
of disoriented ferroelastic domain states is given by
All these domain states appear in ferroelastic polydomain structures that contain coexisting lamellar structures (
) and (
Disoriented domain states in ferroelastic domain structures can be recognized by diffraction techniques (e.g. using an X-ray precession camera). The presence of these four disoriented domain states results in splitting of the diffraction spots of the high-symmetry tetragonal phase into four or two spots in the orthorhombic ferroelastic phase. This splitting is schematically depicted in Fig. For more details see e.g. Shmyt'ko et al. (1987
), Rosová et al. (1993
), and Rosová (1999
![]() |
Splitting of diffraction spots from the four domain twins in Fig. |
Finally, we turn to twin laws of ferroelastic domain twins with compatible domain walls. In a ferroelastic twin, say , there are just two possible twinning operations that interchange two ferroelastic domain states
of the twin: reflection through the plane of the domain wall (
in our example) and 180° rotation with a rotation axis in the intersection of the domain wall and the plane of shear (
). These are the only transposing operations of the domain pair
that are preserved by the shear; all other transposing operations of the domain pair
are lost. (This is a difference from non-ferroelastic twins, where all transposing operations of the pair become twinning operations of a non-ferroelastic twin.)
Consider the twin in Fig.
. By non-trivial twinning operations we understand transposing operations of the domain pair
, whereas trivial twinning operations leave invariant
. As we shall see in the next section, the union of trivial and non-trivial twinning operations forms a group
. This group, called the symmetry group of the twin
, comprises all symmetry operations of this twin and we shall use it for designating the twin law of the ferroelastic twin, just as the group
of the domain pair
specifies the twin law of a non-ferroelastic twin. This group
is a layer group (see Section
) that keeps the plane p invariant, but for characterizing the twin law, which specifies the relation of domain states of two domains in the twin, one can treat
as an ordinary (dichromatic) point group
. Thus the twin law of the domain twin
is designated by the group
where (
) expresses the fact that a twin and the reversed twin have the same symmetry, see equation (
). We see that this group coincides with the symmetry group
of the single-domain pair
(see Fig.
The twin law of two twins and
with the same equally deformed plane
is expressed by the group
which is different from the
of the twin
Representative domain pairs of all orbits of ferroelastic domain pairs (Litvin & Janovec, 1999) are listed in two tables. Table
contains representative domain pairs for which compatible domain walls exist and Table
lists ferroelastic domain pairs where compatible coexistence of domain states is not possible. Table
contains, beside other data, for each ferroelastic domain pair the orientation of two equally deformed planes and the corresponding symmetries of the corresponding four twins which express two twin laws.
As we have seen, for each ferroelastic domain pair for which condition ( for the existence of coherent domain walls is fulfilled, there exist two perpendicular equally deformed planes. On each of these planes two ferroelastic twins can be formed; these two twins are in a simple relation (one is a reversed twin of the other), have the same symmetry, and can therefore be represented by one of these twins. Then we can say that from one ferroelastic domain pair two different twins can be formed. Each of these twins represents a different `twin law' that has arisen from the initial domain pair. All four ferroelastic twins can be described in terms of mechanical twinning with the same value of the shear angle
Table presents representative domain pairs of all classes of ferroelastic domain pairs for which compatible domain walls exist. The first five columns concern the domain pair. In subsequent columns, each row splits into two rows describing the orientation of two associated perpendicular equally deformed planes and the symmetry properties of the four domain twins that can be formed from the given domain pair. We explain the meaning of each column in detail.
The first three columns specify domain pairs.
Example The rhombohedral phase of perovskite crystals.
Examples include PZN-PT and PMN-PT solid solutions (see e.g. Erhart & Cao, 2001) and BaTiO3 below 183 K. The phase transition has symmetry descent
In Table we find that there are eight domain states and eight ferroelectric domain states. In this fully ferroelectric phase, domain states can be specified by unit vectors representing the direction of spontaneous polarization. We choose
with corresponding symmetry group
From eight domain states one can form domain pairs. These pairs can be divided into classes of equivalent pairs which are specified by different twinning groups. In column
of Table
we find three twinning groups:
These conclusions are useful in deciphering the `domain-engineered structures' of these crystals (Yin & Cao, 2000).
Ferroelastic domain pairs for which condition ( for the existence of coherent domain walls is violated are listed in Table
. All these pairs are non-transposable pairs. It is expected that domain walls between ferroelastic domain states would be stressed and would contain dislocations. Dudnik & Shuvalov (1989
) have shown that in thin samples, where elastic stresses are reduced, `almost coherent' ferroelastic domain walls may exist.
Example Ferroelastic crystal of langbeinite.
Langbeinite K2Mg2(SO4)3 undergoes a phase transition with symmetry descent that appears in Table
. The ferroelastic phase has three ferroelastic domain states. Dudnik & Shuvalov (1989
) found, in accord with their theoretical predictions, nearly linear `almost coherent' domain walls accompanied by elastic stresses in crystals thinner than 0.5 mm. In thicker crystals, elastic stresses became so large that crystals were cracking and no domain walls were observed.
Similar effects were reported by the same authors for the partial ferroelastic phase of CH3NH3Al(SO4)2·12H2O (MASD) with symmetry descent , where ferroelastic domain walls were detected only in thin samples.
In the microscopic description, two microscopic domain states and
with space-group symmetries
, respectively, can form an ordered domain pair (
) and an unordered domain pair
in a similar way to in the continuum description, but one additional aspect has to be considered. The definition of the symmetry group
of an ordered domain pair (
is meaningful only if the group
is a space group with a three-dimensional translational subgroup (three-dimensional twin lattice in the classical description of twinning, see Section 3.3.8
are translation subgroups of
, respectively. This condition is fulfilled if both domain states
have the same spontaneous strains, i.e. in non-ferroelastic domain pairs, but in ferroelastic domain pairs one has to suppress spontaneous deformations by applying the parent clamping approximation [see Section
, equation (
Example Domain pairs in calomel.
Calomel undergoes a non-equitranslational phase transition from a tetragonal parent phase to an orthorhombic ferroelastic phase (see Example in Section
). Four basic microscopic single-domain states are displayed in Fig.
. From these states, one can form 12 non-trivial ordered single-domain pairs that can be partitioned (by means of double coset decomposition) into two orbits of domain pairs.
Representative domain pairs of these orbits are depicted in Fig., where the first microscopic domain state
participating in a domain pair is displayed in the upper cell (light grey) and the second domain state
, in the lower white cell. The overlapping structure in the middle (dark grey) is a geometrical representation of the domain pair
![]() |
Domain pairs in calomel. Single-domain states in the parent clamping approximation are those from Fig. The first domain state of a domain pair is shown shaded in grey (`black'), the second domain state is colourless (`white'), and the domain pair of two interpenetrating domain states is shown shaded in dark grey. (a) Ferroelastic domain pair |
The domain pair , depicted in Fig.
(a), is a ferroelastic domain pair in the parent clamping approximation. Then two overlapping structures of the domain pair have a common three-dimensional lattice with a common unit cell (the dotted square), which is the same as the unit cells of domain states
Domain pair , shown in Fig.
(b), is a translational (antiphase) domain pair in which domain states
differ only in location but not in orientation. The unit cell (heavily outlined small square) of the domain pair
is identical with the unit cell of the tetragonal parent phase (cf. Fig.
The two arrows attached to the circles in the domain pairs represent exaggerated displacements within the wall.
Domain pairs represent an intermediate step in analyzing microscopic structures of domain walls, as we shall see in Section 3.4.4.
In this section, we examine crystallographic properties of planar compatible domain walls and simple domain twins. The symmetry of these objects is described by layer groups. Since this concept is not yet common in crystallography, we briefly explain its meaning in Section The exposition is performed in the continuum description, but most of the results apply with slight generalizations to the microscopic treatment that is illustrated with an example in Section
We shall consider a simple domain twin that consists of two domains
which meet along a planar domain wall
of zero thickness. Let us denote by p a plane of the domain wall, in brief wall plane of
. This plane is specified by Miller indices
, or by a normal
to the plane which also defines the sidedness (plus and minus side) of the plane p. By orientation of the plane p we shall understand a specification which can, but may not, include the sidedness of p. If both the orientation and the sidedness are given, then the plane p divides the space into two half-spaces. Using the bra–ket symbols, mentioned in Section
, we shall denote by
the half-space on the negative side of p and by
the half-space on the positive side of p.
A simple twin consists of two (theoretically semi-infinite) domains and
with domain states
, respectively, that join along a planar domain wall the orientation of which is specified by the wall plane p with normal n. A symbol
specifies the domain twin unequivocally: domain
, with domain region
filled with domain state
, is on the negative side of p and domain
is on the positive side of p (see Fig.
![]() |
Symbols of a simple twin. (a) Two different symbols with antiparallel normal |
If we were to choose the normal of opposite direction, i.e. , the same twin would have the symbol
(see Fig.
a). Since these two symbols signify the same twin, we have the identity
Thus, if we invert the normal n and simultaneously exchange domain states
in the twin symbol, we obtain an identical twin (see Fig.
a). This identity expresses the fact that the specification of the twin by the symbol introduced above does not depend on the chosen direction of the wall normal
The full symbol of the twin can be replaced by a shorter symbol if we accept a simple convention that the first lower index signifies the domain state that occupies the half space
on the negative side of
. Then the identity (
) in short symbols is
If the orientation and sidedness of the plane p of a wall is known from the context or if it is not relevant, the specification of n in the symbol of the domain twin and domain wall can be omitted.
A twin , or
, can be formed by sectioning the ordered domain pair
by a plane p with normal
and removing the domain state
on the negative side and domain state
on the positive side of the normal
. This is the same procedure that is used in bicrystallography when an ideal bicrystal is derived from a dichromatic complex (see Section 3.2.2
A twin with reversed order of domain states is called a reversed twin. The symbol of the twin reversed to the initial twin is
A reversed twin
is depicted in Fig.
A planar domain wall is the interface between the domains and
of the associated simple twin. Even a domain wall of zero thickness is specified not only by its orientation in space but also by the domain states that adhere to the minus and plus sides of the wall plane p. The symbol for the wall is, therefore, analogous to that of the twin, only in the explicit symbol the brackets ( ) are replaced by square brackets [ ] and T in the short symbol is replaced by W:
or by a shorter equivalent symbol
An adequate concept for characterizing symmetry properties of simple domain twins and planar domain walls is that of layer groups. A layer group describes the symmetry of objects that exist in a three-dimensional space and have two-dimensional translation symmetry. Typical examples are two-dimensional planes in three-dimensional space [two-sided planes and sectional layer groups (Holser, 1958a,
b), domain walls and interfaces of zero thickness], layers of finite thickness (e.g. domain walls and interfaces of finite thickness) and two semi-infinite crystals joined along a planar and coherent (compatible) interface [e.g. simple domain twins with a compatible (coherent) domain wall, bicrystals].
A crystallographic layer group comprises symmetry operations (isometries) that leave invariant a chosen crystallographic plane p in a crystalline object. There are two types of such operations:
A layer group consists of two parts:
is a subgroup of
that comprises all side-preserving operations of
; this group is isomorphic to a plane group and is called a trivial layer group or a face group. An underlined character
denotes a side-reversing operation and the left coset
contains all side-reversing operations of
. Since
is a halving subgroup, the layer group
can be treated as a dichromatic (black-and-white) group in which side-preserving operations are colour-preserving operations and side-reversing operations are colour-exchanging operations.
There are 80 layer groups with discrete two-dimensional translation subgroups [for a detailed treatment see IT E
(2002), or e.g. Vainshtein (1994
), Shubnikov & Kopcik (1974
), Holser (1958
a)]. Equivalent names for these layer groups are net groups (Opechowski, 1986
), plane groups in three dimensions (Grell et al., 1989
), groups in a two-sided plane (Holser, 1958
) and others.
To these layer groups there correspond 31 point groups that describe the symmetries of crystallographic objects with two-dimensional continuous translations. Holser (1958b) calls these groups point groups in a two-sided plane, Kopský (1993
) coins the term point-like layer groups. We shall use the term `layer groups' both for layer groups with discrete translations, used in a microscopic description, and for crystallographic `point-like layer groups' with continuous translations in the continuum approach. The geometrical meaning of these groups is similar and most of the statements and formulae hold for both types of layer groups.
Crystallographic layer groups with a continuous translation group [point groups of two-sided plane (Holser, 1958b)] are listed in Table
. The international notation corresponds to international symbols of layer groups with discrete translations; this notation is based on the Hermann–Mauguin (international) symbols of three-dimensional space groups, where the c direction is the direction of missing translations and the character `1' represents a symmetry direction in the plane with no associated symmetry element (see IT E
, 2002
In the non-coordinate notation (Janovec, 1981), side-reversing operations are underlined. Thus e.g.
denotes a
rotation around a twofold axis in the plane p and
a reflection through this plane, whereas 2 is a side-preserving
rotation around an axis perpendicular to the plane and m is a side-preserving reflection through a plane perpendicular to the plane p. With exception of
, the symbol of an operation specifies the orientation of the plane p. This notation allows one to signify layer groups with different orientations in one reference coordinate system. Another non-coordinate notation has been introduced by Shubnikov & Kopcik (1974
If a crystal with point-group symmetry G is bisected by a crystallographic plane p, then all operations of G that leave the plane p invariant form a sectional layer group = of the plane p in G. Operations of the group
can be divided into two sets [see equation (
where the trivial layer group
expresses the symmetry of the crystal face with normal
. These face symmetries are listed in IT A (2005
), Part 10
, for all crystallographic point groups G and all orientations of the plane expressed by Miller indices
. The underlined operation
is a side-reversing operation that inverts the normal
. The left coset
contains all side-reversing operations of
The number of planes symmetrically equivalent (in G) with the plane p is equal to the index of
in G:
We shall examine the symmetry of a twin with a planar zero-thickness domain wall with orientation and location defined by a plane p (Janovec, 1981
; Zikmund, 1984
; Zieliński, 1990
). The symmetry properties of a planar domain wall
are the same as those of the corresponding simple domain twin. Further, we shall consider twins but all statements also apply to the corresponding domain walls.
Operations that express symmetry properties of the twin must leave the orientation and location of the plane p invariant. We shall perform our considerations in the continuum description and shall assume that the plane p passes through the origin of the coordinate system. Then point-group symmetry operations leave the origin invariant and do not change the position of p.
If we apply an operation to the twin
, we get a crystallographically equivalent twin
with other domain states and another orientation of the domain wall,
It can be shown that the transformation of a domain pair by an operation defined by this relation fulfils the conditions of an action of the group G on a set of all domain pairs formed from the orbit
(see Section
). We can, therefore, use all concepts (stabilizer, orbit, class of equivalence etc.) introduced for domain states and also for domain pairs.
Operations g that describe symmetry properties of the twin must not change the orientation of the wall plane p but can reverse the sides of p, and must either leave invariant both domain states
or exchange these two states. There are four types of such operations and their action is summarized in Table
. It is instructive to follow this action in Fig.
using an example of the twin
with domain states
from our illustrative example (see Fig.
We note that the star and the underlining do not represent any operation; they are just suitable auxiliary labels that can be omitted without changing the result of the operation.
To find all trivial symmetry operations of the twin , we recall that all symmetry operations that leave both
invariant constitute the symmetry group
of the ordered domain pair
, where
are the symmetry groups of
, respectively. The sectional layer group of the plane p in group
is (if we omit p)
The trivial (side-preserving) subgroup
assembles all trivial symmetry operations of the twin
. The left coset
, where
is a side-reversing operation, contains all side-reversing operations of this twin. In our example
(see Fig.
Similarly, the left coset contains all state-exchanging operations, and
all non-trivial symmetry operations of the twin
. In the illustrative example,
The trivial group and its three cosets constitute the sectional layer group
of the plane p in the symmetry group
of the unordered domain pair
is an operation of the left coset
that leaves the normal
invariant and
Group can be interpreted as a symmetry group of a twin pair
consisting of a domain twin
and a superposed reversed twin
with a common wall plane p. This construct is analogous to a domain pair (dichromatic complex in bicrystallography) in which two homogeneous domain states
are superposed (see Section
). In the same way as the group
of domain pair
is divided into two cosets with different results of the action on this domain pair, the symmetry group
of the twin pair can be decomposed into four cosets (
), each of which acts on a domain twin
in a different way, as specified in Table
We can associate with operations from each coset in ( a label. If we denote operations from
without a label by e, underlining by a and star by b, then the multiplication of labels is expressed by the relations
The four different labels
can be formally viewed as four colours, the permutation of which is defined by relations (
); then the group
can be treated as a four-colour layer group.
Since the symbol of a point group consists of generators from which any operation of the group can be derived by multiplication, one can derive from the international symbol of a sectional layer group, in which generators are supplied with adequate labels, the coset decomposition (
Thus for the domain pair in Fig.
[see equation (
)] and
we get the sectional layer group
. Operations of this group (besides generators) are
All operations that transform a twin into itself constitute the symmetry group
(or in short
of the twin
. This is a layer group consisting of two parts:
is a face group comprising all trivial symmetry operations of the twin and the left coset
contains all non-trivial operations of the twin that reverse the sides of the wall plane p and simultaneously exchange the states
One can easily verify that the symmetry of the twin
is equal to the symmetry
of the reversed twin
Similarly, for sectional layer groups,
Therefore, the symmetry of a twin and of sectional layer groups
is specified by the orientation of the plane p [expressed e.g. by Miller indices
] and not by the sidedness of p. However, the two layer groups
, and
express the symmetry of two different objects, which can in special cases (non-transposable pairs and irreversible twins) be symmetrically non-equivalent.
The symmetry also expresses the symmetry of the wall
. This symmetry imposes constraints on the form of tensors describing the properties of walls. In this way, the appearance of spontaneous polarization in domain walls has been examined (Přívratská & Janovec, 1999
; Přívratská et al., 2000
According to their symmetry, twins and walls can be divided into two types: For a symmetric twin (domain wall), there exists a non-trivial symmetry operation and its symmetry is expressed by equation (
). A symmetric twin can be formed only from transposable domain pairs.
For an asymmetric twin (domain wall), there is no non-trivial symmetry operation and its symmetry group is, therefore, confined to trivial group ,
The difference between symmetric and asymmetric walls can be visualized in domain walls of finite thickness treated in Section
The symmetry of a symmetric twin (wall), expressed by relation (
), is a layer group but not a sectional layer group of any point group. It can, however, be derived from the sectional layer group
of the corresponding ordered domain pair
[see equation (
)] and the sectional layer group
of the unordered domain pair
[see equation (
This is particularly useful in the microscopic description, since sectional layer groups of crystallographic planes in three-dimensional space groups are tabulated in IT E
(2002), where one also finds an example of the derivation of the twin symmetry in the microscopic description.
The treatment of twin (wall) symmetry based on the concept of domain pairs and sectional layer groups of these pairs (Janovec, 1981; Zikmund, 1984
) is analogous to the procedure used in treating interfaces in bicrystals (see Section 3.2.2
; Pond & Bollmann, 1979
; Pond & Vlachavas, 1983
; Kalonji, 1985
; Sutton & Balluffi, 1995
). There is the following correspondence between terms: domain pair
dichromatic complex; domain wall
interface; domain twin with zero-thickness domain wall
ideal bicrystal; domain twin with finite-thickness domain wall
real (relaxed) bicrystal. Terms used in bicrystallography cover more general situations than domain structures (e.g. grain boundaries of crystals with non-crystallographic relations, phase interfaces). On the other hand, the existence of a high-symmetry phase, which is missing in bicrystallography, enables a more detailed discussion of crystallographically equivalent variants (orbits) of various objects in domain structures.
The symmetry group is the stabilizer of a domain twin (wall) in a certain group, and as such determines a class (orbit) of domain twins (walls) that are crystallographically equivalent with this twin (wall). The number of crystallographically equivalent twins is equal to the number of left cosets (index) of
in the corresponding group. Thus the number
of equivalent domain twins (walls) with the same orientation defined by a plane p of the wall is
is a sectional layer group of the plane p in the parent group G,
is the index of
and absolute value denotes the number of operations in a group.
The set of all domain walls (twins) crystallographically equivalent in G with a given wall forms a G-orbit of walls,
. The number
of walls in this G-orbit is
is the number of planes equivalent with plane p expressed by equation (
) and
is the number of equivalent domain walls with the plane p [see equation (
)]. Walls in one orbit have the same scalar properties (e.g. energy) and their structure and tensor properties are related by operations that relate walls from the same orbit.
Another aspect that characterizes twins and domain walls is the relation between a twin and the reversed twin. A twin (wall) which is crystallographically equivalent with the reversed twin (wall) will be called a reversible twin (wall). If a twin and the reversed twin are not crystallographically equivalent, the twin will be called an irreversible twin (wall). If a domain wall is reversible, then the properties of the reversed wall are fully specified by the properties of the initial wall, for example, these two walls have the same energy and their structures and properties are mutually related by a crystallographic operation. For irreversible walls, no relation exists between a wall and the reversed wall. Common examples of irreversible walls are electrically charged ferroelectric walls (walls carrying a nonzero polarization charge) and domain walls or discommensurations in phases with incommensurate structures.
A necessary and sufficient condition for reversibility is the existence of side-reversing and/or state-exchanging operations in the sectional layer group of the unordered domain pair
[see equation (
)]. This group also contains the symmetry group
of the twin [see equation (
)] and thus provides a full symmetry characteristic of twins and walls,
Sequences of walls and reversed walls appear in simple lamellar domain structures which are formed by domains with two alternating domain states, say and
, and parallel walls
and reversed walls
(see Fig.
The distinction `symmetric–asymmetric' and `reversible–irreversible' provides a natural classification of domain walls and simple twins. Five prototypes of domain twins and domain walls, listed in Table, correspond to five subgroups of the sectional layer group
: the sectional layer group
itself, the layer group of the twin
the sectional layer group
the trivial layer group
and the trivial layer group
An example of a symmetric reversible (SR) twin (and wall) is the twin in Fig.
with a non-trivial twinning operation
and with reversing operations
. The twin
and reversed twin
in Fig.
are symmetric and irreversible (SI) twins with a twinning operation
; no reversing operations exist (walls are charged and charged walls are always irreversible, since a charge is invariant with respect to any transformation of the space). The twin
and reversed twin
in the same figure are asymmetric state-reversible twins with state-reversing operation
and with no non-trivial twinning operation.
The same classification also applies to domain twins and walls in a microscopic description.
As in the preceding section, we shall now present separately the symmetries of non-ferroelastic simple domain twins [`twinning without a change of crystal shape (or form)'] and of ferroelastic simple domain twins [`twinning with a change of crystal shape (or form)'; Klassen-Neklyudova (1964), Indenbom (1982
Compatibility conditions impose no restriction on the orientation of non-ferroelastic domain walls. Any of the non-ferroelastic domain pairs listed in Table can be sectioned on any crystallographic plane p and the sectional group
specifies the symmetry properties of the corresponding twin and domain wall. The analysis can be confined to one representative orientation of each class of equivalent planes, but a listing of all possible cases is too voluminous for the present article. We give, therefore, in Table
only possible symmetries
of non-ferroelastic domain twins and walls, together with their classification, without specifying the orientation of the wall plane p.
Non-ferroelastic domain walls are usually curved with a slight preference for certain orientations (see Figs. and
). Such shapes indicate a weak anisotropy of the wall energy
, i.e. small changes of
with the orientation of the wall. The situation is different in ferroelectric domain structures, where charged domain walls have higher energies than uncharged ones.
A small energetic anisotropy of non-ferroelastic domain walls is utilized in producing tailored domain structures (Newnham et al., 1975). A required domain pattern in a non-ferroelastic ferroelectric crystal can be obtained by evaporating electrodes of a desired shape (e.g. stripes) onto a single-domain plate cut perpendicular to the spontaneous polarization
. Subsequent poling by an electric field switches only regions below the electrodes and thus produces the desired antiparallel domain structure.
Periodically poled ferroelectric domain structures fabricated by this technique are used for example in quasi-phase-matching optical multipliers (see e.g. Shur et al., 1999, 2001
; Rosenman et al., 1998
). An example of such an engineered domain structure is presented in Fig.
![]() |
Engineered periodic non-ferroelastic ferroelectric stripe domain structure within a lithium tantalate crystal with symmetry descent |
Anisotropic domain walls can also appear if the Landau free energy contains a so-called Lifshitz invariant (see Section
), which lowers the energy of walls with certain orientations and can be responsible for the appearance of an incommensurate phase (see e.g. Dolino, 1985
; Tolédano & Tolédano, 1987
; Tolédano & Dmitriev, 1996
; Strukov & Levanyuk, 1998
). The irreversible character of domain walls in a commensurate phase of crystals also containing (at least theoretically) an incommensurate phase has been confirmed in the frame of phenomenological theory by Ishibashi (1992
). The incommensurate structure in quartz that demonstrates such an anisotropy is discussed at the end of the next example.
Example Domain walls in -phase of quartz.
Quartz (SiO2) undergoes a structural phase transition from the parent
phase (symmetry group
) to the ferroic
phase (symmetry
). The
phase can appear in two domain states
, which have the same symmetry
. The symmetry
of the unordered domain pair
is given by
Table summarizes the results of the symmetry analysis of domain walls (twins). Each row of the table contains data for one representative domain wall
from one orbit
. The first column of the table specifies the normal
of the wall plane p, further columns list the layer groups
that describe the symmetry properties and classification of the wall (defined in Table
), and
is the number of symmetrically equivalent domain walls [cf. equation (
The last two columns give possible components of the spontaneous polarization P of the wall and the reversed wall
. Except for walls with normals [001] and [100], all walls are polar, i.e. they can be spontaneously polarized. The reversal of the polarization in reversible domain walls requires the reversal of domain states. In irreversible domain walls, the reversal of
is accompanied by a change of the polarization P into P′, which may have a different absolute value and direction different to that of P.
The structure of two domain states and two mutually reversed domain walls obtained by molecular dynamics calculations are depicted in Fig. (Calleja et al., 2001
). This shows a projection on the ab plane of the structure represented by SiO4 tetrahedra, in which each tetrahedron shares four corners. The threefold symmetry axes in the centres of distorted hexagonal channels and three twofold symmetry axes (one with vertical orientation) perpendicular to the threefold axes can be easily seen. The two vertical dotted lines are the wall planes p of two mutually reversed walls
. In Table
we find that these walls have the symmetry
, and in Fig.
we can verify that the operation
is a `side-reversing' operation
of the wall (and the whole twin as wall), operation
is a `state-exchanging operation'
and the operation
is a non-trivial `side-and-state reversing' operation
of the wall. The walls
are, therefore, symmetric and reversible walls.
![]() |
Microscopic structure of two domain states and two parallel mutually reversed domain walls in the |
During a small temperature interval above the appearance of the phase at 846 K, there exists an incommensurate phase that can be treated as a regular domain structure, consisting of triangular columnar domains with domain walls (discommensurations) of negative wall energy
(see e.g. Dolino, 1985
). Both theoretical considerations and electron microscopy observations (see e.g. Van Landuyt et al., 1985
) show that the wall normal has the
direction. From Table
it follows that there are six equivalent walls that are symmetric but irreversible, therefore any two equivalent walls differ in orientation.
This prediction is confirmed by electron microscopy in Fig., where black and white triangles correspond to domains with domain states
, and the transition regions between black and white areas to domain walls (discommensurations). To a domain wall of a certain orientation no reversible wall appears with the same orientation but with a reversed order of black and white. Domain walls in homogeneous triangular parts of the structure are related by 120 and 240° rotations and carry, therefore, parallel spontaneous polarizations; wall orientations in two differently oriented blocks (the middle of the right-hand part and the rest on the left-hand side) are related by 180° rotations about the axis
in the plane of the photograph and are, therefore, polarized in antiparallel directions (for more details see Saint-Grégoire & Janovec, 1989
; Snoeck et al., 1994
). After cooling down to room temperature, the wall energy becomes positive and the regular domain texture changes into a coarse domain structure in which these six symmetry-related wall orientations still prevail (Van Landuyt et al., 1985
![]() |
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the incommensurate triangular ( |
As explained in Section, from a domain pair
of ferroelastic single-domain states with two perpendicular equally deformed planes p and
one can form four different ferroelastic twins (see Fig.
). Two mutually reversed twins
have the same twin symmetry
and the same symmetry
of the twin pair
. The ferroelastic twin laws can be expressed by the layer group
or, in a less complete way (without specification of reversibility), by the twin symmetry
. The same holds for two mutually reversed twins
with a twin plane
perpendicular to p.
Table summarizes possible symmetries
of ferroelastic domain twins and corresponding ferroelastic twin laws
. Letters V and W signify strain-dependent and strain-independent (with a fixed orientation) domain walls, respectively. The classification of domain walls and twins is defined in Table
. The last column contains twinning groups
of ordered domain pairs
from which these twins can be formed. The symbol of
is followed by a symbol of the group
given in square brackets. The twinning group
specifies, up to two cases, a class of equivalent domain pairs [orbit
] (see Section
). More details on particular cases (orientation of domain walls, disorientation angle, twin axis) can be found in synoptic Table
. From this table follow two general conclusions:
This follows from simple reasoning: all twin symmetries in Table
have been derived in the parent clamping approximation and are expressed by the orthorhombic group
or by some of its subgroups. As shown in Section
, the maximal symmetry of a mechanically twinned crystal is also
. An additional simple shear accompanying the lifting of the parent clamping approximation cannot, therefore, decrease the symmetry
derived in the parent clamping approximation. In a similar way, one can prove the statement for the group
of the twin pairs
A domain wall of zero thickness is a geometrical construct that enabled us to form a twin from a domain pair and to find a layer group that specifies the maximal symmetry of that twin. However, real domain walls have a finite, though small, thickness. Spatial changes of the structure within a wall may, or may not, lower the wall symmetry and can be conveniently described by a phenomenological theory.
We shall consider the simplest case of a one nonzero component of the order parameter (see Section 3.1.2
). Two nonzero equilibrium homogeneous values of
of this parameter correspond to two domain states
. Spatial changes of the order parameter in a domain twin
with a zero-thickness domain wall are described by a step-like function
, where
is the distance from the wall of zero thickness placed at
A domain wall of finite thickness is described by a function with limiting values
If the wall is symmetric, then the profile
in one half-space, say
, determines the profile in the other half-space
. For continuous
fulfilling conditions (
) this leads to the condition
must be an odd function. This requirement is fulfilled if there exists a non-trivial symmetry operation of a domain wall (twin): a side reversal
combined with an exchange of domain states
results in an identical wall profile.
A particular form of the wall profile can be deduced from Landau theory. In the simplest case, the dependence
of the domain wall would minimize the free energy
are phenomenological coefficients and T and Tc are the temperature and the temperature of the phase transition, respectively. The first three terms correspond to the homogeneous part of the Landau free energy (see Section 3.2.1
) and the last term expresses the energy of the spatially changing order parameter. This variational task with boundary conditions (
) has the following solution (see e.g. Salje, 1990
, 2000
b; Ishibashi, 1990
; Strukov & Levanyuk, 1998
where the value w specifies one half of the effective thickness
of the domain wall and is given by
This dependence, expressed in relative dimensionless variables
, is displayed in Fig.
![]() |
Profile of the one-component order parameter |
The wall profile expressed by solution (
) is an odd function of
and fulfils thus the condition (
) of a symmetric wall.
The wall thickness can be estimated from electron microscopy observations, or more precisely by a diffuse X-ray scattering technique (Locherer et al., 1998). The effective thickness
[see equation (
)] in units of crystallographic repetition length A normal to the wall ranges from
, i.e.
is about 10–100 nm (Salje, 2000
b). The temperature dependence of the domain wall thickness expressed by equation (
) has been experimentally verified, e.g. on LaAlO3 (Chrosch & Salje, 1999
The energy of the domain wall per unit area equals the difference between the energy of the twin and the energy of the single-domain crystal. For a one nonzero component order parameter with the profile (
), the wall energy
is given by (Strukov & Levanyuk, 1998
is the effective thickness of the wall [see equation (
)] and the coefficients are defined in equation (
The order of magnitude of the wall energy of ferroelastic and non-ferroelastic domain walls is typically several millijoule per square metre (Salje, 2000
In our example of a ferroelectric phase transition , one can identify
with the
component of spontaneous polarization and
with the axis y. One can verify in Fig.
that the symmetry
of the twin
with a zero-thickness domain wall is retained in the domain wall with symmetric profile (
): both non-trivial symmetry operations
transform the profile
into an identical function.
This example illustrates another feature of a symmetric wall: All non-trivial symmetry operations of the wall are located at the central plane of the finite-thickness wall. The sectional group
of this plane thus expresses the symmetry of the central layer and also the global symmetry of a symmetric wall (twin). The local symmetry of the off-centre planes
is equal to the face group
of the the layer group
(in our example
The relation between a wall profile of a symmetric reversible (SR) wall and the profile
of the reversed wall is illustrated in Fig.
, where the the dotted curve is the wall profile
of the reversed wall. The profile
of the reversed wall is completely determined by the the profile
of the initial wall, since both profiles are related by equations
The first part of the equation corresponds to a state-exchanging operation
(cf. point
in Fig.
) and the second one to a side-reversing operation
in the same figure). In a symmetric reversible wall, both types of reversing operations exist (see Table
![]() |
Profiles of the one-component order parameter |
In a symmetric irreversible (SI) wall both initial and reversed wall profiles fulfil symmetry condition ( but equations (
) relating both profiles do not exist. The profiles
may differ in shape and surface wall energy. Charged domain walls are always irreversible.
A possible profile of an asymmetric domain wall is depicted in Fig. (full curve). There is no relation between the negative part
and positive part
of the wall profile
. Owing to the absence of non-trivial twin operations, there is no central plane with higher symmetry. The local symmetry (sectional layer group) at any location
within the wall is equal to the face group
. This is also the global symmetry
of the entire wall,
![]() |
Profiles of the one-component order parameter |
The dotted curve in Fig. represents the reversed-wall profile of an asymmetric state-reversible (AR
) wall that is related to the initial wall by state-exchanging operations
(see Table
An example of an asymmetric side-reversible (A) wall is shown in Fig.
. In this case, an asymmetric wall (full curve) and reversed wall (dotted curve) are related by side-reversing operations
![]() |
Profiles of the one-component order parameter |
In an asymmetric irreversible (AI) wall, both profiles and
are asymmetric and there is no relation between these two profiles.
The symmetry of a finite-thickness wall with a profile
is equal to or lower than the symmetry
of the corresponding zero-thickness domain wall,
. A symmetry descent
can be treated as a phase transition in the domain wall (see e.g. Bul'bich & Gufan, 1989a
; Sonin & Tagancev, 1989
). There are
equivalent structural variants of the finite-thickness domain wall with the same orientation and the same energy but with different structures of the wall,
Domain-wall variants – two-dimensional analogues of domain states – can coexist and meet along line defects – one-dimensional analogues of a domain wall (Tagancev & Sonin, 1989).
Symmetry descent in domain walls of finite thickness may occur if the order parameter has more than one nonzero component. We can demonstrate this on ferroic phases with an order parameter with two components
. The profiles
can be found, as for a one-component order parameter, from the corresponding Landau free energy (see e.g. Cao & Barsch, 1990
; Houchmandzadeh et al., 1991
; Ishibashi, 1992
, 1993
; Rychetský & Schranz, 1993
, 1994
; Schranz, 1995
; Huang et al., 1997
; Strukov & Levanyuk, 1998
; Hatt & Hatch, 1999
; Hatch & Cao, 1999
Let us denote by the symmetry of the profile
and by
the symmetry of the profile
. Then the symmetry of the entire wall
is a common part of the symmetries
In our illustrative phase transition
, the order parameter has two components
that can be associated with the x and y components
of the spontaneous polarization (see Table
and Fig.
). We have seen that the domain wall
of zero thickness has the symmetry
. If one lets
relax and keeps
(a so-called linear structure), then
(see Fig.
). If the last condition is lifted, a possible profile of a relaxed
is depicted by the full curve in Fig.
. If both components
are nonzero within the wall, one speaks about a rotational structure of domain wall. In this relaxed domain wall the spontaneous polarization rotates in the plane (001), resembling thus a Néel wall in magnetic materials. The even profile
has the symmetry
. Hence, according to (
), the symmetry of a relaxed wall with a rotational structure is
. This is an asymmetric state-reversible (AR
) wall with two chiral variants [see equation (
)] that are related by
; the profile
of the second variant is depicted in Fig.
by a dashed curve.
Similarly, one gets for a zero-thickness domain wall perpendicular to z the symmetry
. For a relaxed domain wall with profiles
, displayed in Figs.
, one gets
. The relaxed domain wall with rotational structure has lower symmetry than the zero-thickness wall or the wall with linear structure, but remains a symmetric and reversible (SR) domain wall in which spontaneous polarization rotates in a plane (001), resembling thus a Bloch wall in magnetic materials. Two chiral right-handed and left-handed variants are related by operations
. This example illustrates that the structure of domain walls may differ with the wall orientation.
We note that the stability of a domain wall with a rotational structure and with a linear structure depends on the values of the coefficients in the Landau free energy, on temperature and on external fields. In favourable cases, a phase transition from a symmetric linear structure to a less symmetric rotational structure can occur. Such phase transitions in domain walls have been studied theoretically by Bul'bich & Gufan (1989a,b
) and by Sonin & Tagancev (1989
The thermodynamic theory of domain walls outlined above is efficient in providing quantitative results (wall thickness, energy) in any specific material. However, since this is a continuum theory, it is not able to treat local structural changes on a microscopic level and, moreover, owing to the small thickness of domain walls (several lattice constants), the reliability of its conclusions is to some extent uncertain.
Discrete theories either use simplified models [e.g. pseudospin ANNNI (axial next nearest neighbour Ising) model] that yield quantitative results on profiles, energies and interaction energies of walls but do not consider real crystal structures, or calculate numerically for a certain structure the atomic positions within a wall from interatomic potentials.
Symmetry analysis of domain walls provides useful qualitative conclusions about the microscopic structure of walls. Layer groups with discrete two-dimensional translations impose, via the site symmetries, restrictions on possible displacements and/or ordering of atoms or molecules. From these conclusions, combined with a reasonable assumption that these shifts or ordering vary continuously within a wall, one gets topological constraints on the field of local displacements and/or ordering of atoms or molecules in the wall. The advantage of this treatment is its simplicity and general validity, since no approximations or simplified models are needed. The analysis can also be applied to domain walls of zero thickness, where thermodynamic theory fails. However, this method does not yield any quantitative results, such as values of displacements, wall thickness, energy etc.
The procedure is similar to that in the continuum description. The main relations equations (–(
and the classification given in Table
hold for a microscopic description as well; one has only to replace point groups by space groups.
A significant difference is that the sectional layer groups and the wall symmetry depend on the location of the plane p in the crystal lattice. This position can by expressed by a vector , where d is the scanning vector (see IT E
, 2002
and the example below) and s is a non-negative number smaller than 1,
. An extended symbol of a twin in the microscopic description, corresponding to the symbol (
) in the continuum description, is
The main features of the analysis are demonstrated on the following example.
Example Ferroelastic domain wall in calomel.
We examine a ferroelastic compatible domain wall in a calomel crystal (Janovec & Zikmund, 1993; IT E, 2002
, Chapter 5.2
). In Section
, Example
, we found the microscopic domain states (see Fig.
) and, in Section
, the corresponding ordered domain pair
and unordered domain pair
(depicted in Fig.
). These pairs have symmetry groups
, respectively. Both groups have an orthorhombic basis
, with a shift of origin
for both groups.
Compatible domain walls in this ferroelastic domain pair have orientations (100) and (010) in the tetragonal coordinate system (see Table We shall examine the former case – the latter is crystallographically equivalent. Sectional layer groups of this plane in groups
have a two-dimensional translation group (net) with basic vectors
, and the scanning vector
expresses the repetition period of the layer structure (cf. Fig.
). From the diagram of symmetry elements of the group
, available in IT A
), one can deduce the sectional layer groups at any location
. These sectional layer groups are listed explicitly in IT E
) in the scanning tables of the respective space groups.
The resulting sectional layer groups and
are given in Table
in two notations, in which the letter p signifies a two-dimensional net with the basic translations
introduced above. Standard symbols are related to the basis
. Subscripts in non-coordinate notation specify the orientation of symmetry elements in the reference Cartesian coordinate system of the tetragonal phase, the partial translation in the glide plane a and in the screw axis
is equal to
, i.e. the symbols a and
are also related to the basis
. At special locations
, sectional groups contain both side-preserving and side-reversing operations, whereas for any other location
these layer groups are trivial (face) layer groups consisting of side-preserving operations only and are, therefore, also called floating groups in the direction d (IT E
, 2002
The wall (twin) symmetry can be easily deduced from sectional layer groups
: the floating group
is just the sectional layer group
at a general location,
. Two other generators in the group symbol of
are non-trivial twinning operations (underlined with a star) of
. The classification in the last column of Table
is defined in Table
Local symmetry exerts constraints on possible displacements of the atoms within a wall. The site symmetry of atoms in a wall of zero thickness, or at the central plane of a finite-thickness domain wall, are defined by the layer group . The site symmetry of the off-centre atoms at
are determined by floating group
and the limiting structures at
by space groups
, respectively. A reasonable condition that the displacements of atoms change continuously if one passes through the wall from
allows one to deduce a qualitative picture of the displacements within a wall.
Symmetry groups of domain pairs, sectional layer groups and the twin symmetry have been derived in the parent clamping approximation (PCA) (see Section As can be seen from Fig.
, a relaxation process, accompanying a lifting of this approximation, consists of a simple shear (shear vector parallel to q) and an elongation (or contraction) in the domain wall along the shear direction (change of the vector
into the vector
). These deformations influence neither the layer group
nor its floating group
. Hence the wall (twin) symmetry
derived in the parent clamping approximation expresses also the symmetry of a ferroelastic domain wall (twin) with nonzero spontaneous shear unless the simple shear is accompanied by a reshuffling of atoms or molecules in both domains. This useful statement holds for any ferroelastic domain wall (twin).
A microscopic structure of the ferroelastic domain wall in two symmetrically prominent positions is depicted in Fig. For better recognition, displacements of molecules are exaggerated and the changes of the displacement lengths are neglected. Since the symmetry of all groups involved contains a reflection
, the atomic shifts are confined to planes (001). It can be seen in the figure that when one moves through the wall in the direction [110] or
, the vector of the molecular shift experiences rotations through
about the
direction in opposite senses for the `black' and `white' molecules.
![]() |
Microscopic structure of a ferroelastic domain wall in calomel. (a) and (b) show a domain wall at two different locations with two different layer groups and two different structures of the central planes. |
The `black' molecules in the central layer at location or
[wall (a) on the left-hand side of Fig.
] exhibit nearly antiparallel displacements perpendicular to the wall. Strictly perpendicular shifts would represent `averaged' displacements compatible with the layer symmetry
, which is, however, broken by a simple shear that decreases the symmetry to
, which does not require perpendicular displacements of `black' molecules.
The wall with central plane location or
b) has symmetry
, which restricts displacements of `white' molecules of the central layer to the y direction only; the `averaged' displacements compatible with
(origin shift
) would have equal lengths of shifts in the
directions, but the relaxed central layer with symmetry
allows unequal shifts in the
Walls (a) and (b) with two different prominent locations have different layer symmetries and different structures of the central layer. These two walls have extremal energy, but symmetry cannot decide which one has the minimum energy. The two walls have the same polar point-group symmetry , which permits a spontaneous polarization along y.
Similar analysis of the displacement and ordering fields in domain walls has been performed for KSCN crystals (Janovec et al., 1989), sodium superoxide NaO2 (Zieliński, 1990
) and for the simple cubic phase of fullerene C60 (Saint-Grégoire et al., 1997
Note: the correspondence between contracted Greek indices and the Cartesian vector components used in Sections 3.1.3
, in the present chapter and in the software GI
KoBo-1, is defined in the following way:
In this designation, coefficients with contracted indices 4, 5, 6 appear two times, e.g. index 4 replaces yz in one coefficient and zy in the other coefficient. With this convention, the coefficients transform in tensor space as vector components, but some coefficients differ from the usual matrix notation (Voigt matrices) by numerical factors [see Section
; Nye (1985
); Sirotin & Shaskolskaya, Appendix E (1982
(a) Objects
(b) Symmetry groups – point groups in a continuum description and space groups in a microscopic description
(c) Components of property tensors
In the final period this work was supported by Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic under project MCM242200002.