International Tables for Crystallography (2019). Vol. H. ch. 2.2, pp. 51-65 |
Chapter 2.2. Synchrotron radiation and powder diffraction
- 2.2. Synchrotron radiation and powder diffraction (pp. 51-65) | html | pdf | chapter contents |
- 2.2.1. Introduction (p. 51) | html | pdf |
- 2.2.2. Production of synchrotron radiation (pp. 51-54) | html | pdf |
- 2.2.3. Optics (pp. 54-56) | html | pdf |
- 2.2.4. Diffractometers (pp. 56-60) | html | pdf |
- 2.2.5. Considerations for powder-diffraction experiments (pp. 60-63) | html | pdf |
- Polarization (pp. 60-61) | html | pdf |
- Radiation damage (p. 61) | html | pdf |
- Beam heating (p. 61) | html | pdf |
- Choice of wavelength (pp. 61-62) | html | pdf |
- Angular resolution (p. 62) | html | pdf |
- Spatial resolution (p. 62) | html | pdf |
- Time resolution (p. 63) | html | pdf |
- Beamline evolution (p. 63) | html | pdf |
- References | html | pdf |
- Figures
- Fig. 2.2.1. Schematic representation of a synchrotron storage ring with beamlines radiating tangentially from the bending magnets and in line with the straight sections (p. 51) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.2. Emission of a fan of radiation by the electron beam as it curves in a bending magnet from one straight section of the ring to the next (p. 52) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.3. Synchrotron radiation is emitted in a cone of opening angle of the order of 1/γ tangential to the electrons as they follow a curved trajectory through the bending magnet (p. 52) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.4. Spectrum of a bending magnet (B = 0.85 T) at the ESRF with an electron energy of 6 GeV (γ = 11 742), shown as flux per horizontal mrad for a 0.1% energy bandwidth at a storage-ring current of 200 mA (p. 53) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.5. Schematic illustration of a wiggler (upper) and an undulator (lower) (p. 53) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.6. Photon flux versus energy through a 1-mm2 aperture 30 m from the source, 0.1% bandwidth, for an ESRF u35 undulator (magnetic periodicity 35 mm, 1.6 m long, magnetic gap of 11 mm, peak magnetic field B0 = 0.71 T, electron energy 6 GeV, K = 2.31, storage-ring current 200 mA) (p. 54) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.7. Double-crystal monochromator arrangement (p. 54) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.8. Curved mirror set to collimate the beam (p. 56) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.9. Schematic diagram of a set of refractive lenses (p. 56) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.10. Multianalyser stage, nine channels separated by 2°, devised by Hodeau et al (p. 57) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.11. Δ(2θ) calculated from equation (2.2.2) for a beamline with a double-crystal Si(111) monochromator, an Si(111) analyser (Δm = Δa and θm = θa) and an FWHM vertical divergence of 25 µrad at λ = 0.4 Å (solid line: Δm ≃ 8.3 µrad, θm = 3.6571°), λ = 0.8 Å (dashed line: Δm ≃ 16.6 µrad, θm = 7.3292°) and λ = 1.2 Å (dotted line: Δm ≃ 25.2 µrad, θm = 11.0319°) (p. 58) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.12. Schematic representation of a parallel-beam diffractometer of the Hart–Parrish design (p. 58) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.13. (a) 120° Mythen detector box, containing helium, mounted on the powder diffractometer of the materials science beamline at the Swiss Light Source (p. 59) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.14. Schematic representation of an energy-dispersive diffraction arrangement (p. 59) | html | pdf |
- Fig. 2.2.15. Variation of Δf′ and Δf′′ with photon energy for Sn (solid line) and Sb (dotted line) in the vicinity of their K absorption edges (from the tables of Sasaki, 1989) (p. 62) | html | pdf |