Powder dictionary (pdCIF) version 1.0.1
Names:'_pd_meas_counts_total' '_pd_meas_counts_background' '_pd_meas_counts_container' '_pd_meas_counts_monitor'
Counts measured at the measurement point as a function of angle, time, channel or some other variable (see _pd_meas_2theta_ etc.). The defined fields are: _pd_meas_counts_total, scattering from the specimen (with background, specimen mounting or container scattering included); _pd_meas_counts_background, scattering measured without a specimen, specimen mounting etc., often referred to as the instrument background; _pd_meas_counts_container, the specimen container or mounting without a specimen, includes background; _pd_meas_counts_monitor, counts measured by an incident-beam monitor to calibrate the flux on the specimen. Corrections for background, detector dead time etc. should not have been made to these values. Instead use _pd_proc_intensity_ for corrected diffractograms. Note that counts-per-second values should be converted to total counts. If the counting time varies for different points, it may be included in the loop using _pd_meas_step_count_time. Standard uncertainties should not be quoted for these values. If the standard uncertainties differ from the square root of the number of counts, _pd_meas_intensity_ should be used.
Appears in list
The permitted range is 0 -> infinity
Type: numb
Category: pd_data