Powder dictionary (pdCIF) version 1.0.1
Names:'_pd_proc_intensity_net' '_pd_proc_intensity_total' '_pd_proc_intensity_bkg_calc' '_pd_proc_intensity_bkg_fix' '_pd_proc_intensity_incident' '_pd_proc_intensity_norm'
_pd_proc_intensity_net contains intensity values for the processed diffractogram for each data point (see _pd_proc_2theta_, _pd_proc_wavelength etc.) after correction and normalization factors have been applied (in contrast to _pd_meas_counts_ values, which are uncorrected). _pd_proc_intensity_total contains intensity values for the processed diffractogram for each data point where background, normalization and other corrections have not been applied. Inclusion of s.u.'s for these values is strongly recommended. _pd_proc_intensity_bkg_calc is intended to contain the background intensity for every data point where the background function has been fitted or estimated (for example, in all Rietveld and profile fits). If the background is estimated for a limited number of points and the calculated background is then extrapolated from these fixed points, indicate the background values for these points with _pd_proc_intensity_bkg_fix. Use a value of '.' for data points where a fixed background has not been defined. The extrapolated background at every point may be specified using _pd_proc_intensity_bkg_calc. Background values should be on the same scale as the _pd_proc_intensity_net values. Thus normalization and correction factors should be applied before background subtraction (or should be applied to the background values equally). If the intensities have been corrected for a variation of the incident intensity as a function of a data-collection variable (examples: source fluctuations in synchrotrons, \q-compensated slits in conventional diffractometers, spectral corrections for white-beam experiments), the correction function should be specified as _pd_proc_intensity_incident. The normalization should be specified in _pd_proc_intensity_incident as a value to be used to divide the measured intensities to obtained the normalized diffractogram. Thus, the _pd_proc_intensity_incident values should increase as the incident flux is increased. The other normalization factors applied to the data set (for example, Lp corrections, compensation for variation in counting time) may be specified in _pd_proc_intensity_norm. The function should be specified as the one used to divide the measured intensities.
Appears in list
The permitted range is 0.0 -> infinity
Type: numb
Category: pd_data