Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 3.1, p. 151

Section Introduction

P. F. Lindleya

a ESRF, Avenue des Martyrs, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble CEDEX, France Introduction

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The final results of a structure analysis cannot be better than the imperfections of the crystal allow, and effort invested in producing crystals giving a clearly defined, high-resolution diffraction pattern is rarely wasted. The selection of twinned crystals, aggregates, or those with highly irregular shapes can lead to poor diffraction data and may prohibit a structure solution. There are many properties of crystals that can be examined prior, or in addition, to an X-ray or neutron diffraction study. These are summarized in Table[link]. Many of these properties can yield useful information about the crystal packing and the overall molecular shape. For example, the shape and orientation of the optical indicatrix may be used to find the orientation of large atomic groups that possess shapes such as flat discs or rods and therefore also have strong anisotropic polarizability. A morphological examination can reveal information not only about the crystal quality but also in many cases about the crystal system, whilst identification of extinction directions can assist in crystal mounting. It is regrettable that many modern practitioners of the science of crystallography give little more than a cursory optical examination to their specimens before commencing data collection and a structure analysis.

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Use of crystal properties for selection and preliminary study of crystals, adapted from MacGillavry & Henry (1962[link]); morphological, optical, and mechanical properties

Crystal propertyUses and commentsRelation with structure
Morphological properties
Crystal habitSetting crystal parallel to edge, or to symmetry axis, derived from goniometric measurement
Habit can be influenced by solvent, crystallization conditions, trace impurities
Well formed crystals can be accurately measured for analytical corrections for absorption
Morphological determination of crystal class may narrow down choice of space group
Best-developed faces correspond to net planes with large density of lattice or pseudo-lattice nodes (Bravais' law, extended by Donnay & Harker)
Prominent faces tend to be parallel to important bond systems
Face development correlates inversely with surface free energy
TwinningTwins may be hard to detect by morphological or diffraction methods. Investigate under the polarizing microscope: optical anomalies strongly indicate mimetic twinning, stacking faults, etc.
Mechanical twinning may occur when a single crystal is cut or ground. In such cases, the crystal should be shaped by use of a solvent
May indicate hemimorphy or pseudo-hemimorphy of the cell or supercell; see Chapter 1.3[link]
Pseudo-symmetrical stacking
Etch figures; epitaxySee IT A (2002), Section 10.2.3[link] (pp. 805–806), and chemical properties below 
Optical properties
Refractive index; birefringence (see IT A, Section 10.5.4[link] , p. 790)Checking quality of crystal: homogeneous extinction, interference figures
Extinction direction is used for setting badly formed or ground crystals
Magnitude of refractive index may be used for identification of crystal orientation
High refractive index may indicate close packing
Shape and orientation of indicatrix may be useful for finding orientation of large atomic or ionic groups with strongly anisotropic polarizability (e.g. flat or rod-shaped groups)
Optical activityDistinguishes between optical antipodes in studies of absolute configurationDifficult to measure, or even detect, in optically biaxial crystals. No obvious relation with structure
PleochroismIdentification of crystal orientation through dependence of colour on direction of light vibrationExtended conjugated-bond systems have strong absorption of light vibrating parallel to system; weak absorption perpendicular to system
String-like arrangement of some atoms [e.g. iodine in poly(vinyl alcohol)] produces strong absorption parallel to string
In inorganic compounds, absorption is greatest for light vibrating along directions in which ions are distorted
Reflection of light Opaque substances contain loosely bound electrons
Raman effect May give information on the orientation and symmetry of scattering groups
Mechanical properties
CleavageUseful for obtaining good surfaces for crystal setting
Useful for improving crystal shape
Correlates with bond-strength anisotropy
HardnessAnisotropy of hardness may produce ellipsoids instead of spheres when an abrasion chamber is usedHardness gives an indication of bond strength and bond density
Hardness may be very sensitive to impurities, changes in texture through ageing or heat treatment, etc.
PlasticitySingle crystals: avoid cutting or grinding
Polycrystalline material: plastic deformation is often strongly anisotropic, and may then be used to produce single or double orientation
Non-directive bonding between large strongly bonded units (long-chain paraffins, layer structures)
Plastic flow may also be associated with mechanical twinning or lattice imperfections

Crystal propertyRelation with structure
Magnetic properties
In an isomorphous series of paramagnetic salts, the values of the average susceptibility and of magnetic anisotropy are dependent on the nature of the paramagnetic ion. The shape of the coordination polyhedron may be found from the crystal anisotropies
In aliphatic non-conjugated organic crystals, the numerically largest diamagnetic susceptibility is along the direction in which lie the largest molecular directions
In crystals containing aromatic compounds or molecules with coplanar conjugated bonds, the numerically largest molecular diamagnetic susceptibility is normal to the plane of the molecular orbitals, and may thus indicate the molecular orientations
Neutron diffraction by magnetic compounds may give information about the directions of the resultant spin and orbital moments. X-ray diffraction effects are usually unimportant
In magnetic materials, the interatomic distances, and, in antiferromagnetic oxides, the valency angles at the oxygen ions are related to the diameter of the electron shell
Nuclear magnetic resonanceThe line width in NMR spectra is related to the distances between the nuclei with magnetic moments
Electrical properties
See IT A (2002), Section 10.2.5[link] , p. 807. Ferroelectricity indicates (i) a structure of polar symmetry, and (ii) the probability of another high-symmetry structure of nearly equal energy, derivable from the ferroelectric by a displacive transition. Often there are several related structures, some ferroelectric and some antiferroelectric
Pyroelectricity indicates noncentrosymmetry. Second-harmonic generation is ordinarily a more sensitive test
PiezoelectricityPiezoelectricity gives information on symmetry; it occurs only in ten crystal classes. See IT A, Section 10.2.6[link]
Thermodynamic properties
Heat capacity
(`specific heat')
Anomalies indicate polymorphic transitions, disorder, approach to melting point, and temperature variation gives Einstein and/or Debye characteristic temperatures
Melting pointAtoms in crystals with a low melting point often have large thermal movements; diffraction experiments should preferably be carried out at low temperatures
Anomalies in the variation of melting point in a series of homologues indicate a change in packing or bond type
DensityFor measurement, see Chapter 3.2[link] . Necessary for determination of number of formula weights per cell. May indicate liquid of crystallization, isomorphous replacement, degree of approach to close packing, first-order transitions with change of temperature or pressure
Thermal expansionThermal expansion is usually greatest in directions normal to layers or chains. Abrupt variation with change of temperature or pressure indicates a second-order transition
Chemical properties
Chemical analysisGives kinds of atoms in the structure and (in conjunction with the density) the number of each kind in the unit cell
Attack of surface May be used to shape crystals
Etch figures are sensitive indicators of point-group symmetry (see IT A, Section 10.2.3[link] ). Change of orientation of etch figures on a face may reveal twinning. Rows of etch pits may reveal grain or sub-grain boundaries
Oriented growth on parent crystalEpitaxy often reveals similarity of lattice parameters and even of atomic arrangement in the interface
Grain boundaries and twinning orientations may be marked by epitaxic growth, or by oriented growth of crystals or reaction products on the mother crystal (`topotaxy')


First citation MacGillavry, C. H. & Henry, N. F. M. (1962). Preliminary investigation and selection of crystals for X-ray study. International tables for X-ray crystallography, Vol. III, pp. 5–13. Birmingham: Kynoch Press.Google Scholar

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