Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 3.1, pp. 154-155

Section Optical examination [see IT A (2002), Section 10.2.4[link] ]

P. F. Lindleya

a ESRF, Avenue des Martyrs, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble CEDEX, France Optical examination [see IT A (2002), Section 10.2.4[link] ]

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Optical examination of a crystal under a polarizing microscope should be a prerequisite before mounting the specimen for a diffraction experiment. The presence of satellite crystals, inclusions, and other crystal imperfections will degrade the data quality, indicating the selection of a better specimen. The external morphology can often give a strong indication regarding the nature of the crystal system. A preliminary examination under crossed polars will often show whether the crystal is isotropic, uniaxial or biaxial (see, for example, Hartshorne & Stuart, 1960[link]; Bunn, 1961[link]; Ladd & Palmer, 1985[link]). Crystals that comprise two or more fragments will often be revealed by displaying both dark and light regions simultaneously. For uniaxial crystals, a birefringent orientation is always presented to the incident light beam if the unique axis is perpendicular to the microscope axis, and extinction will occur whenever the unique axis is parallel to the crosswires (assuming that the crosswires are parallel to the planes of polarization of the polarizer and analyser). If the unique axis is parallel to the microscope axis, a uniaxial crystal presents an isotropic cross section and will remain extinguished for all rotations of the crystal. Biaxial crystals have three principal refractive indices associated with light vibrating parallel to the three mutually perpendicular directions in the crystal. The two optic axes and their correspondingly isotropic cross sections that derive from this property are not directly related to the crystallographic axes. In the orthorhombic system, the three vibration directions are parallel to the crystallographic axes, often enabling identification of this crystal system. A monoclinic crystal lying with its unique axis parallel to the crosswires will always show straight extinction. If the crystal is oriented so that the unique axis lies along the microscope axis then, in general, the extinction directions will be oblique. In the triclinic case, the three mutually perpendicular vibration directions are arbitrarily related to the crystal axes. Even if it is not possible to discover the nature of the crystal system unequivocally, the extinction directions should at least enable the principal symmetry directions to be identified and therefore suggest how the crystals should be mounted for optimum data collection (see Chapter 3.4[link] ).


First citation Bunn, C. W. (1961). Chemical crystallography: an introduction to optical and X-ray methods, 2nd ed., Chaps. 2, 3, 4, pp. 11–106. Oxford University Press.Google Scholar
First citation Hartshorne, N. H. & Stuart, A. (1960). Crystals and the polarising microscope, 3rd ed. London: Arnold.Google Scholar
First citation Ladd, M. F. C. & Palmer, R. A. (1985). Structure determination by X-ray crystallography, 2nd ed., Chap. 3, pp. 101–112. New York/London: Plenum.Google Scholar

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