Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.4, pp. 435-436

Section Neutron guides

I. S. Andersona and O. Schärpff Neutron guides

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The principle of mirror reflection is the basis of neutron guides, which are used to transmit neutron beams to instruments that may be situated up to 100 m away from the source (Christ & Springer, 1962[link]; Maier-Leibnitz & Springer, 1963[link]). A standard neutron guide is constructed from boron glass plates assembled to form a rectangular tube, the dimensions of which may be up to 200 mm high by 50 mm wide. The inner surface of the guide is coated with approximately 1200 Å of either nickel, 58Ni ([\gamma_c] = 0.12° Å−1), or a `supermirror' (described below). The guide is usually evacuated to reduce losses due to absorption and scattering of neutrons in air.

Theoretically, a neutron guide that is fully illuminated by the source will transmit a beam with a square divergence of full width [2\gamma _{c}] in both the horizontal and vertical directions, so that the transmitted solid angle is proportional to [\lambda^{2}]. In practice, owing to imperfections in the assembly of the guide system, the divergence profile is closer to Gaussian than square at the end of a long guide. Since the neutrons may undergo a large number of reflections in the guide, it is important to achieve a high reflectivity. The specular reflectivity is determined by the surface roughness, and typically values in the range 98.5 to 99% are achieved. Further transmission losses occur due to imperfections in the alignment of the sections that make up the guide.

The great advantage of neutron guides, in addition to the transport of neutrons to areas of low background, is that they can be multiplexed, i.e. one guide can serve many instruments. This is achieved either by deflecting only a part of the total cross section to a given instrument or by selecting a small wavelength range from the guide spectrum. In the latter case, the selection device (usually a crystal monochromator) must have a high transmission at other wavelengths.

If the neutron guide is curved, the transmission becomes wavelength dependent, as illustrated in Fig.[link] . In this case, one can define a characteristic wavelength, [\lambda ^{*}], given by the relation [\theta ^{*}=\sqrt {2a/\rho }], so that [\lambda ^{*}=\sqrt { {\vphantom2}{\pi }\over{Nb_{\rm coh}\vphantom{\rho}}} \sqrt { {2a}\over{\rho }} \eqno (](where a is the guide width and ρ the radius of curvature), for which the theoretical transmission drops to 67%. For wavelengths less than [\lambda ^{*}], neutrons can only be transmitted by `garland' reflections along the concave wall of the curved guide. Thus, the guide acts as a low-pass energy filter as long as its length is longer than the direct line-of-sight length [L_{1}=\sqrt {8a\rho }]. For example, a 3 cm wide nickel-coated guide whose characteristic wavelength is 4 Å (radius of curvature 1300 m) must be at least 18 m long to act as a filter. The line-of-sight length can be reduced by subdividing the guide into a number of narrower channels, each of which acts as a miniguide. The resulting device, often referred to as a neutron bender, since deviation of the beam is achieved more rapidly, is used in beam deviators (Alefeld et al., 1988[link]) or polarizers (Hayter, Penfold & Williams, 1978[link]). A microbender was devised by Marx (1971[link]) in which the channels were made by evaporating alternate layers of aluminium (transmission layer) and nickel (mirror layer) onto a flexible smooth substrate.


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In a curved neutron guide, the transmission becomes λ dependent: (a) the possible types of reflection (garland and zig-zag), the direct line-of-sight length, the critical angle θ*, which is related to the characteristic wavelength [\lambda^*=\theta^*{\sqrt{\pi/Nb_{\rm coh}}}]; (b) transmission across the exit of the guide for different wavelengths, normalized to unity at the outside edge; (c) total transmission of the guide as a function of λ.

Tapered guides can be used to reduce the beam size in one or two dimensions (Rossbach et al., 1988[link]), although, since mirror reflection obeys Liouville's theorem, focusing in real space is achieved at the expense of an increase in divergence. This fact can be used to calculate analytically the expected gain in neutron flux at the end of a tapered guide (Anderson, 1988[link]). Alternatively, focusing can be achieved in one dimension using a bender in which the individual channel lengths are adjusted to create a focus (Freund & Forsyth, 1979[link]).


First citation Alefeld, B., Duppich, J., Schärpf, O., Schirmer, A., Springer, T. & Werner, K. (1988). The new neutron guide laboratory at the FRJ-2 reactor in the KFA Jülich and its special beam forming devices. Thin film neutron optical devices: mirrors, supermirrors, multilayer monochromators, polarizers, and beam guides, edited by C. F. Majkrzak, pp. 75–83. SPIE Proc. No. 983. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.Google Scholar
First citation Anderson, I. S. (1988). Neutron beam focusing using supermirrors. Thin film neutron optical devices: mirrors, supermirrors, multilayer monochromators, polarizers, and beam guides, edited by C. F. Majkrzak, pp. 84–92. SPIE Proc. No. 983. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.Google Scholar
First citation Christ, J. & Springer, T. (1962). Über die Entwicklung eines Neutronenleiters am FRM-Reaktor. Nukleonik, 4, 23–25.Google Scholar
First citation Freund, A. K. & Forsyth, J. B. (1979). Materials problems in neutron devices. Neutron scattering, edited by G. Kostorz, pp. 462–507. New York: Academic Press.Google Scholar
First citation Hayter, J. B., Penfold, J. & Williams, W. G. (1978). Compact polarizing Soller guides for cold neutrons. J. Phys. E, 11, 454–458.Google Scholar
First citation Maier-Leibnitz, H. & Springer, T. (1963). The use of neutron optical devices on beam-hole experiments. J. Nucl. Energy A/B, 17, 217–225.Google Scholar
First citation Marx, D. (1971). Microguides for neutrons. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 94, 533–536.Google Scholar
First citation Rossbach, M., Schärpf, O., Kaiser, W., Graf, W., Schirmer, A., Faber, W., Duppich, J. & Zeisler, R. (1988). The use of focusing supermirror neutron guides to enhance cold neutron fluence rates. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, B35, 181–190.Google Scholar

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