Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.4, p. 442

Section Zeeman polarizer

I. S. Andersona and O. Schärpff Zeeman polarizer

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The reflection width of perfect silicon crystals for thermal neutrons and the Zeeman splitting (ΔE = 2μB) of a field of about 10 kGs are comparable and therefore can be used to polarize a neutron beam. For a monochromatic beam (energy [E_{0}]) in a strong magnetic field region, the result of the Zeeman splitting will be a separation into two polarized subbeams, one polarized along B with energy E0 + μB, and the other polarized antiparallel to B with energy E0 − μB. The two polarized beams can be selected by rocking a perfect crystal in the field region B (Forte & Zeyen, 1989[link]).


First citation Forte, M. & Zeyen, C. M. E. (1989). Neutron optical spin-orbit rotation in dynamical diffraction. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, A284, 147–150.Google Scholar

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