Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 2.3, pp. 63-64
Most diffractometers are now sold with computer automation. Older instruments can be easily upgraded by adding a stepping motor to the gear-drive shaft. A large variety of computers and programs is available, and it is not easy to make the best selection. Continuing improvements in computer technology have been made to handle expanded programs with increased speed and storage capabilities. The collected data are displayed on a VDU screen and/or computer printer and stored on hard disk or diskette for later use and analysis. Microprocessors are often used to select the X-ray-generator operating conditions, shutter control, specimen change, and similar tasks that were formerly performed manually. Aside from the elimination of much of the manual labour, automation provides far better control of the data-collection and data-reduction procedures. However, computers do not preclude the necessity of precise alignment and calibration. Smith (1989) has written a detailed description of computer analysis for phase identification and also includes related programs and their sources.
Personal computers are widely used for powder-diffraction automation and a typical arrangement is shown in Fig.
. The automation may provide for step scanning, continuous scanning with read-out on the fly, or slewing to selected angles to read particular points. Step scanning is the method most frequently used. It is essential that absolute registration and step tracking be reliably maintained for all experimental conditions.
The step size or angular increment Δ2θ and count time t at each step, and the beginning and ending angles are selectable. For a given total time available for the experiment, it usually makes no difference in the counting statistical accuracy if a combination of small or large Δ2θ and t (within reasonable limits) is used. A minimal number of steps of the order of to 0.2 FWHM is required for profile fitting isolated peaks. It is clear that the greater the number of steps, the better the definition of the profile shape. The step size becomes important when using profile fitting to resolve patterns containing overlapped reflections and to detect closely spaced overlaps from the width and small changes in slopes of the profiles. A preliminary fast run to determine the nature of the pattern may be made to select the best run conditions for the final pattern. Will et al. (1988
) recorded a quartz pattern with 1.28 Å synchrotron X-rays and 0.01° steps to test the step-size role. The profile fitting was done using all points and repeated with the omission of every second, third, and fourth point corresponding to Δ2θ = 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04°. The R(Bragg) values were virtually the same (except for 0.04° where it increased), indicating the experimental time could have been reduced by a factor of three with little loss of precision; see also Hill & Madsen (1984
). Patterns with more overlapping would require smaller steps. Ideally, the steps could be larger in the background but this also requires a prior knowledge of the pattern and special programming.
A typical VDU screen menu for diffractometer-operation control is shown in Fig. A number of runs can be defined with the same or different experimental parameters to run consecutively. The run log number, date, and time are usually automatically entered and together with the comment and parameters are carried forward and recorded on the print-outs and graphics to make certain the runs are completely identified. The menu is designed to prompt the operator to enter all the required information before a run can be started. Error messages appear if omissions or entry mistakes are made. There are, of course, many variations to the one shown.