Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 3.3, p. 406

Section Twinning of rhombohedral crystals

Th. Hahna* and H. Klapperb

a Institut für Kristallographie, Rheinisch–Westfälische Technische Hochschule, D-52056 Aachen, Germany, and bMineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Correspondence e-mail: Twinning of rhombohedral crystals

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In some rhombohedral crystals such as corundum Al2O3 (Wallace & White, 1967[link]), calcite CaCO3 or FeBO3 (calcite structure) (Kotrbova et al., 1985[link]; Klapper, 1987[link]), growth twinning with a `twofold twin rotation around the threefold symmetry axis [001]' (similar to the Dauphiné twins in low-temperature quartz described above) is common. Owing to the eigensymmetry [{\bar 3}2/m] (order 12), the following 12 twin operations form the coset (twin law). They are described here in hexagonal axes:

  • (i) three rotations around the threefold axis [[001]]: [6^1], [6^3 = 2_z], [6^5 = 6^{-1}];

  • (ii) three twofold rotations around the axes [[120]], [[210]], [[1{\bar 1}0]];

  • (iii) three reflections across the planes [(10{\bar 1}0)], [(1{\bar 1}00)], [(01{\bar 1}0)];

  • (iv) three rotoinversions around the threefold axis [[001]]: [{\bar 6}{^1}], [{\bar 6}{^3} = m_z] and [{\bar 6}{^5} = {\bar 6}{^{-1}}].

Some of these twin elements are shown in Fig.[link]. They include the particularly conspicuous twin reflection plane [m_z] perpendicular to the threefold axis [001]. The composite symmetry is [{\cal K} = {6'\over m'} ({\bar 3}) {2\over m} {2'\over m'} \ \ ({\rm order} \ \ 24).]


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Twin intergrowth of `obverse' and `reverse' rhombohedra of rhombohedral FeBO3. (a) `Obverse' rhombohedron with four of the 12 alternative twin elements. (b) `Reverse' rhombohedron (twin orientation). (c) Interpenetration of both rhombohedra, as observed in penetration twins of FeBO3. (d) Idealized skeleton of the six components (exploded along [001] for better recognition) of the `obverse' orientation state shown in (a). The components are connected at the edges along the threefold and the twofold eigensymmetry axes. The shaded faces are [\{10{\bar 1}0\}] and (0001) coinciding twin reflection and contact planes with the twin components of the `reverse' orientation state. Parts (a) to (c) courtesy of R. Diehl, Freiburg.

It is of interest that for FeBO3 crystals this twin law always, without exception, forms penetration twins (Fig.[link]), whereas for the isotypic calcite CaCO3 only (0001) contact twins are found (Fig.[link]). This aspect is discussed further in Section[link].


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Contact growth twin of calcite with the same twin law as FeBO3 in Fig.[link]. Conspicuous twin element: twin reflection plane (0001), coinciding with the composition plane (0001).


First citation Klapper, H. (1987). X-ray topography of twinned crystals. In Progress in crystal growth and characterization, Vol. 14, edited by P. Krishna. pp. 367–401. Oxford: Pergamon.Google Scholar
First citation Kotrbova, M., Kadeckova, S., Novak, J., Bradler, J., Smirnov, G. V. & Shvydko, Yu. V. (1985). Growth and perfection of flux-grown FeBO3 and 57FeBO3 crystals. J. Cryst. Growth, 71, 607–614.Google Scholar
First citation Wallace, C. A. & White, E. A. D. (1967). The morphology and twinning of solution-grown corundum crystals. In Crystal growth, edited by H. S. Peiser (Supplement to Phys. Chem. Solids), pp. 431–435. Oxford: Pergamon.Google Scholar

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