Powder dictionary (pdCIF) version 1.0.1
Names:'_pd_calc_intensity_net' '_pd_calc_intensity_total'
Intensity values for a computed diffractogram at each angle setting. Values should be computed at the same locations as the processed diffractogram, and thus the numbers of points will be defined by _pd_proc_number_of_points and point positions may be defined using _pd_proc_2theta_range_ or _pd_proc_2theta_corrected. Use _pd_calc_intensity_net if the computed diffractogram does not contain background or normalization corrections and thus is specified on the same scale as the _pd_proc_intensity_net values. Use _pd_calc_intensity_total if the computed diffraction pattern includes background or normalization corrections (or both) and thus is specified on the same scale as the observed intensities (_pd_meas_counts_ or _pd_meas_intensity_). If an observed pattern is included, _pd_calc_intensity_ should be looped with either _pd_proc_intensity_net, _pd_meas_counts_ or _pd_meas_intensity_.
Appears in list
The permitted range is 0.0 -> infinity
Type: numb
Category: pd_data