Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, pp. 191-258 Chapter 4.2. X-rays
U. W. Arndt,a‡ D. C. Creagh,b R. D. Deslattes,c‡ J. H. Hubbell,d P. Indelicato,e E. G. Kessler Jrf and E. Lindrothg
a MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England,bDivision of Health, Design, and Science, University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia,cNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA,dRoom C314, Radiation Physics Building, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA,eLaboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Case 74, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris CEDEX 05, France,fAtomic Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA, and gDepartment of Atomic Physics, Stockholm University, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden The generation of X-rays is discussed in the first section of this chapter. X-rays are generated by (1) the bombardment of a target by electrons, (2) the decay of certain radio isotopes, (3) as part of the synchrotron-radiation spectrum and (4) in plasmas produced by bombarding targets with high-energy laser beams. The spectra produced by the first method consist of a line spectrum characteristic of the target material accompanied by a continuum of white radiation (Bremsstrahlung). The intensities and wavelengths of these components are discussed and the nomenclatures of the lines in the characteristic spectrum are compared. Synchrotron radiation and plasma generation of X-rays are discussed very briefly. X-ray wavelengths are discussed in the second section of the chapter. Tables of K- and L-series reference wavelengths and K- and L-emission lines and absorption edges are provided. X-ray absorption spectra are discussed in the third section of the chapter. A detailed discussion of the problems associated with the measurement of X-ray absorption and the requirements for the absolute measurement of the X-ray attenuation coefficients is followed by a description of the problems which are encountered in making measurements at X-ray absorption edges of atomic species in materials. The popular, and extremely valuable, experimental technique of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is discussed. This is a relative, rather than an absolute measurement of X-ray absorption, and the theoretical analysis of XAFS spectra depends on the deviation of the data points from a cubic spline fit to the data rather that the deviation from the extrapolation of the free-atom absorption. A brief description of the origin and use of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) is given. In the fourth section of the chapter, X-ray absorption (or attenuation) coefficients are considered. A detailed description of the theoretical and experimental techniques for the determination of X-ray absorption (and attenuation coefficients) is given. The tables supercede the existing experimental and theoretical tables that were available up to 2001. The theoretical values given here are restricted to the characteristic radiations commonly available from laboratory X-ray sources (Ti Kβ to Ag Kα). Computational problems become significant for elements in the lanthanide and actinide series of the periodic table. These tables include a significant recalculation of the absorption and attenuation coefficients for the lanthanide series. Note that although many theory-based tables exist, few accurate experimental measurements have been made on atomic species with atomic numbers greater than 50, especially in the region of absorption edges. A comparison is given of the extent to which theoretical and experimental data agree. A recent tabulation discusses soft X-ray absorption in the XANES region. Filters and monochromators are discussed in the fifth section of the chapter. This section serves as an introduction to the use of filters and monochromators in experimental apparatus. It discusses, using synchrotron-radiation experimental configurations as examples, the use of X-ray reflectivity, X-ray refraction and X-ray Bragg (and Laue) or Fresnel scattering for the production of monochromatic or quasi- monochromatic (pink) beams from polychromatic sources. Amongst the techniques discussed are: bent and curved mirrors, capillaries, quasi-Bragg (multilayer) mirrors, multiple filters, crystal monochromators, polarization and polarization-producing systems, and focusing using a Bragg–Fresnel optical system. The development of monochromators for synchrotron-radiation research is a rapidly evolving field, but in practice all depend on either the processes of reflection, refraction or scattering, or combinations of these processes. In the final section of the chapter, X-ray dispersion corrections are considered. The various theoretical methods for the computation of the X-ray dispersion corrections and the experimental techniques used for their determination are described in some detail. The theoretical values given here are restricted to the characteristic radiations commonly available from laboratory X-ray sources (Ti Kβ to Ag Kα). An artificial distinction is made between the relativistic Dirac–Hartree–Fock–Slater (RDHFS) formalism used to calculate the data in these tables and the S-matrix method used by a number of theoreticians. Formally, the two techniques are equivalent: in terms of the computations the two approaches are different, and the outcomes are different. Comparison with experimental data shows that the RDHFS formalism gives a better fit to experimental results. Keywords: absorption; anomalous dispersion; atomic form factor; atomic scattering factors; attenuation coefficients; Auger shifts; Bijvoet-pair techniques; black-body radiation in X-ray region; characteristic line spectrum; continuous spectrum; Dirac–Fock method; dispersion corrections; EXAFS; extended X-ray absorption fine structure; filters; Friedel-pair techniques; generation of X-rays; intensity; monochromators; normal attenuation; photo-effect data; QED corrections; Rayleigh scattering; scattering; synchrotron radiation; theoretical Rayleigh scattering data; theoretical photo-effect data; wavelengths; X-ray absorption coefficients; X-ray absorption spectra; X-ray attenuation coefficients; X-ray dispersion corrections; X-ray sources; X-ray tubes; X-ray wavelengths; XAFS; X-ray absorption near-edge structure; XANES. |
X-rays are produced by the interaction of charged particles with an electromagnetic field. There are four sources of X-rays that are of interest to the crystallographer.
The classical text on the generation and properties of X-rays is that by Compton & Allison (1935), which still summarizes much of the information required by crystallographers. There is a more recent comprehensive book by Dyson (1973
). X-ray physics has received a new impetus on the one hand through the development of X-ray microprobe analysis dealt with in a number of monographs (Reed, 1975
; Scott & Love, 1983
) and on the other hand through the increasing utilization of synchrotron-radiation sources (see Subsection
Characteristic X-ray emission originates from the radiative decay of electronically highly excited states of matter. We are concerned mostly with excitation by electron bombardment of a target that results in the emission of spectral lines characteristic of the target elements. The electronic states occurring as initial and final states of a process involving the absorption of emission of X-rays are called X-ray levels. Levels involving the removal of one electron from the configuration of the neutral ground state are called normal X-ray levels or diagram levels.
Table shows the relation between diagram levels and electron configurations. The notation used here is the IUPAC notation (Jenkins, Manne, Robin & Senemaud, 1991
), which uses arabic instead of the former roman subscripts for the levels. The IUPAC recommendations are to refer to X-ray lines by writing the initial and final levels separated by a hyphen, e.g. Cu K-L3 and to abandon the Siegbahn (1925
) notation, e.g. Cu Kα1, which is based on the relative intensities of the lines. The correspondence between the two notations is shown in Table
. Because this substitution has not yet become common practice, however, the Siegbahn notation is retained in Section 4.2.2
, in which the wavelengths of the characteristic emission lines and absorption edges are discussed.
The efficiency of the production of characteristic radiation has been calculated by a number of authors (see, for example, Dyson, 1973, Chap. 3). For a particular line, it depends on the fluorescence yield, that is the probability that the decay of an excited state leads to the emission of a photon, on the statistical weights of the X-ray levels involved, on the effects of the penetration and slowing down of the bombarding electrons in the target, on the fraction of electrons back-scattered out of the target, and on the contribution caused by fluorescent X-rays produced indirectly by the continuous spectrum. The emerging X-ray intensity is further affected by the partial absorption of the generated X-rays in the target.
Dyson (1973) has also reviewed calculations and measurements made of the relative intensities of different lines in the K spectrum. The ratio of the
intensities is very close to 0.5 for Z between 23 and 48. The ratio of
rises fairly linearly with Z from 0.2 at Z = 20 to 0.4 at Z = 80 and that of
is near zero at Z = 29 and rises linearly with Z to about 0.1 at Z = 80. Relative intensities of lines in the L spectrum are given by Goldberg (1961
Green & Cosslett (1968) have made extensive measurements of the efficiency of the production of characteristic radiation for a number of targets and for a range of electron accelerating voltages. Their results can be expressed empirically in the form
is the generated number of Kα photons per steradian per incident electron, N0 is a function of the atomic number of the target, E0 is the electron energy in keV and
is the excitation potential in keV. It should be noted that
decreases with increasing Z.
For a copper target, this expression becomes or
is the number of Kα photons per steradian per second per milliampere of tube current.
These expressions are probably accurate to within a factor of 2 up to values of of about 10. Guo & Wu (1985
) found a linear relationship for the emerging number of photons with electron energy in the range
To obtain the number of photons that emerge from the target, the above expressions have to be corrected for absorption of the generated radiation in the target. The number of photons emerging at an angle to the surface, for normal electron incidence, is usually written
(Castaing & Descamps, 1955
). Green (1963
) gives experimental values of the correction factor f(χ) for a series of targets over a range of electron energies. His curves for a copper target are given in Fig.
. It will be noticed that the correction factor increases with increasing electron energy since the effective depth of X-ray generation increases with voltage. As a result, curves of
as a function of
have a broad maximum that is displaced towards lower voltages as
decreases, as shown in the experimental curves for copper K radiation due to Metchnik & Tomlin (1963
) (Fig.
). For very small take-off angles, therefore, X-ray tubes should be operated at lower than customary voltages. Note that the values in Fig.
agree to within ∼40% with those of Green & Cosslett. f(χ) at constant
increases with increasing Z, thus partly compensating for the decrease in
, especially at small values of
. A recent re-examination of the characteristic X-ray flux from Cr, Cu, Mo, Ag and W targets has been carried out by Honkimaki, Sleight & Suortti (1990
The shape of the continuous spectrum from a thick target is very simple: , the energy per unit frequency band in the spectrum, is given by the expression derived by Kramers (1923
where Z is the atomic number of the target and A and B are constants independent of the applied voltage
. B/A is of the order of 0.0025 so that the term in
can usually be neglected (Fig.
is the maximum frequency in the spectrum, i.e. the Duane–Hunt limit at which the entire energy of the bombarding electrons is converted into the quantum energy of the emitted photon, where
Using the latest adjusted values of the fundamental constants (Cohen & Taylor, 1987
Equation (
can be rewritten in a number of forms. If
is the number of photons of energy E per incident electron,
photons eV−1 electron−1, and is known as Kramer's constant.
![]() | Intensity per unit frequency interval versus frequency in the continuous spectrum from a thick target at different accelerating voltages. From Kuhlenkampff & Schmidt (1943 |
From (, it follows that the total energy in the continuous spectrum per electron is
Since the energy of the bombarding electron is
, the efficiency of production of the continuous radiation is
Crystallographers are more accustomed to thinking of the spectrum in terms of wavelength. Equation (
can be transformed into
which has a maximum at
. In practice, the emerging spectrum is modified by target absorption, which is greatest for the longer wavelengths and moves the maximum more nearly to
It is of interest to compare the X-ray flux in a narrow wavelength band selected by an appropriate monochromator with the flux in a characteristic spectral line, in order to examine the practicability of XAFS (X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy) or optimized anomalous-dispersion diffractometry experiments. For these purposes, the maximum permissible wavelength band is about 10−3 Å. From equation (, we see that, for a tungsten-target X-ray tube operated at 80 kV,
is about 1.1 × 10−5 photons with the Kα energy electron−1 steradian−1 (10−3 δλ/λ)−1 for an X-ray wavelength in the neighbourhood of 1.5 Å. By comparison, from equation (
, a copper-target tube operated at 40 kV produces about 5 × 10−4 Kα photons electron−1 steradian−1. In spite of this shortcoming by a factor of about 45, laboratory XAFS experiments are sufficiently common to have merited at least one specialized conference (Stern, 1980
; see also Tohji, Udagawa, Kawasak & Masuda, 1983
; Sakurai, 1993
; Sakurai & Sakurai, 1994
The use of continuous radiation for diffraction experiments is complicated by the fact that the radiation is polarized. The degree of polarization may be defined as where
are the intensities of radiation with the electric vector parallel and perpendicular to the plane containing the incident electrons and the direction of the emitted photons. For an angle of π/2 between the electrons and the emitted beam, p varies smoothly through the spectrum; it is negative for the softest radiation, approximately zero at
and reaches values between +0.7 and +0.9 near the Duane–Hunt limit (Kirkpatrick & Wiedmann, 1945
). Since practical use of white radiation is likely to be in the vicinity of
, the effect is not a large one.
It should also be noted that the spatial distribution of the white spectrum, even after correction for absorption in the target, is not isotropic. The intensity has a maximum at about 50° to the electron beam and non-zero minima at 0 and 180° to that beam (Stephenson, 1957).
The commonest source of X-rays is the high-vacuum, or Coolidge, X-ray tube, which may be either demountable and pumped continuously when in operation or permanently sealed after evacuation. The vacuum tube contains an electron gun that incorporates a thermionic cathode, which produces a well defined electron beam that is accelerated towards the anode or target, formerly often called the anticathode. In most X-ray tubes intended for crystallographic purposes, the anode is massive, i.e. its thickness is large compared with the range of the electrons; it is usually water-cooled and its surface is normal to the incident electron beam. Usually, it is desirable for the X-ray source to be small (between 25 μm and 1 mm square) and for the X-ray intensity from the tube to be the maximum possible for the amount of power that can be dissipated in the target. These objectives are best achieved by designing the electron gun to produce a line focus, that is the electron focus on the target face is approximately rectangular with the small dimension equal to the desired effective source size and the large dimension about 10 to 20 times larger. The focus is viewed at an angle between about 2 and 5° to the anode surface to produce an approximately square foreshortened effective source; and the X-ray windows are so positioned as to make these take-off angles possible. For some purposes, very fine line sources are required and windows may be provided to allow the focus to be viewed so as to foreshorten the line width. Higher power dissipation is possible in X-ray tubes in which the anode rotates: the line focus is now usually on the cylindrical surface of the anode with its long dimension parallel to the axis of rotation.
For focal-spot sizes down to about 100 μm, an electrostatic gun is adequate; this consists of a fine helical filament and a Wehnelt cathode, which produces a demagnified electron image of the filament on the anode. For most purposes, the Wehnelt cathode can be at the same potential as the filament but cleaner foci and adjustment of the focal spot size are possible when this electrode is negatively biased with respect to the filament. The filament is nearly always directly heated and made of tungsten. Lower filament temperatures, and smaller heating currents, could be achieved with activated heaters but the vacuum in high-power devices like X-ray tubes is rarely hard enough to permit their use since they are easily poisoned. However, Yao (1992) has reported successful operation of a hot-pressed polycrystalline lanthanum hexaboride cathode in an otherwise unmodified RU-1000 rotating-target X-ray generator.
Very fine focus tubes, with foci in the range between 25 and 1 μm, require magnetic lenses. At one time, the all-electrostatic X-ray tube of Ehrenberg & Spear (1951), which achieved foci between 20 and 80 μm, was very popular.
Sealed-off X-ray tubes for crystallographic use are nowadays made in the form of inserts containing a target of one of a range of standard metals to produce the desired characteristic radiation. A series of nominal focal-spot sizes, shown in Table, is commonly available. The insert is mounted inside a standard shield that is radiation- and shock-proof and that is fitted with X-ray shutters and filters and often also with a standardized track for mounting X-ray cameras. The water-cooled anode is normally at ground potential and the negative high voltage for the cathode, together with the filament supply, is brought in through a shielded shock-proof cable. The high voltage is nowadays generally of the constant-voltage type, that is, it is full-wave rectified and smoothed by means of solid-state rectifiers and capacitors housed in the high-voltage transformer tank, which also contains the filament transformer. The high tension and the tube current are frequently stabilized. Only the simplest X-ray generators now employ an alternating high tension that is rectified by the self-rectifying property of the X-ray tube itself.
A demountable continuously pumped form of construction is nowadays adopted mainly for rotating-anode and other specialized X-ray tubes. The pumping system must be capable of maintaining a vacuum of better than 10−5 Torr: filament life is critically dependent upon the quality of the vacuum.
Rotating-anode tubes have been reviewed by Yoshimatsu & Kozaki (1977). The first successful tube of this type that incorporated a vacuum shaft seal was described by Clay (1934
). Modern tubes mostly contain vacuum-oil-lubricated shaft seals of the type due to Wilson (1941
) and are based on, or are similar to, the rotating-anode tubes described by Taylor (1949
, 1956
). In some tubes, successful use has been made of ferro-fluidic vacuum seals (see Bailey, 1978
). The main problems in the operation of rotating-anode tubes is the lifetime of the seals and of bearings that operate in vacuo. In successful tubes, e.g. those manufactured by Enraf, Rigaku-Denki, and Siemens, these lifetimes are about the same as the lifetime of the filament under good vacuum conditions, that is, of the order of 1000 h.
Phillips (1985) has written a review article on stationary and rotating-anode X-ray tubes that contains many important practical details.
The allowable power loading of X-ray tube targets is determined by the temperature of the target surface, which must remain below the melting point. Müller (1927, 1929
, 1931
) first calculated the maximum loading both for stationary and for rotating anodes. His calculations were refined by Oosterkamp (1948a
) who considered, in particular, targets of finite thickness, and who also treated pulsed operation of the tube. For normal conditions, Oosterkamp's conclusions and those of Ishimura, Shiraiwa & Sawada (1957
) do not greatly differ from those of Müller, which are in adequate agreement with experimental observations.
For an elliptical focal spot with axes and
, Müller's formula for the maximum power dissipation on a stationary anode, assumed to be a water-cooled block of dimensions large compared with the focal-spot dimensions, can be written
where K is the specific thermal conductivity of the target material in W mm−1,
is the maximum temperature at the centre of the focal spot on the target, that is, a temperature well below the melting point of the target material, and
is the temperature of the cold surface of the target, that is, of the cooling water. The function μ is shown in Fig.
. For copper, K is 400 W m−1 and, with
= 500 K,
For f2/f1 = 0.1, and μ = 0.425, this equation becomes
In these last two equations, f1 is in mm.
![]() | The function μ in Müller's equation (equation |
For a rotating target, Müller found that the permissible power dissipation was given by where f2 is the short dimension of the focus, assumed to be in the direction of motion of the target, v is the linear velocity, ρ is the density of the target material, and C is its specific heat.
For a copper target with f1 and f2 in mm and v in mm s−1, Equation (
shows that for very narrow focal spots rotating-anode tubes give useful improvements in permissible loading only if the surface speed is very high (see Table
). The reason is that with large foci on stationary anodes the isothermal surfaces in the target are planar; with fine foci, these surfaces become cylindrical and this already makes for very efficient cooling without the need for rotation. Rotating anodes are thus most useful for medium-size foci (200 to 500 μm) since for the larger focal spots it becomes very expensive to construct power supplies capable of supplying the permissible amount of power.
Table shows the recommended loading for a number of commercially available X-ray tubes with copper targets, which will be seen to be in qualitative agreement with the calculations. Some of the discrepancy is due to the fact that the value of
for the copper–chromium alloy targets used in actual X-ray tubes is appreciably lower than the value for pure copper used here. To a good approximation, the permissible loading for other targets can be derived by multiplying those in Table
by the factors shown in Table
. It is worth noting that the recommended loading of commercial stationary-target X-ray tubes has increased steadily in recent years. This is largely due to improvements in the water cooling of the back surface of the target by increasing the turbulence of the water and the effective surface area of the cooled surface.
In considering Table, it should be noted that the linear velocities of the highest-power X-ray-tube anode have already reached a speed that Yoshimatsu & Kozaki (1977
) consider the practical limit, which is set by the mechanical properties of engineering materials. It should also be noted that much higher specific loads can be achieved for true micro-focus tubes, e.g. 50 kW mm−2 for a 25 μm Ehrenberg & Spear tube and 1000 kW mm−2 for a tube with a 1 μm focus (Goldsztaub, 1947
; Cosslett & Nixon, 1951
, 1960
Some tubes with focus spots of less than 10 μm utilize foil or needle targets. These targets and the heat dissipated in them have been discussed by Cosslett & Nixon (1960). The dissipation is less than that in a massive target by a factor of about 3 for a foil and 10 for a needle, but, in view of the low absolute power, target movement and even water-cooling can be dispensed with.
Radioactive sources of X-rays are mainly of interest to crystallographers for the calibration of X-ray detectors where they have the great advantage of being completely stable with time, or at least of having an accurately known decay rate. For some purposes, spectral purity of the radiation is important; radionuclides that decay wholly by electron capture are particularly useful as they produce little or no β or other radiation. In this type of decay, the atomic number of the daughter nucleus is one less than that of the decaying isotope, and the emitted X-rays are characteristic of the daughter nucleus. In some cases, the probability of electron capture taking place from some shell other than the K shell is very small and most of the photons emitted are K photons. The number of photons emitted into a solid angle of 4π, uncorrected for absorption, is given by the strength of the source in Curies (1 Curie = 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations s−1), since each disintegration produces one photon. A list of these nuclei (after Dyson, 1973) is given in Table
Useful radioactive sources are also made by mixing a pure β-emitter with a target material. These sources produce a continuous spectrum in addition to the characteristic line spectrum. The nuclide most commonly used for this purpose is tritium which emits β particles with an energy up to 18 keV and which has a half-life of 12.4 a.
Radioactive X-ray sources have been reviewed by Dyson (1973).
The growing importance of synchrotron radiation is attested by a large number of monographs (Kunz, 1979; Winick, 1980
; Stuhrmann, 1982
; Koch, 1983
) and review articles (Godwin, 1968
; Kulipanov & Skrinskii, 1977
; Lea, 1978
; Winick & Bienenstock, 1978
; Helliwell, 1984
; Buras, 1985
). Project studies for storage rings such as the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, the ESRF (Farge & Duke, 1979
; Thompson & Poole, 1979
; Buras & Marr, 1979
; Buras & Tazzari, 1984
) are still worth consulting for the reasoning that lay behind the design; the ESRF has, in fact, achieved or even exceeded the design parameters (Laclare, 1994
A charged particle with energy E and mass m moving in a circular orbit of radius R at a constant speed v radiates a power P into a solid angle of 4π, where The orbit of the particle can be maintained only if the energy lost in the form of electromagnetic radiation is constantly replenished. In an electron synchrotron or in a storage ring, the circulating particles are electrons or positrons maintained in a closed orbit by a magnetic field; their energy is supplied or restored by means of an oscillating radio-frequency (RF) electric field at one or more places in the orbit. In a synchrotron, designed for nuclear-physics experiments, the circulating particles are injected from a linear accelerator, accelerated up to full energy by the RF field and then deflected into a target with a cycle frequency of about 50 Hz. The synchrotron radiation is thus produced in the form of pulses of this frequency. A storage ring, on the other hand, is filled with electrons or positrons and after acceleration the particle energy is maintained by the RF field; the current ideally circulates for many hours and decays only as a result of collisions with remaining gas molecules. At present, only storage rings are used as sources of synchrotron radiation and many of these are dedicated entirely to the production of radiation: they are not used at all, or are used only for limited periods, for nuclear-physics collision experiments.
In equation (, we may substitute for the various constants and obtain for the radiated power
where E is in GeV (109 eV), I is the circulating electron or positron current in milliamperes, and R is in metres. Thus, for example, at the Daresbury storage ring in England, R = 5.5 m and, for operation at 2 GeV and 200 mA, P = 51.5 kW. Storage rings with a total power of the order of 1 MW are planned.
For relativistic electrons, the electromagnetic radiation is compressed into a fan-shaped beam tangential to the orbit with a vertical opening angle , i.e. ~0.25 mrad for E = 2 GeV (Fig.
). This fan rotates with circulating electrons: if the ring is filled with n bunches of electrons, a stationary observer will see n flashes of radiation every 2πR/c s, the duration of each flash being less than 1 ns.
The spectral distribution of synchrotron radiation extends from the infrared to the X-ray region; Schwinger (1949) gives the instantaneous power radiated by a monoenergetic electron in a circular motion per unit wavelength interval as a function of wavelength (Winick, 1980
). An important parameter specifying the distribution is the critical wavelength
: half the total power radiated, but only ∼9% of the total number of photons, is at
is given by
from which it follows that
in Å can be expressed as
where B (= 3.34 E/R) is the magnetic bending field in T, E is in GeV, and R is in metres.
Synchrotron radiation is highly polarized. In an ideal ring where all electrons are parallel to one another in a central orbit, the radiation in the orbital plane is linearly polarized with the electric vector lying in this plane. Outside the plane, the radiation is elliptically polarized.
In practice, the electron path in a storage ring is not a circle. The `ring' consists of an alternation of straight sections and bending magnets and beam lines are installed at these magnets. So-called insertion devices with a zero magnetic field integral, i.e. wigglers and undulators, may be inserted in the straight sections (Fig.
). A wiggler consists of one or more dipole magnets with alternating magnetic field directions aligned transverse to the orbit. The critical wavelength can thus be shifted towards shorter values because the bending radius can be made small over a short section, especially when superconducting magnets are used. Such a device is called a wavelength shifter. If it has N dipoles, the radiation from the different poles is added to give an N-fold increase in intensity. Wigglers can be horizontal or vertical.
![]() | Main components of a dedicated electron storage-ring synchrotron-radiation source. For clarity, only one bending magnet is shown. From Buras & Tazzari (1984 |
In a wiggler, the maximum divergence 2α of the electron beam is much larger than ψ, the vertical aperture of the radiation cone in the spectral region of interest (Fig. If
and if, in addition, the magnet poles of a multipole device have a short period
, the device becomes an undulator: interference will take place between the radiation emitted at two points
apart on the electron trajectory (Fig.
). The spectrum at an angle
to the axis observed through a pin-hole will consist of a single spectral line and its harmonics of wavelengths
(Hofmann, 1978
). Typically, the bandwidth of the lines, δλ/λ, will be ∼0.01 to 0.1 and the photon flux per unit band width from the undulator will be many orders of magnitude greater than that from a bending magnet. Existing undulators have been designed for photon energies below 2 keV; higher energies, because of the relatively weak magnetic fields necessitated by the need to keep λ0 small [equation (
], require a high electron energy: undulators with a fundamental wavelength in the neighbourhood of 0.86 Å are planned for the European storage ring (Buras & Tazzari, 1984
![]() | Electron trajectory within a multipole wiggler or undulator. λ0 is the spatial period, α the maximum deflection angle, and θ the observation angle. From Buras & Tazzari (1984 |
The wavelength spectra for a bending magnet, a wiggler and an undulator for the ESRF, are shown in Fig.
. A comparison of the spectra from an existing storage ring with the spectrum of a rotating-anode tube is shown in Fig.
![]() | Spectral distribution and critical wavelengths for (a) a dipole magnet, (b) a wavelength shifter, and (c) a multipole wiggler for the proposed ESRF. From Buras & Tazzari (1984 |
![]() | Comparison of the spectra from the storage ring SPEAR in photons s−1 mA−1 mrad−1 per 1% passband (1978 performance) and a rotating-anode X-ray generator. From Nagel (1980 |
The important properties of synchrotron-radiation sources are:
Table (after Buras & Tazzari, 1984
) compares the most important parameters of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) with a number of other storage rings. In this table, BM and W signify bending-magnet and wiggler beam lines, respectively,
is the source divergence; the flux is integrated in the vertical plane. The ESRF is seen to have a higher flux than other sources; even more impressive by virtue of the small dimensions of the source size and divergence are its improvements in spectral brightness (defined as the number of photons s−1 per unit solid angle per 0.1% bandwidth) and in spectral brilliance (defined as the number of photons s−1 per unit solid angle per unit area of the source per 0.1% bandwidth). In comparing different synchrotron-radiation sources with one another and with conventional sources (Fig.
), the relative quantity for comparison may be flux, brightness or brilliance, depending on the type of diffraction experiment and the type of collimation adopted. Table
(due to Farge & Duke, 1979
) attempts to compare intensity factors for a number of typical experiments. In general, a high brightness is important in experiments that do not embody focusing elements, such as mirrors or curved crystals, and a high brilliance in those experiments that do.
†One standard deviation of Gaussian distribution.
Many surveys of existing and planned synchrotron-radiation sources have been published since the compilation of Table Fig.
, taken from a recent review (Suller, 1992
), is a graphical illustration of the growth and the distribution of these sources. An earlier census is due to Huke & Kobayakawa (1989
). Many detailed descriptions of beam lines for particular purposes, such as protein crystallography (e.g. Fourme, 1992
) or at individual storage rings (e.g. Kusev, Raiko & Skuratowski, 1992
) have appeared: these are too numerous to list here and can be located by reference to Synchrotron Radiation News.
Plasma sources of hard X-rays are being investigated in many laboratories. Most of the material in this section is derived from publications from the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA. Plasma sources of very soft X-rays have been reviewed by Byer, Kuhn, Reed & Trail (1983).
The peak wavelength of emission from a black-body radiator falls into the ultraviolet at about 105 K and into the X-ray region between 106 and 107 K. At these temperatures, matter is in the form of a plasma that consists of highly ionized atoms and of electrons with energies of several keV. The only successful methods of heating plasmas to temperatures in excess of 106 K is by means of high-energy laser beams with intensities of 1012 W mm−2 or more. The duration of the laser pulse must be less than 1 ns so that the plasma cannot flow away from the pulse. When the plasmas are created from elements with 15 Z
25, they consist mainly of ions stripped to the K shell, that is of hydrogen- and helium-like ions. The X-ray spectrum (Fig.
) then contains a main group of lines with a bandwidth for the group of about 1%; the band is situated slightly below the K-absorption edge of the target material. The intensity of the band drops with increasing atomic number. For diffraction studies, Forsyth & Frankel (1980
, 1984
) and Frankel & Forsyth (1979
, 1985
) used a multi-stage Nd3+:glass laser (Seka, Soures, Lewis, Bunkenburg, Brown, Jacobs, Mourou & Zimmermann, 1980
), which was able to deliver up to 220 J per pulse of width 700 ps. They obtained
photons pulse−1 for a Cl15+ plasma with a mean wavelength of about 4.45 Å and about
photons pulse−1 for a Fe24+ plasma at about 1.87 Å (Yaakobi, Bourke, Conturie, Delettrez, Forsyth, Frankel, Goldman, McCrory, Seka, Soures, Burek & Deslattes, 1981
). More recently, the laser was fitted with a frequency conversion system that shifts the peak power of the laser light from the infrared (1.054 µm) to the ultraviolet (0.351 µm) (Seka, Soures, Lund & Craxton 1981
). This led to a more efficient X-ray production, which permitted a more than twofold increase in X-ray flux, even though the maximum pulse energies had to be reduced to ∼50 J to prevent damage to the optical components (Yaakobi, Boehli, Bourke, Conturie, Craxton, Delettrez, Forsyth, Frankel, Goldman, McCrory, Richardson, Seka, Shvarts & Soures, 1981
). Forsyth & Frankel (1984
) used the plasma X-ray source for diffraction studies with 4.45 Å X-rays with a focusing collimation system that delivered up to 1010 photons pulse−1 to the specimen over an area approximately 150 µm in diameter. More recently, by special target design (Forsyth, 1986, unpublished), fluxes have been increased by factors of 2 to 3 without altering the laser output. Other plasma sources have been described by Collins, Davanloo & Bowen (1986
) and by Rudakov, Baigarin, Kalinin, Korolev & Kumachov (1991
![]() | X-ray emission from various laser-produced plasmas. From Forsyth & Frankel (1980 |
The cost of plasma sources is about an order of magnitude greater than that of rotating-anode generators (Nagel, 1980). Their use is at present confined to flash-diffraction experiments, since the duty cycle is a maximum of one flash every 30 min. Attempts are being made to increase the laser repetition rate; a substantial improvement could lead to a source that would rival storage-ring sources.
Parametric X-ray generation can be described as the diffraction of virtual photons associated with the field of a relativistic charged particle passing through a crystal. These diffracted photons appear as real photons with an energy that satisfies Bragg's law for the reflecting crystal planes, so that the energy can be tuned between 5 and 45 keV by rotating the mosaic graphite crystal. Linear accelerators with an energy between 100 and 500 MeV produce the incident relativistic electron beam (Maruyama, Di Nova, Snyder, Piestrup, Li, Fiorito & Rule, 1993; Fiorito, Rule, Piestrup, Li, Ho & Maruyama, 1993
Transition-radiation X-rays with peak energies between 10 and 30 keV are produced when electrons from 100 to 400 MeV strike a stack of thin foils (Piestrup, Moran, Boyers, Pincus, Kephart, Gearhart & Maruyama, 1991). Quasi-monochromatic X-rays result from a selection of target foils with appropriate K-, L- or M-edge frequencies (Piestrup, Boyers, Pincus, Harris, Maruyama, Bergstrom, Caplan, Silzer & Skopik, 1991
Channelling radiation, resulting from the incidence of electrons with an energy of only about 5 MeV on appropriately aligned diamond or silicon crystals hold out the hope of producing a bright tunable X-ray source.
One or more of these methods may, in the future, be developed as X-ray sources that can compete with synchrotron-radiation sources.
Wavelength tables in previous editions of this volume (Rieck, 1962; Arndt, 1992
) were mainly obtained from the compilations prepared in Paris under the general direction of Professor Y. Cauchois (Cauchois & Hulubei, 1947
; Cauchois & Senemaud, 1978
). A separate effort by the late Professor J. A. Bearden and his collaborators (Bearden, 1967
) has been widely used in other aggregations of tabular data and was made available for some time through the Standard Reference Data Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). For simplicity in the following discussion, we use the Bearden database as a frame of reference with respect to which our current, and rather different, approach can be compared. Although a detailed comparison of the historical databases may be of some interest, the result would have only very small influence on the outcome presented here. To specify this framework, we begin with a brief description of the procedures used in establishing this reference database.
Bearden and his collaborators remeasured a group of five X-ray lines (Bearden, Henins, Marzolf, Sauder & Thomsen, 1964), with the remaining entries in the wavelength table coming from a critically reviewed, and re-scaled, subset of earlier measurements (Bearden, 1967
). Line locations were given in Å* units, a scale defined by setting the wavelength of W Kα1 = 0.2090100 Å*. It was Bearden's intention that, for all but the most demanding applications, one could simply assign Å*/Å = 1, with an uncertainty arising from the fundamental physical constants, particularly NA and hc/e, combined with uncertainties arising from the measurement technology (Bearden, 1965
). Not long after the publication of the final compilation (Bearden, 1967
), it became clear that the fundamental constants used in defining Å* needed significant revision (Cohen & Taylor, 1973
), and that there were some inconsistencies in the metrology (Kessler, Deslattes & Henins, 1979
Aside from the particular issues noted above, all previous wavelength tables had certain limitations arising from the procedures used in their generation. In particular, except for a small group of five spectra (Bearden, Thomsen et al., 1964
), the Bearden tables relied entirely on data previously reported in the literature. Both of the other tabulations also proceeded using only reported experimental values (Cauchois & Hulubei, 1947
; Cauchois & Senemaud, 1978
). In the Bearden compilation process, available data for each emission line were weighted according to claimed uncertainties, modified in certain cases by Bearden's detailed knowledge of the measurement practices of the major sources of experimental wavelength values. The complete documentation of this remarkable undertaking is, unfortunately, not widely accessible. Our evident need to understand the origin of the `recommended' values has been greatly aided by the availability of a copy of the full documentation (Bearden, Thomsen et al., 1964
The actual experimental data array from which the previous tables emerged is not complete, even for the prominent (`diagram') lines. In the cases where experimental data were not available [as can be seen only in the source documentation (Bearden, Thomsen et al., 1964)], the gaps were filled by interpolated values based on measurements available from nearby elements, plotted on a modified Moseley diagram in which the
term dependence is taken into account (Burr, 1996
). In the end, such a smooth scaling with respect to nuclear charge suppresses the effects of the atomic shell structure, a practice that must be avoided in order to obtain the significant improvement in the database that we hope to provide. Also obscured in smooth Z scaling are detectable contributions arising from the fact that nuclear sizes do not change smoothly as a function of the nuclear charge, Z.
There are several possible approaches to generating an improved, `all-Z' table of X-ray wavelengths. These range from the option of conducting a massive measurement campaign to populate more fully the currently available tabular array to a large computational endeavor that might purport to carry out multiconfiguration, relativistic wavefunction calculations for the entire Periodic Table. It seems evident to us that there is little interest in, and even less support for, mounting the large effort needed to realize an improved tabulation of X-ray wavelengths by purely experimental means, while the possibility of proceeding in an entirely theoretical mode is not consistent with the evident need that at least some wavelengths be reported with uncertainties that approach the limit of what can be obtained from the naturally occurring X-ray lines. The actual location of any useful feature of a line is influenced not only by the physical and chemical environment of the emitting atom but also by inevitable multi-electron excitation processes that perturb the entire spectral profile. Calculation of such complexities currently lies beyond the limits of practicality, eliminating the option of proceeding without strong coupling to experimental profile locations, at least for crystallographically important X-ray lines. Similar considerations apply a fortiori to those lines needed as reference wavelengths for exotic atom measurements, such as those leading to masses of elementary particles and tests of basic theory [see e.g. Beyer, Indelicato, Finlayson, Liesen & Deslattes (1991)].
In constructing the accompanying tables, we have chosen a new procedure that differs from those described above, and accordingly requires some detailed commentary. We begin with the presently available network of well documented experimental measurements, originally established to provide a test bed for the theoretical methods developing at that time (Deslattes & Kessler, 1985). This modest network was the first compilation to make use of the, then newly available, connection between the X-ray region and the base unit of the International System of measurement (the SI) based on optical interferometric measurement of a lattice period as revealed by X-ray interferometry. Details of the generation of this network and its subsequent expansion will be given below. Using this network as a test set gave clearer suggestions as to specific limitations of the theoretical modelling than had been evident from using other, less selective, experimental reference compilations available at that time. Extensive theoretical developments before and, especially, after the appearance of this new experimental reference set have shown a steady convergence toward these critically evaluated data. Following this evolution further, our long-term plan is to use these new theoretical calculations to provide a more structured and accurate interpolation procedure for estimating the spectra of elements lying between those for which we have accurate measurements, or spectra well connected to a directly established reference wavelength. The present table provides experimental and theoretical values for some of the more prominent K and L series lines and is a subset of a larger effort for all K and L series lines connecting the n = 1 to n = 4 shells. The more complete table will be published elsewhere and be made available on the the NIST Physical Reference Data web site. In addition, experimental values for the K and L edges are provided. Although the reference data are inadequate in both low and high ranges of Z, the general consistency of theory and experiment through the region 20
90 for the strong K-series and L-series lines suggests that, in the absence of good reference measurements, the uncorrected theoretical values should be considered for applications not requiring the highest accuracy.
Historically, from the first realizations of refined spectroscopy in the X-ray region (ca 1915–1925) up to the period 1975–1985, the best measured X-ray wavelengths had to be expressed in some local unit, most often designated as the xu (x unit) or kxu (kilo x unit). Uncertainty in the conversion factor between the X-ray and optical scales was the dominant contributor to the total uncertainties in the wavelength values of the sharper X-ray emission lines, such as those most frequently used in crystallography. (For a discussion of the present values in relation to previously assigned numerical values on the various scales, see Subsection This local unit was, for most of the time, `officially' defined by assigning a specific numerical value to the lattice period of a particular reflection from `the purest instance' of a particular crystal. Originally this was rocksalt; later it was calcite. In practice, most work used as de facto standards certain values for Cu
and Mo
whose inconsistency, though noted by some crystallographers earlier, was seriously addressed by Bearden and co-workers only in the 1960's (Bearden, Henins et al., 1964
). This early history was summarized in 1968 (Thomsen & Burr, 1968
). Connection of the X-ray wavelength scale to the primary realizations of the length (wavelength) unit in the `metric system' was primarily (at least after about 1930) through ruled grating measurements of longer-wavelength X-ray lines such as Al
The remainder of the X-ray wavelength database was derived from relative measurements using crystal diffraction spectroscopy. Unfortunately, even the most refined among the ruled grating measurements did not give accuracies comparable to the precision accessible by relative wavelength measurements (Henins, 1971). As noted above, in connection with establishing the previous wavelength table, Bearden introduced a new local unit, the Å*, based on an explicit value for the wavelength of W
, chosen to give a conversion factor near unity. This transitional period will not be treated further in the present documentation since, to a substantial extent, developments described in the following paragraphs have effectively eliminated the need for a local scale for X-ray wavelength metrology.
Following the demonstration of crystal lattice interferometry in the X-ray region (Bonse & Hart, 1965a), efforts to combine such an X-ray interferometer with various optical interferometers were undertaken in several (mostly national standards) laboratories. Although the earliest of these, carried out at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST) (Deslattes & Henins, 1973
) was, in the end, found to be burdened by a serious systematic error (1.8 × 10−6) in later work at the Physikalisch Technishe Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Becker et al., 1981
; Becker, Seyfried & Siegert, 1982
), it was clear that accuracy limitations associated with ruled grating measurements no longer dominated the metrology of X-ray wavelengths. The origin of the systematic error in the early NBS measurement was subsequently understood (Deslattes, Tanaka, Greene, Henins & Kessler, 1987
), and, more recently, excellent results were obtained in Italy (Basile, Bergamin, Cavagnero, Mana, Vittone & Zosi, 1994
, 1995
) and Japan (Fujimoto, Fujii, Tanaka & Nakayama, 1997
). In all cases, the goal was to obtain an optical measurement of a crystal lattice period (thus far, only Si 220) and to use the calibrated crystals in diffraction spectrometry to establish optically based X-ray wavelengths. Such exercises have been undertaken for several X-ray lines, but the most detailed and well documented results to date were obtained in Jena (Härtwig, Hölzer, Wolf & Förster, 1993
; Hölzer, Fritsch, Deutsch, Härtwig & Förster, 1997
), where the Kα and Kβ spectra of the elements Cr to Cu were evaluated using silicon crystals well connected with the crystal spacings measured at the PTB.
In addition to the Jena measurements noted above, a number of characteristic X-ray lines were measured on the optically based scale at NBS/NIST. The set of directly measured reference wavelengths is given in Table in bold type. Most of the originally published (NBS/NIST) values were burdened by the 1.8 × 10−6 error in the silicon lattice period, as noted above. These have been corrected in the numerical results summarized in the table. The directly measured elements and lines appearing in this table were often chosen to meet the need for specific reference values in locations near those of certain optical transitions in highly charged ion spectra or spectra from pionic atoms. In addition, early NBS measurements specifically addressed the lines most often used in crystallography and the W Kα transition. In response to the needs of electron spectroscopy, Al and Mg K spectra were also determined (Schweppe, Deslattes, Mooney & Powell, 1994
). In this case, the original lattice error had been previously recognized, so that no rescaling was required. The remaining directly measured entries were obtained as opportunities to do so emerged.
The optically based data set was expanded by noting that several groups of accurate (relative) measurements in the literature either contained one of the directly measured lines (bold type) in Table or were explicitly connected to one of them. Most often this situation was realized in reports that indicated a specific reference value, i.e. where it was stated numerical values are based on a scale where, for example, the wavelength of Mo
was taken as 707.831 xu. In such cases, and where other indicators of good measurement quality are presented, it is easy to re-scale the data reported so that it is consistent with the optically based data. This procedure was followed for important groups of measurements from earlier work by Bearden and co-workers, and from the X-ray laboratory at Uppsala. The rescaled numerical results are included in Table
in normal type along with the specific literature citations. The indicated uncertainties are standard uncertainties as defined by ISO (Taylor & Kuyatt, 1994
; Schwarzenbach, Abrahams, Flack, Prince & Wilson, 1995
To date, only a very limited number of L-series emission lines have been directly measured on an optically based scale. Wavelengths for directly measured L-series lines are reported in Table along with the literature citations. In the future, we hope to expand this limited data set by including other lines and elements that are well connected to these reference lines in the literature.
Only a small number of absorption-edge locations have been directly measured to high accuracy using the currently acceptable protocols. Some of the available data were obtained in order to provide wavelength determinations for spectra from highly charged and/or exotic atoms (Bearden, 1960; Lum et al., 1981
). This small group was, however, significantly expanded very recently by an important set of new measurements, extending to Z = 51, that are well coupled to the optical wavelength scale (Kraft, Stümpel, Becker & Kuetgens, 1996
) The resulting experimental database is summarized in Table
. The effort that would be needed to expand the experimental database in a systematic way is quite large. Thus, we make use of a procedure, not previously used for this purpose, that combines available electron binding energy data with emission-line locations from our expanded reference set of emission-line data and emission lines that have been rescaled to be consistent with the optically based scale. At the same time, calculation of the location of absorption thresholds within the theoretical framework (see below) has been undertaken and will be made available in the longer publication and on the web site.
The feature of absorption spectra customarily designated as `the absorption edge' has been variously associated with: the first inflection point of the absorption spectrum; the energy needed to produce a single inner vacancy with the photo-electron `at rest at infinity'; or the energy needed to remove an electron from an inner shell and place it in the lowest unoccupied energy level. A general discussion of this question has been given by Parratt (1959). If we choose the second alternative, then it is easy to see that, with some care for symmetry restrictions, one can estimate the absorption-edge energy by combining the binding energy for any accessible outer shell with the energy of an emission line for which the transition terminus lies in the same outer shell. Of course, this procedure does not focus on the details of absorption thresholds, the locations of which are important for a number of structural applications. On the other hand, our choice gives greater regularity with respect to nuclear charge and facilitates use of electron binding energies, since they are referenced to the Fermi energy or the vacuum.
Electron binding energies have been tabulated for the principal electron shells of all the elements considered in the present table (Fuggle, Burr, Watson, Fabian & Lang, 1974; Cardona & Ley, 1978
; Nyholm, Berndtsson & Mårtensson, 1980
; Nyholm & Mårtensson, 1980
; Lebugle, Axelsson, Nyholm & Mårtensson, 1981
; Powell, 1995
). The number of values available offers the possibility of consistency checking, since the K and L shells are connected by emission lines to several final hole states, each of which has (possibly) been evaluated by photoelectron spectroscopy. For each of the elements for which well qualified reference spectra are available, we evaluated edge location estimates using several alternative transition cycles and used the distribution of results to provide a measure of the uncertainty. Comparison of edge estimates obtained by this procedure with experimental data provides a quantitative test of the utility of the chosen approach to edge location estimation. In Table
, the numerical results in the column labelled `Emission + binding energies' were obtained by combining emission energies and electron binding energies using all possible redundancies. The estimated uncertainties indicated were obtained from the distribution of the redundant routes. As can be seen, the results are in general agreement with the available directly measured values. Accordingly, we have used this protocol to obtain the edge locations listed in the summary tables below.
Only recently has it become possible to understand the relativistic many-body problem in atoms with sufficient detail to permit meaningful calculation of transition energies between hole states (Indelicato & Lindroth, 1992; Mooney, Lindroth, Indelicato, Kessler & Deslattes, 1992
; Lindroth & Indelicato, 1993
, 1994
; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1996
). To deal with those hole states for atomic numbers ranging from 10 to 100, one needs to consider five kinds of contributions, all of which must be calculated in a relativistic framework, and the relative influence of which can change strongly as a function of the atomic number:
Such an undertaking, although much more advanced than any other done in the past, still suffers from severe limitations that need to be understood fully to make the best use of the table. The main limitation is probably that most lines are emitted by atoms in an elemental solid or a compound, while the calculation at present deals only with atoms isolated in vacuum. (A purely experimental database would have a similar limitation.) The second limitation is that it is not possible at present to include the coupling between the hole and open outer shells. Coupling between a ,
hole and an external 3d or 4f shell can generate hundreds of levels, with splitting that can reach an eV. One then should calculate all radiative and Auger transition probabilities between hundreds of initial and final states. (The Auger final state would have one extra vacancy, leading eventually to thousands of final states.) Such an approach would give not only the mean line energy but also its shape and would thus be very desirable, but is impossible to do with present day theoretical tools and computers. We have thus limited ourselves to an approach in which one computes the weighted average energy for each hole state, and ignores possible distortion of the line profile due to the coupling between inner vacancies and outer shells.
Since we want to have good predictions for both light and heavy atoms, we have to include relativity non-perturbatively. To get a result approaching 1 × 10−6 for uranium Kα by applying perturbation theory to the Schrödinger equation, for example, one would need to go to order 22 in powers of Zα = v/c. The natural framework in this case is thus to do a calculation exact to all orders in Zα by using the Dirac equation. We thus have used many-body methods, based on the Dirac equation, in which the main contributions to the transition energy are evaluated using the Dirac–Fock method. We use the Breit operator for the electron–electron interaction, to include magnetic (spin–spin, spin–other orbit and orbit–orbit interactions in the lower orders in Zα and (v/c)2 retardation effects. Higher-order retardation effects are also included. Many-body effects are calculated by using relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT). Since inner vacancy levels are auto-ionizing, one must include shifts in their energy due to the coupling between the discrete levels and Auger decay continuua.
In the following subsections, we describe in more detail the calculation of the different contributions.
The first step in the calculation, following Indelicato and collaborators (Indelicato & Desclaux, 1990; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1992
; Mooney et al., 1992
; Lindroth & Indelicato, 1993
; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1996
) consists in evaluating the best possible energy with relativistic corrections, within the independent electron approximation, for each hole state (here
for K, LII, LIII, MII, MIII, respectively). Such a calculation must provide a suitable starting point for adding all many-body and QED contributions. We have thus chosen the Dirac–Fock method in the implementation of Desclaux (1975
, 1993
). This method, based on the Dirac equation, allows treatment of arbitrary atoms with arbitrary structure and has been widely used for this kind of calculation. We have used it with full exchange and relaxation (to account for inactive orbital rearrangement due to the hole presence). The electron–electron interaction used in this program contains all magnetic and retardation effects, which is very important to have good results at large Z. The magnetic interaction is treated on an equal footing with the Coulomb interaction, to account for higher-order effects in the wavefunction (which are also useful for evaluating radiative corrections to the electron–electron interaction). All these calculations must be done with proper nuclear charge models to account for finite-nuclear-size corrections to all contributions. For heavy nuclei, nuclear deformations must be accounted for (Blundell, Johnson & Sapirstein, 1990
; Indelicato, 1990
). For all elements for which experiments have been performed, we used experimental nuclear charge radii. For the others we used a formula from Johnson & Soff (1985
), corrected for nuclear deformations for Z
90. Contribution of deformation to the r.m.s. radius (the only parameter of importance to the atomic calculation) is roughly constant (0.11 fm) for Z
90. There is an unknown region, between Bi and Th (83
90), where deformation effects start to be important, but for which they are not known. When experiments are done for a particular isotope, we calculated separately the energies for each isotope.
As mentioned in the introduction, there are special difficulties involved when dealing with atoms with open outer shells (obviously this is the most common case). Computing all energies for total angular momentum J would be both impossible and useless. The Dirac–Fock method circumvents this difficulty. One can evaluate directly an average energy that corresponds to the barycentre of all
with weight (
). There are still a few cases for which the average calculation cannot converge (when the open shells have identical symmetry). In that case, the outer electrons have been rearranged in an identical fashion for all hole states of the atom, to minimize possible shifts due to this procedure.
Once the Dirac–Fock energy is obtained, many-body effects beyond Dirac–Fock relaxation must be taken into account. These include relaxation beyond the spherical average, correlation (due to both Coulomb and magnetic interaction), and corrections due to the autoionizing nature of hole states (Auger shift). Since the many-body generalization of the Dirac–Fock method, the so-called MCDF (multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock), is very inefficient for hole states, we turned to RMBPT to evaluate those quantities. These many-body effects contribute very significantly to the final value. Coulomb correlation is mostly constant along the Periodic Table (at the level of a few eV). Magnetic correlations are very strong at high Z. Auger shift is very important for p states. The interested reader will find more details of these complicated calculations in the original references (Indelicato & Lindroth, 1992; Mooney et al., 1992
; Lindroth & Indelicato, 1993
; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1996
). As these calculations are very time consuming, they are performed only for selected Z and interpolated. Since the Auger shifts do not always have a smooth Z dependence, care has been taken to evaluate them at as many different Z's as practical to ensure a good reproduction of irregularities.
The QED corrections originate in the quantum nature of both the electromagnetic and electron fields. They can be divided in two categories, radiative and non-radiative. The first one includes self-energy and vacuum polarization, which are the main contributions to the Lamb shift in one-electron atoms. These corrections scale as (n being the principal quantum number) and are thus very important for inner shells and high Z. The second category is composed of corrections to the electron–electron interaction that cannot be accounted for by RMBPT or MCDF. These corrections start at the two-photon interaction and include three-body effects. The two-photon, non-radiative QED contribution has been calculated recently only for the ground state of two-electron ions (Blundell, Mohr, Johnson & Sapirstein, 1993
; Lindgren, Persson, Salomonson & Labzowsky, 1995
) and cannot be evaluated in practice for atoms with more than two or three electrons.
The radiative corrections split up into two contributions. The first contribution is composed of one-electron radiative corrections (self-energy and vacuum polarization). For the self-energy and , one must use all-order calculations (Mohr, 1974a,
, 1975
, 1982
, 1992
; Mohr & Soff, 1993
). Vacuum polarization can be evaluated at the Uehling (1935
) and Wichmann & Kroll (1956
) level. Higher-order effects are much smaller than for the self-energy (Soff & Mohr, 1988
) and have been neglected. The second contribution is composed of radiative corrections to the electron–electron interaction, and scales as
. Ab initio calculations have been performed only for few-electron ions (Indelicato & Mohr, 1990
, 1991
). Here we use the Welton approximation which has been shown to reproduce very closely ab initio results in all examples that have been calculated (Indelicato, Gorceix & Desclaux 1987
; Indelicato & Desclaux 1990
; Kim, Baik, Indelicato & Desclaux, 1991
; Blundell, 1993a
Table summarizes the theoretical and experimental results for prominent K-series lines and the K-absorption edge. For the emission lines, the upper number (in italics) is the theoretical estimate for this line and the lower number is the experimentally measured value (1) from Table
or (2) from the Bearden database or a reference that appeared after the Bearden database corrected to the optically based scale. For the K absorption edge, the upper number (also in italics) was obtained by combining emission lines and photoelectron spectroscopy (see Subsection
), and the lower number is the experimentally measured value (1) from Table
or (2) from the Bearden database or a reference that appeared after the Bearden database corrected to an optically based scale. For the experimental emission and absorption entries, bold type is used for wavelengths directly measured on an optically based scale. The numerical values for wavelengths in angstrom units (1 Å = 0.1 nm) are given to a number of significant figures commensurate with their estimated uncertainties, which appear in parentheses after each theoretical and experimental value.
shows plots of the relative deviation between theoretical and experimental values for the K-series lines and the K-absorption edge as a function of Z. The error bars shown in the figure are the experimental uncertainties. In general, these plots show good agreement between theory and experiment except in the low-Z and high-Z regions. At the low-Z end of the table, the particular calculational approach used is not optimum, and the experimental data are surprisingly weak. At the high end, experimental data have rather large uncertainties, and thus do not provide an accurate test of the theory.
Table summarizes the theoretical and experimental results for prominent L-series lines and the L-absorption edges. The experimental database of high-accuracy emission data is much more limited than was the case for the K series, and there have been very few high-accuracy edge-location measurements. The format of this table is similar to that of Table
. For the emission lines, the upper number (in italics) is the theoretical estimate for this line, and the lower number is the experimentally measured value. Numbers in bold type were directly measured on the optical scale (see Table
), and numbers in normal type are from the Bearden database or a reference that appeared after the Bearden database corrected to an optically based scale. For the L-absorption edges, the upper number (also in italics) is obtained by combining emission lines and photoelectron spectroscopy (see Subsection
) and the lower number is the experimentally measured value. The numbers in bold type are recent measurements by Kraft, Stümpel, Becker & Kuetgens (1996
), and the numbers in normal type are from the Bearden database or a reference that appeared after the Bearden database corrected to an optically based scale. Fig.
shows relative deviations between the theoretical and experimental values for most of the tabulated data. The error bars shown in the figure are the experimental uncertainties.
This article and the accompanying X-ray wavelength tables are an updated version of the contribution to the International Tables for Crystallography, Volume C, 2nd edition that was published in 1999. This article has been subject to more critical review and analysis and the data are consistent with the most recent adjustment of the fundamental physical constants (Mohr & Taylor, 2000). We believe that these data represent a significant improvement in consistency, coverage and accuracy over previously available resources. The results presented here are a subset of a larger effort that includes all K- and L-series lines connecting the n = 1 to n = 4 shells. The more complete table has been submitted for archival publication and will be made available on the NIST Physical Reference Data web site. Electronic publishing of this resource will provide a convenient data resource to the scientific community that can be more easily up-dated and expanded.
In order to compare historical data for X-ray spectra with the results in the present tabulation, certain conversion factors are needed. As discussed in the introduction, the principal units found in the literature are the xu and the Å* unit. There is the additional complication that there were several different definitions in use at various times and at the same time in different laboratories. For the convenience of the reader, we summarize in Table the main conversion factors needed. The numerical values for the wavelengths in Å can be converted to energies in electron volts by using the conversion factor 12398.41857 (49) eV Å (Mohr & Taylor, 2000
This section deals with the manner in which the photon scattering and absorption cross sections of an atom varies with the energy of the incident photon. Further information concerning these cross sections and tables of the X-ray attenuation coefficients are given in Section 4.2.4. Information concerning the anomalous-dispersion corrections is given in Section 4.2.6
When a highly collimated beam of monoenergetic photons passes through a medium of thickness t, it suffers a decrease in intensity according to the relation where μl is the linear attenuation coefficient. Most tabulations express μl in c.g.s. units, μl having the units cm−1.
An alternative, often more convenient, way of expressing the decrease in intensity involves the measurement of the mass per unit area mA of the specimen rather than the specimen thickness, in which case equation ( takes the form
where ρ is the density of the material and (μ/ρ) is the mass absorption coefficient. The linear attenuation coefficient of a medium comprising atoms of different types is related to the mass absorption coefficients by
is the mass fraction of the atoms of the ith species for which the mass absorption coefficient is
. The summation extends over all the atoms comprising the medium. For a crystal having a unit-cell volume of
is the photon scattering and absorption cross section. If
is expressed in terms of barns/atom then
must be expressed in terms of Å3 and μl is in cm−1. (1 barn = 10−28 m2.)
The mass attenuation coefficient μ/ρ is related to the total photon–atom scattering cross section σ according to where
Avogadro's number = 6.0221367 (36) × 1023 atoms/gram atom (Cohen & Taylor, 1987
) and M = atomic weight relative to M(12C) = 12.0000.
When a photon interacts with an atom, a number of different absorption and scattering processes may occur. For an isolated atom at photon energies of less than 100 keV (the limit of most conventional X-ray generators), contributions to the total cross section come from the photo-effect, coherent (Rayleigh) scattering, and incoherent (Compton) scattering. The relation between the photo-effect absorption cross section
and the X-ray anomalous-dispersion corrections will be discussed in Section 4.2.6
The magnitudes of these scattering cross sections depend on the type of atom involved in the interactions and on the energy of the photon with which it interacts. In Fig.
, the theoretical cross sections for the interaction of photons with a carbon atom are given. Values of
are from calculations by Scofield (1973
), and those for Rayleigh and Compton scattering are from tabulations by Hubbell & Øverbø (1979
) and Hubbell (1969
), respectively. Note the sharp discontinuities that occur in the otherwise smooth curves. These correspond to photon energies that correspond to the energies of the K and
shells of the carbon energies. Notice also that
is the dominant interaction cross section, and that the Rayleigh scattering cross section remains relatively constant for a broad range of photon energies, whilst the Compton scattering peaks at a particular photon energy (∼100 keV). Other interaction mechanisms exist [e.g. Delbrück (Papatzacos & Mort, 1975
; Alvarez, Crawford & Stevenson, 1958
), pair production, nuclear Thompson], but these do not become significant interaction processes for photon energies less than 1 MeV. This section will not address the interaction of photons with atoms for which the photon energy exceeds 100 keV.
The curves shown in Fig. are the result of theoretical calculations of the interactions of an isolated atom with a single photon. Experiments are not usually performed on isolated atoms, however. When experiments are performed on ensembles of atoms, a number of points of difference emerge between the experimental data and the theoretical calculations. These effects arise because the presence of atoms in proximity with one another can influence the scattering process. In short: the total attenuation coefficient of the system is not the sum of all the individual attenuation coefficients of the atoms that comprise the system.
Perhaps the most obvious manifestation of this occurs when the photon energy is close to an absorption edge of an atom. In Fig.
, the mass attenuation of several germanium compounds is plotted as a function of photon energy. The energy scale measures the distance from the K-shell edge energy of germanium (11.104 keV). These curves are taken from Hubbell, McMaster, Del Grande & Mallett (1974
). Not only does the experimental curve depart significantly from the theoretically predicted curve, but there is a marked difference in the complexity of the curves between the various germanium compounds.
![]() | The dependence of the X-ray attenuation coefficient on energy for a range of germanium compounds, taken in the neighbourhood of the germanium absorption edge (from IT IV, 1974 |
Far from the absorption edge, the theoretical calculations and the experimental data are in reasonable agreement with what one might expect using the sum rule for the various scattering cross sections and one could say that this region is one in which normal attenuation coefficients may be found.
Closer to the edge, the almost periodic variation of the mass attenuation coefficient is called the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). Very close to the edge, more complicated fluctuations occur. These are referred to as X-ray absorption near edge fine structure (XANES). The boundary of the XAFS and XANES regions is somewhat arbitrary, and the physical basis for making the distinction between the two will be outlined in Subsection
Even in the region where normal attenuation may be thought to occur, cooperative effects can exist, which can affect both the Rayleigh and the Compton scattering contributions to the total attenuation cross section. The effect of cooperative Rayleigh scattering has been discussed by Gerward, Thuesen, Stibius-Jensen & Alstrup (1979), Gerward (1981
, 1982
, 1983
), Creagh & Hubbell (1987
), and Creagh (1987a
). That the Compton scattering contribution depends on the physical state of the scattering medium has been discussed by Cooper (1985
Care must therefore be taken to consider the physical state of the system under investigation when estimates of the theoretical interaction cross sections are made.
Experimental configurations that set out to determine the X-ray linear attenuation coefficient or the corresponding mass absorption coefficients (μ/ρ) must have characteristics that reflect the underlying assumptions from which equation (
was derived, namely:
Because of the considerable discrepancies that often exist in X-ray attenuation measurements (see, for example, IT IV, 1974), the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Apparatus set up a project to determine which, if any, of the many techniques for the measurement of X-ray attenuation coefficients is most likely to yield correct results. In the project, a number of different experimental configurations were used. These are shown in Fig.
. The configurations used ranged in complexity from that of Fig.
, which uses a slit-collimated beam from a sealed tube and a β-filter to select its characteristic radiation, and a proportional counter and associated electronics to detect the transmitted-beam intensity, to that of Fig.
(f), which uses a modification to a commercial X-ray-fluorescence analyser. Sources of X-rays included conventional sealed X-ray tubes, X-ray-fluorescence sources, radioisotope sources, and synchrotron-radiation sources. Detectors ranged from simple ionization chambers, which have no capacity for photon energy detection, to solid-state detectors, which provide a relatively high degree of energy discrimination. In a number of cases (Figs., d, e, and f
), monochromatization of the beam was effected using single Bragg reflection from silicon single crystals. In Fig.
, the incident-beam monochromator is using reflections from two Bragg reflectors tuned so as to eliminate harmonic radiation from the source.
The performance of these systems was evaluated for a range of materials that included:
The results of this study are outlined in Section
Although the most important component in the experiment is the specimen itself, examination of the data files held at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (Gerstenberg & Hubbell, 1982; Saloman & Hubbell, 1986
; Hubbell, Gerstenberg & Saloman, 1986
) has shown that, in general, insufficient care has been taken in the past to select an experimental device with characteristics that are appropriate to the specimen chosen. Nor has sufficient care been taken in the determination of the dimensions, homogeneity, and defect structure of the specimens. To achieve the best results, the following procedures should be followed.
The following prescription should be followed if accurate, absolute measurements of and
are to be obtained.
Whichever detection system is chosen, it is essential that the system dead-time be determined experimentally. For descriptions of techniques for the determination of system dead-time, see, for example, Bertin (1975).
Fig. shows that the X-ray attenuation coefficients are a smooth function of photon energy over a relatively large range of photon energies, and that discontinuities occur whenever the photon energy corresponds to a resonance in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. In Fig.
, the effect of the interaction of the ejected photoelectron with the electron's neighbouring atoms is shown. Such edge effects (XAFS) can extend 1000 eV from the edge.
It is conventional, however, to extrapolate the smooth curve to the edge value, and a curve of normal attenuation coefficients results. These are taken to be the attenuation coefficients of the individual atoms. Tables of these normal attenuation coefficients are given in Section 4.2.4.
Although the existence of XAFS has been known for more than 60 years following experiments by Fricke (1920) and Hertz (1920
), it is only in the last decade that a proper theoretical description has been developed. Kronig (1932a
) suggested a long-range-order theory based on quantum-mechanical precepts, although later (Kronig, 1932b
) he applied a short-range-order (SRO) theory to explain the existence of XAFS in molecular spectra. As time progressed, important suggestions were made by others, notably Kostarev (1941
, 1949
), who applied this SRO theory to condensed matter, Sawada, Tsutsumi, Shiraiwa, Ishimura & Obashi (1959
), who accounted for the lifetime of the excited photoelectron and the core-hole state in terms of a mean free path, and Schmidt (1961a
, 1963
), who showed the influence atomic vibrations have on the phase of the back-scattered waves.
Nevertheless, neither the experimental data nor the theories were sufficiently good to enable Azaroff & Pease (1974) to decide which theory was the correct one to use. However, Sayers, Lytle & Stern (1970
) produced a theoretical approach based on SRO theory, later extended by Lytle, Stern & Sayers (1975
), and this is the foundation upon which all modern work has been built. Since 1970, a great deal of theoretical effort has been expended to improve the theory because of the need to interpret the wealth of data that became available through the increasing use of synchrotron-radiation sources in XAFS experiments.
A number of major reviews of XAFS theory and its use for the resolution of experimental data have been published. Contributions have been made by Stern, Sayers & Lytle (1975), Lee, Citrin, Eisenberger & Kincaid (1981
), Lee (1981
), and Teo (1981
). The rapid growth of the use of synchrotron-radiation sources has led to the development of the use of XAFS in a wide variety of research fields. The XAFS community has met regularly at conferences, producing conference proceedings that demonstrate the maturation of the technique. The reader is directed to the proceedings edited by Mustre de Leon, Stern, Sayers, Ma & Rehr (1988
), Hasnain (1990
), and Kuroda, Ohta, Murata, Udagawa & Nomura (1992
), and to the papers contained therein. In the following section, a brief, simplified, description will be given of the theory of XAFS and of the application of that theory to the interpretation of XAFS data.
The theory that will be outlined here has evolved through the efforts of many workers over the past decade. The oscillatory part of the X-ray attenuation relative to the `background' absorption may be written as where
is the measured value of the linear attenuation coefficient at a photon energy E and
is the `background' linear attenuation coefficient. This is sometimes the extrapolation of the normal attenuation curve to the edge energy, although it is usually found necessary to modify this extrapolation somewhat to improve the matching of the higher-energy data with the XAFS data (Dreier, Rabe, Malzfeldt & Niemann, 1984
). In most computer programs, the normal attenuation curve is fitted to the data using cubic spline fitting routines.
The origin of XAFS lies in the interaction of the ejected photoelectron with electrons in its immediate vicinity. The wavelength of a photoelectron ejected when a photon is absorbed is given by λ = 2π/k, where
This outgoing spherical wave can be back-scattered by the electron clouds of neighbouring atoms. This back-scattered wave interferes with the outgoing wave, resulting in the oscillation of the absorption rate that is observed experimentally and called XAFS. Equation ( was written with the assumption that the absorption rate was directly proportional to the linear absorption coefficient.
It is conventional to express in terms of the momentum of the ejected electron, and the usual form of the theoretical expression for χ(k) is
Here the summation extends over the shells of atoms that surround the absorbing atom,
representing the number of atoms in the ith shell, which is situated a distance
from the absorbing atom. The back-scattering amplitude from this shell is
for which the associated phase is
. Deviations due to thermal motions of the electrons are incorporated through a Debye–Waller factor,
, and ρ is the mean free path of the electron.
The amplitude function depends only on the type of back-scattering atom. The phase, however, contains contributions from both the absorber and the back-scatterer:
where l = 1 for K and
edges, and l = 2 or 0 for
edges. The phase is sensitive to variations in the energy threshold, the magnitude of the effect being larger for small electron energies than for electrons with considerable kinetic energy, i.e. the effect is more marked in the neighbourhood of the absorption edge. Since the position of the edge varies somewhat for different compounds (Azaroff & Pease, 1974
), some impediment to the analysis of experimental data might occur, since the determination of the interatomic distance
depends upon the precise knowledge of the value of
In fitting the experimental data based on an empirical value of threshold energy using theoretically determined phase shifts, the difference between the theoretical and the experimental threshold energies cannot produce a good fit at an arbitrarily chosen distance
, since the effect will be seen primarily at low k values
, whereas changing
at high k values
. This was first demonstrated by Lee & Beni (1977
The significance of the Debye–Waller factor should not be underestimated in this type of investigation. In XAFS studies, one is seeking to determine information regarding such properties of the system as nearest- and next-nearest-neighbour distances and the number of nearest and next-nearest neighbours. The theory is a short-range-order theory, hence deviations of atoms from their expected positions will influence the analysis significantly. Thus, it is often of value, experimentally, to work at liquid-nitrogen temperatures to reduce the effect of atomic vibrations.
Two distinct types of disorder are observed: vibrational, where the atom vibrates about a mean position in the structure, and static, where the atom occupies a position not expected theoretically. These terms can be separated from one another if the variation of XAFS spectra with temperature is studied, because the two have different temperature dependences. A discussion of the effect of a thermally activated disorder that is large compared with the static order has been given by Sevillano, Meuth & Rehr (1978). For systems with large static disorders, e.g. liquids and amorphous solids, equation (
has to be modified somewhat. The XAFS equation has to be averaged over the pair distribution function g(r) for the system:
Other factors that must be taken into account in XAFS analyses include: inelastic scattering (due to multiple scattering in the absorbing atom and excitations of the atoms surrounding the atom from which the photoelectron was ejected) and multiple scattering of the photoelectron. Should multiple scattering be significant, the simple model given in equation ( is inappropriate, and more complex models such as those proposed by Pendry (1983
), Durham (1983
), Gurman (1988
, 1995
), Natoli (1990
), and Rehr & Albers (1990
) should be used. Several computer programs are now available commercially for use in personal computers (EXCURVE, FEFF5, MSCALC). Readers are referred to scientific journals to find how best to contact the suppliers of these programs.
Three assumptions must be made if XAFS data are to be used to provide accurate structural and chemical information:
Of these three assumptions, (ii) is of the most questionable validity. See, for example, Stern, Bunker & Heald (1981).
It is usual, when analysing XAFS data, to search the literature for, or make sufficient measurements of, remote from the absorption edge to produce a curve of
versus E that can be extrapolated to the position of the edge. From equation (
, it is possible to produce a curve of
versus E from which the variation of
with k can be deduced using equation (
It is also customary to multiply by some power of k to compensate for the damping of the XAFS amplitudes with increasing k. The power chosen is somewhat arbitrary but
is a commonly used weighting function.
Two different techniques may be used to analyse the new data set, the Fourier-transform technique or the curve-fitting technique.
In the Fourier-transform technique (FF), the Fourier transform of the is determined for that region of momentum space from the smallest,
, to the largest,
, wavevectors of the photoelectron, yielding the radical distribution function
in coordinate
The Fourier spectrum contains peaks indicating that the nearest-neighbour, next-nearest-neighbour, etc. distances will differ from the true spacings by between 0.2 to 0.5 Å depending on the elements involved. These position shifts are determined for model systems and then transferred to the unknown systems to predict interatomic spacings. Fig.
illustrates the various steps in the Fourier-transform analysis of XAFS data.
The technique works best for systems having well separated peaks. Its primary weakness as a technique lies in the fact that the phase functions are not linear functions of k, and the spacing shift will depend on , the other factors including the weighting of data before the Fourier transforms are made, the range of k space transformed, and the Debye–Waller factors of the system.
In the curve-fitting technique (CF), least-squares refinement is used to fit the spectra in k space using some structural model for the system. Such techniques, however, can only indicate which of several possible choices is more likely to be correct, and do not prove that that structure is the correct structure.
It is possible to combine the FF and CF techniques to simplify the data analysis. Also, for data containing single-scatter peaks, the phase and amplitude components can be separated and analysed separately using either theory or model compounds (Stern, Sayers & Lytle, 1975).
Each XAFS data set depends on two sets of strongly correlated variables: and
. The elements of each set are not independent of one another. To determine N and σ, one must know F(k) well. To determine r,
must be known accurately.
Attempts have been made by Teo & Lee (1979) to calculate F(k) and
from first principles using an electron–atom scattering model. Parametrized versions have been given by Teo, Lee, Simons, Eisenberger & Kincaid (1977
) and Lee et al. (1981
). Claimed accuracies for r, σ, and N in XAFS determinations are 0.5, 10, and 20%, respectively.
Acceptable methods for data analysis must conform to a number of basic criteria to have any validity. Amongst these are the following:
The techniques for estimation of the parameters must always be given, including all known sources of uncertainty.
A complete list of criteria for the correct analysis and presentation of XAFS data is given in the reports of the International Workshops on Standards and Criteria in XAFS (Lytle, Sayers & Stern, 1989; Bunker, Hasnain & Sayers, 1990
The variety and number of experiments in which XAFS experiments have been used is so large that it is not possible here to give a comprehensive list. By consulting the papers given in such texts as those edited by Winick & Doniach (1980), Teo & Joy (1981
), Bianconi, Incoccia & Stipcich (1983
), Mustre de Leon et al. (1988
), Hasnain (1990
), and Kuroda et al. (1992
), the reader may find references to a wide variety of experiments in fields of research ranging from archaeology to zoology.
In crystallography, XAFS experiments have been used to assist in the solution of crystal structures; the large variations in the atomic scattering factors can be used to help solve the phase problem. Helliwell (1984) reviewed the use of these techniques in protein crystallography. A further discussion of the use of these anomalous-dispersion techniques in crystallography has been given by Creagh (1987b
). The relation that exists between the attenuation (related to the imaginary part of the dispersion correction, f′′) and intensity (related to the atomic form factor and the real part of the dispersion correction, f′) is discussed by Creagh in Section 4.2.6
. Specifically, modulations occur in the observed diffracted intensities from a specimen as the incident photon energy is scanned through the absorption edge of an atomic species present in the specimen. This technique, referred to as diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS) is complementary to XAFS. Because of the dependence of intensity on the geometrical structure factor, and the fact that the structure factor itself depends on the positional coordinates of the absorbing atom, it is possible to discriminate, in some favourable cases, between the anomalous scattering between atoms occupying different sites in the unit cell (Sorenson et al., 1994
In many systems of biological interest, the arrangement of radicals surrounding an active site must be found in order that the role of that site in biochemical processes may be assessed. A study of the XAFS spectrum of the active atom yields structural information that is specific to that site. Normal crystallographic techniques yield more general information concerning the crystal structure. An example of the use of XAFS in biological systems is the study of iron–sulfur proteins undertaken by Shulman, Weisenberger, Teo, Kincaid & Brown (1978). Other, more recent, studies of biological systems include the characterization of the Mn site in the photosynthetic oxygen evolving complexes including hydroxylamine and hydroquinone (Riggs, Mei, Yocum & Penner-Hahn, 1993
) and an XAFS study with an in situ electrochemical cell on manganese Schiff-base complexes as a model of a photosystem (Yamaguchi et al., 1993
It must be stressed that the theoretical expression (equation does not take into account the state of polarization of the incident photon. Templeton & Templeton (1986
) have shown that polarization effects may be observed in some materials, e.g. sodium bromate. Given that most XAFS experiments are undertaken using the highly polarized radiation from synchrotron-radiation sources, it is of some importance to be aware of the possibility that dichroic effects may occur in some specimens.
Because XAFS is a short-range-order phenomenon, it is particularly useful for the structural study of such disordered systems as liquid metals and amorphous solids. The analysis of such disordered systems can be complicated, particularly in those cases where excluded-volume effects occur. Techniques for analysis for these cases have been suggested by Crozier & Seary (1980). Fuoss, Eisenberger, Warburton & Bienenstock (1981
) suggested a technique for the investigation of amorphous solids, which they call the differential anomalous X-ray scattering (DAS) technique. This method has some advantages when compared with conventional XAFS methods because it makes more effective use of low-k information, and it does not depend on a knowledge of either the electron phase shifts or the mean free paths.
Both the conventional XAFS and DAS techniques may be used for studies of surface effects and catalytic processes such as those investigated by Sinfelt, Via & Lytle (1980), Hida et al. (1985
), and Caballero, Villain, Dexpert, Le Peltier & Lynch (1993
It must be stressed that in all the foregoing discussion it has been assumed that the detection of XAFS has been by measurement of the linear attenuation coefficient of the specimen. However, the process of photon absorption followed by the ejection of a photoelectron has as its consequence both X-ray fluorescence and surface XAFS (SEXAFS) and Auger electron emission. All of these techniques are extremely useful in the analysis of dilute systems.
SEXAFS techniques
are extremely sensitive to surface conditions since the mean free path of electrons is only about 20 Å. Discussions of the use of SEXAFS techniques have been given by Citrin, Eisenberger & Hewitt (1978) and Stohr, Denley & Perfettii (1978
). A major review of the topic is given in Lee et al. (1981
). SEXAFS has the capacity of sensing thin films deposited on the surface of substrates, and has applications in experiments involving epitaxic growth and absorption by catalysts.
Fluorescence techniques
are important in those systems for which the absorption of the specimen under investigation contributes only very slightly to the total attenuation coefficient since it detects the fluorescence of the absorbing atom directly. Experiments by Hastings, Eisenberger, Lengeler & Perlman (1975) and Marcus, Powers, Storm, Kincaid & Chance (1980
) proved the importance of this technique in analysing dilute alloy and biological specimens. Materlik, Bedzyk & Frahm (1984
) have demonstrated its use in determining the location of bromine atoms absorbed on single-crystal silicon substrates. Oyanagi, Matsushita, Tanoue, Ishiguro & Kohra (1985
) and Oyanagi, Takeda, Matsushita, Ishiguro & Sasaki (1986
) have also used fluorescence XAFS techniques for the characterization of very thin films. More recently, Oyanagi et al. (1987
) have applied the technique to the study of short-range order in high-temperature superconductors. Oyanagi, Martini, Saito & Haga (1995
) have studied in detail the performance of a 19-element high-purity Ge solid-state detector array for fluorescence X-ray absorption fine structure studies.
A less-sensitive technique, but one that can be usefully employed for thin-film studies, is that in which XAFS modulations are detected in the beam reflected from a sample surface. This technique, ReflEXAFS, has been used by Martens & Rabe (1980) to investigate superficial regions of copper oxide films by means of reflection of the X-rays close to the critical angle for total reflection.
If a thin film is examined in a transmission electron microscope, the electron beam loses some of its kinetic energy in interactions between the electron beam and the electrons within the film. If the resultant energy loss is analysed using a magnetic analyser, XAFS-like modulations are observed in the electron energy spectrum. These modulations, electron-energy-loss fine structure (EELS), which were first observed in a conventional transmission electron microscope by Leapman & Cosslett (1976), are now used extensively for microanalyses of light elements incorporated into heavy-element matrices. Most major manufacturers of transmission electron microscopes supply electron-energy-loss spectrometers for their machines. There are more problems in analysing electron-energy-loss spectra than there are for XAFS spectra. Some of the difficulties encountered in producing reliable techniques for the routine analysis of EELS have been outlined by Joy & Maher (1985
). This matter is discussed more fully in §
A more recent development has been the observation of topographic XAFS (Bowen, Stock, Davies, Pantos, Birnbaum & Chen, 1984). This fine structure is observed in white-beam topographs taken using synchrotron-radiation sources. The technique provides the means of simultaneously determining spatially resolved microstructural and spectroscopic information for the specimen under investigation.
In all the preceding discussion, however, the electron was assumed to undergo only single-scattering processes. If multiple scattering occurs, then the theory has to be changed somewhat. § discusses the effect of multiple scattering.
In Fig., there appears to be one cycle of strong oscillation in the neighbourhood of the absorption edge before the quasi-periodic variation of the XAFS commences. The electrons that cause this strong modulation of the photoelectric scattering cross section have low k values, and the electron is strongly scattered by neighbouring atoms. It was mentioned in §
that conventional XAFS theory assumes a weak, single-scattering interaction between the ejected photoelectron and its environment. A schematic diagram illustrating the difference between single- and multiple-scattering processes is given in Fig.
. Evidently, the multiple-scattering process is very complicated and a discussion of the theory of XANES is too complex to be given here. The reader is directed to papers by Pendry (1983
), Lee (1981
), and Durham (1983
). A more recent review of the study of fine structure in ionization cross sections and their use in surface science has been given by Woodruff (1986
![]() | Schematic representations of the scattering processes undergone by the ejected photoelectron in the single-scattering (XAFS) case and the full multiple-scattering regime (XANES). |
The data from XANES experiments can be analysed to determine structural information such as coordination geometry, the symmetry of unoccupied valence electronic states, and the effective charge on the absorbing atom (Natoli, Misemer, Doniach & Kutzler, 1980; Kutzler, Natoli, Misemer, Doniach & Hodgson, 1981
). XANES experiments have been performed to resolve many problems, inter alia: the origin of white lines (Lengeler, Materlik & Müller, 1983
); absorption of gases on metal surfaces (Norman, Durham & Pendry, 1983
); the effect of local symmetry in 3d elements (Petiau & Calas, 1983
); and the determination of valence states in materials (Lereboures, Dürr, d'Huysser, Bonelle & Lenglet, 1980
For reliable experiments using XAFS and XANES to be undertaken, intense-radiation sources must be used. Synchrotron-radiation sources are such a source of highly intense X-rays. Their ready availability to experimenters and the comparative simplicity of the equipment required to perform the experiments have made experiments involving XAFS and XANES very much easier to perform than has hitherto been the case.
At some synchrotron-radiation sources, database and program libraries for the storage and analysis of XAFS and XANES data exist. These are usually part of the general computing facilities (Pantos, 1982).
Crystallographers seeking information concerning the nature and extent of these computer facilities can find such information by contacting the computer centre at one of the synchrotron-radiation establishments listed in Table
This data set is intended to supersede those data sets given in International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Vols. III (Koch, MacGillavry & Milledge, 1962) and IV (Hubbell, McMaster, Del Grande & Mallett, 1974
It is not intended here to give a detailed bibliography of experimental data that have been obtained in the past 90 years. This has been the subject of a number of publications, e.g. Saloman & Hubbell (1987), Hubbell, Gerstenberg & Saloman (1986
), Saloman & Hubbell (1986
), and Saloman, Hubbell & Scofield (1988
). Further commentary on the validity and the quality of the experimental data in existing tabulations has been given by Creagh & Hubbell (1987
) and Creagh (1987a
Existing tabulations of X-ray attenuation (or absorption) cross sections fall into three distinct categories: purely theoretical, purely experimental, and an evaluated mixture of theoretical and experimental data.
Compilations of the purely theoretically derived data exist for:
Many purely experimental compilations exist, and the cross-section data given in computer programs used in the analysis of results in X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy, electron-probe microanalysis, and X-ray diffraction are usually (evaluated) compilations of several of the following compilations: Allen (1935, 1969
), Victoreen (1949
), Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow & Zemany (1960
), Koch et al. (1962
), Heinrich (1966
), Theisen & Vollath (1967
), Veigele (1973
), Leroux & Thinh (1977
), Montenegro, Baptista & Duarte (1978
), and Plechaty, Cullen & Howerton (1981
). If a comparison is made between these data sets, significant discrepancies are found, and questions must be asked concerning the reliability of the data sets that are compared. Jackson & Hawkes (1981
) and Gerward (1986
) have produced sets of parametric tables to simplify the application of X-ray attenuation data for the solution of problems in computer-aided tomography and X-ray-fluorescence analysis.
Compilations by Henke, Lee, Tanaka, Shimambukuro & Fujikawa (1982) and the earlier tables of McMaster, Del Grande, Mallett & Hubbell (1969/1970
) are examples of the judicious application of both theoretical and experimental data to produce a comprehensive data set of X-ray interaction cross sections.
Because of the discrepancies that appear to exist between experimental data sets, the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Apparatus set up a project to establish which, if any, of the existing methods for measuring X-ray interaction cross sections (X-ray attenuation coefficients) and which theoretical calculations could be considered to be the most reliable. A discussion of some of the major results of this project is given in Section 4.2.3. A more detailed description of this project has been given by Creagh & Hubbell (1987
, 1990
In this section, tabulations of the total X-ray interaction cross sections σ and the mass absorption coefficient are given for a range of characteristic X-ray wavelengths [Ti Kα 2.7440 Å (or 4.509 keV) to Ag Kβ 0.4470 Å (or 24.942 keV)]. The interaction cross sections are expressed in units of barns/atom (1 barn = 10−28 m2) whilst the mass absorption coefficient is given in cm2 g−1. Table
sets out the wavelengths of the characteristic wavelengths used in Tables
, which list values of σ and
, respectively.
Users of these tables should be aware of three important facts.
The linear attenuation coefficient in units of cm−1 can be defined operationally as
from the exponential attenuation relationship
in which an idealized plane-parallel slab of material is interposed normally into a parallel beam of monoenergetic X-rays initially of intensity
, attenuated by the interposed slab to a reduced intensity I.
The linear attenuation coefficient for multi-element substances may be obtained in two ways. Through the mass absorption coefficients, we have
is the mass fraction of the element i for which the mass attenuation coefficient
is in units of cm2 g−1, and ρ is the density of the material in units of g cm−3. The summation is over all the constituent elements. The mass attenuation coefficient
is sometimes written as
For a crystal with unit-cell volume ,
where the summation is over all the atoms in the cell. If
is in barns/atom and
is in Å3, then
is in cm−1.
These tables list total interaction cross sections and mass attenuation coefficients for isolated atoms calculated for characteristic X-ray photon emissions ranging from Ti Kα to Ag Kβ.
The total interaction cross section is defined by where
is the photo-effect cross section;
is the Rayleigh (unmodified, elastic) cross section;
is the Compton (modified, inelastic) cross section.
The reader's attention is drawn to the fact that in the neighbourhood of an absorption edge for aggregations of atoms significant deviations may be found because of cooperative effects (XAFS and XANES). A discussion of these effects is given in Section 4.2.3.
Of the many theoretical data sets in existence, those of Storm & Israel (1970), Cromer & Liberman (1970
), and Scofield (1973
) have often been used as bench marks against which both experimental and theoretical data have been compared. In particular, theoretical data produced using the S-matrix approach have been compared with these values. See, for example, Kissel, Roy & Pratt (1980
). Some indication of the extent to which agreement exists between the different theoretical data sets is given in §
(b) and
). These tables show that the values of
, which is proportional to σ, calculated using modern relativistic quantum mechanics, agree to better than 1%. It has also been demonstrated by Creagh & Hubbell (1987
, 1990
) in their analysis of the results of the IUCr X-ray Attenuation Project that there appears to be no rational basis for preferring one of these data sets over the other.
These tables do not list separately photo-effect cross sections. However, should these be required, the data can be found using Table The cross section in barns/atom is related to
expressed in electrons/atom by σ = 5636λ
where λ is expressed in ångströms.
The values for used in this compilation are derived from recent tabulations based on relativistic Hartree–Fock–Dirac–Slater calculations by Creagh. The extent to which this data set differs from other theoretical and experimental data sets has been discussed by Creagh (1990
If each of the atoms gives rise to scattering in which momentum but not energy changes occur, and if each of the atoms can be considered to scatter as if it were an isolated atom, the cross section may be written as where
Reliable tables of f(q, Z) exist and have been reviewed recently by Kane, Kissel, Pratt & Roy (1986). The most recent schematic tabulations of f(q, Z) are those of Hubbell & Øverbø (1979
) and Schaupp et al. (1983
). The data used in these tables have been derived from the tabulation for q = 0.02 to 109 Å−1, for all Z's from 1 to 100 by Hubbell & Øverbø (1979
) based on the exact formula of Pirenne (1946
) for H, and relativistic calculations by Doyle & Turner (1968
), Cromer & Waber (1974
), Øverbø (1977
, 1978
), and high-q extensions using the Bethe–Levinger expression in Levinger (1952
As mentioned in Creagh & Hubbell (1987), the atoms in highly ordered single crystals do not scatter as though they are isolated atoms. Rather, cooperative effects become important. In this case, the Rayleigh scattering cross section must be replaced by two cross sections:
That is, is replaced by
These effects are discussed elsewhere (Subsection Briefly,
In equation (
, which is due to De Marco & Suortti (1971
It is assumed that the total thermal diffuse scattering is equal to the scattering lost from Laue–Bragg scattering because of thermal vibrations. This equation is not in a convenient form for computation and the alternative formalism presented by Sano, Ohtaka & Ohtsuki (1969
) is often used in calculations. In this formalism,
The values of f(q, Z) are those of Cromer & Waber (1974).
Cross sections calculated using equation ( tend to oscillate at low energy and this corresponds to the inclusion of Bragg peaks in the summation or integration. Eventually, these oscillations abate and
becomes a smoothly varying function of energy.
Creagh & Hubbell (1987) and Creagh (1987a
) have stressed that, before cross sections are calculated for a given ensemble of atoms, care should be taken to ascertain whether single-atom or single-crystal scattering is appropriate for that ensemble.
The bound-electron Compton scattering cross section is given by Here
is the incoherent scattering intensity expressed in electron units. The other symbols have the meanings defined in §§
Values of incorporated into the tables of total cross section σ have been computed using the incoherent scattering intensities from the tabulation by Hubbell et al. (1975
) based on the calculations by Cromer & Mann (1967
) and Cromer (1969
Saloman & Hubbell (1986) and Saloman et al. (1988
) have published an extensive comparison of the experimental database with the theoretical values of Scofield (1973
, 1986
) for photon energies between 0.1 and 100 keV. Some examples taken from Saloman & Hubbell (1986
) are shown in Figs.
, and
Comparisons between theory and experiment exist for about 80 elements and space does not permit reproduction of all the available information. This information has been summarized in Fig. Superimposed on the Periodic Table of the elements are two sets of data. The upper set corresponds to the average percent deviation between experiment and theory for the photon energy range 10 to 100 keV. The lower set corresponds to the average percent deviation between experiment and theory for the photon energy range 1 to 10 keV. An upwards pointing arrow
means that
. No arrow implies that
A downwards pointing arrow
means that
An asterisk means no experimental data set was available.
For example: for tin (Z = 50), the experimental data are on average 5% higher than the theoretical predictions for the range of photon energies from 10 to 100 keV. For the range 1 to 10 keV, the experimental data are on average 7% higher than the theoretical predictions.
Fig. is given as a rapid means of comparing theory and experiment. For more detailed information, see Saloman & Hubbell (1986
), Saloman et al. (1988
), and Creagh (1990
It is not possible to generalize on the accuracy of the experimental data sets. Creagh & Hubbell (1987) have shown that many experiments for which the precision quoted by the author is high differ from other accurate measurements by a considerable amount. It must be stressed that the experimental apparatus has to be chosen so that it is appropriate for the atomic system being investigated. Details concerning the proper choice of measuring system are given in Section 4.2.3
. Within about 200 eV of an absorption edge, deviations of up to 200% may be observed between theory and experiment. This is the region in which XAFS and XANES oscillations occur.
With respect to the theoretical data: the detailed agreement between the several methods for calculating the photo-effect cross sections is quite remarkable and it is estimated that the reliability of these data is to within 2% for the energy range considered in this compilation. Some problems may exist, however, close to the absorption edges. Errors in the calculation of the Rayleigh and the Compton scattering cross sections are assessed to be of the order of 5%. Because the greater proportion of total attenuation is photoelectric, the accuracy of the total scattering cross section should be much better than 5% and usually close to 2%.
All sources of X-rays, whether they be produced by conventional sealed tubes, rotating-anode systems, or synchrotron-radiation sources, emit over a broad spectral range. In many cases, this spectral diversity is of concern, and techniques have been developed to minimize the problem. These techniques involve the use of filters, mirrors, and Laue and Bragg crystal monochromators, chosen so as to provide the best compromise between flux and spectral purity in a particular experiment. In other chapters, authors have discussed the use of techniques to improve the spectral purity of X-ray sources. This section does not purport to be a comprehensive exposition on the topic of filters and monochromators. Rather, it seeks to point the reader towards the information given elsewhere in this volume, and to add complementary information where necessary. A search of the Subject Index will find references to filters and monochromators that are not explicitly mentioned in the text of this section.
The ability to select photon energies, or bands of energies, depends on the scattering power of the atoms from which the monochromator is made and the arrangement of the atoms within the monochromator. The scattering powers of the atoms and their dependence on the energy of the incident photons were discussed in Sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4
and are discussed more fully in Section 4.2.6
. In brief, the scattering power of the atom, or atomic scattering factor, is defined, for a given incident photon energy, as the ratio of the scattering power of the atom to that of a free Thomson electron. The scattering power is denoted by the symbol
and is a complex quantity, the real part of which,
, is related to the elastic scattering cross section, and the imaginary part of which,
, is related directly to the photoelectric scattering cross section and therefore the linear attenuation coefficient
At an interface between, say, air and the material from which the monochromator is made, reflection and refraction of the incident photons can occur, as dictated by Maxwell's equations. There is an associated refractive index n given by where
is the classical radius of the electron, and
is the number density of atoms of type j.
An angle of total external reflection exists for the material, which is a function of the incident photon energy, since
is a function of photon energy. Thus, a polychromatic beam incident at the critical angle of one of the photon energies (E) will reflect totally those components having energies less than E, and transmit those components with energies greater than E. Fig.
shows calculations by Fukumachi, Nakano & Kawamura (1986
) for the reflectivity of single layers of aluminium, copper and platinum as a function of incident energy for a fixed angle of incidence (0.2°). For the aluminium specimen, the reflectivity curve shows the rapid decrease in reflectivity as the critical angle is exceeded. The reflectivity in this region varies as
. The effect of increasing atomic number can be seen: the higher the atomic factor
, the greater the energy that can be reflected from the surface. Also visible are the effects of the dispersion corrections
on reflectivity. For copper, the K shell is excited, and for platinum the
shells are excited by the polychromatic beam.
Interfaces can therefore be used to act as low-pass energy filters. The surface roughness and the existence of impurities and contaminants on the interface will, however, influence the characteristics of the reflecting surface, sometimes significantly.
Whilst neither of these classes of X-ray optical device is strictly speaking a monochromator, they nevertheless form component parts of monochromator systems in the laboratory and at synchrotron-radiation sources.
In the laboratory, mirrors are used in conjunction with conventional sealed tubes and rotating-anode sources, the emission from which consists of Bremsstrahlung upon which is superimposed the characteristic spectrum of the anode material (Subsection
). The shape of the Bremsstrahlung spectrum can be significantly modified by mirrors, and the intensity emitted at harmonics of the characteristic wavelength can be significantly reduced. More importantly, the mirrors can be fashioned into shapes that enable the emitted radiation to be brought to a focus. Ellipsoidal, logarithmic spiral, and toroidal mirrors have been manufactured commercially for use with laboratory X-ray sources. Since the X-rays are emitted isotropically from the anode surface, it is important to devise a mirror system that has a maximum angle of acceptance and a relatively long focal length.
At synchrotron-radiation sources, the high intensities that are generated over a very broad spectral range give rise to significant heat loading of subsequent monochromators and therefore degrade the performance of these elements. In many systems, mirrors are used as the first optical element in the monochromator, to reduce the heat load on the primary monochromator and to make it easier for the subsequent monochromators to reject harmonics of the chosen radiation. Shaped mirror geometries are often used to focus the beam in the horizontal plane (Subsection
). A schematic diagram of the optical elements of a typical synchrotron-radiation beamline is shown in Fig.
. In this, the primary mirror acts as a thermal shunt for the subsequent monochromator, minimizes the high-energy component that may give rise to possible harmonic content in the final beam, and acts as a vertical collimator. The radii of curvature of mirrors can be changed using a mechanical four-point bending system (Oshima, Harada & Sakabe, 1986
). More recent advances in mirror technology enable the shape of the mirror to be changed through use of the piezoelectric effect (Sussini & Labergerie, 1995
Capillaries, and bundles of capillaries, are finding increasing use in situations where a focused beam is required. The radiation is guided along the capillary by total external reflection, and the shape of the capillary determines the overall flux gain and the uniformity of the focused spot. Gains in flux of 100 and better have been reported. There is, however, a degradation in the angular divergence of the outgoing beam. For single capillaries, applications are laboratory-based protein crystallography, microtomography, X-ray microscopy, and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The design and construction of capillaries for use in the laboratory and at synchrotron-radiation sources has been discussed by Bilderback, Thiel, Pahl & Brister (1994), Balaic & Nugent (1995
), Balaic, Nugent, Barnea, Garrett & Wilkins (1995
), Balaic et al. (1996
), and Engström, Rindby & Vincze (1996
). They are usually used after other monochromators in these applications and their role as a low-pass energy filter is not of much significance.
Bundles of capillaries are currently being produced commercially to produce focused beams (ellipsoidally shaped bundles) and half-ellipsoidal bundles are used to form beams of large cross section from conventional laboratory sources (Peele et al., 1996; Kumakhov & Komarov, 1990
For one interface, the reflectivity (R) and the transmissivity (T) of the surface are determined by the Fresnel equations, viz: and
are the angles between the incident ray and the surface plane and the reflected ray and the surface plane, respectively.
If a succession of interfaces exists, the possibility of interference between successively reflected rays exists. Parameters that define the position of the interference maxima, the line breadths of those maxima, and the line intensity depend inter alia on the regularity in layer thickness, the interface surface roughness, and the existence of surface tilts between successive interfaces. Algorithms for solving this type of problem are incorporated in software currently available from a number of commercial sources (Bede Scientific, Siemens, and Philips). The reflectivity profile of a system having a periodic layer structure is shown in Fig.
. This is the reflectivity profile for a multiple-quantum-well structure of alternating aluminium gallium arsenide and indium gallium arsenide layers (Holt, Brown, Creagh & Leon, 1997
). Note the interference maxima that are superimposed on the Fresnel reflectivity curve. From the full width at half-maximum of these interference lines, it can be inferred that the energy discrimination of the system, ΔE/E, is 2%. The energy range that can be reflected by such a multilayer system depends on the interlayer thickness: the higher the photon energy, the thinner the layer thickness.
Commercially available multilayer mirrors exist, and hitherto they have been used as monochromators in the soft X-ray region in X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. These monochromators are typically made of alternating layers of tungsten and carbon, to maximize the difference in scattering-length density at the interfaces. Whilst the energy resolution of such systems is not especially good, these monochromators have a good angle of acceptance for the incident beam, and reasonably high photon fluxes can be achieved using conventional laboratory sources.
A recent development of this, the Goebel mirror system, is supplied as an accessory to a commercially available diffractometer (Siemens, 1996a,b
; OSMIC, 1996
). This system combines the focusing capacity of a curved mirror with the energy selectivity of the multilayer system. The spacing between layers in this class of mirror multilayers can be laterally graded to enhance the incident acceptance angle. These multilayers can be fixed to mirrors of any figure to a precision of 0.3′ and can therefore can be used to form parallel beams (parabolic optical elements) as well as focused beams (elliptical optical elements) of high quality.
It is usual to consider only the cases where a quasimonochromatic beam is to be extracted from a polychromatic beam. Before discussing this class of usage, mention must be made of two simple forms of filtering of radiation.
In the first, screening, a thin layer of absorbing foil is used to reduce the effect of specimen fluorescence on photon counting, film and imaging-plate detectors. A typical example is the use of aluminium foil in front of a Polaroid camera used in a Laue camera to reduce the K-shell fluorescence radiation from a transition-metal crystal when using a conventional sealed molybdenum X-ray source. A 0.1 mm thick foil will reduce the fluorescent radiation from the crystal by a factor of about five, and this radiation is emitted isotropically from the specimen. In contrast, the wanted Laue-reflected beams are emitted as a nearly parallel beam, and the signal-to-noise ratio in the resulting photograph is much increased.
The second case is the ultimate limiting case of filtering, shielding. If it is necessary to shield an object completely from a polychromatic incident beam, a sufficient thickness of absorbing material, calculated using the data in Section 4.2.4, to reduce the beam intensity to the level of the ambient background is inserted in the beam. [The details of how shielding systems are designed are given in reference works such as the Handbook of Radiation Measurement and Protection (Brodsky, 1982
).] In general, the use of an absorber of one atomic species will provide insufficient shielding. The use of composite absorbers is necessary to achieve a maximum of shielding for a minimum of weight. This is of utmost importance if one is designing, say, the shielding of an X-ray telescope to be carried in a rocket or a balloon (Grey, 1996
). To produce shielding that satisfies the requirements of minimum weight, good mechanical rigidity, and ability to be constructed to good levels of mechanical tolerance, shielding must be constructed using a number of layers of different absorbers, chosen such that the highest-energy radiation is just stopped in the first layer, the L-shell fluorescent radiation created in the absorption process is stopped in the second, and the lower-energy L and M fluorescent radiation is stopped by the next layer, and so on until the desired radiation level is reached.
In the usual case involving filters, the problem is one of removing as much as possible of the Bremsstrahlung radiation and unwanted characteristic radiation from the spectrum of a laboratory sealed tube or rotating-anode source whilst retaining as much of the wanted radiation as is possible. To give an example, a thin characteristic radiation filter of nickel of appropriate thickness almost completely eliminates the Bremsstrahlung and Kβ radiation from an X-ray source with a copper target, but reduces the intensity in the Cu Kα doublet by only about a factor of two. For many applications, this is all that is necessary to provide the required degree of monochromatization. If there is a problem with the residual Bremsstrahlung, this problem may be averted by making a second set of measurements with a different filter, one having an absorption edge at an energy a little shorter than that of the desired emission line. The difference between the two sets of measurements corresponds to a comparatively small energy range spanning the emission line. This balanced-filter method is more cumbersome than the single-filter method, but no special equipment or difficult adjustments are required. In general, if the required emission is from an element of atomic number Z, the first foil is made from material having atomic number Z − 1 and the second from atomic number Z + 1. A better balance can be achieved using three foils (Young, 1963). The use of filters is discussed in more detail in §
. Data for filters for the radiations in common use are given in Tables
. The information necessary for choosing filter materials and estimating their optimum thicknesses for other radiations is given in Sections 4.2.2
, 4.2.3
, and 4.2.4
It should be remembered that filtration changes the wavelength of the emission line slightly, but this is only of significance for measurements of lattice parameters to high precision (Delf, 1961).
Even multifoil balanced filters transmit a wide range of photon energies. Strictly monochromatic radiation is impossible, since all atomic energy levels have a finite width, and emission from these levels therefore is spread over a finite energy range. The corresponding radiative line width is important for the correct evaluation of the dispersion corrections in the neighbourhood of absorption edges (§ Even Mössbauer lines, originating as they do from nuclear energy levels that are much narrower than atomic energy levels, have a finite line width. To achieve line widths comparable to these requires the use of monochromators using carefully selected single-crystal reflections.
Crystal monochromators make use of the periodicity of `perfect' crystals to select the desired photon energy from a range of photon energies. This is described by Bragg's law, where
is the spacing between the planes having Miller indices hkl,
is the angle of incidence, n is the order of a particular reflection (n = 1, 2, 3
), and λ is the wavelength.
If there are wavelength components with values near λ/2, λ/3, , these will be reflected as well as the wanted radiation, and harmonic contamination can result. This can be a difficulty in spectroscopic experiments, particularly XAFS, XANES and DAFS (Section 4.2.3
Equation ( neglects the effect of the refractive index of the material. This is usually omitted from Bragg's law, since it is of the order of 10−5 in magnitude. Because the refractive index is a strong function of wavelength, the angles at which the successive harmonics are reflected are slightly different from the Bragg angle of the fundamental. This fact can be used in multiple-reflection monochromators to minimize harmonic contamination.
As can be seen in Fig.
, each Bragg reflection has a finite line width, the Darwin width, arising from the interaction of the radiation with the periodic electron charge distribution. [See, for example, Warren (1968
) and Subsection
.] Each Bragg reflection therefore contains a spread of photon energies. The higher the Miller indices, the narrower the Darwin width becomes. Thus, for experiments involving the Mössbauer effect, extreme back-reflection geometry is used at the expense of photon flux.
If the beam propagates through the specimen, the geometry is referred to as transmission, or Laue, geometry. If the beam is reflected from the surface, the geometry is referred to as reflection, or Bragg, geometry. Bragg geometry is the most commonly used in the construction of crystal monochromators. Laue geometry has been used in only a relatively few applications until recently. The need to handle high photon fluxes with their associated high power load has led to the use of diamond crystals in Laue configurations as one of the first components of X-ray optical systems (Freund, 1993). Phase plates can be created using the Laue geometry (Giles et al., 1994
). A schematic diagram of a system used at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is shown in Fig.
. Radiation from an insertion device falls on a Laue-geometry pre-monochromator and then passes through a channel-cut (multiple-reflection) monochromator. The strong linear polarization from the source and the monochromators can be changed into circular polarization by the asymmetric Laue-geometry polarizer and analysed by a similar Laue-geometry analysing crystal.
More will be said about polarization in § and Section 6.2.2
Many laboratories use powder diffractometers using the Bragg–Brentano configuration. For these, a sufficient degree of monochromatization is achieved through the use of a diffracted-beam monochromator consisting of a curved-graphite monochromator and a detector, both mounted on the 2θ arm of the diffractometer. Such a device rejects the unwanted Kβ radiation and fluorescence from the sample with little change in the magnitude of the Kα lines. Incident-beam monochromators are also used to produce closely monochromatic beams of the desired energy. Single-reflection monochromators used for the reduction of spectral energy spread are described in Subsections
For most applications, this simple means of monochromatization is adequate. Increasingly, however, more versatility and accuracy are being demanded of laboratory diffractometer systems. Increased angular accuracy in both the θ and 2θ axes, excellent monochromatization, and parallel-beam geometry are all demands of a user community using improved techniques of data collection and data analysis. The necessity to study thin films has generated a need for accurately collimated beams of small cross section, and there is a need to have well collimated and monochromatic beams for the study of rough surfaces. This, coupled with the need to analyse data using the Rietveld method (Young, 1993), has caused a revolution in the design of commercial diffractometers, with the use of principles long since used in synchrotron-radiation research for the design of laboratory instruments. Monochromators of this type are briefly discussed in §
. Multiple-reflection monochromators for use with laboratory and synchrotron-radiation sources
Single-reflection devices produce reflected beams with quite wide, quasi-Lorentzian, tails (Subsection
), a situation that is not acceptable, for example, for the study of small-angle scattering (SAXS, Chapter 2.6
). The effect of the tails can be reduced significantly through the use of multiple Bragg reflections.
The use of multiple Bragg reflections from a channel cut in a monolithic silicon crystal such that the channel lay parallel to the (111) planes of the crystal was shown by Bonse & Hart (1965b) to remove the tails of reflections almost completely. This class of device, referred to as a (symmetrical) channel-cut crystal, is the most frequently used form of monochromator produced for modern X-ray laboratory diffractometers and beamlines at synchrotron-radiation sources (Figs.
The use of symmetrical and asymmetrical Bragg reflections for the production of highly collimated monochromatic beams has been discussed by Beaumont & Hart (1973). This paper contains descriptions of the configurations of channel-cut monochromators and combinations of channel-cut monochromators used in modern laboratory diffractometers produced by Philips, Siemens, and Bede Scientific. In another paper, Hart (1971
) discussed the whole gamut of Bragg reflecting X-ray optical devices. Hart & Rodriguez (1978
) extended this to include a class of device in which the second wafer of the channel-cut monochromator could be tilted with respect to the first (Fig.
), thereby providing an offset of the crystal rocking curves with the consequent removal of most of the contaminant harmonic radiation (Fig.
). The version of monochromator shown here is designed to provide thermal stability for high incident-photon fluxes. Berman & Hart (1991
) have also devised a class of adaptive X-ray monochromators to be used at high thermal loads where thermal expansion can cause a significant degradation of the rocking curve, and therefore a significant loss of flux and spectral purity. The cooling of Bragg-geometry monochromators at high photon fluxes presents a difficult problem in design.
Kikuta & Kohra (1970), Matsushita, Kikuta & Kohra (1971
) and Kikuta (1971
) have discussed in some detail the performance of asymmetrical channel-cut monochromators. These find application under circumstances in which beam widths need to be condensed or expanded in X-ray tomography or for micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Hashizume (1983
) has described the design of asymmetrical monolithic crystal monochromators for the elimination of harmonics from synchrotron-radiation beams.
Many installations use a system designed by the Kohzu Company as their primary monochromator. This is a separated element design in which the reference crystal is set on the axis of the monochromator and the first crystal is set so as to satisfy the Bragg condition in both elements. One element can be tilted slightly to reduce harmonic contamination. When the wavelength is changed (i.e. θ is changed), the position of the first wafer is changed either by mechanical linkages or by electronic positioning devices so as to maintain the position of the outgoing beam in the same place as it was initially. This design of a fixed-height, separated-element monochromator was due initially to Matsushita, Ishikawa & Oyanagi (1986). More recent designs incorporate liquid-nitrogen cooling of the first crystal for use with high-power insertion devices at synchrotron-radiation sources. In many installations, the second crystal can be bent into a cylindrical shape to focus the beam in the horizontal plane. The design of such a sagittally focusing monochromator is discussed by Stephens, Eng & Tse (1992
). Creagh & Garrett (1995
) have described the properties of a monochromator based on a primary monochromator (Berman & Hart, 1991
) and a sagittally focusing second monochromator at the Australian National Beamline at the Photon Factory.
A recent innovation in X-ray optics has been made at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility by the group led by Snigirev (1994). This combines Bragg reflection of X-rays from a silicon crystal with Fresnel reflection from a linear zone-plate structure lithographically etched on its surface. Hanfland et al. (1994
) have reported the use of this class of reflecting optics for the focusing of 25 to 30 keV photon beams for high-pressure crystallography experiments (Fig.
Further discussion on these monochromators is to be found in this volume in Subsection
, §
, Chapter 2.7
, and Section 7.4.2
All scattering of X-rays by atoms causes a probable change of polarization in the beam. Jennings (1981) has discussed the effects of monochromators on the polarization state for conventional diffractometers of that era. For accurate Rietveld modelling or accurate charge-density studies, the theoretical scattered intensity must be known. This is not a problem at synchrotron-radiation sources, where the incident beam is initially almost completely linearly polarized in the plane of the orbit, and is subsequently made more linearly polarized through Bragg reflection in the monochromator systems. Rather, it is a problem in the laboratory-based systems where the source is in general a source of elliptical polarization. It is essential to determine the polarization for the particular monochromator and the source combined to determine the correct form of the polarization factor to use in the formulae used to calculate scattered intensity (Chapter 6.2
The term `anomalous dispersion' is often used in the literature. It has been dropped here because there is nothing `anomalous' about these corrections. In fact, the scattering is totally predictable.
For many years after the theoretical prediction of the dispersion of X-rays by Waller (1928), and the application of this theory to the case of hydrogen-like atoms by Hönl (1933a
), no real use was made by experimentalists of dispersion-correction effects in X-ray scattering experiments. The suggestion by Bijvoet, Peerdeman & Van Bommel (1951
) that dispersion effects might be used to resolve the phase problem in the solution of crystal structures stimulated interest in the practical usefulness of this hitherto neglected aspect of the scattering of photons by atoms. In one of the first texts to discuss the problem, James (1955
) collated experimental data and discussed both the classical and the non-relativistic theories of the anomalous scattering of X-rays. James's text remained the principal reference work until 1974, when an Inter-Congress Conference of the International Union of Crystallography dedicated to the discussion of the topic produced its proceedings (Ramaseshan & Abrahams, 1975
At that conference, reference was made to a theoretical data set calculated by Cromer & Liberman (1970) using relativistic quantum mechanics. This data set was later used in IT IV (1974
) and has been used extensively by crystallographers for more than a decade.
The rapid development in computing techniques, improvements in materials of construction and experimental equipment, and the use of synchrotron-radiation sources for X-ray scattering experiments have led to the production of a number of reviews of both the theoretical and the experimental aspects of the anomalous scattering of X-rays. Review articles by Gavrila (1981), Kissel, Pratt, Kane & Roy (1985
), and Creagh (1985
) discuss both the theoretical and the experimental techniques for the determination of the X-ray dispersion corrections. Creagh (1986
) has discussed the use of X-ray anomalous scattering for the characterization of materials, and a review by Helliwell (1984
) has described the anomalous scattering by atoms contained in proteins and its use for the solution of the structure of proteins. In a number of papers, Karle (1980
, 1984a
, 1985
) has recently shown how powerful dispersion techniques can be in the solution of crystal structures. Indeed, the high intensity afforded by synchrotron-radiation sources, together with improvements in specimen-handling techniques, has led to the general use of dispersion techniques for the solution of the phase problem in crystal structures. In particular, the MAD (multiple-wavelength anomalous-dispersion) technique is used extensively for the solution of such macromolecular crystal structures as proteins and the like. The origin of the technique lies in the Bijvoet relations, but the implementation and the development of the technique is due to Hendrickson (1994
In this section, a brief discussion of the physical principles underlying the theoretical tabulations of X-ray scattering will be given. This will be followed by a discussion of experimental techniques for the determination of the dispersion corrections. In the next section, theoretical and experimentally determined values for the dispersion corrections will be compared for a number of elements.
Currently, there is some discussion about the nature of the dispersion corrections: are they to be considered to exhibit tensor characteristics? It is clear that in all the theoretical calculations the atoms are considered to be isolated, and, therefore, if there is a tensor associated with the X-ray scattering, it must be associated with the reaction of the atoms with the polarization state of the incident radiation. Since the property of polarization of the X-ray beam is described by a first-rank tensor, it follows that the form factor must be described by a second-rank tensor (Templeton, 1994). Either the detection system of the experimental equipment must be capable of resolving the change in the polarization states of the incident and scattered radiation, or the incident radiation must be plane polarized for this property to be observable. Except for certain diffractometers at synchrotron-radiation sources, or for specially designed conventional laboratory equipment, it is not possible to determine the polarization states before and after scattering.
To a very good approximation, therefore, one can describe the form factor as being made up of a number of separate components, the largest of which is a zeroth-rank tensor that corresponds to the conventionally accepted description of the form factor. The magnitudes of any of the higher-order tensor components are small compared with this term. Whether or not they are observable depends on the characteristics of the diffraction system used in the experiment. The form-factor formalism in its zeroth-order mode has been used extremely successfully for the solution of crystal structures, the description of wavefields in crystals, the determination of the distribution of electron density in crystal structures, etc. as has been shown by Creagh (1993).
It must be stressed that all of the crystal structures solved so far have been solved using the conventionally accepted, zeroth-order, form-factor description of X-ray scattering. As well, all the data concerning the distribution of electron density within crystals have used this description.
Further discussion of this issue will be given in §
When photons interact with atoms, a number of different scattering processes can occur. The dominant scattering mechanisms are: elastic scattering from the bound electrons (Rayleigh scattering); elastic scattering from the nucleus (nuclear Thomson scattering); virtual pair production in the field of the screened nucleus (Delbrück scattering); and inelastic scattering from the bound electrons (Compton scattering).
Of the elastic scattering processes, only Rayleigh scattering has a significant amplitude in the range of photon energies used by crystallographers ( 100 keV). Compton scattering will be discussed elsewhere (Section 4.2.4
The essential feature of Rayleigh scattering is that the internal energy of the atom remains unchanged in the interaction. The momentum and polarization
of the incident photon may be modified during the process to
From classical electromagnetic theory, it can be shown that the fraction of incident intensity scattered by a free electron is, at a position r, from the scattering electron,
is the classical radius of the electron (= 2.817938 × 10−15 m). The factor
arises from the assumption that the electromagnetic wave is initially unpolarized. Should the wave be polarized, the factor is necessarily different from that given in equation (
Equation ( is the basis on which the scattering power of ensembles of electrons is compared. Elastic scattering from electrons bound to atoms: the atomic scattering factor, the atomic form factor, and the dispersion corrections
In considering the interaction of a photon with electrons bound in an atom, one assumes that each electron scatters independently of its fellows, and that the total scattering power of the atom is the sum of the contributions from all the electrons in the atom. Assuming that one can define an electron density ρ(r) for an atom containing a single electron, one can show that the scattering power of that atom relative to the scattering power of a Thomson free electron is where
θ being the total angle of scattering of the photon.
The scattering power for the atom relative to a free electron is referred to as the atomic form factor or the atomic scattering factor of the atom.
The result (, which was derived using purely classical arguments, has been shown by Nelms & Oppenheimer (1955
) to be identical to the result gained by quantum mechanics. If it is assumed that the atom has spherical symmetry,
For an atom containing Z electrons, the atomic form factor becomes
Exact solutions for the form factor are difficult to obtain, and therefore approximations have to be made to enable equation (
to be evaluated. The two most commonly used approximations are the Thomas–Fermi (Thomas, 1927
; Fermi, 1928
) and the Hartree–Fock (Hartree, 1928
; Fock, 1930
) techniques.
In the Thomas–Fermi model, the atomic electrons are considered to be a degenerate gas obeying Fermi–Dirac statistics and the Pauli exclusion principle, the ground-state energy of the atom being equal to the zero-point energy of this gas. The average charge density can be written in terms of the radial potential function, V(r), which may then be substituted into Poisson's equation, , which can then be solved for V(r) using the boundary conditions that
and that
The Thomas–Fermi charge distributions for different atoms are related to each other. If the form factor is known for a `standard' atom for which the atomic number is then, for an atom with atomic number Z,
The most accurate calculations of wavefunctions of many-electron atoms have been made using the self-consistent-field (Hartree–Fock) method. In this independent-particle model, each electron is assumed to move in the field of the nucleus and in an average field due to the other electrons. With this approach, the charge distribution can be written as where
is the charge-density distribution of the nth electron and
is its wavefunction. The technique has been extended to include the effects of both exchange and correlation. Tables of relativistic Hartree–Fock values have been given by Cromer & Waber (1974
). Their notation F(x, Z) is related to the notation used earlier as follows:
In the foregoing discussion, the fact that the electrons occupy definite energy levels within the atoms has been ignored: it has been assumed that the energy of the photon is very different from any of these energy levels. The theory for calculating the scattering power of an atom near a resonant energy level was supposed to be effectively the same as the well understood problem of the driven damped pendulum system. In this type of problem, the natural amplitude of the system was modified by a correction term (a real number) dependent on the proximity of the impressed frequency to the natural resonant frequency of the system and a loss term (an imaginary number) that was related to the damping factor for the resonant system. Thus the scattering power came to be written in the form where
is the atomic scattering factor remote from the resonant energy levels,
is the real part of the anomalous-scattering factor, and
is the imaginary part of the anomalous-scattering factor. The nomenclature of (
has been superseded, but one still encounters it occasionally in modern papers.
In what follows, a brief exposition of the various theories for the anomalous scattering of X-rays and descriptions of modern experimental techniques for their determination will be given. Comparisons will be made between the several theoretical and experimental results for a number of atomic species. From these comparisons, conclusions will be drawn as to the validity of the various theories and the relevance of certain experiments.
All the theories that will be discussed here have the following assumptions in common: the elastic scattering is from an isolated neutral atom and that atom is spherically symmetrical. All but the most recent of the theoretical approaches neglect changes in polarization of the incident photon caused by the interaction of the photon with the atom. In the event, few experimental configurations are able to detect such changes in polarization, and the only observable for most experiments is the momentum change of the photon.
In the classical approach, electrons are thought of as occupying energy levels within the atom characterized by an angular frequency and a damping factor
. The forced vibration of an electron gives rise to a dipolar radiation field, when the atomic scattering factor can be shown to be
If the probability that the electron is to be found in the nth orbit is
, the real part of the atomic scattering factor may be written as
The probability
is referred to as the oscillator strength corresponding to the virtual oscillator having natural frequency
. Equation ( may be written as
represents the sum of all the elements of the set of oscillator strengths and is unity for a single-electron atom. The second term may be written as
if the atom is assumed to have an infinite number of energy states. For an atom containing κ electrons, it is assumed that the overall value of f′ is the coherent sum of the contribution of each individual electron, whence
and the oscillator strength of the κth electron
is not unity, but the total oscillator strength for the atom must be equal to the total number of electrons in the atom.
The imaginary part of the dispersion correction f′′ is associated with the damping of the incident wave by the bound electrons. It is therefore functionally related to the linear absorption coefficient, , which can be determined from experimental measurement of the decrease in intensity of the photon beam as it passes through a medium containing the atoms under investigation. It can be shown that the attenuation coefficient per atom
is related to the density of the oscillator states by
An expression linking the real and imaginary parts of the dispersion corrections can now be written: This is referred to as the Kramers–Kronig transform. Note that the term involving the restoring force has been omitted from this equation.
Equations (, (
, and (
are the fundamental equations of the classical theory of photon scattering, and it is to these equations that the predictions of other theories are compared.
The matrix element for Rayleigh scattering from an atom having a radially symmetric charge distribution may be written as where
represent the initial and final states of the photon. The matrix element
represents scattering for polarizations
perpendicular to the plane of scattering and
represents scattering for polarization states lying in the plane of scattering.
Averaged over polarization states, the differential scattering cross section takes the form Here σ is the photoelectric scattering cross section, which is related to the mass attenuation coefficient
where M is the molecular weight and
is Avogadro's number.
Using the vector potential of the wavefield A, an expression for the perturbed Hamiltonian of a hydrogen-like atom coupled to the radiation field may be written as where
is the Hamiltonian for the unperturbed atom and
After application of the second-order perturbation theory, the matrix element may be deduced to be In this equation, the initial and final wavefunctions are designated as
, respectively, and the terms
are given by
where ξ is an infinitesimal positive quantity.
The first term of equation ( corresponds to the atomic scattering factor and is identical to the value given by classical theory. The terms involving
correspond to the dispersion corrections. Equation (
contains no terms to account for radiation damping. More complete theories take the effect of the finite width of the radiating level into account.
It is necessary to realize that the atomic scattering factor depends on both the photon's frequency and the momentum vector
. To emphasize this dependence, equation (
is rewritten as
In the dipole approximation, it can be shown that
which may be compared with equation (
which may be compared with equation (
There is a direct correspondence between the predictions of the classical theory and the theory using second-order perturbation theory and non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
The extension of Hönl's (1933a,b
) study of the scattering of X-rays by the K shell of atoms to other electron shells has been presented by Wagenfeld (1975
In these calculations, the energy of the photon was assumed to be such that relativistic effects do not occur, nor do transitions within the discrete states of the atom occur. Transitions to continuum states do occur, and, using the analytical expressions for the wavefunctions of the hydrogen-like atom, analytical expressions may be developed for the photoelectric scattering cross sections. By expansion of the retardation factor as the power series
, it is possible to determine dipolar, quadrupolar, and higher-order terms in the analytical expression for the photoelectric scattering cross section.
The values of the cross section so obtained were used to calculate the values of using the Kramers–Kronig transform [equation (
] and
using equation (
. The work of Wagenfeld (1975
) predicts that the values of
are functions of
. Whether or not this is a correct prediction will be discussed in Subsection
Wang & Pratt (1983) have drawn attention to the importance of bound–bound transitions in the dispersion relation for the calculation of forward-scattering amplitudes. Their inclusion is especially important for elements with small atomic numbers. In a later paper, Wang (1986
) has shown that, for silicon at the wavelengths of Mo Kα and Ag Kα1, values for
of 0.084 and 0.055, respectively, are obtained. These values should be compared with those listed in Table
It is necessary to consider relativistic effects for atoms having all but the smallest atomic numbers. Cromer & Liberman (1970) produced a set of tables based on a relativistic approach to the scattering of photons by isolated atoms that was later reproduced in IT IV (1974
). Subsequent experimental determinations drew attention to inaccuracies in these tables in the neighbourhood of absorption edges owing to the poor convergence of the Gaussian integration technique, which was used to evaluate the real part of the dispersion correction. In a later paper, Cromer & Liberman (1981
) recalculated 34 instances for which the incident radiation lay close to the absorption edges of atoms using a modified integration procedure. Care should be exercised when using the Cromer & Liberman computer program, especially for calculations of
for high atomic weight elements at low photon energies. As Creagh (1990
) and Chantler (1994
) have shown, incorrect values of
can be calculated because an insufficient number of values of
are calculated prior to performing the Kramers–Kronig transform. In a new tabulation, Chantler (1995
) presents the Cromer & Liberman data using a finer integrating grid. It should be noted that the relativistic correction is the same as that used in this tabulation.
These relativistic calculations are based on the scattering formula developed by Akhiezer & Berestetsky (1957) for the scattering amplitude for photons by a bound electron, viz:
Here the angular frequencies of the incident and scattered photons are
, respectively, and the initial and final energy states of the atom are
, respectively. The scattering factor f is a complicated expression that includes the initial and final polarization states of the photon, the Dirac velocity operator, and the phase factors
for the incident and scattered waves, respectively. Summation is over all positive and negative intermediate states except those positive energy states occupied by other atomic electrons. The form of this expression is not easily related to the form-factor formalism that is most widely used by crystallographers, and a number of manipulations of the formula for the scattering factor are necessary to relate it more directly to the crystallographic formalism. In doing so, a number of assumptions and simplifications were made. Cromer & Liberman restricted their study to coherent, forward scatter in which changes in photon polarization did not occur. With these approximations, and using the electrical dipole approximation
, they were able to show that
In equation (
, f(0) is the atomic form factor for the case of forward scatter
, and the term
arises from the application of the dipole approximation to determine the contribution of bound electrons to the scattering process. The term
is related to the photoelectric scattering cross section expressed as a function of photon energy
These equations may be compared with equations (
and (
, respectively. But equation (
differs from equation (
by the term
, which is constant for each atomic species, and is related to the total Coulomb energy of the atom. Evidently, to keep the formalism the same, one must write
In Table
, values of
are set out as a function of atomic number for elements ranging in atomic number from 3 to 98.
To develop their tables, Cromer & Liberman (1970) used the Brysk & Zerby (1968
) computer code for the calculation of photoelectric cross sections, which was based on Dirac–Slater relativistic wavefunctions (Liberman, Waber & Cromer, 1965
). They employed a value for the exchange potential of 0.667
and experimental rather than computed values of the energy eigenvalues for the atoms.
The wide use of their tables by crystallographers inevitably meant that criticism of the accuracy of the tables was forthcoming on both theoretical and experimental grounds. Stibius-Jensen (1979) drew attention to the fact that the use of the dipole approximation too early in the argument caused an error of
in the tabulated values. More recently, Cromer & Liberman (1981
) include this term in their calculations. Some experimental deficiencies of the tabulated values of
have been discussed by Cusatis & Hart (1977
), Hart & Siddons (1981
), Creagh (1980
, 1984
, 1985
, 1986
), Deutsch & Hart (1982
), Dreier, Rabe, Malzfeldt & Niemann (1984
), Bonse & Hartmann-Lotsch (1984
), and Bonse & Henning (1986
In the latter two cases, the Kramers–Kronig transformation of photoelectric scattering results has been performed without taking into account the term that arises in the relativistic case for the total Coulomb energy of the atom. Although good agreement with the Cromer & Liberman tables is claimed, their failure to include this term is an implied criticism of the Cromer & Liberman tables. That this is unjustified can be seen by references to Fig. taken from Bonse & Henning (1986
), which shows that their interferometer results [which measure
directly] and the Kramers–Kronig results differ from one another by
in the neighbourhood of the K-absorption edge of niobium in the compound lithium niobate.
![]() | The relativistic correction in electrons per atom for: (a) the modified form-factor approach; (b) the relativistic multipole approach; (c) the relativistic dipole approach. |
Further theoretical objections have been made by Creagh (1984) and Smith (1987
), who has shown that the Stibius-Jensen correction is not valid, and that, when higher-order multipolar expansions and retardation are considered, the total self-energy correction becomes
rather than
. Fig.
shows the variation of the self-energy correction with atomic number for the modified form factor (Creagh, 1984
; Smith, 1987
; Cromer & Liberman, 1970
For the imaginary part of the dispersion correction , which depends on the calculation of the photoelectric scattering cross section, better agreement is found between theoretical results and experimental data. Details of this comparison have been given elsewhere (Section 4.2.4
). Suffice it to say that Creagh & Hubbell (1990
), in reporting the results of the IUCr X-ray Attenuation Project, could find no rational basis for preferring the Scofield (1973
) Hartree–Fock calculations to the Cromer & Liberman (1970
, 1981
) and Storm & Israel (1970
) Dirac–Hartree–Fock–Slater calculations.
Computer programs based on the Cromer & Liberman program (Cromer & Liberman, 1983) are in use at all the major synchrotron-radiation laboratories. Many other laboratories have also acquired copies of their program. This program must be modified to remove the incorrect Stibius–Jensen correction term, and, as will be seen later, the energy term should be modified to be
Kissel, Pratt & Roy (1980) have developed a computer program based on the second-order S-matrix formalism suggested by Brown, Peierls & Woodward (1955
). Their aim was to provide a prescription for the accurate (∼1%) prediction of the total-atom Rayleigh scattering amplitudes.
Their model treats the elastic scattering as the sum of bound electron, nuclear, and Delbrück scattering cross sections, and treats the Rayleigh scattering by considering second-order, single-electron transitions from electrons bound in a relativistic, self-consistent, central potential. This potential was a Dirac–Hartree–Fock–Slater potential, and exchange was included by use of the Kohn & Sham (1965) exchange model. They omitted radiative corrections.
In principle, the observables in an elastic scattering process are momentum and polarization
. The complex polarization vectors
satisfy the conditions
In quantum mechanics, elastic scattering is described in terms of a differential scattering amplitude, M, which is related to the elastic cross section by equation (
If polarization is not an observable, then the expression for the differential scattering cross section takes the form of equation ( If polarization is taken into account, as may be the case when a polarizer is used on a beam scattered from a sample irradiated by the linearly polarized beam from a synchrotron-radiation source, the full equation, and not equation (
, must be used to compute the differential scattering cross section.
The principle of causality implies that the forward-scattering amplitude should be analytic in the upper half of the
plane, and that the dispersion relation
should hold, with the consequence that
This may be rewritten as
with the value of
defined by equation (
. Using the conservation of probability,
which is to be compared with equation (
Starting with Furry's extension of the formalism of quantum mechanics proposed by Feynman and Dyson, the total Rayleigh amplitude may be written as where
are the complete set of bound and continuum states in the external field of the atomic potential. Singularities occur at all photon energies that correspond to transitions between bound
and bound state
. These singularities are removed if the finite widths of these states are considered, and the energies E are replaced by
, where
is the total (radiative plus non-radiative) width of the state (Gavrila, 1981
). By use of the formalism suggested by Brown et al. (1955
), it is possible to reduce the numerical problems to one-dimensional radial integrals and differential equations. The required multipole expansions of
and the specification of the radial perturbed orbitals that are characterized by angular-momentum quantum numbers have been discussed by Kissel (1977
). Ultimately, all the angular dependence on the photon scattering angle is written in terms of the associated Legendre functions, and all the energy dependence is in terms of multipole amplitudes.
Solutions are not found for the inhomogeneous radial wave equations, and Kissel (1977) expressed the solution as the linear sum of two solutions of the homogeneous equation, one of which was regular at the origin and the other regular at infinity.
Because excessive amounts of computer time are required to use these direct techniques for calculating the amplitudes from all the subshells, simpler methods are usually used for calculating outer-shell amplitudes. Kissel & Pratt (1985) used estimates for outer-shell amplitudes based on the predictions of the modified form-factor approach. A tabulation of the modified relativistic form factors has been given by Schaupp, Schumacher, Smend, Rullhusen & Hubbell (1983
Because of the generality of their approach, the computer time required for the calculation of the scattering amplitudes for a particular energy is quite long, so that relatively few calculations have been made. Their approach, however, does not confine itself solely to the problem of forward scattering of photons as does the Cromer & Liberman (1970) approach. Using their model, Kissel et al. (1980
) have been able to show that it is incorrect to assign a dependence of the dispersion corrections on the scattering vector
. This is at variance with some established crystallographic practices, in which the dispersion corrections are accorded the same dependence on
, and also at variance with the predictions of Wagenfeld's (1975
) non-relativistic model.
A discussion of the validity of the non-relativistic dipole approximation for the calculation of forward Rayleigh scattering amplitudes has been given by Roy & Pratt (1982). They compared their relativistic multipole calculations with the relativistic dipole approximation and with the non-relativistic dipole approximation for two elements, silver and lead. They concluded that a relativistic correction to the form factor of order
persists in the high-energy limit, and that this constant correction accounts for much of the deviation from the non-relativistic dipole approximation at all energies above threshold. In addition, their results illustrate that cancelling occurs amongst the relativistic, retardation, and higher multipole contributions to the scattering amplitude. This implies that care must be taken in assessing where to terminate the series that describes the multipolarity of the scattering process.
In a later paper, Roy, Kissel & Pratt (1983) discussed the elastic photon scattering for small momentum transfers and the validity of the form-factor theories. In this paper, which compares the relativistic modified form factor with experimental results for lead and a relativistic form factor and the tabulation by Hubbell, Veigele, Briggs, Brown, Cromer & Howerton (1975
), it is shown that the modified relativistic form-factor approach gives better agreement with experiment for high momentum transfers (
104 Å−1) than the non-relativistic, form-factor theories.
Kissel et al. (1980) used the S-matrix technique to calculate the real part of the forward-scattering amplitude
for the inert gases at the wavelength of Mo
. These values are compared with the predictions of the relativistic dipole theory (RDP) and the relativistic multipole theory (RMP) in Table
. In most cases, the agreement between the S matrix and the RMP theory is excellent, considering the differences in the methodology of the two sets of calculations. Table
shows comparisons of the real part of the forward-scattering amplitude
calculated for the atoms aluminium, silicon, zinc, germanium, silver, samarium, tantalum and lead using the approach of Kissel et al. (1980
) with that of Cromer & Liberman (1970
, 1981
), with tabulations by Wagenfeld (1975
), and with values taken from the tables in this section. Although reasonably satisfactory agreement exists between the relativistic values, large differences exist between the non-relativistic value (Wagenfeld, 1975
) and the relativistic values. The major difference between the relativistic values occurs because of differences in estimation of the self-consistent-field term, which is proportional to
. The Cromer & Liberman (1970
) relativistic dipole value is
, whereas the tabulation in this section uses the relativistic multipole value of
. This causes a vertical shift of the curve, but does not alter its shape. Should better estimates of the self-energy term be found, the correction is simply that of adding a constant to each value of
for each atomic species. There is a significant discrepancy between the Kissel et al. (1980
) result for 62Sm and the other theoretical values. This is the only major point of difference, however, and the results are better in accord with the relativistic multipole approach than with the relativistic dipole approach. Note that the relativistic multipole approach does not include the Stibius-Jensen correction, which alters the shape of the curve.
In §, some examples are given to illustrate the extent to which predictions of these theories agree with experimental data for
That there is little to choose between the different theoretical approaches where the calculation of is concerned is illustrated in Table
. In most cases, the agreement between the scattering matrix, relativistic dipole, and relativistic multipole values is within 1%. In contrast, there are some significant differences between the relativistic and the non-relativistic values of
. The extent of the discrepancies is greater the higher the atomic number, as one might expect from the assumptions made in the formulation of the non-relativistic model. Some detailed comparisons of theoretical and experimental data for linear attenuation coefficients [proportional to
have been given by Creagh & Hubbell (1987
) for silicon, and for copper and carbon by Gerward (1982
, 1983
). These tend to confirm the assertion that, at the 1% level of accuracy, there is little to choose between the various relativistic models for computing scattering cross sections.
The atomic scattering factor enters directly into expressions for such macroscopic material properties as the refractive index, n, and the linear attenuation coefficient, . The refractive index depends on the dielectric susceptibility χ through
is the number density of atoms of type j.
The imaginary part of the dispersion correction for the case where
is related to the atomic scattering cross section through equation (
Experimental techniques that measure refractive indices or X-ray attenuation coefficients to determine the dispersion corrections involve measurements for which the scattering vector, , is zero or close to it. Data from these experiments may be compared directly with data sets such as Cromer & Liberman (1970
, 1981
Other techniques measure the intensities of Bragg reflections from crystalline materials or the variation of intensities within one particular Laue reflection (Pendellösung). For these cases, , the reciprocal-lattice vector for the reflection or reflections measured. These techniques can be compared only indirectly with existing relativistic tabulations, since these have been developed for the
case. Data are available for elements having atomic numbers less than 20 in the non-relativistic case (Wagenfeld, 1975
The following sections will discuss some modern techniques for the measurement of dispersion corrections, and an intercomparison will be made between experimental data and theoretical calculations for a representative selection of atoms and at two extremes of photon energies: near to and remote from an absorption edge of those atoms.
X-ray interferometer techniques
are now used extensively for the measurement of the refractive index of materials and hence . All the interferometers are transmission-geometry LLL devices (Bonse & Hart, 1965b
, 1966a
, 1970
), and initially they were used to measure the X-ray refractive indices of such materials as the alkali halides, beryllium and silicon using the characteristic radiation emitted by sealed X-ray tubes. Measurements were made for such characteristic emissions as Ag
, Mo
, Cu
and Cr
by a variety of authors (Creagh & Hart, 1970
; Creagh, 1970
; Bonse & Hellkötter, 1969
; Bonse & Materlik, 1972
The ready availability of synchrotron-radiation sources led to the adaptation of the simple LLL interferometers to use this new radiation source. Bonse & Materlik (1975) reported measurements at DESY, Hamburg, made with a temporary adaptation of a diffraction-beam line. Recent advances in X-ray interferometry have led to the establishment of a permanent interferometer station at DESY (Bonse, Hartmann-Lotsch & Lotsch, 1983b
). This, and many of the earlier interferometers invented by Bonse, makes its phase measurements by the rotation of a phase-shifting plate in the beams emanating from the first wafer of the interferometer.
In contrast, the LLL interferometer designed by Hart (1968) uses the movement of the position of lattice planes in the third wafer of the interferometer relative to the standing-wave field formed by the recombination of two of the diffracted beams within the interferometer. Measurements made with and without the specimen in position enabled both the refractive index and the linear attenuation coefficient to be determined. The use of energy-dispersive detection meant that these parameters could be determined for harmonics of the fundamental frequency to which the interferometer was tuned (Cusatis & Hart, 1975
, 1977
). Subsequently, measurements have been made by Siddons & Hart (1983
) and Hart & Siddons (1981
) for zirconium, niobium, nickel, and molybdenum. Hart (1985
) planned to provide detailed dispersion curves for a large number of elements capable of being rolled into thin foils.
Both types of interferometers have yielded data of high quality, and accuracies better than 0.2 electrons have been claimed for measurements of in the neighbourhood of the K- and L-absorption edges of a number of elements. The energy window has been claimed to be as low as 0.3 eV in width. However, on the basis of the measured values, it would seem that the width of the energy window is more likely to be about 2 eV for a primary wavelength of 5 keV.
Apparently, the ångström-ruler design is the better of the two interferometer types, since the interferometer to be mounted at the EU storage ring is to be of this type (Buras & Tazzari, 1985).
Interferometers of this type have the advantage of enabling direct measurements of both refractive index and linear attenuation coefficients to be made. The determination of the energy scale and the assessment of the energy bandpass of such a system are two factors that may influence the accuracy of this type of interferometer.
One of the oldest techniques for determining refractive indices derives from measurement of the deviation produced when a prism of the material under investigation is placed in the photon beam. Recently, a number of groups have used this technique to determine the X-ray refractive index, and hence .
Deutsch & Hart (1984a,b
) have designed a novel double-crystal transmission spectrometer for which they were able to detect to high accuracy the angular rotation of one element with respect to the other by reference to the Pendellösung maxima that are observed in the wave field of the primary wafer. In this second paper, data gained for beryllium and lithium fluoride wedges are discussed.
Several Japanese groups have used more conventional monochromator systems having Bragg-reflecting optics to determine the refractive indices of a number of materials. Hosoya, Kawamure, Hunter & Hakano (1978; cited by Bonse & Hartmann-Lotsch, 1984) made determinations of
in the region of the K-absorption edge for copper. More recently, Ishida & Katoh (1982
) have described the use of a multiple-reflection diffractometer for the determination of X-ray refractive indices. Later, Katoh et al. (1985a
) described its use for the measurement of
for lithium fluoride and potassium chloride at a wavelength near that of Mo
and for germanium in the neighbourhood of its K-absorption edge.
Measurements of the linear attenuation coefficient over an extended energy range can be used as a basis for the determination of the real part of the dispersion correction
because of the Kramers–Kronig relation, which links
. However, as Creagh (1980
) has pointed out, even if the integration can be performed accurately [implying the knowledge of
over several decades of photon energies and the exact energy at which the absorption edge occurs], there will still be some ambiguity in the result because there still has to be the inclusion of the appropriate relativistic correction term.
The experimental procedures that must be adopted to ensure that the linear attenuation coefficients are measured correctly have been given in Subsection One other problem that must be addressed is the accuracy to which the photon energy can be measured. Accuracy in the energy scale becomes paramount in the neighbourhood of an absorption edge where large variations in
occur for very small changes in photon energy
Despite these difficulties, Creagh (1977, 1978
, 1982
) has used the technique to determine
for several alkali halides and Gerward, Thuesen, Stibius-Jensen & Alstrup (1979
) used the technique to measure these dispersion corrections for germanium. More recently, the technique has been used by Dreier et al. (1984
) to determine
for a number of transition metals and rare-earth atoms. The experimental configuration used by them was a conventional XAFS system. Similar techniques have been used by Fuoss & Bienenstock (1981
) to study a variety of amorphous materials in the region of an absorption edge.
Henke et al. (1982) used the Kramers–Kronig relation to compute the real part of the dispersion correction for most of the atoms in the Periodic Table, given their measured scattering cross sections. This data set was computed specifically for the soft X-ray region
Linear attenuation coefficient measurements yield directly and
indirectly through use of the Kramers–Kronig integral. Data from these experiments do not have the reliability of those from refractive-index measurements because of the uncertainty in knowing the correct value for the relativistic correction term.
None of the previous techniques is useful for small photon energies. These photons would experience considerable attenuation in traversing both the specimen and the experimental apparatus. For small photon energies or large atomic numbers, reflection techniques are used, the most commonly used technique being that of total external reflection. As Henke et al. (1982) have shown, when reflection occurs at a smooth (vacuum–material) interface, the refractive index of the reflecting material can be written as a single complex constant, and measurement of the angle of total external reflection may be related directly to the refractive index and therefore to
. Because the X-ray refractive indices of materials are only slightly less than unity, the scattering wavevector
is small, and the scattering angle is only a few degrees in magnitude. Assuming that there is not a strong dependence of
, one may consider that this technique provides an estimate of
for a photon energy range that cannot be surveyed using more precise techniques. A recent review of the use of reflectometers to determine
has been given by Lengeler (1994
This classification includes those experiments in which measurements of the geometrical structure factors for various Bragg reflections are undertaken. Into this category fall those techniques for which the period of standing-wave fields (Pendellösung) and reflectivity of perfect crystals in Laue or Bragg reflection are measured. Also included are those techniques from which the atomic scattering factors are inferred from measurements of Bijvoet- or Friedel-pair intensity ratios for noncentrosymmetric crystal structures.
The development of the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction (see, for example, Part 5
in IT B, 2001
) and recent advances in techniques for crystal growth have enabled experimentalists to determine the geometrical structure factor
for a variety of materials by measuring the spacing between minima in the internal standing wave fields within the crystal (Pendellösung).
Two classes of Pendellösung experiment exist: those for which the ratio is kept constant and the thickness of the samples varies; and those for which the specimen thickness remains constant and
is allowed to vary.
Of the many experiments performed using the former technique, measurements by Aldred & Hart (1973a,b
) for silicon are thought to be the most accurate determinations of the atomic form factor
for that material. From these data, Price, Maslen & Mair (1978
) were able to refine values of
for a number of photon energies. Recently, Deutsch & Hart (1985
) were able to extend the determination of the form factor to higher values of momentum transfer
. This technique requires for its success the availability of large, strain-free crystals, which limits the range of materials that can be investigated.
A number of experimentalists have attempted to measure Pendellösung fringes for parallel-sided specimens illuminated by white radiation, usually from synchrotron-radiation sources. [See, for example, Hashimoto, Kozaki & Ohkawa (1965) and Aristov, Shmytko & Shulakov (1977
).] A technique in which the Pendellösung fringes are detected using a solid-state detector has been reported by Takama, Kobayashi & Sato (1982
). Using this technique, Takama and his co-workers have reported measurements for silicon (Takama, Iwasaki & Sato, 1980
), germanium (Takama & Sato, 1984
), copper (Takama & Sato, 1982
), and aluminium (Takama, Kobayashi & Sato, 1982
). A feature of this technique is that it can be used with small crystals, in contrast to the first technique in this section. However, it does not have the precision of that technique.
Another technique using the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction determines the integrated reflectivity for a Bragg-case reflection that uses the expression for integrated reflectivity given by Zachariasen (1945). Using this approach, Freund (1975
) determined the value of the atomic scattering factor
for copper. Measurements of intensity are difficult to make, and this method is not capable of yielding results having the precisions of the Pendellösung techniques.
The Bijvoet-pair technique (Bijvoet et al., 1951) is used extensively by crystallographers to assist in the resolution of the phase problem in the solution of crystal structures. Measurements of as many as several hundred values for the diffracted intensities
for a crystal may be made. When these are analysed, the Cole & Stemple (1962
) observation that the ratio of the intensities scattered in the Bijvoet or Friedel pair is independent of the state of the crystal is assumed to hold. This is a necessary assumption since in a large number of structure analyses radiation damage occurs during the course of an experiment.
For simple crystal structures, Hosoya (1975) has outlined a number of ways in which values of
may be extracted from the Friedel-pair ratios. Measurements of these corrections for atoms such as gallium, indium, arsenic and selenium have been made.
In more complicated crystal structures for which the positional parameters are known, attempts have been made to determine the anomalous-scattering corrections by least-squares-refinement techniques. Measurements of these corrections for a number of atoms have been made, inter alia, by Engel & Sturm (1975), Templeton & Templeton (1978
), Philips, Templeton, Templeton & Hodgson (1978
), Templeton, Templeton, Philips & Hodgson (1980
), Philips & Hodgson (1985
), and Chapuis, Templeton & Templeton (1985
). There are a number of problems with this approach, not the least of which are the requirement to measure intensities accurately for a large period of time and the assumption that specimen perfection does not affect the intensity ratio. Also, factors such as crystal shape and primary and secondary extinction may adversely affect the ability to measure intensity ratios correctly. One problem that has to be addressed in this type of determination is the fact that
are related to one another, and cannot be refined separately.
In this section, discussion will be focused on (i) the scattering of photons having energies considerably greater than that of the K-absorption edge of the atom from which they are scattered, and (ii) scattering of photons having energies in the neighbourhood of the K-absorption edge of the atom from which they are scattered.
In this case, there is some possibility of testing the validity of the relativistic dipole and relativistic multipole theories since, in the high-energy limit, the value of must approach a value related to the total self energy of the atom
. That there is an atomic number dependent systematic error in the relativistic dipole approach has been demonstrated by Creagh (1984
). The question of whether the relativistic multipole approach yields a result in better accord with the experimental data is answered in Table
, where a comparison of values of
is made for three theoretical data sets (this work; Cromer & Liberman, 1981
; Wagenfeld, 1975
) with a number of experimental results. These include the `direct' measurements using X-ray interferometers (Cusatis & Hart, 1975
; Creagh, 1984
), the Kramers–Kronig integration of X-ray attenuation data (Gerward et al., 1979
), and the angle-of-the-prism data of Deutsch & Hart (1984b
). Also included in the table are `indirect' measurements: those of Price et al. (1978
), based on Pendellösung measurements, and those of Grimvall & Persson (1969
). These latter data estimate
and not
. Table
details values of the real part of the dispersion correction for LiF, Si, Al and Ge for the characteristic wavelengths Ag
, Mo
and Cu
. Of the atomic species listed, the first three are approaching the high-energy limit at Ag
, whilst for germanium the K-shell absorption edge lies between Mo
and Ag
The high-energy-limit case is considered first: both the relativistic dipole and relativistic multipole theories underestimate for LiF whereas the non-relativistic theory overestimates
when compared with the experimental data. For silicon, however, the relativistic multipole yields values in good agreement with experiment. Further, the values derived from the work of Takama et al. (1982
), who used a Pendellösung technique to measure the atomic form factor of aluminium are in reasonable agreement with the relativistic multipole approach. Also, some relatively imprecise measurements by Creagh (1985
) are in better accordance with the relativistic multipole values than with the relativistic dipole values.
Further from the high-energy limit (smaller values of , the relativistic multipole approach appears to give better agreement with theory. It must be reported here that measurements by Katoh et al. (1985a
) for lithium fluoride at a wavelength of 0.77366 Å yielded a value of 0.018 in good agreement with the relativistic multipole value 0.017.
At still smaller values of , the non-relativistic theory yields values considerably at variance with the experimental data, except for the case of LiF using Cu
radiation. The relativistic multipole approach seems, in general, to be a little better than the relativistic approach, although agreement between experiment and theory is not at all good for germanium. Neither of the experiments cited here, however, has claims to high accuracy.
In Table, a comparison is made of measurements of
derived from the results of the IUCr X-ray Attenuation Project (Creagh & Hubbell, 1987
, 1990
) with a number of theoretical predictions. The measurements were made on carbon, silicon and copper specimens at the characteristic wavelengths Cu
, Mo
and Ag
. The principal conclusion that can be drawn from perusal of Table
is that only minor, non-systematic differences exist between the predictions of the several relativistic approaches and the experimental results. In contrast, the non-relativistic theory fails for higher values of atomic number.
The advent of the synchrotron-radiation source as a routine experimental tool and the deep interest that many crystallographers have in both XAFS and the anomalous-scattering determinations of crystal structures have stimulated considerable interest in the determination of the dispersion corrections in the neighbourhood of absorption edges. In this region, the interaction of the ejected photoelectron with electrons belonging to neighbouring atoms causes the modulations that are referred to as XAFS. Both (which is directly proportional to the X-ray scattering cross section) and
[which is linked to
through the Kramers–Kronig integral] exhibit these modulations. It is at this point that one must realize that the theoretical tabulations are for the interactions of photons with isolated atoms. At best, a comparison of theory and experiment can show that they follow the same trend.
Measurements have been made in the neighbourhood of the absorption edges of a variety of atoms using the `direct' techniques interferometry, Kramers–Kronig, refraction of a prism and critical-angle techniques, and by the `indirect' refinement techniques. In Table, a comparison is made of experimental values taken at or near the absorption edges of copper, nickel and niobium with theoretical predictions. These have not been adjusted for any energy window that might be thought to exist in any particular experimental configuration. The theoretical values for niobium have been calculated at the energy at which the experimentalists claimed the experiment was conducted.
Despite the considerable experimental difficulties and the wide variety of experimental apparatus, there appears to be close agreement between the experimental data for each type of atom. There appears to be, however, for both copper and nickel, a large discrepancy between the theoretical values and the experimental values. It must be remembered that the experimental values are averages of the value of , the average being taken over the range of photon energies that pass through the device when it is set to a particular energy value. Furthermore, the exact position of the wavelength chosen may be in doubt in absolute terms, especially when synchrotron-radiation sources are used. Therefore, to be able to make a more realistic comparison between theory and experiment, the theoretical data gained using the relativistic multipole approach (this work) were averaged over a rectangular energy window of 5 eV width in the region containing the absorption edge. The rectangular shape arises because of the shape of the reflectivity curve and 5 eV was chosen as a result of (i) analysis of the characteristics of the interferometers used by Bonse et al. and Hart et al., and (ii) a statement concerning the experimental bandpass of the interferometer used by Bonse & Henning (1986
). It must also be borne in mind that mechanical vibrations and thermal fluctuations can broaden the energy window and that 5 eV is not an overestimate of the width of this window. Note that for elements with atomic numbers less than 40 the experimental width is greater than the line width.
For the Bonse & Henning (1986) data, two values are listed for each experiment. Their experiment demonstrates the effect the state of polarization of the incoming photon has on the value of
. Similar X-ray dichroism has been shown for sodium bromate by Templeton & Templeton (1985b
) and Chapuis et al. (1985
). The theoretical values are for averaged polarization in the incident photon beam. Another important feature is the difference of 0.16 electrons between the Kramers–Kronig and the interferometer values. Bonse & Henning (1986
) did not add the relativistic correction term to their Kramers–Kronig values. Inclusion of this term would have reduced the quoted values by 0.20, bringing the two data sets into close agreement with one another.
Katoh et al. (1985b) have made measurements spanning the K-absorption edge of germanium using the deviation by a prism method, and these data have been shown to be in excellent agreement with the theory on which these tables are based (Creagh, 1993
). In contrast, the theoretical approach of Pratt, Kissel & Bergstrom (1994
) does not agree so well, especially near to, and at higher photon energies, than the K-edge energy. Also, Chapuis et al. (1985
) have measured the dispersion corrections for holmium in [HoNa(edta)]·8H2O for the characteristic emission lines Cu
, Cu
, Cu Kβ, and Mo
using a refinement technique. Their results are in reasonable agreement with the relativistic multipole theory, e.g. for
at the wavelength of Cu
experiment gives −(16.0 ± 0.2) whereas the relative multipole approach yields −15.0. For Cu
, experiment yields −(13.9 ± 0.3) and theory gives −13.67. The discrepancy between theory and experiment may well be explained by the oxidation state of the holmium ion, which is in the form Ho3+. The oxidation state of an atom affects both the position of the absorption edge and the magnitude of the relativistic correction. Both of these will have a large influence on the value of
in the neighbourhood of the absorption edge, Another problem that may be of some significance is the natural width of the absorption edge, about 60 eV. What is remarkable is the extent of the agreement between theory and experiment given the nature of the experiment. In these experiments, the intensities of many reflections (usually nearly 1000) are analysed and compared. Such a procedure can be followed only if there is no dependence of
It had often been thought that the dispersion corrections should exhibit some functional dependence on scattering angle. Indeed, some texts ascribe to these corrections the same functional dependence on angle of scattering as the form factor. A fundamental dependence was also predicted theoretically on the basis of non-relativistic quantum mechanics (Wagenfeld, 1975). This prediction is not supported by modern approaches using relativistic quantum mechanics [see, for example, Kissel et al. (1980
)]. Reference to Tables
shows that the agreement between experimental values derived from diffraction experiments and those derived from `direct' experiments is excellent. They are also in excellent agreement with the recent calculations, using relativistic quantum mechanics, so that it may be inferred that there is indeed no functional dependence of the dispersion corrections on scattering angle. Moreover, Suortti, Hastings & Cox (1985
) have recently demonstrated that
was independent of
in a powder-diffraction experiment using a nickel specimen.
Experimentalists must be aware of two potential sources of error in the values of listed in Table
. One is computational, arising from the error in calculating the relativistic correction. Stibius-Jensen (1980
) has suggested that this error may be as large as
. This means, for example, that the real part of the dispersion correction
for lead at the wavelength of 0.55936 Å is −(1.168 ± 0.146). The effect of this error is to shift the dispersion curve vertically without distorting its shape. Note, however, that the direction of the shift is either up or down for all atoms: the effect of multipole cancellation and retardation will be in the same direction for all atoms.
The second possible source of error occurs because the position of the absorption edge varies somewhat depending on the oxidation state of the scattering atom. This has the effect of displacing the dispersion curve laterally. Large discrepancies may occur for those regions in which the dispersion corrections are varying rapidly with photon energy, i.e. near absorption edges.
It must also be borne in mind that in the neighbourhood of an absorption edge polarization effects may occur. The tables are valid only for average polarization.
The question of how best to describe the interaction of X-rays with crystalline materials is quite difficult to answer. In the form factor formalism, the atoms are supposed to scatter as though they are isolated atoms situated at fixed positions in the unit cell. In the vast majority of cases, the polarization on scattering is not detected, and only the scattered intensities are measured. From the scattered intensities, the distribution of the electron density within the unit cell is calculated, and the difference between the form-factor model and that calculated from the intensities is taken as a measure of the nature and location of chemical bonds between atoms in the unit cell. This is the zeroth-order approximation to a solution, but it is in fact the only way crystal structures are solved ab initio.
The existence of chemical bonding imposes additional restrictions on the symmetry of lattices, and, if the associated influence this has on the complexity of energy levels is taken into account, significant changes in the scattering factors may occur in the neighbourhood of the absorption edges of the atoms comprising the crystal structure. The magnitudes of the dispersion corrections are sensitive to the chemical state, particularly oxidation state, and phenomena similar to those observed in the XAFS case (Section 4.2.4) are observed.
The XAFS interaction arising from the presence of neighbouring atoms is proportional to and therefore is related to
through the Kramers–Kronig integral. It is not surprising that these modulations are observed in diffracted intensities in those X-ray diffraction experiments where the photon energy is scanned through the absorption edge of an atomic species in the crystal lattice. Studies of this type are referred to as diffraction absorption fine structure (DAFS) experiments. A recent review of work performed using counter techniques has been given by Sorenson (1994
). Creagh & Cookson (1995
) have described the use of imaging-plate techniques to study the structure and site symmetry using the DAFS technique. This technique has the ability to discriminate between different lattice sites in the unit cell occupied by an atomic species. XAFS cannot make this discrimination. The DAFS modulations are small perturbations to the diffracted intensities. They are, however, significantly larger than the tensor effects described in the following paragraphs.
In the case where the excited state lacks high symmetry and is oriented by crystal bonding, the scattering can no longer be described by a scalar scattering factor but must be described by a symmetric second-rank tensor. The consequences of this have been described by Templeton (1994). It follows therefore that material media can be optically active in the X-ray region. Hart (1994
) has used his unique polarizing X-ray optical devices to study, for example, Faraday rotation in such materials as iron, in the region of the iron K-absorption edge, and cobalt(III) bromide monohydrate in the region of the cobalt K-absorption edge.
The theory of anisotropy in anomalous scattering has been treated extensively by Kirfel (1994), and Morgenroth, Kirfel & Fischer (1994
) have extended this to the description of kinematic diffraction intensities in lattices containing anisotropic anomalous scatterers. Their treatment was developed for space groups up to orthorhombic symmetry.
All the preceding treatments apply to scattering in the neighbourhood of an absorption edge, and to a fairly restricted class of crystals for which the local site symmetry of the electron density of states in the excited state is very different from the apparent crystal symmetry.
These approaches seek to treat the scattering from the crystal as though the scattering from each atomic position can be described by a symmetric second-rank tensor whose properties are determined by the point-group symmetries of those sites. Clearly, this procedure cannot be followed unless the structure has been solved by the usual method. The tensor approach can then be used to explain apparent deficiencies in that model such as the existence of `forbidden' reflections, birefringence, and circular dichroism.
Scattering of X-rays from the electron spins in anti-ferromagnetically ordered materials can also be described by imposing a tensor description on the form factor (Blume, 1994). The tensor in this case is a fourth-rank tensor, and the strength of the interaction, even for the favourable case of resonance scattering, is several orders of magnitude lower in intensity than the polarization effects. Nevertheless, studies have been made on holmium and uranium arsenide, and significant magnetic Bragg scattering has been observed.
All the cases cited above represent exciting, state-of-the-art, scientific studies. However, none of the work will assist in the solution of crystal structures directly. Researchers should avoid the temptation, in the first instance, to ascribe anything but a scalar value to the form factor.
For the imaginary part of the dispersion correction , the following observations can be made.
For the real part of the dispersion correction , the following observations can be made.
| Table of wavelengths, energies, and linewidths used in compiling the tables of the dispersion corrections
Table lists the characteristic emission wavelengths that are commonly used by crystallographers in their experiments. Also included are the emission energies (since many systems use energy rather than wavelength discrimination) and the line widths (full width at half-maximum) of these lines (Agarwal, 1979
; Stearns, 1984
; Deutsch & Hart, 1984a
| Tables of the dispersion corrections for forward scattering, averaged polarization using the relativistic multipole approach
See Subsection for comments on the accuracy of these tables. Note also that in the neighbourhood of absorption edges the values for condensed matter may be significantly different from the values in the tables due to XAFS and XANES effects. The values in Table
are for scattering by isolated atoms.
The efforts described in Section 4.2.2 owe their inception to the encouragement of the late A. J. C. Wilson, who persistently communicated the need for an updated wavelength resource for the crystallographic community. The larger effort evolved at NIST with the support of the Standard Reference Data Program as established with the help of the late Jean Gallagher, and sustained by the program's current Director, John Rumble. Early phases of the preparation of the material in this section benefited from the efforts of John Schweppe. Cedric Powell supplied valuable advice in the area of electron binding energies. RDD, EGK, PI and EL are particularly grateful to the Editor, E. Prince, for his help and patience in the development of these wavelength tables. Richard Deslattes died between the first publication of this article and this revision. This work would not have been possible without his dedication to this project over more than a decade. The earlier wavelength table of the late J. A. Bearden, under whom one of the present authors (RDD) studied, was a significant influence on this project.
